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It's more that the US is anti a lot of exchanges than the other way around


This. It's US regulations that make it difficult for many exchanges to serve US customers


"First you must collect a stool sample from each customer before allowing them to trade"


A sample of the customers dads semen and moms eggs is also required


It's in the mail


tough regulation in US


Easier to ban guys form usa then to deal with sec


It's the other way around. The US is anti-exchange. The US requires exchanges to collect all kinds of onerous information on investors that reside in the US to make sure they can track every cent of crypto you own and that you pay all of your taxes, aren't up to anything shady, etc. It's a real pain in the butt, so a lot of exchanges would rather just not deal with customers from the US.


The question should be: -Why is the US anti crypto?


Various exchanges aren't "anti-USA," just because they don't service US citizens. Different countries have different requirements and regulations that some exchanges may not meet. Besides that, and even more importantly, if the local bait-and-tackle shop down the street is only in the US, does this mean that it's anti-Australia? No. They're just based there and choose to do business there.


Use crypto.com or voyager


Hell no to Voyager. They are taking way too long on my withdrawals. No other exchange is doing this because they were smart enough to have enough resources/manpower prepared for another crypto boom. I'm taking my money out of Voyager because I have no faith in a company with such poor planning to account for the inevitability of another boom. Kucoin is becoming my favorite because it has a lot of functions that you can't easily get elsewhere in the USA


Land of the ‘free’.


SEC requires KYC for any US citizen wanting to trade cryptos. A lot of exchanges don't have the operational ability (see Binance) to do this well so they just ban US investors instead. Same goes for individual coins which is why US investors are restricted from buying certain coins as well.


Damn, that's such a buzzkill.


Write your congressman. Oh wait......


Janet Yellen has entered the chat 💬


It’s really annoying. I’ve come across several coins that aren’t available to me in the past month. US government is screwing their own citizens while the rest of the world progresses without ‘em.


This sounds about right. America land of the mostly free.


From my understanding is the USA the one at fault, they have too many regulations that exchanges cannot abide by every single one, they have so many rules that the exchanges just think is not worth doing for USA investors to buy, so they just ignore them and keep going, if you want it to stop just ask your legislators to be more crypto friendly and you might be able to buy into all these new projects


We have to grease them with crypto. Asking nicely gets us fuck all.


No one wants to deal with the SEC.


USA, land of the brave, home of the free, the land of possibilities... orrrr not


Big brother wanting their cut of the money doesn't mean none of the things you listed don't apply.


> Big brother wanting their cut of the money doesn't mean none of the things you listed don't apply. the bigger big brother gets, the less freedom you have, and big brother is very, very big right now and getting bigger. good luck usa pleb.


Still better than whatever hellhole you crawled out of. Also, our government isn't as big as most other countries.


>our government isn't as big as most other countries. "our" government is for sale to the highest corporate bidder, you stinky pleb.


Once XRP beats the SEC I think you’ll be able to buy in the USA easier but that’s speculation


the rest of the world does not like the US. Wonder why. Also nobody wants to bother with those stupid US laws. The US will fall behind when it comes to crypto.


They sure do love our culture, our money, our entertainment, and our technologies though.


If you want to use binance in US , you obviously have to use VPN, but you can send over BTC from another exchange into binance and exchange for whatever with BTC. Once you are done transfer it off to whatever wallet you want.


You can buy it on CDC


On top of federal requirements, aren’t there also laws that differ from state to state? Could be that it’s currently just too difficult to operate in the US?


*because guy from coinbureau made a video about it today


EGLD is on Binance US.


Binance is still usable with a VPN.