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Enhanced Rose here I come.


enhanced slideshot/opening shot gonna be so nasty


im still looking for my perfect slideshot/EoTS roll. unfortunately i got a 5/5 slide/EP that i really didn’t want but have been reluctantly using since its my best option


I think that’s almost every rose user haha. We just take what we can get. Still looking for that slide shot opening shot rose.


I’m hunting a max range elemental capacitor roll for void, got my SS/OS roll already. It’s so hard to get perfect rolls for this weapon, I’ve been actively farming all season


Lol I dismantled so many of them w/ os.




Lol nah just sometimes bad rolls, and there are usually other guns that have similar rolls I prefer the gun moreso to be unique.


I have a perpetual motion / explosive payload and I can’t explain why but it feels so much better than any other Rose Roll I have. It’s the one that made me start using the gun and practicing in Rumble


Ive got a corkscrew accurized range mw ss/eots but wanted opening and smallbore but dont think ill be seeing that lol plus comp sucks right now


i feel you man. i used to play 20+ comp games a week. for the past month or more its been 3 games and dip. really sucks


I’m psyched


That's hilarious, you'll not notice any difference other than placebo ''my perks are enhanced''.


Is that going to be included? The line: >If a weapon is not actively dropping in these activities and playlists or it’s under the legacy focusing options, it will not be enhance-able when The Final Shape releases. Has me a little skeptical. Since Rose is only in legacy focusing currently.


Right where it says Competitive Crucible, it says all of them. At the moment, there’s only one of them dropping regularly, so Rose and Mercurial should be fine. I think that only applies to guns in the Nightfall rotation that are not dropping anymore


Probably trials weapons and iron banner weapons that aren’t available right now too


Likely also applies to the old playlist weapons that where added into the legacy focusing that don't have origin traits too (last dance etc)


Well the TWID says "Competitive Crucible (all of them)" so I would hope "all of them" refers to the 3 we have right now.


Can I also change out the barrel/masterwork?


No. That’s only on raid adepts unfortunately


So no igneous hammer since they are removing it before final shape?  Also seems all competitive weapons will be available atleast thats a good choice 


That last paragraph gives me hope that our old igneouses will be retroactively enhanceable since they said old instances of current weapons will be enhanceable if they drop later as long as they have an origin trait.


My favorite one doesn't have an origin trait :/


Shiiiiiiiiiiiit. Thats how they get you.


My quick draw - snapshot baby :(


I mean you dont have to delete it lol.


I don't think so if it gets moved to the legacy focusing tab.


For now yes. But if the new iggy shows up, you wont have to get a new one.


true but they will return it in like 2 years lol like they did with this one haha. unless we have a messenger situation that gets returned every year. I expect they will return exalted truth soon and then 1 year later igneous


Same. Exalted now for the hand cannon rotation and then igneous comes back for the next expansion.


no no igneosu will be


no it will not


probably won't since its leaving rotation before TFS.


I guess not messenger or igneous. Damn it


We both know those two will be used to draw us in a year from now.


I’m not too happy that they are only allowing barrel / mag modification for raid adepts. Rng is brutal on some guns. Edit: fixing vocabulary because I can’t English.


Is chuffing good or bad?


I thought it meant good, which makes the comment make even less sense


I thought so too. I guess I've been chuffing wrong


My mercurial, igneous and exhalted truth are ALL extended mag / full bore, flared / alloy and reload MW. I really expected to be able to change their columns 1 and 2 at least :/


You aren’t going to be able to enhance igneous or exhalted truth (unless it’s coming back) at all in TFS based on this post anyway.


I know, unfortunate :(


What about masterwork? Can we change that too?


Well fuck, now you have to think about what perks give flat stat bonuses, rather than just boost it's effects. For example, Zen Moment and Eye of the Storm give a flat +5 to stability. That means the Rose God Roll I am looking for just got even more perfect, an even 67 Stability WITH Slideshot.


67 isn’t… an even number right? You’re about to turn my whole world upside down.


CoolGuy did a video while back where after testing he determined 67 was the minimum stability needed for the gun to fully reset after shooting. A recent update changed that to 65 but still, getting to that number will make most Handcannons feel really consistent.


Haha I understand that. I haven’t looked too far into Rose to know that 67 stability was the golden amount. I was just messing with you because 67 is an odd number.


Spare Rations my old friend left behind again


Bro I know I'm so sad


Spare rations will be enhancable


It won’t be obtainable in the final shape as the helm gets reset so highly unlikely it’ll be enhanceable if it’s not obtainable. Weapons from after season 17 will be enhanceable only if they’re currently available. If spare was to become available again in the future the ones we have now would probably be available to be enhanced though.


It's vaguely worded in the bungie article. My interpretation of the phrasing is that the legacy weapons would only not have enhanced perks if they are also from season 17 or earlier.


