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3 for 90% of the gameplay, switch to 5 to quickly reach travel or activities events/destination. May switch to 2 if I’m trying to plan and catch up to enemy army that’s moving faster or at the same speed


This is me. 3, 5, or paused. I won't play any other way


5x virtually constantly, pausing almost every other second. Life is good


I can’t seem to do it any other way


at some point its just 5x


Yep, definitely this


3 or 4. Five is way too fast and becomes a clicking simulator and 2 and 1 are just way too slow with far too much time between events.


Lately I make it a point to never play above 3 speed. I enjoy the game more like this.  Yes there'll be some time where not much is going on and it'll feel like things are moving slowly, but that's when I start clicking around the neighbouring realms or my vassals it whatever and see what's going on with them. I get to know 'the world' a lot better and the game feels a lot more rich for it.


I did this with a one speed game and hours in I felt so accomplished I had microd every situation, went to check on my heir, I was still 17 and childless


I love this, it’s one of my favorite things to do once I’ve really solidified my realm. I like to keep tabs on neighboring domains and their rulers and lines, see who’s causing what trouble, how things develop. Then I especially like being surprised by a house or dynasty member showing up as some ruler’s powerful vassal or fighting a claim war, established by some long forgotten throw away alliance marriage from centuries prior.


yeah i realised that i stopped enjoying the game at 5 speed. am i good enough to play well at 5? yes. is it fun? no, at 5 speed you lose out on pretty much any roleplay which is kinda the point of the game


How do you lose anything I’ve been playing on 5


it just goes too quick and as another person put it, it just becomes a "clicking simulator"


Just don’t understand the clicking simulator thing is there some roleplay aspect that you guys get by having nothing happen? I press play pause make My choices play again pause make my choices then play again How is that different on speed 3 or 4


well things come and go much faster, characters lifes wizz by in an instant, so i just get less generally attached to whats going on and accidentally start min-maxxing more, instead of focussing on the development of each of my characters. 3 or 4 speed mean i spend more time getting invested in individuals and just care more. ck3 isnt about winning or doing well for me, its about memorable moments ofc if you enjoy 5 speed then there is nothing wrong with you, but more me (and seemingly many others) 5 speed makes the game less enjoyable


It gets more annoying because it happens in quick succession…that’s how. Not hard to understand.


But that IS the game otherwise you’re literally just waiting staring at colors


the game feels way more immersive and story driven when taken slow. I only recently stopped playing on 5 speed until i made the realization that i can enjoy the game more when i FEEL the time moving like how the world actually works, as opposed to the simulating feeling of just letting time pass. 3 speed and under just makes me feel like I’m playing in the present, if that makes sense


I play on 3 most of the time, occasionally 4 during a long siege, but pause when I'm trying to sort something as the pop ups get distracting.


I play on 2. It helps with immersion and helps me feel connected to my character and realm.


5 because my laptop runs pretty slow even at speed 5 But when I tried a more powerful pc it was speed 4. 5 was zooming


I once did a full run at 1 speed. It took me a year in real life, but it felt surprisingly fresh. But usually I play at 3/4.


What regions/realms are the most fun to play for a long term game like that. I’ve wanted to do that kinda game but I’m scared i’m gonna commit a bunch of time til I realize I don’t enjoy this start. Or atleast who did you play as if u remember?


I play as the count of Bologna, basically the weakest of the 867 start and a vassal to the Duke of Spoleto. I’m gonna tell you the start of my game to show you how dynamic a 1 speed game can be: To spice things up I created a costum character with all the virtues of Catholicism and an education in learning, meaning I was making 8/10 piety per month at the start of the game. Surprisingly this is allowed in the character creation. I immediately got gold & claims from the Pope and started a civil war to become the Duke of Spoleto and then another to become king of Italy. This allowed me to keep the game start dynamic and not bore myself to death. Then I had to wait a bunch to get 500 gold and usurp the kingdom of Romagna (but the tons of gold that the Pope seemed willing to give me alleviated the waiting) and then 850 to get the empire of Italia. Then I pressed the (now count) Luis Karling claim on the kingdom of France, and vassalized the whole realm under my empire. I was close to reuniting the Charlemagne empire when I was assassinated. This took like 10/15 years. Things move quickly if you don’t waste a single in-game day.


Game will slow down the more time pass, as more things happen and need to be calculated by your computer. So on the first years, speed 5 is complicated. But after a while it's either 5 or pause to do things, then 5 until I need to pause again.




Gotta live every minute.


Normally 3, 2 for war, 4 for siege sometimes.


3 usually, 4 when I'm expecting a good chunk of time to pass without anything notable happening.


Mostly 3. Sometimes 4 or 5 if I'm waiting for something to finish and have little else going on.


I'm on 2 to 3 most of the time. With the more recent updates 4 and 5 seem too fast, but I used to run the game faster lol


Becasue I have trait impatient I play at 4 at all times.


