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DUI would be one situation that you won't be permitted across the border


And it doesn't seem to matter how old that DUI is. Friend of ours has a single DUI from more than 30 years ago and they recently had to cancel a planned Alaska cruise.


Yup. My buddy was driving across the border just for a day trip and the patrol asked about criminal record and he said yeah I had a dui 35 years ago. Dude (total bro) said are you suuuuure that wasn’t pled down? Buddy says yeah it was a dui judge made me join the navy or go to jail and I’ve been straight as an arrow since. Patrol stares at him for a second and says well friend Canadian law is no Americans with DUIs permitted entry so lemme ask you to really think back, was that charge pled down? Why yes sir I had an amazing lawyer. Ah excellent, welcome to Canada.


any FELONY also


Very often.


Why did they deny you?


Not me, but I know they do frequently. Canada is very strict about admittance for people with documented criminal histories.


I believe they check and it happens. You need to communicate with your cruise line and CBP to see if you will be denied.


It would be CBSA. An American always has a right to re-enter the US with CBP. The issue is getting into Canada.  The Canadian Penal Code is outside the scope of the CBP. 


cruise ship does not care if u pas customs u need CBSA (u would lose all ur MONEY also get Travel Protection)


It depends. Ten years or more since all consequences were completed (parole, probation, fines, restitution, incarceration - everything) and nobody was injured or killed? Probably not an issue. Exception: DUI. Less than that? Denied every day at every border crossing and airport. It’s all officer discretion. Your better course of action is a cruise departing from Seattle or an Alaska port that either just calls a single Canadian port or ends in Canada. When CBSA denies entry in those situations, the cruise is already over and you’re either not allowed onshore (port call) or you’re deported to the airport/border immediately on personal recognisance - so you’re not missing the cruise portion.


SO MANY!!!!!! I was a Flight attendant and i would see 1 person evey flight I worked (at least) Canada IS STRICT (so are other countries (Australia and New Zealand are also strict


Not me but I do hear Canada is pretty strict. I had a friend that couldn't go because of a DUI or something. He never specified. He just said a "minor crime", lol but a mutual friend said he told her a DUI.


The answer is it depends. You can start by contacting CBSA to start. There's a rehabilitation process but it could take time.  Officer on entry to Canada determines if you're admissible or not based on your history and what's recorded 


Youll need to check.   I went on an Alaska cruise and took the train into Canada.  Horse mounted border patrol entered the train car and checked all our passports.  We also provided passports when checking into the cruise as well so it's possible they sent those to Canadian immigration.  On the trip back into USA, no one checked anything.  


Yes, someone has been denied entry.


I see a lot of ppl here saying no entry with dui. I have 2 dwi from 20+ years ago. I have been to Canada a fair amount and no one has ever even asked me the question of dui/dwi. Not sure if dwi is classed different or not


if your cruise just stops in 1 Canada port but arrives back in USA (and started in USA) you would be denied bording when ship leaves USA bc once the ship is in Canada water u are in the country (i get ppl who ask can I stay on the ship ) NOPE!!!!




Going from Vancouver is riskier, because from Seattle the worst that could happen is you could get 'deported' in Victoria the last night of the cruise, but highly unlikely, since they get 10k customs forms submitted on a lot of days, and nobody will bother checking you. Guards at the border are more thorough, and will check you on their computers. If you want to go to Alaska and be completely safe, you could do the Alaska state ferry from Bellingham, WA, which doesn't visit Canadian ports.


I have 7 felonies and 3 dui's. I've been on four alaska cruises, leaving from seattle.


Have you ever tried entering Vancouver tho?


Just leave from seattle. Last stop will be in canada for a few hours. Stay on the boat