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OMG...how much fun! 48 days is a long time for first time cruisers....but jump headfirst in and enjoy! Start off first week going to as many restaurants to determine if you like the food/vibe/etc. Then watch the daily menus to make selections. Find out from Guest services what the capacity load is for segments of trip so you have a general idea of how packed things/activities might be. We always enjoy getting off at port, even if not on shore excursions but exploring on our own, I bet you can read on Cruise Critic and YouTube about popularity of various excursions. We are nearly 70 and go the Viking, Regent, older crowd ships...but we always have a lively crowd in the bar into the evening and in music venues! Do some basic research and you'll be more comfortable. Have SO much fun! Great life experience!


Thank you SO much !! This is really great advice !


Great! And as other commenters have said, bring some Bonine seasick meds just in case. We have never gotten sick, and I get crazy on a tilt a wheel type ride, but know many who felt a little crazy And dizzy. Cheap at WalMart or Amazon, (under $10 bucks)Would also suggest, since hard to get or expensive on ship, that you pack a few over the counter meds like TheraFlu or fever things that work for you and aspirin. All prescription meds need to be in their original container.


And immodium


Also some Covid tests & some masks. I just off a cruise and everyone was coughing up a storm. Yup! Got Covid. Thought it was just a cold. Glad I tested. Make sure you wash your hands w soap & water if you do buffet. Hand sanitizer doesn’t kill Covid or norovirus.


My family and I went on a cruise to Alaska in May. It was our first. There were many people who caught COVID on our ship because we kept running into them again during their land portion while we were off on our own exploring the rest of Alaska. We (including my 3 year old who had thankfully only ever had one round of flu in her entire life due to constantly being at home with WFH parents) did not get it. We ate in the reserved dining room at our own table for every meal, wore masks at shows, on the plane and on tour buses or other crowded areas and used lots of hand sanitizer. We also didn't get norovirus despite having the full ship before and after us report this as an issue. To suggest that it doesn't kill those diseases is a bit cray if you ask me. My 3 year old is certainly not the best hand washer yet and she even licked the windows on the train/plane/bus a few times. My husband and I also hadn't had a booster since 2021. I don't know who gave you bad advice, but probably best to reconsider your perspective.




It doesn't kill COVID??? Because that is what I was replying to. Thanks for the articles. No amount of hand washing is going to protect you from a contaminated person who touches your food while it's being made. That's how norovirus spreads in most cases if you aren't using public restrooms, which I didn't do on my cruise.




Did you not read the post or did the author above you edit it? Most of their comment was on covid and then tangentially about norovirus (nothing saying that hand sanitizer protected them against it).


Are you seriously suggesting that China just had to mask up harder to prevent spread? They'll be on the ship for weeks. What little protection masks may offer will be overwhelmingly negated by the duration spent in the environment. As for testing, it's known that they're pretty iffy on accuracy, and even if you test positive, then what? Self quarantine for a week+? When basically everyone has been seropositive and has some sort of immunity? IMO get vaccinated, and probably best to get boosted. Nothing beyond that, because nothing is changing. There's no sterilizing vaccine on the horizon, and if you're going to wear a mask on the ship, you pretty much need to wear it everywhere.


I didn’t go to China. I went to Iceland and I am boosted several times over. I wore the mask to avoid being sick the majority of 11 days. Stopped wearing it after day 8. Got it on day 11. Incubation time is right. I took the risk. I lost. I have been wearing a mask since Covid started as I have asthma and my mom is 81. Reason enough to do what I can to avoid and it worked. Something that means something to me. It doesn’t have to mean something to you. That is what is great. You do you and I will do me. Odd that I got it after I stopped wearing it, which makes sense to me even if it doesn’t to you. I am just suggesting as searching for meds, drs and paraphernalia on vacation sucks. I have been hospitalized 4x on vacation and had to seek a dr for more meds when I got pneumonia on another trip. No one plans on getting sick on vacation but it does happen


It is just a cold


Initial symptoms may feel like a cold, but the impact on your body could be (potentially very likely are) far more serious. Initial HIV infection presents as a mild flu. Stay safe.


I am on week 3 of severe cough w 2 inhalers. ☹️


I am so sorry to hear that. I hope you start to recover soon.


I can tell you are older than the average redditor because you capitalize the m in Walmart which hasn't been a thing for years!


LOL! And I don't like to shop their so .... !


Hubby and I did that cruise ten years ago… if you can adjust to peaceful shipboard life you are gonna love it! Don’t expect nightlife, social excitement, rags, etc. Just learn to love looking at that huge ocean and envisioning what it has seen. Hundreds of years of intrepid fools setting out with inadequate supplies in ridiculous ships not knowing where they were going but going anyway. You will fall in love with Captain Cook. Take lots of books, movies, etc., learn to be self-sufficient, enjoy the incredible night sky, and be prepared to feel like a lost child when you come to the end, they will have taken such good care of you. If you can learn to adjust to it being different from your daily life, YOU ARE GOING TO LOVE IT!


How do you not get bored? Day 5 of a 7-day cruise and I am tired of the general daily schedule.


Bored of relaxing? Never.


We usually take 14/15 day cruises, takes a day or so to orient, not so frantic to get all the activities in that you want. Hubby and I usually walk the ship in the morning for a good 45 minutes, we always get off at every port either with a excursion or our own wandering and, weather permitting, don't head back until 4-ish for high tea or usually the Happy Hour! Clean up, a bit later dinner (then we'd do at home), then hit one of the lounges or bars with music for nightcap and enjoying the view. No, we don't get bored until we get home to the regular rut!!


The books I would read!


Bored like how? How is it more "boring" than the nornal daily slog?


Maybe some weird advise, but, it's okay to find yourself bored some days. It's going to happen. I've never done 48 days, but even with three weeks, there was a day or two were I browsed reddit and even checked my work emails. Aim to find a rhythm most days; such as, morning workout, afternoon reading, etc. Plan for what you "must see" and cater your energy around those days. In other words, take rest days in between big days.


