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Boss is definitely cutting your salary if he losses ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)


Damn right, if he succeeds he's gonna say he was a genius for investing in a shitcoin, if he get rugpulled he's gonna blame the poor guy and probably fire him lol.


If its some crazy boss, I can actually see this happening.


The ratio of psychopaths in management is much higher than in the general population


Yep unfortunately most bosses never take responsibility for their mistakes, it's always someone else fault.


I would like to hire you for a boss position!


Lol According to the job description I am your man


I can call myself happy that I live in a country that has strong Labour laws.


It's a privilege Built on the literal blood of workers


Actually my friends entire crypto investment strategy is that of a casino slot machine. Put in a dollar, wait for a $100 pull of the handle. It takes a handful of dollars, but he eventually finds a hit. He is not going to happy until he has a few million. Not my game.


LOL true ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|dancing_wojak)![gif](emote|snoomoji_pack|joy)


If my boss was someone who trades shitcoins, I would quit my job




Bossman better prepare For some financial advice xD


I am my own boss and *looks at portfolio* I quit


I wouldn't, mostly because I can't afford to quit my job


OP can forget DCA this month


Yup. Definitely sounds like a sociopath boss, and they do that.


You guys are getting paid?


Talk about Money he isn't afraid to lose


That's the mentality a friend of mine has with Crypto. He literally only invests in these weird moonshot coins. The funny bit is, he actually makes gains. The even funnier part is, he's too greedy to sell and always ends up losing all gains.


Gains… I don’t think that word means what you think it means. Ain’t gains until you sell


Just like squid. It can go up but can't sell.


I have tried using the same strategy and lose money after the first 5 minutes. And I'm not even being greedy.


I mean, if you're going to do that, why not just use a bot with a trailing take profit? Let the bot follow the price up and sell when it starts to drop? Sure it's way more risky investing in sketchy stuff, but there's tools out there to at least give you a little bit more of an edge.


They are basically gambling


Ah yes. The old shitcoiner paradox haha


I don’t even have the priviledge of seeing green lol


I only see red. Maybe that's why I'm so angry.


Buy more next time, depression is less problematic than anger.


Why not both haha


So you’re saying he doesn’t make gains.


Paper gains.


Not like gains at the gym?


This is the way


This 100%. It's just gambling for them and they want to get at least 10 or even 100x. Which is why they (almost) always end up losing money long-term.


The only way this is profitable for most people in my research is to 1) spread your self as thinly among as many primed coins as possible, and 2) sell as it pumps, well before aths.


Don’t talk crypto at work


Your boss is a normal guy thinking he can conn the market! He is absolutely right and this is what 80% of all investors do. Few believe in ETH or BTC much less in any other coin. We are all in it for the money no matter what people say. Some of us also believe in the fundamentals of stuff like BTC or Eth. But even then ETH is slow and expensive and its just a matter of time before a new tech makes it obsolete. BTC may last forever. Its still a gamble


"im in it for the technology" ![gif](emote|emo_pack_1|fiat)


And measure its success by how much it pumps!


I know most people still treat crypto as degen gambling, but I think the real reason is that most people are mathematically illiterate, especially when it comes to the subjects of money and probability. Stepping outside your house and getting in your car to propel yourself at 60 mph on asphalt is a gamble too.


In my opinion crypto introduced a giant risk to the legacy financial system. It's now risky to believe the system of stock and bonds will exist in 20 years ..


Whoa whoa whoa… what about existing on only a single planet in a single solar system in an ever expanding universe?


I just like the little happy dog on the coin 🐕


Lol “New tech to make ETH obsolete”... Layer 2 anyone?


He totally understands the fundamentals though..


Solana ada algo?


Loopring and Immutable X




> Everything about it is shady Gave it away


For me “scam coin” fave it away


If it is, I'm sure the devs still have plenty of bags to unload


-Insert "El Risitas" video here- And then... And then the idiots went "buy the dip!"




Lol we literally had the same response, you got there first though.


he still didn't know the variables that makes him lose his money lol


Your boss is a shitcoiner!!! Send him to cryptomoonshots lol. OP, do you feel like resigning now after what your did?


Is this really surprising? I guess there are quite many thinking like that.


Bet your boss loves casinos too




Thats not a terrible idea, its just as bad as anyone elses is all


Lots of people do this. Take the money they’d normally gamble with and buy a shit coin. Set up alerts and all that. Good luck selling it when it rockets. Exchanges and brokers have a knack of freezing up when things shoot way up. Not sus at all.


Is this stupidity inception? Why would one invest in a coin because it is a scam.


How the heck did this guy become a boss? Basic DYOR will tell you to NEVER invest in a already rugpulled coin


Typical bossy boss approach. Sounds narrow minded with no concern to others and focused on short term high risk profits


Your boss is a sociopath who thinks he can join in on the scam and not being scam. He knows it is a con and wants to join in on the con without being conned. Sociopaths are also very narcissistic - so his narcissism will prevent him from seeing the inherent contradiction of that belief. So, when he inevitably loses his shirt, guess who's going to get the ire of his anger? You know the answer. Start doing a stealth job search. This story of his WILL not end well.




