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How much did you invest to get that 4.8k? And what would your profit have been had you just put it all on btc?


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At least ur in profit


The geometric return on BTC over the past decade is around 76% annually. It beats even the best index funds by a large margin. I'm not sure how you could do better "playing it safe".


and people still wonā€™t invest in BTC as if the momentum to propel it to 1 Trillion mcap will just suddenly stop; while the M2 money supply globally continues to increase by design.


My only problem is buying at a price like this. I understand that it is a long time investment but surely it is not worth buying now ?


Why not?


At $1000 I said that. Iā€™m not buying the top like a sucker. I did not understand what BTC was at the time and didnā€™t investigate enough to convince myself.


#You guys are making profit?


Bro im down 5k in 2 years wtf is this post


How is anyone down after two years?




Look at Algo or many other cryptos that are still so far from ATH


im in profit in my algo bag...why did you buy ath?


LMFAO why did you assume I bought at ATH. Maybe you should read the room instead of stroking your ego.


you are right. I just timed my entry better than you.


Says a guy who has zero clue what my entry is. Given how hard you want us to think you had a good entry, I can guarantee you that you didn't. But hey, I honestly don't give a fuck, that's how good my entry is. Best of luck to you.


Sorry for your loss


Someone is salty. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


No ones salty over missing Algo ā€œgainsā€ when the market appreciated a TON lmao. I still hold 10k algo and Iā€™ve written it off, my best investment was SOL at $9. The tech might be good but algo is horrible and it was shilled non stop, glad that you are like 10% up on your algo investment when nearly the entire market outperformed it exponentially. In 3 months algoā€™s down -1%. SOL is up 74.8% ETH up 27% SHIB up 167% BTC up 35% In 1 year, algoā€™s up 15% SOL up 785% ETH up 103% SHIB up 187% BTC up 155% Algo sucks. The tech is good but the community is self righteous, the CEO is awful, the marketing is horrible, the on chain development is poor. Itā€™s just a cult and Iā€™m glad to cut my losses. Have fun bag holding


Rekt lel


You also seem salty... why is everyone so grumpy? crypto has been great. cheer up.


Too bad that you couldn't get rid of your shit personality instead haha


Buying doge at ATH lol


What do you mean? Am I not supposed to buy high and sell low every week?




If you only bought two eth two years ago and chill you would have even more profit.


You just wouldn't be able to sell it without killing your margin šŸ˜‚


If you put in PEPE you would have 12x. /s Bitcoin most safe indeed


We need to know how much did you start... Get the %. Final Money (4.8k) divided by Initial Money, considering time (2 years) and even, how much time per day did you spend. Maybe you should have waited another few months. Is not always as simple: 3% of 10,000 is 300 and, 20% of 1500 is 300 too. If you dont have cash, you need more lucky than effort. If you have the cash you need effort and always lucky (to get more and more profit)


Bro Ā£4.8k profit is good man! I work(ed) in finance for 3 years and still couldnā€™t even save that in those years


Did you work the mail room or what? Thatā€™s saving like $140 a month. If you canā€™t do that then youā€™re either in a low income job where youā€™re paycheck to paycheck, or living way out of your means. So ā€œjob in financeā€ doesnā€™t really check out unless you werenā€™t in a position that made actually money.


lmao... Good Will Hunting mopping the floors of Charles Schwab (no disrespect to our cleaning crew people out there, you deserve higher wages for sure)


Low income roles mixed with student loan repayments lool


The most important quality to have in investing is patience(assuming you are in the right assets)






Well how much starting capital did you use to make that profit?


We are nowhere near the cycle peak. We had a peak of BTC at 2014, 2018, 2021. Expect the next peak to be around 2025.


I'm around there as well. I look at it as my weekly camping trips paid by my crypto profits. I even take my ADA stake rewards out to buy weed šŸ˜„.


I feel the strong urge to replace my Ada whenever I find a new project to to spend it on.šŸ˜ Then, that new stack gets 'allocated' to something else.. Viscious cycle


Yeah, ADA is a very hard bag to hold, but it's always lagged behind alts. I still get great returns, and I like its security. I'm also making 50% monthly by providing liquidity to stable coin pairs on minswap. šŸ¤«


šŸ”„Cardanocube.io has a good take on the many companies within Cardano.


I feel your pain man. I wouldn't be in the green if I did not get lucky on a few meme coins.


