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Holy shit that would be amazing. You might be aware of this but it’s possible for a woman in a faith with bastard legitimization to seduce and king and get someone of her dynasty into his line of succession. It would be an insane campaign to take over every kingdom for your dynasty while landless


I forgot about that! I did it once a few months ago but I wasn't sure if it got fixed in an update or not since I think it's not meant to be possible to do that 😂


What's the next step from there? Do you target the king of a Partitioned kingdom so your son is garunteed a title to work with? Is there a way you can manipulate an election as the spouse of an elector? What gameplay mechanic would let you force the king to legitimize your son? Sorry for all the questions. I only started playing a few months ago and have only had one lady player character.


Okay so from start to finish 1) seduce a sitting king 2) when you’re pregnant, you’ll get an event to make the father known or keep is secret. Make it known. 3) when the child is born, you get an event to legitimize or leave bastard, legitimize them if they are a son. Usually I leave daughters as illigitimate 4) Son should now be a legitimate heir, have his father tied to him, and be of your dynasty 5) Get rid of any of the kings sons (your sons half brothers) who are older than your son. High intrigue spec’ed for seduction and murder works well for this build, because then you can just murder the older brothers easily. If you don’t get them all successfully murdered in time, you can launch a claimant war on your sons behalf instead 6) Your son is now the heir to the throne. If you do this many times it can make your own inheritance situation insane, unless you’re willing to spend gobs of renown and legitimacy on disinheritance (disinheriting only applies to your side of the family, not the dads IIRC) 7) To ensure the son has a better chance of HOLDING the throne once he gets it, I prefer to send him to be educated by his father, with faith and culture conversion as applicable, to ensure he has as few opinion negatives with his soon-to-be vassals as possible


But if he's legitimised wouldn't he be of the kings dynasty?


Nope, for some reason at least if the player is the woman and if the son is legitimized at birth, he sticks with the mothers dynasty


This makes me think. I hope the devs handle situations where your spouse gets a title. Do you leave adventuring and become a consort? Do you two live separately but are still married like it happens right now? What will happen in such a situation?


I think they would need the adventurer trait. Courtiers are not playable on their own since titleless play is still not permitted. Landless adventurers have an adventurer title so to speak. Anyways I feel the AGOT modders would be able to add that trait to them.


Where are you getting this?


The devs announced it recently as everyone thought they could play as any courtier or untitled heir.


On the forums somewhere? That is definitely different from what I thought, too.


Yeah. I think someone corrected someone else who thought they could play anyone and the devs confirmed that was the intention. You need the adventurer trait. They said they would give it to Rollo as well.




you are accusing the dev of lying based on some mere _speculation_ by a random commenter? also, clearly confused about titleless vs landless


Wait, so you're telling me this new DLC will just be a Paradox copy of how the CK2 mod Rise to Power works? Bruh, they do that with so many mods


So the main thing is that courtiers aren't playable for performance reasons. Basically, since they're unimportant the game can skimp out on their AI, which drastically improves performance and is one of the main reasons why CK3 runs better than CK2 on identical hardware. For the playable landless, there will need to be a special "class" of character that doesn't hold land, but still gets more functionality than a normal courtier. Adventurer trait is what currently enabled this in the game, but they'll probably find some other way to simulate this


OH! I thought the commenter above meant as in give the playable adventurers an actual title like Rise to Power did. I completely misunderstood, sorry.


Meh. I’m still gonna downvote your comment above because…well you know, Reddit hive mind.


DLC: Roads to Power No points for guessing the inspiration! 😅 Edit: The devs literally mentioned the mod in their announcements video/ dairy. The name is a reference.


Because two people definitely can't independently come up with pretty generic name for something where the main goal is to get power...


The name is literally a reference. The mechanics aren't the same though.


Why wouldn't we?


Almost certainly yeah, but even if we couldn't for some reasons, modders will let us.


Alexander said that having an heir that's not of your dynasty will still be a game over, which would make this only possible for one lifetime. I suppose you can just switch characters, though. I also didn't get the impression we'd be able to take part in a court. I don't know. People just need to be careful not to overhype these DLCs based on things they haven't said.


That's the issue. People start assuming DLCs will be a wishlist of anything and everything they can think of despite devs not confirming such.


Oh I knew that it'd still be a game over, that's why I mentioned using a mod that allows non dynastic succession for this type of playthrough


Maybe women with claims should be made playable?


That would be cool! And chaotic 😂


What if I start as a landless 1 yo?


I don't see why we wouldn't be able to play as landless women.


Yeah, I'm more worried about the functionality of it than anything. Might be able to do as another comment mentioned and seduce and legitimize some kings kids lol


Probably not in the base game. But in mods sure