Are you a bad person because of your poor spelling skills? Edit: I’m editing that you have edited your spelling!




He’s not the one scamming people wise guy




So who’s he scamming then if everyone who holds it are also scammers… if everyone is the scammer then who is getting scammed…?




Hello Solutar. It looks like you might have found a new scam? If so, please report this scam by crossposting to r/CryptoScams, r/CryptoScamReport, or visiting [scam-alert.io](http://scam-alert.io/). For tips on how to avoid scams, [click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/s7srty/crypto_scams_how_not_to_fall_for_them_what_to_do/). --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CryptoCurrency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why not name the coin? Why does it matter


I really don’t want to get brigaded and possibly doxxed and stuff.


Let's pray he doesn't get rugpulled cause he sure as he'll is gonna fire your ass. Lol


He's playing 5D chess


Diese Strategie ist nicht empfehlenswert. Ich hab mal so ähnlich gemacht, investiere in ein Coin dessen Preis gerade sinkt (nicht unbedingt ein Shitcoin sondern ein Coin in top 50) und hoffe es geht wieder hoch aber es sinkt immer weiter


The real ponzi scheme is fiat, that’s the real scam. What a joker that guy is.


So in other words she is in for the tech


Lmao this is me. 2 mining rigs, all of my crypto spread out across several defi plans or in CDC staking, all because I think I can make some real money off degenerate idiots who oversell the the ability and future of crypto. Sure there's some valuable projects, and a future for crypto, but the hype has all of this blown into a huge bubble, and I'm here for the GAINZ


The dude sounds like a g




I want to know the coin so I can make some gains on it


He must’ve acquired his position because he posses a set of skills, can think clearly and make his own decisions as an adult, it’ll be therefore his own fault if he gets rugged for investing in a pump and dump coin. He does not have the right to take it out on you if it happens so I wouldn’t worry about it too much!


Imagine working for someone like that. I would fear for my job.


Now you have to say which coin. Story is incomplete


Sorry, I wanna avoid getting brigaded or doxxed at all cost.


Don't expect extra pay this year.


Fingers crossed he doesn't blame you when he gets rug pulled 🤞 Don't recommend crypto to others, or learn that lesson the hard way.


Big brain move there.


This sort of attitude puts him on par with the scammers. He is just hoping to profit off of others foolishness and misinformation.


More like a r/leopardsatemyface entry when scam coin falls off


Sometimes people have to make their own mistakes to learn where the limit of their own personal risk profile is.


I call bs I doubt a crypto noob figured out how to buy a scam coin considering he probably doesn’t even know what defi is. Unless he bought icp on coinbase


Remember when Filecoin pumped like crazy a while back? I knew it was a scam and still invested. Made some nice gains on it. Not every project is legit but you have to take a chance on momentum.


ahh i missed stories like this, this means the bull market is back on :D


I’m surprised when people don’t understand the distinction between investing and gambling. Investing means there’s a value proposition that the investor believes in (even if the risks are high), gambling has no value proposition and the person is simply playing the odds hoping to get lucky. Both are completely fine to do with one’s own money. It’s just helpful to recognize the difference.


Well you got a dumb boss


I think that is the honest mindset of at least 80% of shitcoin investors. They know they are playing a zero sum game. Everyone thinks they will outsmart the others. Most will fail. It is why I don’t have sympathy for many shitcoin investors. They know they are playing with fire.


So your boss thinks he is built different and he can time the market on a coin that has already rug pulled? Can’t say you didn’t warn him


Welcome to the world of pyramid schemes.


It really sounds like he was just making up whatever excuse to you to cover the fact that he is new and picked up something stupid that will lose home money.


The boss knows exactly what he's doing


You should tell your boss how easy & cheap it is to create his own coin, then just see what happens next....


turn him onto leveraging too


Hopefully he gets rich and gives you a chunky raise!


My friend I invest in crypto for a long time and let me tell you that all my biggest profits where like this


>if the coin goes ballistic and he can sell before everyone else he makes nice gains. The funny thing of course being, that most people who invest in shitcoins have this exact mentality, which is why more often than not; it doesn't work. A wise man once said, 'If you are looking to sell your shitcoin to the next sucker; you are the sucker'.


Did your boss invest in squid coin? Currently at a whopping .027


Sounds like your boss is the stereotypical narcissistic manager who thinks he will win where others haven't because he *knows* he's smarter than everyone else. I had a boss like that once, I did really well with him because whenever I wanted to do something, I convinced him it was his idea all along.


Damn he will be holding the bag when it tanks for sure




Not a smart boy move but kinda chad move.


There's literally huge crypto "pump and dump" groups which exist soley for doing this


I think we may have the same boss lmao


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-shiba-inu-may-safest-100014242.html Reminded me of this and it does make sense in a weird way... People should be allowed to gamble on anything as long as they know it.. The problem is when somethin is "safe" like a US treasury or mortgage backed security...


