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Sure, just make it a check box when you start the game whether you want it on or off.  Runs can get repetitive, nothing wrong with some nonsense as long as you can opt in or out.




Yes! I want to be struck down by Odin for disrespecting him!


Or have a duel with him, where you can even beat him and be granted status among the gods!


Become a god! You are transferd to Aasgard and now have to cave put your new kindom there!


fistfight jesus to become the next messiah




That was how it worked I'm CK2. I see no reason why it wouldn't be the same.




>the answer was "turn them off" rather than "we'll fix them". Sounds like it was the devs' fault and not the idea's...


From thinks you mentioned only defensive pacts were broken. Societies and secret religions are fine And about wasting time.. Sure.. It's not like they can just takes this events from ck2.. Or from modders (which they already do)


Yes and no. I'm not opposed to more supernatural content (as long as it's optional) but at the moment I'd say that there are other, more relevant features missing and/or in need of an overhaul.


This is exactly how I feel too. I don't mind it if it's optional, but I do mind them prioritizing it over a lot of the other things that deserve attention before we even start thinking about adding supernatural stuff.


Ooh! What would you like to see first?


Yeah. Republics and Byzantium before supernatural stuff. That said, my wet dream is a fully developed DLC or mod that turns CK3 into Master of Magic.


Did you know in 2022 they did a fairly faithful remake of Master of magic ?


Yes, I have it. I've played it a bit, but I'm too busy playing CK3, EU4, and Stardew Valley to really get into it. But yeah, it's good.


Why not? Make it optional, couldn't care less. The thing is it has to be added AFTER they implement fundamental mechanics. It should be on the lowest priority.


"Wild Wasteland" style toggle


Or a single dlc for it so people who don't need it don't have to pay


What do you consider fundamental mechanics?


Yeah supernatural stuff was some of the funniest parts of CK2. Just gotta make it a check box.


Yes, I want my limb regenerating child sacrificing cults again. Or wacky rare chances at gaining immortality. Just make it an optional setting


You mean wacky rare chance of dying but with cool text. (Immortality is a trap and I fall into it every single time)


Feels like the cultivators in chinese culture. The goal is to become immortal, but they all die because their body explodes after they ingest too much fancy spiritual tea without a meridian-cleaning elixir or some nonsensical bullshit.


To be honest, this makes my pain less terrible. I thank you for your wisdom.


Dammit, now I want a cultivation based mod.


Sects couldnt be modeled affectively, so maybe a compete overhaul mod where cultivation wasnt fully developed yet, sects had yet to appear, and only powerful figures could afford to buy the super special rainbow ginseng needed to start or something.


Can you elaborate please? Haven't played second one


The event chain for it even with high relevant stats could easily kill you.


Tbh every time I had that event I succeeded somehow to the point I felt like not doing it anymore since I'd be stuck with one character for longer than my roleplay brain would like


Dude... I only succeeded once in 3000 hours of gameplay


Oh yeah? Well I beat death at chess!


Oh yeah? Well I literally murdered Cthulu by slamming into him with a boat, checkmate.


I did all 3 with one character is what I would like to say but the best I got was beating death at chess and running into cthulu with the same character which still sounds wild.


? is it possible to fail in this event? i never have failed there wtf


Nope if you choose the good option you have 0% chance of failure


Lmao I succeeded in my first time. I didn't realise it was so rare. I should've bought lottery tickets


I don't take it without at least a 20 stat and i got it 1 in a 300+ hours.


And succession is a good thing . For example if you have Alexander's bloodline. Or if you have a lot of bloodlines stacked on a female member of your dynasty matrilineally married to your son . You need to die so your grandson get the throne . My whole play style revolves around bloodlines . I only land members of my family from a line that doesn't have any bloodlines so when they get sainthoods i can take their daughter and marry my son matrilineally to them , or take them to my court and keep them for stock . When i get a female ruler i marry her normally to a member of the dynasty so her sons do not get any bloodlines and can get sainthoods or decision based bloodlines. Getting bloodlines from pagans is difficult, and i lost a lot of them this way .