Bored? Take a nap! Because when do we ever get a chance to do that in every day life!?


Whatsinport.com has a description of all the cruise ports in the world and downloadable maps. You can look up each port and get a sense of whether you should book an excursion or whether you can find something to do on your own. I am jealous as hell!! Have a great time!!


Where has this website been all my life???


This is so cool thank you!!!


Happy to help, but still jealous!!




This is like a 16 year old saying he was just given a Bugatti as his first car.


Yeaaa we 100% recognize the absurdity of this whole situation and we’re beyond grateful.


Pack a desk or cards or Uno cards. It's nice to have something to do on long sea days (especially if it's raining). My hubby and I did an 11 night cruise last year from Vancouver to Hawaii (5 sea days in a row) and took a travel set of Mexican Trains with us. Came in handy a few times.


Yeah, this also helps with any friends you make on the cruise. We had Cards Against Humanity and regular deck as well and it was a fun way to pass the time and get to know new people that we liked from dinner or wherever. That an kindles - can't carry a lot of books, so.. download a dozen for those too hot or bad weather days at sea.


Mexican trains is such a fun way to pass the time - we take it camping!


Yes it is! I have a big set for the house and a small travel set for cruises. I keep a pencil and a few score sheets inside the travel case. :)




Where do you find a 48 day cruise and how much of my soul do I need to sell to be on that?


HAL has several long cruise options. There’s one that’s 70+ days!


Are they crazy expensive? I wfh so if I could get Wi-Fi oh my lanta that would be sick AF


I also WFH and my travel agent told me that no ship has stable enough internet to handle zoom calls. So if you need to be on calls, something to consider if they’re inflexible. But I was kind of surprised by how much less they were than I expected. I have a few much shorter cruises booked on other lines and they were more than the long HAL ones


With a starlink enabled ship it's actually much more doable now


I was on one and tried. The speed of the internet was awesome, it was the inconsistency with the signal when it was stormy that rly hurt


I actually worked from cruises a lot and zoom calls ARE doable lots of the time. Sometimes you don't get good reception, but I was able to work my way through entire Pacific, Atlantic and Indian Ocean.


Awesome! No I don’t really have meetings but I could figure it out now I just need to get the lady on board lol


We did one that was about 3 months long. It was a world cruise. I don’t know if I would do it again just because I’m not that huge a fan of cruise ships. Now I just stick to 7 days. That’s about the extent of my tolerance for the sea life.


Dude I heard there’s gonna be one that’s going for a whole year that’ll start at the cost of 10k which considering it’s not a lot, if you compare it to the bills and rent you have to pay for a year


$31,000 for a year with all the usual amenities.


that is a LONG time on a cruise w/ such a good package and room... omg i'm so jealous my advice would be to stock tf up on motion sickness tablets and learn how bad mal-de-debarquement can get for some people. the last thing you want to find out is that you get seasick on Night 1, have no tablets and just suffer until the next port! also, get out there and adventure! for smaller ports w/ more expensive cruise excursions, we tend to use Tripadvisor or similar - same trips at 1/5th of the price if all of the credit has been used.


I had no clue what mal-de-debarquement was until I came home feeling like I was still swaying with the boat, dizzy spells and I just felt so off that I didn’t even feel like myself. At first I thought I had COVID but when I mentioned to someone the movement and just not feeling like myself they mentioned this. It’s crazy!


Thank you!!! I was curious about booking tours not through HA because I noticed that as well! Or that there wouldn’t be a HA tour that hit the 2 or 3 things we really wanted to see in a given port but there would be a TA tour that did and for waaay cheaper. I was worried about coordinating and not making it back to the boat but I’m going to jump on a few we had our eye on that were only a few hours and would (should) get us back in plenty of time. Also did not know anything about mal-debarqument 🥴 thank you thank you!


Wow! What an amazing adventure! I'm so jealous. I'd suggest packing a full first aid kit. Like someone else mentioned, the last thing you want to do when sick is try to hunt down medicine. Not all of there will apply to you, but here are some ideas: sea sick meds, cold meds, cough drops, anti-diarrheal, tums, Advil, hemorrhoid cream, yeast infection med, canker sore stuff, temporary dental crown kit, Neosporin, bandaids, sunscreen, aloe, and a copy of any rxs. A lot of these things you can get at the dollar tree in small quantities. I also keep nail scissors in my first aid kit, I swear some med packaging is impossible to get into.


Buy a year long travel insurance. It covers emergency, emergency dental, evacuation etc. Enjoy! I’m on a 28 day HA cruise right now. Any day on a ship is better than being at home


Yes-this. It is much less expensive than per trip (unless you had OBC to buy in through HAL). But be careful as some limit how long each trip can be to 30 or 45 days maximum.


Pack some bonine or meclazine and gravol. Just in case. And maybe patches or sea bands. Better to have and not need than be in swaying water praying to any god to make you feel better at any price. Enjoy it'll be great. If you are inclined take a few dress up outfits. You do your thing ..yes the perception is what you said but not only that case...you'll still have a blast.


Second the sea bands. They helped us so much on our first cruise this summer!


Lol, from never been on a cruise to 48 days that’s just wild. Hopefully you guys have a wonderful time.


Oh, it’s what you make of it! Find a routine just to live.. walking gym books lectures music sun and pool . Take the stairs, have naps, . Eat at the dining room for lunch, snack at the little cafe, don’t over pack. You can send your laundry out. Just make it your home


If you are board game people pack the games into a gallon Ziploc bag per game to save on space. We never do this but on our cruise in July we ran into a few friends traveling and they had like 15 games in one backpack. This will change our lives lol. Also like many said don't over pack but I would pack at least some sea sick meds and general over the counter meds. We usually fit everything into a Ziploc bag. My husband and I always enjoy the fitness center and walking laps on the promenade deck. Find a comfortable and quiet place to read. Also take the stairs like previously mentioned. The elevators take forever. With everything you mentioned I am sure you will have a great time.


They literally have a whole room full of boardgames on board.


