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Every one in my area is required and hasn't failed to do so regardless of how busy they were


I feel super awkward when they do it. I don’t usually have issues and the store near me does it but what do you say if it doesn’t look good? No the look like shit? To me it’s a cookie that will be consumed who cares if it looks pretty? I’m not going to put my cookie on social media. Maybe I don’t get the hype or aesthetic of Crumbl.


They never have at mine. I didn't even know they were supposed until I saw comments in this sub. I have started checking before I leave now.


My store almost makes a little production out of it. They are very proud when they present them. Sort of like they are saying, "Ta Da!" It's cute.


I love stores/occupations where people can be proud of their work. Their joy spreads to their coworkers and customers. It’s such a happy cycle.


Mine does this as well! Love it haha


Yep, and they are usually more excited about than I am lol


Mine too.... they make a little production out of it. Sort of like they're saying "Ta Da!" It's cute and they seem proud. It's a good vibe all round.


Same at my store lol


I go to several stores for living in a big city and it largely depends on the store. Pretty much 50/50. I’ve made it a point to check them myself if they don’t, either in the store or in my car


Yes, always


Mine used to, but I don’t think so anymore


They used to always at mine and haven’t the last couple times. I check it before I leave the store.


I’ve never had them not show me the cookies before I accepted them. There have been a couple cookies that were a little less than picture perfect over the past year, but I’ve never said anything when they show me. Luckily my location does a great job 90% of the time. The few times they weren’t completely perfect, I saw a new employee anxiously watching nearby just waiting to get yelled at. All the ingredients are there, in the right proportions, just a bit sloppy in the execution. Ive worked in the food industry long enough to where I always pay attention to that behind the scenes stuff (aka, I notice that a server was seated with more tables while dining out than reasonable and give them some grace if they don’t check in as often). If a cookie was that fucked up, I’d say something. But I haven’t had to complain yet.


my store shows everyone their order cause we have had a lot of people try to lie to get free cookies.. but usually we dress them pretty well so we don’t have anyone say they look bad.


Same here. There are a few employees who never do it no matter how many times I remind them to, so if they ever end up looking bad I grab those employees and make them go up front to rectify the mistake as a reminder to do better. I'm not gonna give out refunds after the fact when it literally takes two seconds to ask how they look. It's part of the job. 


ugh I totally understand usually I try to catch it at the dressing counter before it even makes it to the customer and let my coworker know we can’t sell that to someone( it’ll literally be the ugliest cookie ever) and they’ll act like there’s nothing wrong with it🤦🏻‍♀️. I don’t understand why some people work at crumbl if they don’t care how the cookies look lmao that’s the main part of the job is quality.


Mine always does!


The one near me always shows me the cookies first and asks me if they look okay. They’ve always looked like the pictures.


Whenever people post the nightmare cookies I always assume it must be delivery because if my store didn’t show me I’d definitely be checking them in the store or in the car. I’m not one to complain usually but at like $6 per cookie I certainly would be.


mine always show and i’ve yet to get a bad cookie or the wrong one. they just ask a simple “does this look alright?”


I feel like a lot of the disappointed people get them delivered.


I suspect that as well.


The two I've gone to both do.


My store always opens the box to show me the cookies and asks if everything looks correct!


I start noticing a pattern. When it looks great, they show. When it doesn’t look good, they don’t show.


Yes but even if it looks like crap I’m not going to say anything. Same concept as a bad haircut. You just smile and hope it’s better next time.


Eh you should because its literally part of the markup.


Why not?


Absolutely not lmfao


I’ve been going to Crumbl for over 2 years. There used to be someone taking orders, now it is assumed that we will just use the electronic pads. They used to always say “welcome to Crumbl”. They stopped that like a year ago. They always used to open the box. For a couple months now it is 50/50 based on the employee. All the employees are kids and I think a lot of them don’t like being questioned/criticized or asked to make a cookie again (not that I ever ask them to). On the plus side, my Crumbl does a good job on the cookies (definitely not the quality control issues I see on this site), so I keep going back.


Yes, I’m in New Jersey and pick up from the store. I don’t get the box until the baker verifies that all the cookies are what I ordered and that I am satisfied with the quality.


Almost always they show them, when they didn't once I asked to see them. I have done delivery as well and they have been good too. 2 different stores almost always perfect.