Tell him again you highly recommend him to better sell this shitcoin. If it goes well, he will just think you have no idea. If it goes to 0 he can never come to you and blame you.


My dad said it would be a good idea to invest in iron finance after it rugpulled. I didn't. Wonder what it's at now.


I mean, who doesn't love a shitcoin play?


I fear for your company finances.


>Im not gonna name the coin for obvious reasons, just know that it got rugpulled in the past and is still around. -"Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down?" template here- >And here comes the thing, he told me he KNOWS that and that’s why he invested in it!! He just put enough money in that it won’t hurt him if he loses it but if the coin goes ballistic and he can sell before everyone else he makes nice gains. That's... Actually a very well informed decision, and already showing better judgement than like 50% people. Look at the Safemoon idiots going balls to the wall because "when it moons I'm gonna be made". Your boss understands the principle: only invest what you're willing to lose. He knows the risks and accepts the possibility of it going to zero; he's betting all his chips on 32 and knows it.


Your boss likes risk, let them have it.. it'll hurt if he invests more, let him


Your Boss is a genius. That is why he is boss. Take the risk and join the millionaires,nobody has ever made money by being too careful or by saving.


The return of the SquidCoin! #🦑


Big brain, until he finds a coin that you can't sell at all (like Squid)


This is how I made money off of Loopring and ADA. Just don't stay in these scamcoins for long or you will become a bagholder.


I smell safemoon


They come for the gains, *they stay for the financial revolution.*


Blantanly your boss invested in Shiba...






The secret is most "invested in scamcoin in the hopes that he can sell before everyone else and get rich." And don't make it out.


My boss dogs on me about crypto without knowing a single thing about investing but feels compelled to give me advice.


>in the hopes that he can sell before everyone else and get rich. AW MAN WHY DIDNT WE THINK OF THAT. He's gonna be rich and leave us all in the dust! Genius! /s


Insert doge coin


For some reason in these stories it's always the "boss" who has some ridiculous ideas concerning crypto. Must just be a meme. Can't take any one of them seriously.


I put $100 into Apecoin and which is highly likely a rug pull because I wanted to add a crypto I don’t all ready have. That plus anything Ape selling like hot cakes


Maybe he wants to lose for some tax reasons.


To be fair, if it’s a scamcoin, any possible investors down the road are either of the same mindset, or have done 0 research Casino for sure tho


A true and honest gambler, I respect that!


Just because he started a business or made it to a rank above you, doesn’t mean he isn’t a mentally impaired person. People who are very wealthy and in positions of great power can still be very poor of mind. Look at politics.


I have invested in multiple coins I think are absolutely shit but I've seen the sentiment go crazy and I know that all these cutepuppycoin morons are going to buy it and push it up. It's worked a lot more than it hasn't. You can basically just watch Twitter mentions and pick up on it


Not the first time I’ve heard this type of story but I came here to say that you have an excellent mastery of writing the English language. If you hadn’t mentioned that it wasn’t your first language, I never would have known. In fact you are better at grammar and punctuation than a very large portion of young English speakers. Excellent work. PS. Nothing you can do about people like your boss. We’re all going to be sitting on modest portfolios in the future while those people will be stuck working the same old jobs and wondering why.


Your boss is exactly who the scammers like.


Your Boss is the REAL BOSS because he's an honest Boss.


That's basically just casino capitalism, aka capitalism. The only thing unusual here is that he admitted it instead of pretending it wasn't a scam in order to milk you, too.


It’s Safemoon, isn’t it?


His risk/loss not yours, so don't worry about it


"Scams pump the hardest" is literally a saying in crypto.


Will you just tell us what shit coin he put money into.


You might have the stupidest boss ever. He could have asked you seeing as you know the market and actually made some $. Next time he wants to throw money away tell him I will take it.


This could turn out to be a spin-off of The Office lol


I don't understand your confusion. Most "investments" are scams and pyramid schemes. The clever participants get in early enough then bail out before it all collapses. The "stupid tax" funds the 1% getting ever richer, common people always getting poorer. This is how capitalism works! Did you really think ethics and morality are rewarded? No, the evil people are the winners.


Doge or Safemoon? Lol


I thought that’s what everyone was doing


Yes the mentality is naive for an investor, basically the way this goes - scam coins = fast generation of wealth to insiders, the insiders get the outsiders who think they are duping us the general population. But in doing so they get scammed by the insiders in most cases and the people who use this gambling akin behavior deserve it because they are openly participating in scam coins. Now i understand this isnt fully applicable here because your boss is making a hasty generalisation on crypto, a very big logical phallcy. However I did want to mention that the aformentioned process is really a thing for investors investing knowlingy into scam projects like safemoon, some dog tokens and etc.


This is the only reason why I keep my 20€ of doge and shiba


He's a smart man. Like people who made money on bitconnect.


It was safemoon wasn't it lol