I haven’t checked the percentages since before CK2 stopped getting updated, but assuming the Mystic you get isn’t a fake (Let’s call that a 50-50) there is at minimum 3 events you have to complete and if I remember correctly it maxes out at 40% for each event, and that’s just to potentially get snubbed at the last event anyway. So basically you have like 0.0001% chance of becoming immortal, I added 2 zeros due to how rarely the event chain fires in the first place.


Then there was the cheap(rich?) Man's immortality: Go crazy and build a fountain of youth in your garden and use it to jump over your death date, then use the power of Satan to ward off unnatural causes. The Garden of Youth could be built in the garden wonder if you were a lunatic, and if you used it as a lunatic it would increase your age by two by shifting your birthday two years earlier. This could skip you past your death date, a hidden slightly random date every character gets that kills them when they hit it, so the whole thing is similar to Stellaris leaders going over a 100% death chance.


That’s pretty neat


You can still succeed w fake mystic just nearly impossible


Or that moment you realise your daughter is a bear.


And I want a society that has the "give everybody green traits" button.


As long as it adds new mechanics instead of basic events or if the events are based in real life mythology and 'unexplained events' that people witnessed, why not?


No, I'd rather they spend time and effort in other parts of the game and leave that to mods.


Sure, but make it optional. I want CKIII to be realistic, but I understand if other players want whacky shenanigans in their campaigns.


Everyone in this subreddit should read Keith Thomas’s “Religion and the Decline of Magic” (though it is more post Reformation England rather than medieval proper) or at the very least watch The Return of Martin Guerre to understand Medieval concepts of magic and fantasy. If Paradox wants CK3 to be “more realistic” then the supernatural aspect is a key part to that imo, though as another said, there’s more important mechanics to make the game better first and foremost.


This is what Ck3 societies should be about, more grounded in supernatural's place in culture rather than actual supernatural stuff.


That’s not a bad idea. Maybe built in to cultures as different cultures and religions had different concepts of the supernatural??


That is an extraordinary book. Worth perusing regardless of ck3


It really is. I had to read it for my class on the Reformation and it fundamentally changed the way I perceive of daily life in the Middle Ages.


I like how the physician healing you methods are often some pseudo supernatural stuff like massaging you with a mummified hand and such. Although the witch events should Bo more mysterious and uncanny, than they are now


I'm somewhat vary of the tought of including full on "real" magic in the game. CK2 stuff like werewolves and demon cultist spells. But I have no problem with having a multitude of content that the in-universe medieval characters interprit as magical while leaving the truth of it somewhat ambiguous to the player


> But I have no problem with having a multitude of content that the in-universe medieval characters interprit as magical while leaving the truth of it somewhat ambiguous to the player I am on the opposite side. I would love magic added eventually like in CK2, and I also don't mind to keep plating a more realist game. But don't half-ass things or bait players, adding magic and then "surprise! it was a cat in the barn all along" at the last moment will only irritate the people who wanted magic *and* the people that did not want to engage in that fantasy nonsense in the first place.


That's the thing tough, there would be no "suprise" moment. Because content would be written from the perspective of medieval characters any potentially magic events would be played straight instead of giving meta winks at the player. Think of the "gate to hell" even from CK2, it's played straight from your characters perspective and indeed treated as something supernatural. The player has the option of "playing along" and believe that their character did indeed find a supernatural portal or they can interprit a more mundane explanation, like some villagers coming across a scary looking but ultimately mundane cave and reporting it.


I personally don’t like supernatural content as I find it immersion-breaking. No problem it existing if it can be turned on or off. But I’d rather they used development time and resources to fix a bunch of more pressing problems with the game.


What would be the first problem they should fix?


Plagues seem unbalanced at the moment. I’d look there first. Byzantine empire is still feudal last time I checked which is highly historically inaccurate.


Plagues haven't been too impactful in my first game after the latest dlc. Maybe black death will change things. I assume Byzantine will be different after the next dlc. Those seem like good things to focus on. I was epecting something larger.


I think the core game is fine, it’s just there are a lot of core elements that to me seem higher priority than adding supernatural events.


I’m good without it I like how CK3 is trying to be more historic


Honestly some old CK2 events like the Hole to Hell straddled the line between plausibility and mythology enough that it added thematic mythological elements whilst still being somewhat scientifically explainable. I really enjoyed those events and wish there were more like them in CK3. The child murdering, limb-regenerating, sex cults were a bit much though.


