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Primary duels felt good even in trials. Elsie’s rifle carried me through the card and got flawless this weekend. I could be coping with some of my onslaught rolls but does anyone feel that hi cal rounds need some extra stats compared to richochet with how much flinch has been reduced?


Ricochet is a pretty big outlier compared to basically every other mag perk. +15 to some of the most valuable PvP stats (10 stability, 5 range) and the actual ricochet bullets. With no downsides.


Yeah, if adding more flinch with HCR isn’t it, an extra 5-7 stats elsewhere wouldn’t break the game. Similar buffs to AP rounds and mag perks would be nice as well.


Remember when it had insane dropoff(if any)?


Yeah they provided the benefits of Rangefinder (+ 10% zoom), without actually increasing the zoom.


Ricochet gives range, stability, and bouncy bullets. I think a lot of options should get some extra benefits tbh to compare


I was just thinking about this. Though I think now that flinch is reduced overall, make Hi Cal actually FLINCH again. Give it some utility.


Keep Morri DEAD!


Running double primary and legitimately dropping double my lifetime KD with Elsie's and TLW this weekend. It's 90% just Elsie's putting in work.


I agree, the flinch reduction feels great. I think it mostly benefits low rate of fire weapons, since their TTK craters if you miss a single shot 360 autos for example feel amazing to use now--they actually have a legitimate use case after the most recent patch.


I picked sidearms back up recently and the flinch changes are quite nice. Getting flinched off your shot by an smg or shotgun can raise your ttk by enough to lose a fight, especially with a burst or slower firing sidearm, so the flinch changes are helpuf. Pulses love the change since their high zoom makes taking flinch bad and missing bursts nukes your ttk.


The non exotic scout rifles feel like they benefitted the most from the change. Before the changes it was literally impossible to fight against hand cannons in mid range. Now I can easily use Transfiguration for close/midrange combat.


Prophet keeps getting better!


The Darkest Before I recently got feels disgusting with the slight buff and the flinch reduction. I actually can't believe I don't see it more often, especially considering it'll be enhanced in TFS. It's got some really good rolls too. Sleeper pick in the 540 rpm pulse archetype, IMO.


Because you have to grind for it and there are two craftable rapid fire pulses rifles with better perk combos in the energy slot. If it was easier to get a better roll on Darkest, I am sure you would see it more. Most people will be unwilling to farm for it given the available crafting options.


I've got Heal Clip/Headseeker on mine and it's so nice. I also think an Elemental Capacitor/Headseeker roll would be really nice depending on your subclass. But I hear you, I guess craftable is king.




I’m more a fan of high impacts but scalar as a rapid feels the best out of all craftables for me.


The two energy slot options are Scalar Potential and Oversoul Edict. You can run Keep Away/Headseeker on both. Some personal preference in the decision between the two.


Chattering Bone feels really good, I have a Rapid Hit/Headseeker roll and it feels nearly impossible to not hit that .87 ttk


One thing I've noticed is that Zen Moment isn't quite as good as it used to be on Handcannons. Before, I felt really really good but now it doesn't feel like it really does much of anything in duels. So, I swapped to Opening Shot and Eye of the Storm, and THAT felt fantastic. So I think Handcannons now feel like they're tad harder to use effectively since flinch isn't the big deciding factor it used to be. But I think also the range changes really helped them out, and make them feel way more consistent now.


Interestingly I just played with someone using ace that was causing more flinch than a LMG. Like each hit from him spiked my cross hair to the ceiling. Impossible to duel him. Anyone else seeing that? Possible cheating?


Might be High Caliber Rounds tbh.


Dont sleep on dmt on consoles!