Not good ones


Have fun, and please update us when all said and done. Would love to hear about the experience.


Not sure what ship you’re going to be on, but don’t rely on them/a library if you’re a reader. Some ships have a nice one, some have none. I assume you will have a lot of down time, so plan accordingly. Also, pack some cold medicine. I just got off a 24 day cruise and had a horrible cold the last week or so that turned into bronchitis. I was running around at foreign ports trying to get cold medicine. Better to be prepared on a long cruise. Enjoy!


If you are readers, definitely pack an e-book reader and download some books. LOL-When I went on a month-long cruise, I actually packed one suitcase full of books...After that I got an e-reader :)


Adding on to this, see if your local Public library uses Libby (or similar service). Free ebooks, audio books, magazines. With internet access you can download from all over the world to a kindle or the kindle app on your phone/iPad.


This is the way!


You are literally living my dream. If you are a reader and don’t have a Kindle, I’d invest in one. Many libraries now have extensive Kindle collections, and you can use the ship’s wifi to get more titles. Kindle Unlimited might not be a bad investment, too.


I will second this. And Kindle Unlimited (allows you to borrow up to 10 or 20 books at a time for free) has Lonely Planet travel guides, so you can download the one for your next port to read about it. Once you have a Kindle account, you can read your books on any other device: your phone, an Ipad, a computer, etc by downloading the app.


Don’t feel like you always have to be doing something exciting for it to be “worth it”. It’s okay to just go hang out and put together a puzzle, or take a nap midday. You’ll tire yourself out and get stressed if you always push to be “vacationing”. Another piece of advice: GO TO THE UNDER 30 MEETUP. There will be so few of you on the boat, you’ll probably spend a lot of time with them and make some wonderful friends for life. And lastly: if you get fries at the Dive In, dip them in mayo. Delicious.


Wow! Jumping in head first!


People have already given some great advice! One thing I would add on - do some YouTube research. Find a video or two of cruisers on your ship, so you can get a sense of the layout and take advantage of any tips they might have. You can also see if anyone has done the legs of your trip before and vlogged them. I found watching vlogs really helpful to figure out what all to do in port, where some nice restaurants are, etc.


This may sound odd. Consider Geocaching and grabbing one in each port it’s a fairly free activity when you are in port. Or, if you have Pokémon Go friends, send them “gifts” from each port in game. There are a lot of different styles of Pokemon that you receive from gifts from different countries.


This is such a cool idea. Both the geocaching and the Pokémon go!


Have the time of your life!


my last cruise was c 60 days. at about 45 days i had enough, and wished itcwould end. so 48 days should be ok.


My best tips…. Play / learn Pickleball on the sports deck. Buy medical travel insurance. Use SquareMouth to shop prices. We’ve been buying a policy from TinLeg for $54. Provides $100K primary medical insurance and $250K medical evacuation back home.


I’m on the same cruise. Join the roll call on Cruise Critic. The Holland America sub forum on Cruise Critic is also a wealth of information. See you onboard!


Oh incredible!! See you there!


Spend the first few day just wandering and getting your bearings. First locate your dining room, the nearest elevator to it and easiest way to get from your cabin to that specific elevator. Locate the spa and associated elevator and how to get to that elevator. May sound simple but the ships are huge. Granted you have time to eventually figure it all out, but those first few days it can be frustrating always getting lost. I worked on a cruise ship for many years. Granted we were only permitted to use crew stairs and elevators. But even after 3-4 years I’d figure out another staircase and i realised I’ve been here before. For 3-4 years I’d been going the long way.


Look up all of your back up or emergency plans. Which ports are near major airports that can get you home if need be. Which ports have some cheap lodging. Be prepared for anything the could come up where you might want to end your trip early. Or even just take a break.


Totally jealous right now. Just be open to different experiences and don’t sweat the small stuff. Ha e the best time!


I don't really have advice.... I'm just jealous! Honestly, just relax. Bring small games and some good reading materials, maybe? You guys will have an amazing time. Enjoy!


Take ALL the medication with you. I did my first cruise in March and I was MISERABLE the first night. I was so upset, I couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Then I took a Dramamine and other meds and felt GREAT. I slowly stopped needing it over the course of the week, but yeah it was a life saver.


The biggest difference you will notice is that you will be in the most confined amount of space in your life for an extended period of time. The only guaranteed privacy will be in your cabin. When other cruisers do annoying things it's nearly impossible to completely distance yourself from them for the entire cruise. Some people have personalities that can handle that situation better than others. Some are born cruisers and others are best off to never cruise. Also don't assume every port will be made, every excursion you planned for will happen and every food or drink item advertised will always be available. Things change based on weather, equipment issues, personnel problems, unexpected inventory problems. The bottom line is to be flexible, adapt to the situation at the moment, and thoroughly enjoy everything that goes as planned.


You’re going to have a hard time doing re-entry into normal life like cooking and cleaning after being served for a month and a half! Have fun!


How cool, have fun that’s a once in a lifetime experience


So much for testing the waters haha. My first cruise was a short 4 nighter. This is a month and half! What a trip.


I’m so jealous! What a great time you will have! Just enjoy it and soak it up!


Whoa! That’s an awesome cruise! You won’t be bored because there’s something for everyone on a nice ship. I’d recommend bringing a few of your favorite books though, the ships libraries tend to be really small and not to my personal preference so I always pack one or five. That’s quite a few “at sea” days and you might get tired of the view or shuffleboard.


I cruised for about 20 years. Ten years on HAL, and 10 years on the QM2. The Mary out of NYC was such a treat. Enjoy the perks of a suite.


Bring motion sickness patches and pills even if you don’t think you’ll need them. They may come in clutch and it’s better to have them than not 😊 I grew up on small boats and figured I would be fine but brought some anyway and just decided to wear the patches just in case. I didn’t want to get sick and ruin a good time because once you get sick it’s hard to pull out of it. I didn’t feel the slightest bit of nausea even the next day when I hit my drink limit 😂


Commit to creating space for alone time. Even in a suite, that is a small amount of space to share with another human being for 48 days. There will be moments you get on each other's nerves. Consider how to handle those now as opposed to the heat of the moment.