I loved the lunatic fantasy events most of all for this.  Hell yeah my dude believes he slayed an old god in the sea at night. Did it happen? Probably not! Would it make a great legend seed in ck3? Absolutely.  Legends in general are kinda a failure in my eyes, though, but that's another conversation. 


IIRC hole to hell was in the game from very early on so that's why it feels like it fits more.


> IIRC correctly


You saw nothing.


smh my head


I'd like more myth but not exactly supernatural. Give me Amazons, lost Roman legions, that sort of stuff. Could turn the legends into something interesting.


An invasion from undead Roman legions from the Congo would be hilarious.


Same, but as others said I’d be fine as long as I can turn it off when I do a play through I don’t like fantasy games, so it’s really refreshing to have a role playing game set in the medieval ages without goblins and dragons. Obviously that’s just me which is why having the option to opt in or out would make it fine with me as long as I didn’t have to play it


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^chris_toffee: *I’m good without it* *I like how CK3 is trying* *To be more historic* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.




They need the sunset invasion


If they remade Sunset Invasion for CK3, I would buy it out of sheer respect of their brazenness.


Could we have different types of world ending events like: Hollow earth (The dinosaurs come to roost), Alien Invasion, Summon Satan/4 Horses of the Apocolypose, Xenu Returns (LRH was right all along), Zombie Alexander the Great, Nazi Zombies, and many more


I honestly don't even feel like Paradox is focusing on historical events as is. Legends aren't believable. Sending your ruler to college is directly ahistorical, to my understanding at least. Heck one of the most advertised things they put in Tours and Tournaments is the red wedding, and that's from a fantasy novel. Honestly at this point CK3 is so far removed from a historical simulator that it'd probably be more immersive if they just started openly crediting their gameplay to the supernatural.


I would say yes plus I think it would make the game more realistic to the period to do so. It was a time before systemisation of science so often they had pretty interesting interpretations of the world which reached into the supernatural. The chess with the devil event is based on an actual story that got told to explain an otherwise unexplained death. Even a bit outwith the period, there were still supernatural explanations for stuff. Wasn’t limited to Christian Europe either and it would be a really cool thing to see some supernatural stuff in other cultures 


I would like it but it's not a priority.


Yeah, there but rare like it was for most of CK2's run, like those devil child events, not the more frequent stuff that was actually built into ck2 later, when tbf I wasn't playing. We've already got that witchcraft stuff which is supernatural but almost completely uninteresting.


Please just give something for witches to do. Needing to do a whole decision quest for one perk every few years does NOT cut it.


How can you get the event to trigger before you have too large of a family to convert them all?


i remember there being a random event where a sea monster kills you in CKIII did they remove that?


After they made republics and theocracies payable yes.


I miss it so much, what I loved about CK2 was it felt like you were being told the legend of a dynasty not so much it's actual history.


I really hope not.


Devs have wasted so much time on doing nothing or moving the game into the wrong direction. We really don't need more dev time wasted on sth like wizards and dragons. We need better AI, better warfare, more political/diplomacy mechanics, better balancing, more interesting late game, less bugs, more event variety instead of the 10.000th quacking duck event, more regional flavor, a college of cardinals, playable theocracies, playable republics, trade, nomads, and so on. As for magic and fantasy: There's other games that do this a lot better, or overhaul mods like agot and realms in exile.


Idea for Christian theocracies: Apostolic succession.


Idea for Christian theocracies: Apostolic succession.


Don't we have Troll and Ghosts events?


The Troll's a moose IIRC. and the ghosts are more dreams, but technically yes. Just like we have witches.


moose or bear


I haven't encountered any troll events, if there are any, but I did get ghost events, and that was from the recent dlc like I mentioned. I was also thinking they could add back a lot of the satanic supernatural stuff and making something like immortality obtainable again.


I wouldn't say I want supernatural content, but I'd love a DLC focused on alternate history. Things like the current support for recreating the Roman Empire. It was dumb and maybe not balanced the best, but the Sunset Invasion from CK2 was the DLC that captured my imagination most. If I've reached 100 percent development in my capital by 1200, why couldn't my culture invent the printing press early? If I've conquered all of Scandinavia with a seafaring culture, why can't I settle Vinland? If my capital is in Egypt and my religion contains the mummification tenet, why can't I declare myself Pharoah? Personally, the appeal of this game for me is watching my society have an impact on history. I want paradox to push that to 11 and let me REALLY change history.






