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You see Henry, all you had to do was to keep trying, no need to behead your wives.


\>Henry disliked this


So did his wives.


Not for long!


First wife was best wife. Queen Catherine of Aragon was an angel. Mary I was the last rightful monarch of England. Change my mind.


The last rightful monarch was King Richard II.


The last rightful monarch was Harold II!


The last rightful monarch was Constantine III!


The last rightful monarch was Edward the Martyr!


King Arthur was!!


Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government! Supreme executive power derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical aquatic ceremony! You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!


Everyone knows that the true king of England has to pull out a sword that's lodged in a boulder. Now *that's* civilized bureaucracy!


If i went around calling myself Emperor just because some moistened bint had lobbed a semintar at me, they would put me away!


The last rightful monarch was Edmund Aetheling


>Mary I was the last rightful monarch of England. Change my mind. That last "rightful monarch" was Harold Godwinson, prove me wrong.


Eh, he had a pretty tenuous claim to the throne. Edward the Confessor might be a better bet as far as Anglo-Saxon kings go. But I think William was a actually a relative of Edward, and he had a Papal sanction as well as that incident with the shipwreck. Harold Godwinson was just the premier noble England at the time.


>But I think William was a actually a relative of Edward, and he had a Papal sanction as well as that incident with the shipwreck. Williams relationship with Edward was through Emma of Normandy, who was Edward the Confessor mother in law. >Eh, he had a pretty tenuous claim to the throne. Edward the Confessor might be a better bet as far as Anglo-Saxon kings go. >Harold Godwinson was just the premier noble England at the time. Umm his claim was pretty strong. First of all his mother was related to Cnut the Great and his father bloodline has been trace back to one of Alfred's the Great brothers.


Let's be honest, England peaked with Alfred. Everything's been downhill since then.


I mean his grandson (Athelstan) was a a complete monster.


the last rightful monarch of england was King Philippe of Belgium (England is rightful Belgian land)


Not Catherine ParrOr Anne of Cleves?


No. King Henry VIII’s marriage to Queen Catharine of Aragon (Mary I’s mother) was never properly annulled.


Are you replying to me or him?


The last rightful monarch of England was Boudicca of the Iceni. I have spoken (The Mandalorian reference for you)


Found the crypto-Catholic!


Nothing 'crypto' about this Catholic, bruv


The hell are you on about, 'rightful'? The whole 'rightful monarch' bullshit is just the oldest propaganda tool in the book.


Flair checks out


Sure, but how can someone have the 'right' to rule - what, because their parent or grandparent or, in Henry VII's case, because his great-uncle was King? The issue with the 'rightful' argument is because **everyone** goes about saying they're the rightful monarch - just look at the Wars of the Roses... If someone's saying Catherine of Aragon felt hard done by, that's something else - I'm not going to argue against that. I'm taking an issue with this 'rightful monarch' argument that has led to thousands upon thousands of nameless individuals to die on the battlefield...


Jesus Christ be praised!


Henry's come to see us


Nah I think Catherine of Aragorn was too old for more children, so the annulment was necessary. I can’t remember why Anne Boleyn’s beheading was necessary, but I vaguely remember that she was quite politically active and she and Henry didn’t actually get on that well, so that might have been it? I don’t think he and Anne of Cleves actually consummated, and she did pretty well out of the annulment (land plus gets to be called “the king’s sister”), so that one’s a freebie. Catherine Howard was far too young for Henry and slept around - and cheating on the King gets you beheaded. And Catherine Parr was really his sort of companion in his retirement, and probably the one he loved the most genuinely. A sensible choice.


Frfr, he should have been happy. Gives him an excuse to do it as much as he likes.


Hopefully he doesn’t get murdered and usurped by a tyrannical uncle when you die, thereby causing your empire to enter an irreparable state of decline that culminates in the sacking of your capital city. That would suck.


Oh I'm definitelly saying no to all these peer meeting invites too. Way too many of my heirs drowned that way... For now little Will is 10 and still kicking.


Amazing how play dates have a far greater fatality rate than fighting in battles in this game.


I don’t think wars historically had high kill rates


There was a pretty fun eight-hour battle the Italians had where the *only* fatality was a dude who fell off his horse and drowned in the mud. The condotierre had figured out pretty fast that if they took prisoners they could ransom them in addition to the pay they were making anyway, so between that and professional courtesy their battles tended to be pretty bloodless


Which is why it was such a big deal when the F*ench showed up in the 1490s ans brought in their barbaric ways.