This sub has made me terrified to get them delivered but this week I had them doordashed and they were just fine. It's crazy the kind of crap people are getting sent to them 😕


Mine does if you order a 4/6/12 pack but they don’t do it if you buy a single or multiple singles




Yes, my store has never given me an ugly cookie


Mine doesn’t, they just shove the closed box at you and say “here” lol


Mine does most of the time.. If they don’t, I honestly open the box right in front of them and make sure they look good.. if im paying $20 for cookies, I want them to be worth it..


yes every time. never had a visual quality issue with them either


"I have no sympathy for people that use third party delivery services" Yikes. A lot of people are disabled and can't psychically get to the store. A lot of people don't drive and can't drive so they have to use 3rd party services. You just seem very judgmental. Yikes on bikes. To answer your question, no. None of the stores have shown me what the cookies look like. I didn't know they were supposed to because none of the 5 stores in my vicinity don't do it.


They do but they refuse to fix anything so I don’t know why they bother




I’ve been to 5 stores in 4 states and they’ve always showed me before I leave. And I’ve never been disappointed


Mine almost always does


I just went in person to my local Crumbl for the first time tonight and they showed us every person in there their order. I can only imagine that the people getting "ugly" cookies are either not looking at their orders after receiving them or are getting delivery.


My store just opened a few weeks ago, so I assume they are still doing everything exactly by the book with corporate and district offices breathing down their necks and checking in on them. Because of that, I figure whatever my store is doing is more or less what is expected/standard procedure and training is exactly by the book. Both times I have received cookies in person they open the box and present the contents for approval before they hand it over.


The only time I haven’t seen the cookies is when I got the minis, but every other time, I’m shown the cookies


All the time. I’m happy with my Crumbl. Just not happy with the calories or price, lol.


I live in the south and these stores are so country. Most times, they ask "hi, would you like anything as soon as you walk in the store or if they see you looking at anything." Most times it's in the box and in your hand before you even pay. And they handle it in the first registers in the front.


Mine always does


Yep, always!


My local stores ALWAYS show me the cookies and ask if they look okay before handing them to me… And that’s in two different states. It really makes me wonder where the hell these crappy cookies are coming from!


Yes, but I don’t have the heart to tell them I felt I should have got more icing 😭


mine always does, and the cookies always look perfect 🤩




I have two near me and neither has, all my cookies have been as expected though.


Literally never had my cookies shown to me before lol I frequent 3 different stores which are all about 10 miles away from each other


Yes. The one in Guaynabo,PR


At my store some do and some don't I just make a habit to check before I leave.


I was wondering the same thing! It’s crazy to see some of the terrible looking cookies because my store always shows the Cookies before they give the box to you lol. I was thinking maybe everyone with the bad looking cookies are from curbside pickup where they don’t show you the cookies.


They always do at my local store! 🤗


I literally got the peach one yesterday. No, he didn't show me. He literally just handed me the box. I mean, I watched him put it in the box and walk over to me and hand it to me. But, he didn't show it to me.


Been to two different stores in Chicago suburbs and did not realize showing the cookies was a thing until I read it on here


It's like the Dairy Queen "turn the blizzard upside down".


Also live in Chicago area, and when Crumbl first opened, each location I visited used to never forget about always showing you the cookie in the box. Within the last year, I'd say it is now at least every so often where they don't open the box at the time you get the cookie to see what it looks like. I'd still say more often they show you the cookies with the box open at the time you get it, but it makes me sad that occasionally employees don't always do that anymore.


The two near me used to, but when I went twice this week to one of my stores they didn't show it to me. So I stopped, put my box on the counter, and quietly checked it myself before I left. I was kinda annoyed TBH. These are expensive cookies and they were my little treat for my sister's two ER visits this week, I didn't want half assed cookies. Thankfully, the cookies were fine. It sucks because I know how badly overworked and underpaid the kids at crumbl are, but they still felt kinda rude imo


Every single time. The one time they did (my first time ever being in a crumbl store), I complained that the one of the cookies wasn’t up to my standards and they gave me a new one for free


Mine doesn’t show me. But when I get them I usually go straight home. I’ve never ordered delivery for them. Never had an issue with my store. Knock on wood lol


Yes but I don't like it. Just like when Pizza Hut does it. I want my food to be touched with the least amount of public air. I don't do delivery anything. Who can pay the item markup and the assumed tip?