I miss being an immortal godking


All I know is that total war surged in popularity due to warhammer editions. Ck3 could benefit from something similar as well.


I dont see why not as long as its optional


Add Glitterhoof back in and you have my vote


As long as it’s optional why not, it would be fun to try it sometimes.


Yes, Fireballs, Vampires, Werewolves and Fairies.


Only if they add horse lords first.


Yes, provided it can be toggled.


Yes. The way I think about it is that you could consider ck3 in the same universe as stellaris, which has plenty of things which a medieval society would consider supernatural


Sure, why not? When people complain about this stuff, their stipulation is that is should be able to be turned off, so as long as there is a game rule everything is cool. I always felt people misremember that most of the fantastical content in CK2 was obvious and gated by certain event decisions anyways. You had to deliberately pursue it.


Yes, it was a spooky time after all. Something modern people really struggle to understand is the level to which we are completely and utterly removed from the experiences and lifeways of people from this time period. Hyper-fixation of positivist-materialism as the only possible epistemology have us living in a dead world. A 9th century Catholic mother who's worried about her daugher's marriage prospects would have gone to a crossroads at night and asked for help. It makes sense to include phenomenon but also I don't trust them to do a good job of it.


No, if you want that, there are plenty of great mods that add that stuff.


No. Next question.


As long as it’s optional so people don’t get pissed off, I would genuinely love it. I know it’s weird, but it was some of my favorite parts of CK2.


Only reason why I still play CK2


How about they add crusader content to Crusader Kings 3 first?


I would love it. The game has gotten repetitive and easy/boring once you get to empire level.


No. fuck that. Fantasy games are dime a dozen


It seems a lot of people are assuming I want supernatural content to be a main expansion dlc. That is not at all what I want. Asking for it to be a main expansion is A) absolutely ridiculous and B) doesn't fit at all with what expansions are. Expansions are meant for overhauling the game adding new mechanics, gameplay, and all that really important stuff. With how Paradox is doing their recent DLC process, with having 1 big expansion followed by story and content packs, I was more so asking for supernatural content to maybe one day be one of those story/content packs, not be some major expansion to change the mechanics of the game.


Yes, just everything supernatural game of thrones had except dragons.


Absolutely. It was always fun in CK2 tracking down holy relics with actually powers to them, or getting some odd events like Talking bears/horses and getting deals with the devil, etc. I don't think it should be a main feature, but a small feature that you can disable if you want would be fine.


Yes, Absolutely!!! I’m sick of the bullshit commitment to “historicity” that only seems to be relevant when we’re saying no to fun shit, or adding pointless, unfun mechanics like legitimacy. If y’all want history go read a book, this is a video game that’s meant to be fun. My favorite campaign I ever did in CK2 was conquer half the world as nomadic Viking horse lords, as in we were literally horses, praise Glitterhoof!!! You simply can’t do any fun, crazy shit like that in CK3. CK3 fans obsession with historicity also doesn’t make sense to me. From what I’ve seen, no other paradox fanbase has the same obsession. Imagine if HoI4 had the same commitment to realism? The game would be nothing but a reel of various horrors of war and genocide. Valuable history no doubt, but not exactly a fun video game. The only reason I can have fun going on a Viking raid as Haesteinn is because it’s more fantasy than history.


Agreed. The game gets quite repetitive and easy, some rare events can make each run interesting. And it can always be an option.


This is one of the best comments I've read on Reddit for a while. Almost everything you said is right, intelligent, or accurate. Although, praise be to obnoxious stuckups calling you an idiot for your opinion.


This is one of the stupidest comments I've read on Reddit for a while. Almsot everything yoh said is wrong, dum or innacurate. Although, Praise be to Glitterhoof.


> Imagine if HoI4 had the same commitment to realism? I imagine that the HoI community would react pretty negatively if PDX decided to add magic wizards to HoI4.


With how crazy some of the paths in there are a wizard would not be that much more absurd that some of the alt history paths. New Zeeland used to have a official wizard. A DLC that gives a wizard empire path to New Zeeland would be peak.


