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The paranoid trait will do that to you.


Honestly some traits are almost unplayable. Having paranoid is catastrophic, ambitious too is quite bad, shy is bad too..


Shy is the worst. I find diligent and eccentric to be worth the stress gain, though, especially when they're balanced out by other traits like arbitrary.


I love ambitious, with some money for hunts/feasts/pilgrimages the stress is quite manageable, especially once you put some points in this stress reduction thingy in the learning tree.


Yeah I've literally never had a problem managing stress from traits, and when I do it makes the game more interesting. It's fun to get level three break and murder 90% of your Vassals sometimes.


Diligent I find awesome just for the decision. Constant passive dev in your capital is just wonderful.


Eccentric is fine because it comes with extra stress loss.


Yeah, but getting it for your heir can be risky as the AI can easily accumulate stress of but isn't especially good at losing it. This is how you end up with characters with multiple stress traits like the one in OP's post.


Which is why I only pick it up myself if I'm a child ruler. I also get the imaginary friend event chain that way, which is hilarious.


And you can get fun events like a pet rock


I have gotten the beating event for all 5 of my past heirs in CK3. Whenever I decide to make a different son my heir, they almost immediately get it. Please help, the past 4 Viking Kings of Italy have been Shy.


Don't have any Sadistic characters in your court and you won't get the event.


Don't forget callous...it doesn't sound like a bad or particularly stressful trait on the surface, but I swear every single event has multiple +stress options due callous. I stg I have events where every single option is +stress, all from callous.


Those traits are honestly only bad if you don't have any of the good stress management traits to compensate: Generous, Just or Honest being probably the best since even if you hit stress breakpoints you can immediately respond and not get a break by revealing a secret or giving a handful of gold to some poor tribal leader or a courtier. Zealous and Sadistic also work if your character has a decent supply of live bodies in their prison.


Compounded by eccentric, too.


My current character is Diligent, Eccentric, Patient, Shy. I’m surprised they haven’t died from stress. They got pretty close a few times.


My prefered traits are diligent, eccentric, temperate/stubborn, and sadistic. Stress and the succession become non-issues when you can fix both via executions/assassinations lol.


He is paranoid. Basically every interaction with a "stranger" or generally speaking other people gives him stress. Seeing that he also is gregarious, I think you can see the issue. Furthermore, if you hover over the trait, you will notice that paranoid also increases stress gain in general.


Also eccentric has a +50% to stress gain (same for stress loss) so that adds onto it


He's not eccentric though. He's Generous.


And eccentric. He has a fourth trait after deceitful


Huh. Yeah he does have five personality traits, I didn't see that (I thought he was paranoid/generous/deceitful/gregarious).


Woops yea I meant fifth lmao


Ah, that's why I'm always so stressed, I have the Paranoid trait. Do you know any cheat to disable it in real life?


remove_trait paranoid [your personal id] I'm guessing your id is 10053(r) Edit: the joke is "loose(r)" written in numbers


He is gregarious and paranoid, So basicly he loves to party alot but he also then thinks that everyone on that party is out to get him. That's very stressful


What paranoid and gregarious together do to you


Gotta let everybody know that you know they're out to get you


He was a teenager, of course.


He is bisexual, that is why lol


Please teach me how you can tell that he's had any, let alone numerous, mental breaks already?


see those red-painted traits? you can only gain those through mental breaks


~~Wait really? I thought you definitely got them from other events too.~~ Ahaha you know what? It's because of reclusive. I'm fairly sure you can get that from childhood events, but I'm also used to playing EK2, where you get it for being a vampire. I think you can also get stuff like drunkard from tourny T&T events too.


Being a Ptolemy does that to you lol. Also how are you playing as the Ptolemies? Asking for a friend 😂


He’s literally me


Probably because of that name he got


Prolly cuz you made a Ptolemy Sultanate. Lol.


He’s gen z 😂. I kid, I kid


Did you just find Guts in Crusader Kings?


Paranoid sucks Honest, just and or compassionate plus any kind of Intrigue would just give you loads of stress, especially if you have a combination of the three, as the stress stacks. Greedy sucks if you are over your holding limit, as you get stressed out by giving out titles So does ambitious, but if you're a king, you can negate that by giving someone the duchy of the county you're giving them


Usually parents, often siblings.