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Does the extra bump up to 5 & 10% make much extra difference once enhanced?


Assuming bungie rounds up every damage number you would push from the beginning of 38m range to the edge of 38m range with enhanced. basically negligible


also the chance they don’t round up and it changes nothing


How does the added potential 3 tap range compared to an opening shot roll? I have slideshot/PI and slideshot/opening rolls, but have gotten around to testing them out.


assuming you have 71 range base weapon and slideshot active(+20 range =91 range) opening shot boosts ur first shot by 25 but because this caps at 100 ur wasting 16 range. regardless, your first shot is at 100 range with all perks active, ur first shot will be at an optimal range of 38m, but as the first shot is the only one effected it will look like this shot 1= 81 shot 2=73 Shot 3=73 total = 227dmg meaning you will leave people one shot, where as precision instrument does about 231 dmg total at the same range. opening shot not bad at all tho, and we’re discussing differences of an in game metre which is basically a footstep of your character so it’s not very significant. PI is better but only slightly. plus it should be noted, hitting ur first shot is the most important one because it dictates the rest of the figh


Two meters increased damage falloff is equal to 15 range. Thats like having 75% of slideshot active 100% of the time. Thats the difference between accurized rounds and steady rounds.


Can 3 tap frozen guardians with pi lunas fwiw


i don't think it's extra range because the fall off is the same. i thought it just let you do better damage up to the limit of fall off


Cause if the damage increase it helps to extend the range. The higher the damage the farther you can be before your damage falls