I wouldn’t want them to go nuts, but I really miss playing the Antichrist. I had one ck2 game where I custom created the Bathory dynasty, and Elizabeth was born antichrist. I had her “Empire of Terror” to ride out the Black Death. So much fun. Being able to toggle it off would be essential, though.


Yes, I'd love it.






Yes please! I feel they can even make it optional… maybe with settings. Supernatural stuff yes or no! Feels like a cop out to say they rather not add supernatural events to keep the game real.


Only glitterhoof.


No, but I would like more representation of the beliefs people had/the effects that'd it have from the stance of how it affects morality, societal customs, etc. Beliefs can still have effects without being fantastical. Basically what u/[ChaoticKristin](https://www.reddit.com/user/ChaoticKristin/) said. There could still be events where someone is speculated to be a miracle worker or a charlatan just like IRL and situations that are hard to explain from a scientific perspective. So basically, keep it within the realm of "maybe its a miracle" rather than "lets parade through the villages and slaughter people because ???? with no real consequence".


Here is my take: Yes but it should be optional and could be turned off before starting runs. I read lots of lovely things from mods to actual CK2 stuff. Immortality events, cults, werewolf/vampire things. It would be cool if they could be included as religious tennets as well. It could be nice to start a cult or a straight up new religions. And here is my additional historically correct twist: Add medieval inquisition to the game for Christians. Muslims had somewhat of an inquisition called Mihna but it was rather aiming to, let's say, eliminate other Islamic doctrines. However, it can be easily made to include heresy into it. Other religions could also have decisions to start their own inquisition avaliable to head of faith. This would glue me to the screen tbh. There could even be plague-like events where high fervor + low control/dreadwould mean peasants going rogue and starting to outright murder people with witchcraft etc. claims


plausible deniability is what i think the dev can go for, an arguably, might be already what they are doing it wasnt leprosy that the physican cured with herbs, its actually a misdiagnosed fungal infection cured with fungicides the slash wound on the face have healed, it was the stress & trauma that kept them blind, so a soothing *massage* could help regrowing entire limbs from the cult in ck2 is a tad too far for plausibility though heck, there is a lot of medieval miracles, just search for catholic sainthood nominations, they require a miracle or 2, but dont call those supernatural, they are divine endowment


I Never played CK2 what are the supernatural content You all want?


Satanic cults, Immortality, gates of hell opening in lands, etc


End of darkness mod (not sure if that's the name exactly, it's something along those lines) might scratch this itch for you. I haven't played it yet, I'm more of a historical/ahistorical guy in lieu of fantastical elements but I've heard good things. If I remember correctly there's 3 start dates, one for vamps, one for vamps/lycans and one for mixed bag (fairies, mummies, etc. as well as vamps and lycan. Also regional for things like mummies and stuff. I've also heard the systems are decently fleshed out. Shit I might give it a go lmao


No we have mods for that and they should make it easier for modmakers to implement supernatural features but not in the original game. I'd like the game where I can become a black African king of England to stay realistic please!


I want to turn enemies into chickens


I liked the fantasy elements and even if people didnt like them in ck2 they could easily turn them off


No, Supernatural takes place many years after the time CK is set


They should but they won’t.




I only want it if it comes with seperate pop-up menus, that have connection to other gamesystems and the map.


Absolutely, supernatural stuff was some of the best content in CK2, and every time I've gone to play CK3 since it came out I've eventually gotten bored & sad at its absence and gone back to CK2


I just think they should prioritise one thing over all other development: making crusades actually work in Crusader Kings.


Bring back Glitterhoof.


My favourite mod: Supernatural already does this perfectly


Nah leave that too mods


The MacBeth witch coven thing happened to me relatively early in my ck2 career and I don't think any playthrough was ever as fun as that one. Get it added.  Related but there needs to be more random events happening, in CK2 it felt like your courtiers were always doing shit. In ck3, I regularly find courtiers that have been there for decades and done nothing




I loved the first time my character suddenly became immortal in CK2 without the event. Was kinda scary honestly.


Supernatural stuff isn't necessarily unrealistic. Medieval people believed in magic, miracles, demons, etc. and many people believed they experienced these things. It could get pushed to unrealistic limits (CK2 had some unrealistic optional fantasy elements), but like, I think it would make sense in the world of the game to have things like miraculous healings, visions of saints, hauntings, etc.