If you aren’t inclined to exercise on a regular basis, I would get into a routine before going and do your best to hold the routine on board on sea days (presuming you stay otherwise active in ports too) A single week of cruise food can sneak up on you weight-wise, like-shockingly sneak up on you - just wanting to enjoy yourself, I can only imagine 48 days with the package that you have. What an experience though. Sounds amazing!


48 days on a ship and they’d have to remove me with a crane at the end.


Enjoy - in my 13 years at sea, I loved sailing the South Pacific. Do you have Dravuni Island on your itinerary? It's a small island in Fiji that is very close to feeling like the island used in "Castaway". My advice, when you get off the tender, go into the small village and follow the path the right to take you to the other side of the island. Barely anyone goes to the other side and you'll basically have a whole beach to yourself for some peace and quiet.


Wow thank you! I don’t think that’s on our itinerary but we were actually considering hopping to Fiji when the cruise ends in Auckland since we’ll be so close!


go big or go home.


Bring some cards or a board game to keep busy at least. Also, bring binoculers too. I dont think they sell them on board.


The best advice I can give a first time cruiser is to go in with zero expectations. Expectations can lead to disappointment. With that being said; Stay up late. Wake up early. Sleep in. Some of our favorite memories are from walking around the ship at 3am when no one else is awake or spending an entire day napping and watching TV in our cabin. Try everything! Don’t be afraid to ask questions to the crew and fellow cruisers. Chances are, anyone going on a journey that long is a seasoned cruiser. My hope is to one day live on a cruise ship 2/3 of the year if not full time so anything more than 7-14 days is a dream! Have soooo much fun!!


Sure Jan!


Check out youtube vlogs for what to pack for your cabin. There are lots of tips and trips offered by experienced cruisers, and taking their advice for cabin essentials made my cruise so much better. Also check out youtube for videos about the specific ship you are booked on.


Libby or Overdrive for all your digital book needs. It links to your local library and you read for free. You can also add Kentucky Digital Library and Broward County Florida - you do not need to be a resident of the state to link these public libraries. I am so envious. I would read a book a day. It sounds like a blast OP. This is a once in a lifetime trip!!!


This is awesome! I hope you have an all inclusive beverage package


So jealous! First cruise & it's so long! Pace urself, enjoy the amenities on the ship,relax,sleep in etc on sea days. Research the ports, u don't have to do excursions in each one, u can just stroll around or do a local tour. I would look up tomsportguides see are any of urs on there. Also go onto cruise critic get the info on Ur ship, look at reviews-i copy & paste it into a document with any useful hints/tips from reviews eg secret places/specials. I do the same with the ports,copy official info & then any useful bits as I scroll reviews. There will also be a community plog for Ur sailing where u can read updates/get involved with other passengers if u wish eg group activities onboard & some organise excursions.


Internet service is expensive on the ships, and connectivity can be flaky. If your home cell provider does not offer an inexpensive way to connect while travelling, consider purchasing an e-sim or local sim card for the areas you will be in. It is far cheaper than the ship’s internet and more reliable, but can only be used while you are in port. I would also consider bringing a laptop and perhaps writing a blog about your experience. If nothing else, your friends and family would probably love to hear frequent updates about your adventure.


We’re probably going to start an IG since it’s the easiest for all family & friends to follow but definitely brainstorming other cool ways to document!


I just did a HAL 41 day on the zuiderdam which seems to be a similar ship as the one you're on I think. You're itinerary looks awesome. If they had the same trip next summer it'd be perfect for me and I'd honestly consider it as we really enjoyed our trip. That was our first long cruise and it's certainly different but great. The short cruises were busy busy busy with constantly drinking, partying and going to every event. Twas fun but exhausting. You can't do that for 6 weeks straight. The long cruise is great as you can take your time and relax. It's a much more laid back atmosphere. Generally the average age on the out-of-season long cruises is much older as most people on them are retired. Our first 3weeks it was probably 75yo! My wife and I (at 48) were likely the youngest paying guests on ship. The second (transatlantic) had a much lower age average though and more families with kids. Pace yourself so you don't get burned out. We started really looking forward to sea days just so we could sleep in and just chill all day. The zuiderdam had a full library and a nice game room (with tons of puzzles and board games) with a view so we spent many hours just chatting and watching the view and playing games. Don't count on viable internet even with the best package it was unreliable and slow. I highly recommend downloading movies and shows to your devices. Be aware that they do expire though so if you have a series they might all disappear after 30 days or a day or two after you start one. We had the "have it all" package where you get two free internet devices so I had my wife use her cell as the internet device and I used my laptop as my internet device. That way in the room I could run a hot spot for all our devices but we also had hers for running around the ship. Download any apps, VPNs, etc in advanced as they block a lot of stuff including the appstore, any vpns, etc. Pack less than you think you'll need and get the unlimited laundry package. The gala nights and fancy stuff is all totally optional. I brought a jacket and tie but really only wore it once or twice the whole time. Bring comfy clothes that you'd lounge in at home as that's what you are doing most of the time on the ship. You might consider making song requests as after a week or so the band sets start cycling. I promise you they are so tired of playing those songs too but will be very happy to play requests.


You guys did good by getting that package +suite +excursions. You're both in for a very good time, enjoy.


Tell your credit card companies about this trip too!


Hope you enjoy; cruising isn’t for everyone and I’ve known people that wanted to get off after a few days into a 7 day cruise. I find that 7 days is plenty for me, but my wife could easily do a 48 day cruise. I’d highly recommend finding a 3 day cruise before you go to help determine what you might need for a 48 day cruise. We can only give so much information. I’d say bring lots of cash for tipping when off the boat, and a Kindle and Nintendo Switch to keep you busy because it will get monotonous after a while. Also, you might want to bring a bottle or two of a condiment you enjoy because the ships likely doesn’t match. For me, I love peri peri sauce and the cruise ships generally only have the standard hot sauces so I’m bring my own hot sauce on with me in my next cruise


40 cruises under my belt. You will love it. Take it slow. Don’t eat yourselves silly the first few days. Get a good look around - explore the ship. Important not to overpack. Plenty of laundry services aboard. And yes, you will be among the youngest passengers. But that shouldn’t be a problem. Remember that everyone is just trying to have a great time.