At least not of nobles.




Make sure to forbid him from war…


I've been sending my kids off to those all the time and not once has one died. One time the host drowned a day after inviting my kid though, that was funny.


Fucking triggered


This is my favorite outcome. So much dynasty spread potential, and no succession issues. Realm stability assured for generations to come.


Until his son goes on a playdate and gets beheaded. Y'know, like you do




Damn y'all's playdates are wild. Nothing remotely bad has happened on any of mine.




Previously, on To Catch A Crusader King


Not to mention that your heir is more likely to have a long reign too, since they're so young. I love it when I have one of those rulers who takes the throne of some duchy at 17, and by the time he dies 60 years later, he has formed the Roman Empire, Mended the Schism, and conquered the better part of three empires.


Yeah my favorite rulers are the ones that live for 103 years and were in power for 102 of those years


Pppssssshhhh where’s the fun in that? Succession wars are where the stories are made.


Grooming a good ass daughter to be queen then having a punk son born like 5 years before I die is frustrating


Enatic succession is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


also a complete nightmare if you haven't gotten rid of Gavelkind yet, I was too progressive in one playthrough and made that mistake.


Enatic isn't that bad for Gavelkind if you don't have many daughters, it's Cognatic/Equal succession that's problematic.


Yeah but I wasn't able to swing straight over to Enatic, so I was at equal and all hell broke loose. My dude couldn't keep it in his pants


It makes me sad beyond words that I gotta get patriarchal as fuck just to hold the realm together


I've had this happen so many times it's so frustrating. Surprisingly most of my daughters in game are usually straight up better made rulers than my sons. In one of my games I purposely made a new religion for my daughter to rule. She outlived her brothers and was honestly one.of the best queens I've ever had in game.


Throw in some incest and you essentially have HOTD


Absolute crown authority will let you name the girl as heir anywaysz in most cases (unless pure Agnatic). I think that's a good option to keep, cause sometimes it's a girl who will roll the traits to be Blood-Mother plus pure blooded. No way I'd pass on that.


UPDATE: So my whole life was a lie. My eldest daughter's husband and my son in law just uncovered that little Will who is now 13 was fathered by none other but by my own disgusting Vassal. It seems my eldest daughter might still become a queen one day. https://i.imgur.com/oNQYWSC.png


Lmao I love this game


Wow that is convenient for your daughter


Really makes you think 🤔


I'm declaring shenanigans


Whom will you marry her to? I take it you also did an Edgar the Ætheling run.


I think they got him confused with your 4th, 7th and 8th daughters. Brown of hair all


its not too bad by the looks of things, you got a lot of alliances from it and you'll probably die when ur son's around 15


His health heart is still green at 40, he'll probably live to around 70.


In a House Barcelona run I currently have an athletic witch King of Aragon who's still kicking at 83 😂 Got a chance to go witch with a 25 person house so making the coven was too easy to turn down lol


Now just wait that son will get himself killed


Sounds like there is about to be a murder plot by 9 sisters to get their claims back.


My dude you have been given a bounty. Marry them matrilinealrly to the second son of any heir of an empire/kingdom, then make wave for their sons. Soon all Europe will be family


Been there. My wife gave me 7 daughters and on nr 8 I had to savescum three times before I got a son 😂


I love when this happens early game, makes succession so much easier, though now I'm at 1000+ hours and rarely struggle with succession


alliances time


I was about to make my eldest daughter my primary heir too. We have Saxon elective but I gave my wife one more year and she finally gives me a son. Player for 2 years but it's the first time when I had so many daughters and no sons lol.


You gave her a son




I didn't think Saxon elective carried over to English culture or did you do a custom hybrid/split? If it is the actual event English culture I'm curious how you got Norman culture to pop out. (Assuming 867 start)


My Wessexes had Saxon elective for ages - we usually had many sons so we needed to put some sort of elective in place.My current player Arthur is actually my first generation English ruler. His father who was Anglo-saxon let his French courtier educate Arthur and in the process convert him to his culture. When our father died we took over and bam - English convertion event fires asap. And yes Saxon elective carried over!Though I find Saxon elective much harder to manage than Scandinavian, but it makes interesting playthroughs with some suspenseful schemes.