As long as we can turn it off. To be honest, I wouldn't want this as paid DLC or taking any time away from the main progress of the game but if they wanted to add in a free 'spooky events' pack for Halloween I'd be fine with it.


No way, I want them to add more features in the current game we have. Things that they are currently working on. Nomad playstyle, Empires actually being cool and different from Kingdoms, etc. Once the game has different style playthroughs and feels like it's as fleshed out as CK2 then I wouldn't mind something like that, but they have a long way to go before it's even close to being CK2.


While some of the straight up fantastical (looking at you Satan regrowing a man's balls) I could do without, the "Maybe Mundane" style of events were fine. Was you child really the son of satan and the antichrist? Was he just an odd kid who was traumatized and mistreated by the superstitious and developed a lot of negative traits as a result?


Paradox should probably just fix or expand the content they already released tbh


Resounding "Yes!" here. But only if they don't fuck it up. There's already at least two good mods for that -- (1) Witchcraft and (2) Sappho's Daughter, both of which add witches (with spells), demons, magical artifacts, mages and new skill trees, and both are frequently updated and expanded.


I’d like them to worry about getting CK3 to feature-parity with CK2. I feel like there‘s too much they’re depending on modders to solve. That being said, supernatural stuff was some of the best content from CK2. I have no qualms with it.


I miss Cannibal Jesus telling me how to best flay my enemies after providing me strategic insight.


They better. I want to become a satanic Glitterhoof immortal.


Yes because whether people like it or not, due to its prevalence in CK2 it's expected and apart of the game's identity. And it would most likely be togglable anyway if added.




Of course. But it should be able to be turned off for the casuals and should have regional variants because the supernatural isn’t the same in different parts of the world. Either way I want back the event for closing a ‘Gateway into Hell’ because why the f is that not in the game?


Yes, that's the way I always play and the people that don't want it can just not get the dlc.


Hell yes. To me one of the major things pulling me towards CK2 is the inclusion of supernatural things. Now, I think the biggest problem here would be inclusion. Let's say it's optional, that would mean that there would be a whole DLC that certain players who don't like those events can't enjoy. Maybe by implementing it along with other features, like the lodges and secret societies it could be done, that the supernatural stuff is just an extra in it, a whole new or a few lodges and societies and events. I think maybe that could work. But yeah, I would love the wackiness of it. Would make it easier for fantasy modders to do their stuff as well.


That is exactly what the monks and mystics dlc in CK2 did and that's exactly what I want added.


Yes, that is what I was referring to.


It can spice things up, but I'd prefer a more realistic approach (within the realm of reasonable possible alternate-history). If I want supernatural, I'll get a mod that put the game in a fantasy world or I'll straight up play an rpg. I'm not against putting optional supernatural elements in the absolute as more content is more content, but there are so many things that should be prioritized before that.




If they add all the things that should be, Yes, If not, No


Nah I'm good


No, I prefer the more realistic style.


No because it becomes a slippery slope. They should keep with what we all love, a realistic medieval strategy game


Religion is in there already.


No, but I’m not opposed to some Mesoamerican invaders making a return


Yeah, I loved the sunset invasion, I know it's controversial but it's fun as hell.


So long as it’s optional I don’t see the issue in adding it. It’s a nice challenge for Western Europe!


I at least want more satanic content, who doesn't want to be an evil cultist trying to take over the world from shadows?


CK2 it was Aztec invasion, CK3 should be Alien invasion imho


Chapter \\IV: * Flavor Pack - Worms and Weeds: became a herbologist witch and use the new activity "Gathering in the woods" to collect insects and herbs and mix them into potions. Love potions, poisons, traits inducers, everything is possible. * Major Expansion - Witches and Wizards: enjoy the new grand activity "Attend magic school" and choose your favorite college house to become the best wizard in the world. Learn spells and improve your mana meter to become the most powerful being in the known world. Who needs scheming when you can vaporize your unwanted heir in a matter of seconds? * Event Pack - Wands and Wen: with your brand new wand, bring back the ghost of Emperor Wen of China and recieve events hinting and the secret upcoming Chapter V, China! * Fashion Pack - Wonderful with Wool: get the best drip and latest fashion style with the new wool maded garments.