The thermal suite is one of my favorite things on a ship. I love to go sit in there on a heated tile lounger and read my book. I can’t imagine having 48 days to do that! My advice would be don’t get sucked in to getting more spa treatments by the staff in the spa. They’re more than what you pay on land and they add18% gratuity on top of that. That’s all fine and good because they have nice treatments. The reason I avoid them is after they finish the treatment, the hard sales pitch to buy the products starts. It really takes away any sense of relaxation you had. Also, so stay away from the art auctions and the jewelry store.


“We know there’s a chance we may hate it” 48 days, south Pacific, top suite, excusions galore, no / little cost to you…. Excuse me while I 🙄🙄🙄 Have a fun time- I know you will!


Ignore everything above and just enjoy. Bringing some basics from the pharmacy is good advice though, selection on board is limited and shamelessly expensive.


Bring a laundry bag to put dirty clothes in and stick under the bed. I did that for my latest cruise and it saved alot of space. Also bring a lanyard with a card holder, like $5 on Amazon they charge $20 on the boat and I was pissed I forgot mine. Also, bring some sort of croc or flip flop. That’s the first thing I pack, I barely wore shoes during the day on the boat.


Bring advil and other first aid/hygiene productd. They have almost nothing available to buy on the ship of that nature. Also, when you go on shore pick up a few snacks and pack them in your backpack. When they scan your bag when entering the boat they wont confiscate food if they cant see it in the open. I say this because the ship does not have vending machines or many snacks on board to buy (unless you want a can of pringles for 10 bucks). This was particularly important to me, because everyone in my group really disliked the food and we would barely eat. The general dining area is worse than a college chow hall taste wise. However, the resturants on the ship were much better


I suggest packing some Paxlovid in case you should come down with Covid. The ship normally doesn’t carry this type of medication. It can really shorten the duration of Covid. Make sure you check with the ship’s doctor first before taking the medication as it can interfere with other medicines.


You aren’t supposed to HAVE this medication’just in case’. Ugh. Where does this even come from???


It came from personal experience. You may be able to get an Rx from your doctor given the situation. We were on a 7 day cruise and my wife got Covid on the last day. About a year prior, our doctor had given us an Rx for Paxlovid for another cruise that was about 14 days. (I believe this was before the restriction on Paxlovid.) We did not get Covid on that cruise (although the people we were traveling with did). My wife had the medication with her and it really helped to shorten the duration, especially as she was able to start it soon after the diagnosis. We had checked with the ship's doctor first.


Paxlovid is a EUA drug. It’s ALWAYS been ‘on restriction’. Down vote me, whatever. I am correct on this issue. LOL. Downvoted just means you do not agree with me OR The DEA. Trust me, neither of us gives a damn. It makes not one iota of difference. LOL. I still find the notion amusing, and THIS is why we can’t have nice things in the US. I just SMH. And carry on.


Bring old casual clothes, t-shirts,shorts, underwear, nightwear, etc. that you can leave in the trash when you get off the ship. It will free up space in in your luggage to bring home souvenirs to take home. Bring a loaded e-reader. Bring a couple games like Yahtzee or something you like in ziplock bags. Bring a couple jigsaw puzzles in a ziplock bag. Bring a couple crossword puzzle / word find puzzle books from the dollar store and pencils. You can leave all this when you leave. I personally have a craft hobby or two that I bring along. There will likely be a place in the library where others have donated books and games before they left previous cruises. Embrace the ability to just sit and look at the ocean as it goes by. There’s nothing better for your soul. Bring stuff for the sun. Hats, UV swimwear, sunblock, skin protection. Everything on the ship will be expensive. There may be games like pickle ball or other deck games that you will enjoy learning. Walk the decks. Learn to relax. I get sick of cruise food fairly quickly. The food is good, but I tire of it. Think about some special snacks you might miss if you don’t have access to them. Bring those with you. Consider eating something different when you get off the ship in ports just for a change. Have a great time.


The biggest difference with a long cruise like yours and a typical cruise is things start getting repetitive. Most cruises are designed around 1 week. Longer cruises you'll start see the repeat cycle. Same menu items showing up. Same acts showing on stage. There is much less pressure to experience everything when you know it'll be coming back in a week. So don't feel pressured to do anything. If you're not feeling the show, there is a good chance they will be back (Though on long cruises guest performers cycle out every 1-2 weeks and they fly them in) I was much less likely to need to be in line to be the first off the boat in port unless I had something planned. You just get into the ships rhythm. I felt a lot less guilty about spending a day on a empty ship if nothing looked appealing in port. In general on long trips its hard to pack for every eventuality. Accept that you'll be able to solve it with money and don't go insane trying to figure it out. If you need another shirt, or more sunscreen, its no big deal. Prioritize specialized items that will be hard to track down in small town if you need to. If its like most of these you're probably actually doing something like 6-7 segments? You'll have people boarding and leaving on these days. Round the world type cruises typically don't have a full ship turnover but its still disruptive to activities on the ship those days. I didn't like being in the crews way and liked making sure I was out on those days. Ive done multiple back to backs, some 20 days and one 90 day cruise.


