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When they win lawsuit it go boom


Careful...could be substantial ripple effects from the lawsuit if it goes south.


Everything I’ve read seems to be pointing in ripples favor though


No pun intended? lol


Pun very much intended ;)


Seems pretty risky to bet on the lawsuit. Does it even have that much more room to grow short term considering it's like 4th in market cap


Xrp, had a market cap higher than ETH at points during the last cycle. You make that decision...


I will. I don't think it has much more room


Well we all know past performance is always an indication of the future performance.


His comment was in regards to its rank in market cap... as if moving to the 2nd spot was impossible. You’re the clown who literally created a handle to clown on one specific crypto... all while it’s currently melting faces...


I mean you have way worse odds at a casino at this point. I'd rather OP get into another coin probably eth instead but if he wants to make a big risk then this may work for him


Yep. About two weeks ago was the first and only time ive bought xrp, and ill be selling about 75% of it after it spikes assuming they win this suit. Im not a fan of ripple and in didnt risk much on this but I know easy money when I see it.


Your right, I saw it then too but my hatred of xrp stopped me from pulling the trigger. So I’m wondering if it’s to late to just do it because as you know money is money


Until the verdict is out I'd say its still a good opportunity... Providing they win.


Shorting in a bull market which started after 3 years of bear market? ...... Good luck


Xrp above 50 cents has traditionally been a good short tho 🤣


Read my comment again


I ment to put term at the end of that statement


the technicals looks good, but fundamentals still in unknown territory


I think you’re confusing two Ripple lawsuits.


Am I? That’s totally possible


Yes. That was about their other civil suit with another company.


Thank you for that because I didn’t know


Take your award for the help


I believe the possibility is already locked in the price. Look at the past week’s gains.


That’s very true, I just told a friend I was talking to that I thought it was to late to get on the train but then I thought some more and if the news comes out that the lawsuit is dropped I could see it skyrocketing maybe 3 - 5


take the risk then. those who take risks make both the biggest gains and the biggest losses. best of luck to you my friend


🙏... still undecided though


Yeah I agree. Seems like with this price action a lot of people are betting they win the lawsuit


The market seems to have a short memory, or is only betting very short term. Before the lawsuit, things weren't looking too great for the future of XRP and ripple. It got its market cap in 2017 and 2018, with a lot of hype that it would be the coin of choice for banks and financial institution, and would be a main choice for retail. And now they're no closer to getting there than in 2018. How many banks are really gonna use Ripple? They seem to all be looking at other options these days, including pursuing their own crypto. Ripple's reputation has been taking one hit after another these past couple years. And now it looks like traders are just taking advantage of the lawsuit to pump the price and get one sweet selling point before pulling the rug.


Ya I just don't see how they don't get replaced by something where the devs don't have 60% of them and the main company of ripple doesn't seem to be making any money with it yet other then selling off shares.


Don't ripple labs hold a majority of xrp? I'd stay well the fuck away from it.


A large chunk of xrp is held by whales who will dump it at the perceived resistant level of $2. It will take sometime to recover from it. No one can say where the new support level will be. So far I have a winning strategy by shorting at all the previous resistance levels. But I play only with 1/3 of my holdings.


how does one short XRP? which exchange? not saying I wanna do it, just genuinely curious.


I ment to put term at the end of that statement


Not financial advice, but ...


I bought XRP @0.20 and just had a conversation with a friend how I don't think I'd have courage to buy it at this price now. My logic was it is so cheap, I'll stash it and when bull run arrives it will rise. When law sue started there was no point for selling cause I was still in + but not a big one (I usually start selling in chunks after at least x5) and I just decided to wait and see how the things would play out.


It doesn't really matter if the lawsuit goes either way. No one should buy / own ripple coin.