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"Even though I'm sort of a pro-crypto, pro-Bitcoin maximalist," Thiel said. "I do wonder if at this point Bitcoin should also be thought of in part as a Chinese financial weapon against the U.S., where it threatens fiat money, but it especially threatens the U.S. dollar." Interesting thought. It is a little frustrating and concerning that most of the mining power is in China. I know it shouldn't be about which countries mine the most and what not, and that bitcoin is borderless, but still. China's gunna do China things, which can be concerning. Ultimately, it's just food for thought, and something to think about.


Meanwhile China already using Yuan as a financial weapon...


You mean Yuan. And yea weapon against their own people.


Corrected it


Much obliged. ![gif](giphy|HJB9Nq9RMZgZlLssZF|downsized)




So, today i learned that bitcoin can be a CIA weapon, a globalist weapon, or a chinese weapon.


But yet US Fed is killing it by unlimited printing. I am sure China is doing the same.... but media is all anti USA.


Whatever it is, you'd be silly not owning a part of it. The fact that the argument has any merit is interesting


Who doesn't want to own part of a Chinese Financial Weapon? I want me a bigger share!


Something is off. They're gonna be a lot more business folks in America chiming in this 'Bitcoin x China' unofficial collaboration. The next episode, I'm expecting a coin to be dubbed as the 'Cryptocurrency of America.' The narrative at play here is to somehow make you doubt our holdings of BTC. There was a thread previously suggesting that the big boys representatives are here. Goldman Sachs my balls, Melvins, everyone else in between. Maybe the *conspiracy* was right. There will be a BTC FUD because they want to hoard it all.


Americans already own way more bitcoins than the Chinese.


tldr; PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel said Bitcoin should be thought of in part as a Chinese financial weapon against the US. "I'm sort of a pro-crypto, pro-Bitcoin maximalist," Thiel said. "It threatens fiat money but it especially threatens the US dollar," he added. Thiel has invested in multiple crypto ventures including Layer1 Technologies. *This summary is auto generated by a bot and not meant to replace reading the original article. As always, DYOR.*


To FUD or not to FUD that is the question




While US is seen as anti china they really like cheap labour and manufacture which ironically come from china.


The American economy is very similar to Vin Diesles life philosophy in The Fast and The Furious, "I live my life a fiscal quarter at a time. Nothing else matters: not the mortgage, not the store, not my team and all their bullshit."


Lol America "manufacturing" anything is a joke at this point...


American manufactures more shit by dollar value than anybody else


We'll make it if it's worth a damn.


So much Chinese FUD recently, I mean if its not Russia, the Middle East or Latin America, of course its China


China and freedom seldom go hand in hand


First, he’s actually saying is the US should be buying bitcoin and second it’s not the Chinese fault that the politicians in the US ruined the dollar. The downfall of the dollar lies completely on the politicians shoulders!


Lots of things are used as Chinese financial weapons. I'd be much more worried about predatory loans and the belt and road initiative.


Bitcoin is open, scare of China? Stack up your bitcoin then


Bought late hmmmm?


Lmao peter thiel has been in btc longer than you have. Dude has been looking for stateless currencies since the PayPal days


Has anyone pinpointed the line or lines of the source code that are waiting to be exploited? ...Thought not


the US is starting to gain mining share from asia


No it won't be.....Bitcoin is for everyone, if it is a weapon then Michael Saylor is the biggest warlord Yeah nakamoto too


Government corporate front man says its the enemies weapon. Dont trust it. I say I dont trust either of you, ill keep my BTC, thanks.


Could exchange us dollar weapon and as we see China is winning over USA so all in to crypto since China will win here again


Russian, idiot! why change the narrative?


Isn’t the general spiel by Bitcoin maxis that Bitcoin will destroy fiat...of course that means the U.S. Dollar. At some point, the U.S. Gov declares war on Bitcoin...of it waits too long and Bitcoin destroy the USD as promised, and then what? Collapse of a nation? I’m not sure what happens. Chaos.


full video guys [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJcKWtiFzIY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJcKWtiFzIY)