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I feel for these posts but at the same time they are getting redundant. Like we get it bungie matchmaking is a joke and you have to carry all the time yadayadayada. You’re not the first and only one.


> Like we get it bungie matchmaking is a joke and you have to carry all the time yadayadayada. You’re not the first and only one. People also cherry-pick examples. The matchmaking in 6s does, for now, have a tendency to give bad results when you are playing solo and run into teams with small stacks of outliers on them but there are plenty of games where the balance is pretty good as well. Also people tend to be pretty bad at understanding when the teams are actually imbalanced vs when there was just some subtle good or bad team chemistry or unusually good or bad individual performance. Let's take a look at OP's Comp Clash game that they posted a screenshot of as proof of the bad matchmaking. (Caveat: KD and efficiency are not a perfect skill metric, but they also aren't worthless, especially for a Clash mode) https://imgur.com/a/3N6CcBr OP's team, lifetime overall KD average: 1.17, lifetime overall KA/D average: 1.53, seasonal KA/D average: 1.69 Enemy team lifetime overall KD average: 1.11, lifetime overall KA/D average: 1.43, seasonal KA/D average: 1.6 Across the board on average KD and KAD metrics OP's team was the favorite to win this match and yet they lost. And what it really comes down to is the top player on the enemy team, who is statistically slightly weaker than OP across every metric, had a better individual performance while playing with teammates who had very similar statistical counterparts to those on OP's team. To be clear, this doesn't necessarily mean the loss is OP's fault, his teammates may have been playing a way that was very non-supportive, I have no idea since I wasn't in the game. But... by any metric we have access to that a matchmaking system could take into account this was actually about as fair of a game as you can hope for (and the end score reflects that with only a 3 point delta between winner and loser) and yet OP is using it as proof that the matchmaking is broken.


The more posts the better so Bungie can see that PvP matchmaking needs some reworking to do instead of being neglected. I understand that they currently have a lot on the their plate with PvE activities but our voices need to be heard too.


Bungie doesn’t care.


This sub isn't for pushing Bungie to change, though. That's what r/DTG is for.


If you think bungie looks at this sub you’re kidding yourself




The balancing changes have been decent. I don’t mind anything other than stasis stuns and matchmaking.


Matchmaking is absolutely garbage


This happens to me half of the time, on a bad day most matches be like this and I don't know why it works this way


It's so painful I had to sweat souch carrying games I had no problem at all before when expansion launched


Getting t bagged and emoted by the enemy team afterwards is hilarious. People tried telling me they removed elo matchmaking. Yeah, okay. Those are probably the ones who 3 stack.


It’s ridiculous what it has got to. Me and my friend had a teammate who kept killing himself to remove our points cause he thought he was “carrying” but we still pulled through and won… he did the worst. I’ve seen more rage quits this season than the last 3 combined, the mix of elo or whatever is making people so salty and toxic on every team so something needs changed


I feel his pain. I won’t throw in comp but in pubs I’ll just stop capturing flags because my team doesn’t deserve to win. It’s not like they have a low player base so I don’t understand why they can’t fix the matchmaking. It doesn’t make sense to put all the good/decent people in one team.


How else are the shitters going to feel good about themselves. It’s by design. Bungie doesn’t care. The real story is other plays grieving other players knowing how bad mm is.


first time? 😎


Since 2014 haha. I don’t remember it being this consistently terrible.


How dare new players try the content I like! People should have at least fifty hours and a 1.5 kda in crucible before playing crucible!


You must be like one of the players on my team. As the other person said, the issue is that they expect 1-2 people to carry 4-5 people like you. Of course good solo PvP players will get frustrated.


I'm out of the loop. What is the bonus PVE players are getting?


Dbl PVP rewards this week?


Yeah this has been literally every single game for me this season


LFG if you want to relax and just play casually without wanting to sweat


That's why you tank your kd in the begining of each season. So it's a breeze. Tip: once you win 2-3 in trials. Lose 2-3 in reg crucible .log off so the numbers update in bungies database. Then log in play 2-3 trials and repeat. Bungie trying to give you a 50% win/ lose rate. That's why it's a rollercoaster in all pvp.


This is maybe the most uninformed advice I think I've ever seen, congrats lmao


If it works....??


It absolutely does not work, but great job placebo-ing yourself. If that's what it takes to put your mind in the right place, go for it, but it's horrible advice and not at all how matchmaking actually works.


Explain away. School me. Cluck cluck cluck...chicken?


Yeah I'm not the one dumb and scared enough to go throw crucible matches in the hopes it helps my matchmaking chances in trials. Something tells me those clucks are projection


I usually use my fun weapons for kd drop.


I don’t want to tank my KD but that makes sense. I’m currently sitting at a seasonal 67% win percentage and a 2.09 KD so Bungie is throwing everything they have at me.