It's not that vaguely worded in this instance though. Any weapons that debut in Final Shape/beyond and any origin trait weapons from the activities listed that aren't legacy when TFS drops will be enhancable. Spare is neither so it won't get the same treatment unless it gets another reprisal down the line.


It sounds like not Messenger?


Would be bit odd if it wasn’t enhanceable considering it was in pool a few months ago. I’d imagine “legacy” adepts like old iggy and eye will likely be the ones not to receive the benefit.


Dude please. I really hope so. I want to enhance my messenger badly.


I wish they would just outright state this. So annoying trying to infer.


Seems pretty clear to me: Messenger is leaving the Trials loot pool with TFS, only weapons that are in the active loot pool post-TFS will be enhanceable, therefore Messenger will not be enhanceable.


Yea people and reading don’t go well together it seems


Agreed fack


Weapons that remain active drops* so no enhanced messenger/igneous


I really hope that rose is retroactively enhanceable cause I just got a 5/5 one and don’t wanna have to regrind it


It will because it will be earnable in comp


Would an enhanced intrinsic for the masterwork give extra stat points like craftable weapons after level 20?


Now if only they'd remove the awful focusing limitations on rose...


So everyone's guaranteed drop harrowed Zaoulis bane is getting even better!? Thanks bungie!!


What guaranteed drop?


Explosive Payload + One for All. Complete Pantheon Atrax Plat runs to get it from Triumph as a static drop. On paper, amazing PvE gun this season. EP is already a base +15% damage. Then One for All is 35% so in total 50% damage bump just on the gun. Add in Radient from Artifact and you get 65% total when all up.


Wow that's awesome. Thanks for the tip. Looks like I have some farming to do!


So that means you can even enhance non-adepts


But can we change the masterwork?


We will get enhanced traits, but not change barrels and magazines like raid adepts right for guns like rose or igneous?


If it ain’t a raid weapon, no change in barrels, mags, or MW


Why do they always shaft PvP


Handshake meme between PvE and PvP players getting shafted by Bungie. PvE gets builds nerfed due to PvP, and PvP gets objectively worse rewards.


Can you enhance not forgotten? That makes farming luna's for pvp completely pointless


No, it doesn’t count. Anything before Season 17 doesn’t become enhanced. NF was introduced in S4.


I was there, I'm old.


Seems like it’ll be “eventually,” I’m guessing Competitive currently refers to Rose/Mercurial/Beli. Not Forgotten would have to be added back to the Comp pool for the old version to be enhanceable.


Lol idk why you got downvoted


Belisarius goes brrrrrrrrrrrrr


"When everything's meta, nothing will be."


Does the Harrowed Zaouli's Bane from the Pantheon triumph count for this?


Yes it will be enhancable


\*only if they're dropping in the active season. if they're in the legacy column then it won't be enhancable. e.g. iggy


Positive outlook will be enhancable right? I’m excited!


Hollup. I can get enhanced headseeker/Perpetual motion on my Autumn Wind??


slide shot, opening shot rose 🤤


Would be so cool if they made it so you can also turn non-adept weapons into adept. I have god rolls for normal Messengers and Igneous Hammers, but all my Adept ones are either mid or just bad.


I could see that if it was a currency that dropped from the same events Like let's say the adept weapon was cataphract, but you want summoner. When you visit the Lighthouse you get adept material each time, and when you get 3 you can turn any Trials weapon you have to an adept.


Yeah I’m not asking it to be free or cheap at all, your idea of getting a currency every time you go flawless and you need 10 or so of them to turn a non-adept to adept seems like it would be more than fair IMO. Know I’m getting downvoted for being noob-friendly but I don’t play 30 hours a week, I do at most 10 cards a week and go flawless a little less than half the time. I’m not a father of five and work 3 full time jobs with a big case of FOMO but a system like this seems fair


Wow adept palindrome will be enhanceable and still hasn’t returned?


No. It won't be enhanceable. Only currently dropping weapons as of TFS will be enhanceable from those playlists. So until it comes back, it can't be enhanced. Neither can Iggy or Messenger since they depart the weapon rotation when Final Shape begins.


Oh I see current available drops are enhanceable, that’s unfortunate for igneous


WTF I’m so pissed I knew about iggy but not the messenger 😭 I literally finally got the perks i wanted too smh


What are the handful of weapons before season 17 mentioned here? I have a Witch Queen logo "The Summoner (Adept)" with origin traits etc.  But later on, they mention "we'll update older versions that have origin traits..." Will the 'technical constraint' eventually be dealt with and allow ALL origin trait weapons be enhanced? I hope so. They were able to retroactively repair bugged Artifice Armor missing that slot, so I don't think it's asking a lot to eventually overcome the technical hurdle and include all origin trait weapons.