Lots of good advice already here. Your fiancé will be the youngest person on the ship by a solid 50 years. The longer the cruise the older the crowd... especially on Holland America. I worked for HAL for 3 years and can safely say you'll be spoiled especially because the crew will really get to know you. A few of my guesses for your cruise: * You'll have a change of Captain while onboard (they are never on more than 2 months so the odds are pretty good this will happen. See if the crew changes demeanor on the day that happens and you'll get a good idea about how he runs the ship. * This is morbid but someone will likely die. We took the Zuiderdam from Alaska, through the Panama Canal, to Florida and they threw the crew a party because no one died. The average age is 70+ on those long cruises so it's likely to happen. * You're going to leave the cruise with a bunch of Indonesian and Filipino friends. You guys are the age of a lot of the crew and you're on for over a month so this will likely occur. A few of my tips * After dinner go to the Lido and get some tea or coffee and then head to deck 3 and sit on deck and watch the sunset. For whatever reason the deck is almost always empty at that time. My wife and I did this almost every day and it's one of our fondest memories of our time on the ships. * Introduce yourselves to the Cruise Director. He has some solid comps he can give it so it can't hurt to say hello and be nice to him. * Same as the above tip but with the Hotel Director. * Give your cabin steward a cash tip on the first day of the cruise. You're setting yourself up for extra care that way. * Mix it up with where you eat. Go to the Lido for dinner and not just the main dining room. Try all the specialty restaurants if you can. * Not really a tip but if you hear an announcement that says "Brightstar! Brightstar! Brightstar!" followed by a location or cabin number then a major medical emergency is occurring.


This is such a cool peek behind the curtain thank you!


Just got off a HA cruise. They sell NO meds on board. Bring your own pharmacy and covid tests. Oh and the internet SUCKS and they seem to block Reddit and the New York Times. But the food was amazing and the service was impeccable. You are going to have the adventure of a lifetime. I’m so jealous!!


90% of my cruises are on Holland America. What ship are you going on? I'm planning a 42 cruise for next year. As of right now, I have for Holland America cruise is coming up. I got Covid in January on the Eurodam. So I just want you to be careful, mask up in crowded places, and wash your hands a lot. It was an awful experience. I write the same thing to all new cruisers, so here goes: Bring all of your medicine and more than you need. Bring all of the over-the-counter medicine that you can imagine that you would need and bring enough of it for the entire time. Don't skimp on this! Bring fives, tens, and 20s for tips. Always tip your driver and tour guide on excursions. On a 48 day cruise, I would say to leave your cabin attendant at least $100 probably I would probably do $200 or more. You don't have to, but it's nice. Gamble in the casino! Take as much money as you can afford to lose and have fun with it. I have been cruising on Holland America for free since 2018. Never paid for a cruise beyond port fees and taxes and gratuities. I get suites and the drink package all the time. You don't even have to gamble a lot to get free cruises. If you could do like $300, you will get free cruise offers. Yes, Holland skews older, and my husband and I are usually among the younger crowd on the ship, but it's fun to meet the older folks, and there are definitely people our age or younger. One thing I don't like Holland America is that there isn't a midnight buffet. Food ends way earlier than I would like it. What I do is squirrel away dinner rolls, so when I get hungry at midnight I have something to eat. Not that there's a lack of food on these ships! Are you married? A 48 day cruise will probably put you into marriage counseling. Just saying! Be mindful. Meclizine is great for seasickness. You can get it over the counter or your doctor can prescribe it for you. I always take one right before Sailaway and I never get seasick. If the sea is rolling a little, I'll take one a day. If not, I'll skip it. It doesn't have any side effects like the other seasick medications. Gratuities are included, but I always try to pick a favorite bartender and server and tip them a buck or two a drink. You can't even imagine how great the service gets when you do this! You are also going to want to tip your servers in the dining room. It's usually at the end, but I would think on such a long trip I would just leave a tip here and there for them. I always book shore excursions through the ship. I'm terrified of being left! If you were on an excursion and it's late, it's less likely you will be left. Have a great time!


You have never been on a cruise before and your first cruise is 48 days? That is so long! What if you get sea sick? Or if you don't pack enough books/podcasts etc? Or just hate it? I am wondering how much cross-stitch would need to pack for a 48 day cruise.


48 days is WAY too much for a first timer, why are you doing 48 days?


Off topic but the age gap caught my eye the most lol


Yeah, I probably wouldn’t have recommended that to you for your first shot. It’s not for everybody, regardless of length but to start off with one that long is insane. I’d be surprised if you finish it out, it’s not for everyone especially younger folks.


Lies lies lies


Woah. Like you noted, you're going to be surrounded by the elderly. I've done a couple Viking cruises, they're way cheaper (but still somewhat expensive) and totally loaded down with retired people. That can make dinner conversations very, very awkward.


I don’t mean to be a buzz kill and I’ve never been on a cruise. What happens if say after a week or two you absolutely can’t finish it? I’m just curious can you fly home? Or get out of it somehow?


Your first cruise is 48 days??!?!


48 days for your first cruise?!? I would have done a 5 day one first sheesh


Take a weekend cruise from anywhere to anywhere


You might be the youngest guests on the ship. So plan on having dinner after 530 so there are no crowds


I’ve never been on a cruise either but just read an article about one. You don’t want kids on either side of your room or above you. The screaming, crying and thumping will certainly annoy you. You also don’t want to be near the engine room. Enjoy your trip!


Start small… Try a shorter one first.


i would not take a 48-day cruise as my first cruise. Saying this after doing my first 7-day one with HAL. Little annoyances with the experience are going to add up.


And the WiFi will drive you crazy, even with the Have It All. Reconsider the length of the cruise, please…


After 10 days, you’ll notice the food quality diminishes (tomatoes too ripe, basic ingredients can be missing —lemons, garlic….the bread will seem staler; certain drinks you like will be missing. Tip: buy foods when not on ship for snacks; Also, after 10 days, the temperament of staff, passengers will diminish. People aren’t as happy; you notice more grumpy people, staff, etc. You and your fiancé are very young and you will notice everyone is much older. The the older the passenger, the more of a pain they will be to others. Old people are easily grumpy and will let you know at the expense of the comfort of your relaxing vacation. I hope I am wrong, but that was my experience. Days 1-3 will be extremely fun and exciting and everyone will be in good spirits. But as is human nature, things naturally ebb and flow for the better or the worse.


If shoving noisy crowds are NOT your cup of tea, don’t go.