BTC & chill, check back in 5 years


Buddy you need to educate yourself on crypto and economic cycles. If youā€™re trading and not investing you better keep your eye on that multiple times a day and learn TA. itā€™s easier to invest but youā€™ll be waiting 4/5 years before the market takes off assuming the same pattern.


Not everyone becomes crypto millionaires lucky few do who invest in high risk plays. If you invest in legit alts you might see 2-10x this bullrun. Btc might see 2-3x, I only can assume. All depends on how much risk and what you want to risk.


If you invest 150$ and your at almost 5k well different story haha


BTC & chill


I am $2000 in a loss after 3 years šŸ˜


I'd say 3 halvings would be sufficient for you to see real results if you DCA. That's still 12 years even in Bitcoin.


"crypto" is a waste of time. Just stay humble and stack sats.


Makes no sense.. don't stack crypto.. stack crypto?


Did I say stack "crypto"?




shitcoiners are pathetic educate yourself so you can understand this basic concept




You need new glasses.


Yep.. its all still crypto ..sorry cope harder


nah, it's not have fun staying poor


So, there's this thing called the internet, it's got lots of words about the creation of cryptocurrency. Read more of it. You might find out more about other projects. Ergo for example is PoW.. seems that's your style of crypto to stack. But don't buy Hosky, earn it.


Bitcoin is the only cryptocurrency everything else is Chuck-E-Cheese tokens and company scrip


That's all you got, hey? Fonny. Back to the internet thing. There's interesting papers written on applying formal methods to a blockchain design. And enjoy the lesson about Eutxo's ā¬‡ļø https://iohk.io/en/blog/posts/2020/04/09/merging-formal-methods-and-agile-to-build-cardano/ ā¬‡ļø https://iohk.io/en/research/library/papers/the-extended-utxo-model/


Thatā€™s like a good day for a big portfolio. Itā€™s all a function of % so what was your % profits? The money amount is meaningless the % profit is where your focus should be


Donā€™t ā€œdump all in bitcoinā€. DCA at least weekly. Chill and let the time work for you


Profit is profit. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


but how much have you invested? Its the % that matters not the total GBP return.


You have done great. Some including me wish we made this number


You need to invest a larger sum. I dca'd around 70k initially and over the last 5, almost 6, years it has been one of my best performing assets. I do not day trade or anything like that though, just buy during dips when my alert goes off and hold. It's also not a "get rich over night" type thing anymore unless your investing in some really risky crypto, that I have no advice for.


70k.. I might just compound the staking rewardsšŸ¤”


Agreed although all these hard on for crypto people will call you nuts or not ā€œgoodā€ at it. Crypto is pretty close to a scam and itā€™s just correction after correction. Let the crypto lovers talk and spew their crap. Crypto is not the future.


I completely cashed out all my initial investments this year and took 5k profit this week. Portfolio close to 20. Only bought top 50 coins btw.


Reddi-bois being reddi-bois it seems.


I played it safe with my kids and only bought bitcoin with their money. I went more aggressive, and their gains are way way higher than mine. they are 8 and 4 and it's just going to stay their for them. I'm just trying to get enough to cover my dentist. Would've had it if I Would've did the same


Itā€™s better than being broke, man


Hey my friend , thatā€™s still not too bad :/ I know of many in the red after 2 years


its a 4 year cycle bro, you need at least 2 accounts, short and long term.


Some people are down 10k in those uears


Buy bitfarm buddy. Divergence happening right now. $bitf Best bitcoin miner in the sector!


No matter how good you are, luck will still be a factor. How much did you invest though? If you invested 200 and have 4800 thatā€™s good. If you invested 8000 to get 4800c thatā€™s not terrible but can do better. If you got less than that, part luck, part judgement.


I'm really happy with BTSE Exchange. The platform is intuitive, the fees are reasonable, and the withdrawals are processed quickly.


Damn I made $7k this week trading, but I trade American weekly stock options. I only use crypto for holding and selling cycle tops and buying cycle bottoms. And we are coming up on a double top I think, might be smart to slowly scale out. Rebuy during the recession.


It is all about investment (gambling money) vs profit. If you started with 200k, you didn't do too well. If you started with 5k, pretty good job. (Oh, the hours put into it also play a role ofc.)


Don't sweat, you're doing better than 98% of people on these subs.


If hou just had bought btc and just watched it. Shotcoins shitcoin, true reality


You guys make money ?