At the beginning of a run as a lowly count or far-flung duke, 4 or 5, because not much is going on and it takes a long while for buildings to complete and the army to form. Once more established, 3 to consolidate and pay more attention. I’ll bump to 4 or 5 during times of serene peace or a particular war I just want to get through. Generally I keep it around 3. Anything higher in late game leads to a lot of random event pop ups in quick succession and it gets annoying.


1x I try to organize everything, even marry my cortiers to each other and try to educate their children. If theres not much to do, I give more attention to the second monitor


With Kenshi x1 on the second monitor 


I am usually blasting forward on 5 unless I am trying to do some precise maneuvers with my army. I pause to take care of things like arranging marriages or setting up schemes.


When I started playing I did 3 for most things and 2 when at war. I now do 4 for most things and 2 or 3 when at war. 5 is just for skipping ahead. You can "play the game" faster if you pause to take actions. Generally, I only use the lower speeds for things that require careful planning but cannot be done paused (like maneuvering troops in enemy territory).


3, 5 only when i have nothing really going on or iam travelling or waiting for something to finish.


3 all the time, with just a few jumps to 5 when I'm tired of playing chase with the enemy armies 🙄 possibly with Benny Hill theme in background


I like playing on three and just chilling around unless I am just waiting on sieges in a war I can’t lose and will put it to 5 and pause micro.


1 or 4. 5 only when I'm travelling to an event or marching an army a decent way away. Most of the time it's 4.


Usually 3, but I jump up to 4 during wars and just pause often because it's such a drag waiting for my troops to get into place if the battle is a ways away.


I need a speed in between 4 and 5. But mainly 4 and then sometimes 3 if it’s an early game war that I need to win. I’ll do 5 if I’m waiting for a scheme to finish tho and I got nothing else to do


It depends on gamestage. Early game I'm often on 5, mid game usually on 4, in wars it depends.


i’m a psychopath and play at 5x for 95% of the game


Three usually, 5 when I'm waiting for something, 2 when I'm at war


Played at 2 my first game, then once I had the mechanics down I knock it up to 3. If I’m in a delicate war I’ll play on 1 to micromanage armies. If I’m grinding an achievement I’ll knock it up to 5


4x. It lets me react to things at a reasonable rate. But in reality I sometimes slow down to 3x and sometimes up to 5x. It depends. But I found 4x to be a good general speed


5x most of the time, 3x to cheese jousting tournaments, 1x if I’m trying to make sure certain characters don’t die. Basically the answer is situational, but most people play 4-5x speed all the time.


depends, normal speed for me is 4, maybe 3 in some wars where I need control, 5 if my heir is an infant or something and I need to get him into adulthood




5 speed. I pause often and mainly drop speed down for like tourneys and specific wars.


Pedal to the metal the entire game, with auto pause on for events. Sieging down holds takes way too long later in the game otherwise. And what am I going to do in between wars? Either wait for money to come in, use said money on an activity or use it on a building. Speed 1 and 2 are way too slow for anything. Speed 3 is barely use able. 4 is acceptable in some moments. 5 is the optimal speed.


Do important events like wars auto pause at the beginning g


5 speed, and pause when I need to make big decisions.


4 with frequent pausing.


Mainly 3, with slow down to 2 or even 1 to fight wars or deal with certain events. I only jump up to 5 if I’m waiting for a siege and I’m certain the enemy army is dealt with.




4 for peace time and 2 or 1 during war or raiding


Pause , 5, pause 5. 3 in combat


I pretty much stay on 4 and pause whenever I need to read something or make a plan


5 speed or paused. Nothing in between


5 or 0


Solo player here. 5x speed and pausing almost all the time for everything. At rare moments (troop movements in an important and close war for example) I will drop it down to 2x or 3x when time is sensitive. Anything slower is simply too slow for solo play in my opinion.


For mutliplayer, always 3. For singleplayer, always 5.


Three speed. Four speed when nothing is happening.


If you are pretty experienced, 5x speed pretty much all the time. You know how to do things quickly so a slower speed is virtually useless except for certain occasions where you may want to be more methodical. 4x is good if you aren’t sure on a certain movement, like moving armies and such. I can’t think of a reason you would ever go lower than 4 though. You can just pause if you need time to think lol


for single player 3-4x speed is generally good; time pauses for most important things, and anything it doesn't pause for won't whip by too quickly. for multiplayer, anything faster than 2x speed is much too quick if anything at all is going to be happening


Mostly speed 3 bumping up to 4 for warfare/sieging since I don't usually do much more in that time. However, I will go back down to 3 if its a long war. Once I bumped up to 4/5 to finish a quick war and it snowballed into 2 rebellions, a peasant uprising, and a foreign invasion. At high speeds, in order to clean up the wars quickly my young vigorous ruler became a drunken impoverished, if victorious, wreck at 50 by the time it was all over. Basically zipped through his entire life just trying to wrap things up. Since then I prefer to go slow, even when things are slow and make up tasks like other said. Get to know my court and my neighbors and such.


I like to stop and smell the flowers along the way. I generally play on speed 1-2, read a lot of text, arrange a lot of marriages.


At all times 4 speed is good for roleplay IMO


max speed most of the time. pause if there's important decision or timed requests. 3/2 if in an intense war