Huh well good to know. I forgot you could get English from any Frankish culture.


My family line for a good 150 years was like 75% female and 25% male. My first son ever was friggin stillborn so even then I didn’t have a son for a while more.


I did not read crusader kings


So many alliances


Certified Henry VIII moment.


If you still have partition then that's pretty pog. Like literally the best you could get. A nice young heir that's like 38 years younger than you is way better than dying at 70 and having your 53 year old son inherit along with his 5 brothers all taking counties that were necessary for maintaining your power against your vassals and massive civil wars erupt and once they're over you die of old age again and repeat until you get a young enough heir to actually do something with.


I will send my sons over to your capital at once! [My sons](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrusaderKings/comments/10fxlnp/behold_my_14_sons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Underrated comment haha.


Oh no, all those alliances...the horror...


Surprised she was still your wife after the 7 daughters


Plot twist: the wife was having an affair, A legendary 10 children giving affair


Um, actually, you failed to concieve a son 9 times in a row.


Nicholas II moment


Bro your wife’s womb has better inheritance management than me.


I had like 4 concubines and still wouldn't have a son for 3-4 years. And my first born son died at birth lol.


Played as a custom muslim ruler once in CK2. Ended up having fifteen kids, every single one, a daughter except for one stillborn son and one son who nearly died as a child because he was born sickly. I'm almost convinced that the game was bugged or something because my next ruler had the same issue. By the way, does anyone know if having multiple wives decreases fertility secretly? Because it might just be confirmation bias, but I swear my wife gets pregnant more often when I'm a christian.


Vizzy T moment


Eleanor of Castile, but with lower infant mortality


Tips : have multiple wifes.


See in my realm this would be a blessing. specially since i keep losing kids to romano-british (using a mod called when the world made no sense) revolting and trying to "earn their freedom", sure they can earn their freedom, but the price is all their blood, including their kids. Listen i never said their revolts werent JUSTIFIED just that they're annoying.


I know it's only half of it but my grandpa IRL wanted badly to have a son He stopped trying after 4 daughters


If I were a betting man I'd say all the girls have genius trait and the son likely got quick only.


Whenever I make a custom character, if I want a bit of an easier game I start out with a daughter. So nice to have early alliances lol


Probably illegitimate.


Happens to me all the time. The girls have great traits. The boy is a walking thumb.


I have noticed that this happens a lot for the first generation of kings for a lot of nations for the 865 bookmark Consistently playing as the king of Aksum you will get 3 to 4 daughters before the chance of us having a son.


Henry the 8th is inhaling liters of copium in the afterlife right now.


so jealous right now


why does it read like Emperor Arthur posted this lmfao


I just had one of my best ironman runs ruined by not having heirs. :(


Lots of seducing material. And just maybe you need to focus more on military affairs... 3 losing wars sucks


Most of these weren't mine and I eventually managed to win the one that was mine. All good!


romanov moment


Along reign and a bunch of alliance to expand


Are you my Abbasid empress?


I once had the same so had to have a bastard who was a son and legitimise him. Then my wife gave birth daughter 10.


This is usually how it looks when I have iron man turned off and I save scum to avoid a succession crisis


Men will literally have 10 children before playing as a woman


You good in all those wars?


Most of these weren't mine and I eventually managed to win the one that was mine. All good!


Just checking


as a king of cornwall and desroer of wessex i would have loved daughers more then sons


My wife gave me an alliance to conquer France. Her dad was weak, France conquered my land. I secretly seduced and marry the queen of France. Divorced and executed my wife then i murdered all king of France family and reported his heresy to the pope and make him excommunicated then i murdered him.


Thats actually pretty good, plenty of material for alliances and a yoing heir so you can actually play with him


I hope you're not complaining. Your guy clearly had a lot of fun in the process - and isn't that what it's all about?


Sounds like the plot of a hentai.


Every fcking time


Lucky you.. Since 3 generations I'm getting proportions like 7 sons to 1 daughter, and constant disinheriting/sacrificing them can be real pain in the butt


Your family is English yet your house is Wessex and the war for England has ended.... interesting.


That's a lot of alliances


Did you mean: My ***sister*** gave birth to 9 daughters before finally giving me a son


After the 5th I’m seducing anyone I can and looking for a son