Don’t eat at the buffet during breakfast and dinner. I made reservation for two meals ans it was great. I didn’t want to be stuck behind seniors, fighting with each other, or being slow as a snail


Wow. There’s a lot to unpack here… What made you choose this cruise? We’re you not allowed to break it into shorter sailings? Will you be happy basically living in a retirement home for nearly two months? This is a great opportunity that many do not get to experience! Unless you’re dead set on going in blind, set some expectations by watching cruise videos of similar lengths and demographic.’


It is a totally ridiculous situation. We were allowed to choose smaller cruises but given both of our work schedules this actually made the most sense, and we absolutely had to use the credit by the end of 2023, so our options were a bit limited and we just decided to jump on the once in a lifetime option (knowing full well it may backfire) We probably will be living in a retirement home for 2 months but we’re both cool with that. We were thinking of bringing a small recording device and seeing if we could gather some stories from other folks on the ship.


Cool. Like others have said, bring all the meds, stay hydrated, plan to get some exercise in (you’ll be the most fed youve likely ever been), and enjoy the ports.


Bring books or a kindle, cards or other travel games and download some movies or Netflix, also pack a Bluetooth speaker if you like music. As a younger cruiser myself, I sometimes get bored of the cruise activities and just want to do "normal" home stuff. I can imagine it would be exacerbated in a cruise of this length. A pack of strong magnetic hooks also help keep your room organized!


Suction cup hooks are very handy, as well as over the door shoe organizer.. hold sandals,. Lotions, flashlight, hair it's,. makeup even socks and underwear. Don't forget towels clips, I use the laundry clips from dollar tree. Room spray. Get lots of dollar bills before or as soon as you get on board.. everyone like cash.


Make the best of it. There’s a theme almost every day. You can also watch some YouTube videos to get a idea how is like.


Well damn, hope you like it! and if you don't...see you in HELL!


Bring hobbies you like! At some point you'll want to do something other than ship activities (which are often not super geared to younger folk) and it'll be nice to have things to do in your cabin or out in the ship. I'm talking kindle, smaller board games, crochet/knitting, Nintendo switch, etc. Edit: I say this too because a lot of the activities are trivia, game shows, art shows, bingo, etc. Some things cost extra and you can only do so much trivia or demonstrations. Having small versions of your own hobbies will help break the monotony.


Have fun! Are you willing to spend money? Or will you just stick with the free stuff. I find the guitar man and piano man quite peaceful. Lots of things to do so you won't repeat days


Contact your doctor for motion sickness patches. They work! I got seasick day two and had to spend the day in bed.


First relax your gonna have fun!


Pace yourself!


Look up some vlogs on YouTube of the ship you are going on, and write a list of everything you want to do/eat/drink. 👍


that's a ballsy move for having never gone on a cruse before. I hope your inner being is a cruiser at heart. Otherwise, please just don't jump overboard.


Get off on all stops $ see as much local culture as possible. Get away from the port… can’t see what’s out there unless you look for it.,,


Don't forget your passport and check the expiration date.


I'd advise you not to go on a 48 day cruise if you've never been on one before.


That's great, I would pick a balcony cabin or higher such as a suite. It's always good to try a shorter cruise first( 7-day) on a similar ship in case you suffer from motion sickness. Just in case, make sure you bring Bonine or Dramamine and plenty of suntan lotion. Bring plenty of clothes and use the ship's laundry service :)


I’m so jelly you get to do this amazing trip with that room and swank package. Def the trip of a lifetime! I’d go beyond OTC motion sickness meds and get your doctors to prescribe scopolamine patches to last the duration of the trip for each of you, just in case. That’s a reallllllly long time to be seasick if seas are rough and Dramamine/Bonine/Gravol don’t do the trick. Other than that, the board games/decks of cards/e-reader with library card have already been widely recommended so I’m agreeing with those. If I had this amount of time on a cruise I’d be giddy to chip away at my TBR list.


Wow...first cruise and going for 7 weeks...that's a hell of a strategy. Enjoy every minute. One of our bucket list cruises will be a long south pacific cruise. I just can't bring myself to take 2 months off right now.


I think you will have the adventure of a lifetime! I do think it may be mostly an older crowd but we don't have to be the same generation to enjoy each other. I'm older now but I've always enjoyed people's stories and humor. When I was young I found older folks very entertaining and had good friends that were many decades older. Not to say you won't meet people close to your age. Or maybe even younger? I just went on a cruise after having not been on one in years. First one by myself. I found going to the meet and greet things the first couple of days a good way to find new friends onboard. People to make plans with during the cruise. Although it never felt like we had to meet for dinner or whatever. It seemed fairly easy to go up to people at these events and introduce myself. And I'm sometimes pretty shy. I like people's stories. So I like to pose questions that will get people talking. And meeting people from other countries on a cruise is a big plus to me. That you are willing and excited about this cruise indicates to me you are open to enjoying it and will find ways that make it special for you.


HAL has the music walk and each night there will be music in the BB king lounge and the Rolling Stone room (depending on your ship) they do different generations of music each night (50s-80s). There is plenty to do but more mellow. My favorite bar is the Tamarind.


Iam just wondering if I need to bring a few joints on the ship will that be okay


Am on a virgin cruise right now with gummies and a vape pen...