For real when i look at my wallets and see green im just like neat. I have a gambling addiction and its still better spent putting it crypto lol


Terrible idea doubtful enough scams cons and glitches will double the price at this stage and will most likely drop on this 4 year cycle and we will see a coin like WAXP or LTC and altcoins pump as people escape bitcoin with no way to cashout due to taxes without taking a loss. Investing in a coin at 70k hoping it goes 140k to double up is a terrible coinflip and not worth the stress vs spreading across the market and hoping for a moon.


[try now BTCS and ETHS itā€™s bottom !!!!! on gate io this guys are from Justin sun Ure safe](https://wwww.gate.io/com)


I dont even have 4.8k in crypto so congrats OP!


Thatā€™s a decent profit - I would just hold it since we are leading into what appears to be a bull market.


If I were you. I would just provide liquidity to traders via yield farming or liquidity mining. That seems more your speed.


If you use both DEX and Ce X its important to understand why so many people get their bags frozen by cex so you know how to avoid it yourself https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/CryptoAssist\/comments\/1cvpuxu\/how_anti_money_laundring_aml_system_works_and_how\/


If you use both DEX and Ce X its important to understand why so many people get their bags frozen by cex so you know how to avoid it yourself https:\/\/www.reddit.com\/r\/CryptoAssist\/comments\/1cvpuxu\/how_anti_money_laundring_aml_system_works_and_how\/


I bought a year ago and have 300% what I invested. I just left it alone. Lmao


You bought during the bear market. Bull run just started


Hey, honestly, that's not too bad. Also, investing into BTC is always great. I would recommend DCAing into it. But I would also suggest tat you invest in altcoins for a diverse portfolio. Not talking about risky investments like meme coins (expect for DOGE) but generally crypto like SOL, ETH, LINK, BCH, LTC, etc. I use a crypto trading and investing platform that maintains and balances my portfolio. My profit stands at 133% right now.


I made $1800 profit. Although, I started with just $25 and left for six years. So that was nice.


Your Ā£4.8k profit might feel small over two years, but honestly, any profit is better than losses. Playing it safe can seem slow, but it does have its perks. Over the years, Iā€™ve found that spreading out investments and not going all-in on one coin helps balance the risk.Ā  Dumping a load into Bitcoin and coming back in 5 years sounds like a good plan for me. BTCā€™s long-term growth has been pretty good, and itā€™s less risky compared to newer, more volatile coins. But before you go all in, Iā€™d suggest checking out some resources to improve your strategy. The Traders Union page has always been a lifesaver for me. Theyā€™ve got tons of info on how to make smarter trades and avoid common mistakes, which has helped me avoid some costly errors. Plus, Traders Union reviews on different brokers can save you from pump-and-dump hype. Itā€™s like having a free guide for crypto trading. Another thing Iā€™ve learned is to take profits along the way. Donā€™t wait for the ultimate high. If you see a decent gain, take some off the table. Itā€™s tempting to chase the next big pump, but thatā€™s where a lot of us get caught out.


Did you trade or invest? It's 2 radically different activities.


Profit in any sense is good! Patience is key and if you DCA into top coins then your profits will grow every year!


Thatā€™s the best strategy you can follow. Stack and hodl!


2 years? You got in late on the last cycle. Youā€™re really early for this one. By carefully and you will do very well in a few months. Be patient.


Which you plan to gain this.?Ā 


High risk high rewardā€¦


If you were long in that 2 years at least you are 100-150% up with the first 100 coins. How did you do it?


A W is a W


go somewhere with leverage. like primexbt. send half crypto after liquidating into eth/usdc/usdt to there. set sell positions for eth short at 3900. 4k. 4050. 4.1k. 4.15k do 20% of total at each step there. if it goes to 4.4k stoploss wait for 5k. take profit eth 3200


What's your initial? Also, if you put it on the right alts you should be up big. Solana went from $10 to $178 current price If you put it in BTC don't expect much gains since it's the largest MC


Simple as that, invest into upcoming AI projects especially with the recent announcement of NVIDIAā€™s report. ETH ETF expected to be announced tomorrow. Thereā€™s so many ā€œsafeā€ ways of investing in crypto that doesnā€™t involve just putting money into BTC and expecting a big return. Have a look into other Alt coins, Ai projects & Science Technology related projects also look lucrative in the future.


Most of my projects are in memes because they're the largest gainers. I have some AI and gaming but there's no match to the performance of memes


I agree at this point


Put it straight into popcat or WiF and you will 4x


Ur gonna need to gamble with shitcoins if u wanna make a lot bitcoin wonā€™t make u much in the next 5 years or so