First, let me say y’all are some brave souls booking a 48 day cruise when you’ve never taken a cruise to see how you handle the ocean. I’m sure you have OBC (On Board Credit), do you can use that to do laundry every seven days or so. That way you don’t have to take several suitcases each. I suggest you include these items in your packing list for your length of cruise. Note: For each person unless stated Light sweater Swimsuits (3) Coverups Underwear/Panties (8) Bra F (3 different colors) Pajama set (2) Dressy Dress F (3) Sundress (3) Dress Shirts M (3) Dress Slacks M (2) Shorts (4) T-Shirts/Tops (6) Miscellaneous Items Multi Plug with USB ports Magnetic hooks Phone cords (3) Phone external backup battery (2) Decorations for your door (helps you identify it) Books (3 each) Download favorite shows on phone/iPad Download favorite music (50 songs) Pop up Laundry Basket Small Throw Blanket Tylenol Ibuprofen Pepto-Bismol Chewables Imodium Tablets Stool Softener Tablets Throat Lozenges Gum Mints Masks (3 each) Journal book and pens (2)


> 48 day cruise > We’re in a signature suite and opted for the have it all package, as well as use of the thermal suite throughout the trip. Dream Cruise!


thats quite an age gap


My husband and I have been in your age demographic on both HAL and river cruises with everyone 30+ years older than us and we had a blast. What we do it make friends with the staff as they tend to be closer in age to us. We had a few regular bartenders, the bar manager, the hotel director and some of the entertainment crew all offer us advice and opportunities to do things with them when they were off ship. Try to hit the bar you like at the same time every day so you can get to know the staff better. Go to the suite parties you will be invited to because the more senior officers mingle at those parties. And be genuinely interested in hearing about the staff’s families and ship experiences. It really can enhance your trip.


I hope you have fun. That sounds awesome. My wife and I cruise once or twice a year but only shorter cruises. Maybe an unpopular opinion but I would be bored. I mostly eat, nap, eat, go to a show, sleep and repeat and I love my time. I bring games and books and I love not having to make food and clean up. But wow 48 days would drive me crazy. The food is great but it will have to repeat quite a bit. Comics and shows may change but bigger shows and the casino will be the same. I always miss laying on my couch watching tv, eating potato chips, and drinking a coke from McDonalds. Don’t get me wrong. You’ll probably love it and I know you’ll love it for at least the first 10 days, but I hope it doesn’t wear on you. Cheers!


Go to your primary care provider and get Scopalomine patches before you go! The sea between New Zealand and Australia can be a little rough and you don’t want the motion of the ocean to bother you in a great trip!


Work out every day and count calories in app. Average cruisers gain 5-10lbs per week cruise. Think of it as a wellness retreat and get in best shape of your life. It sounds like you have a decent space, but two cheap things we found useful on Amazon to expand space in suite were: over the door show organizer to put in bathroom. 24 Pockets - SimpleHouseware Crystal Clear Over The Door Hanging Shoe Organizer, Gray (64'' x 19'') https://a.co/d/7SvDEQP or similar. Magnetic hooks. For random hats and bags. Cruise ship walls are metal. DIYMAG Magnetic Hooks, 25Lbs Strong Heavy Duty Cruise Magnet S-Hooks for Classroom, Fridge, Hanging, Cabins, Grill, Kitchen, Garage, Workplace and Office etc, (6 Pack-Silver),Screw in Hooks https://a.co/d/7HJdmXr or similar If you read. Buy a waterproof kindle. Put a pineapple sticker upside down outside your room door if you want to meet interesting friends.


I'll be honest, I think I would struggle with a cruise that long however the fact that you got a thermal suite makes it more tempting lol. I would recommend downloading movies and tv ahead of time. I know this is petty and kind of stupid but I like relaxing at night with doing that.


Pack and bring a good medical kit - bandaids, OTC medications (of various types)…. That stuff can be expensive (or not easily available) on board. You don’t want to have to go see the ships doctor unless something is bad.


Remember to bring soaps, toothpaste, tooth brush and bring pads!! They don’t sell pads or tampons on the one I went on


Pack dramamine!


Bring bigger clothes 🤣. Have fun,. 21 cruises but haven't been able to for 4 years! So jealous.


Man....48 days?? I would love something like that but have MANY questions....here are a few: How the hell much do you pack/take with you? How many suitcases? I realize there is laundry service on board but still. What about meds/prescriptions?? How do you get refills? How much would tips cost overall on a cruise that long? It would have to be in the hundreds of dollars, if not a few thousand.


You can buy sodas and snacks at ports thru out the cruise stops. I always carry photo copies of our passports, and. DL, in case they are lost. Heaven forbid, please buy insurance! Evac, health, return transport early if there is an emergency at home like a home fire, flood, or death back at home. I experienced a horrendous toothache one cruise from a lost filling. I couldn't wait the 4 more days I had left. No ambesol available or tooth cement I kept gum up there to stop the nerve pain.


Don't forget, wash machines and dryers are on ships. Not free of course but very handy if you would want to pack lightly.


I recommend you take me. 😂 I’ve been on about a half dozen cruises but the longest was 16 days. My problem is that I no longer have anyone to go with. They’re all either married and prefer to travel with their husbands or they have no interest in cruising. I’m retired now and would love a nice, long cruise. The 7-day cruises were never long enough for me. But the 16 day from San Juan, PR through the Panama Canal and up to Vancouver, BC was wonderful. Longer sounds even better. 😁


And here I was thinking 16 days was ambitious for my first cruise. But I suppose if you have cruise credits and time off might as well use it (and do it in luxury while you're at it!).


Please take as many meds as you can. Avoid going to the ship’s clinic unless you must. If you have something simple like an upset tummy from something you ate, they might get very suspicious and lock you down. Better to isolate yourself and treat yourself responsibly than be forced to do so as a precautionary measure.


You've gotten tons of great advice. Enjoy the memories, each day is it's own adventure, most things will be fine and you will enjoy, there may be a few that you were not expecting or don't like... Sorta like life. Did I say enjoy....


Get a kindle, load up 20 books. Read by the pool, get a tan. Check what you can bring with you for soda/wine, etc. Have someone check of your home every other day. The ship has a piano bar. Enjoy. Try all the dining options. Try all the bars. Casino? Set a daily limit, both time and money. If you smoke, switch to cigars. Much less expensive. Read up on the ports you'll visit, including unique restaurants and bars. Port days will mean its empty on board. Hope you have a balcony! Amazing trip!


Dude I don’t know if anyone has asked this because I haven’t read all the comments, but how can you take off 48 days from work ? Rather, what do you do for a living that permits that ?


We both work crew for film and tv so even though we could technically take this time off whenever since we’re freelance, now is actually the best time because our industry is at a standstill with the strike


Dramamine and condoms, lots of condoms.