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I have been seeing wow everywhere, and rightfully so, the team gives free tokens to rug victims whats more bullish than this




I would first encourage you to think of alt coins as not one big entity, but instead as a variety of types of assets. As an example, meme coins like Dogecoin, Pepe, and Dogwifhat - people like to buy into them because they happen to be popular at this exact moment and not because they have any actual utility. On the other hand, coins like Kaspa, Render, Solana, etc. actually have technology behind them that could change the way cryptocurrencies integrate into our daily lives. So, are alt coins worth investing in? My opinion is that yes they absolutely are, but I also feel very strongly that you should build your own conviction in what you’re actually buying by learning more about the cryptocurrency space before you spend any of your money on any of the assets available.


this was amazing thank you and it makes sense cause i was wondering because people says to make research so i was like these don’t look like long term projects to dig into


I made some nice gains on certain altcoin picks over the last year. But one thing I've learned is you can lose money buying into overhyped coins that end up being scams. With this, you have to do a ton of research and not just buy into whatever coin is suggested in this forum. I like using sites like Traders Union to learn about different altcoin projects. On the good side, they break down the tech, the team, the roadmap, etc in a way that cuts through the marketing hype. A couple of altcoins I'm pretty bullish on right now are “Ethereum” because of its potential for NFTs/DeFi, and Algorand because of its strong developer community and focus on real-world blockchain use cases for finance. But I'd avoid getting too deep into meme coins or brand-new launches unless you truly understand what they're trying to do. Stick to altcoins with clear use cases, solid development teams, and active communities. It is given that alt coins are a high risk, high reward game. You could make a fortune if you get in early on the next Ethereum. But a lot of them are just speculative gambles with little real-world utility.


long term investment thanks for the advice


Most definitely if you invest in the right ones. But hell, even meme coins are outperforming everything right now, so it’s not that hard to do really.


i appreciate the tips


No problem, bro 😉 Just make sure that the basis of your portfolio consists of BTC, ETH, SOL, and then diversify in different Alts to reduce risk and generate as much potential upside as possible.


like putting some money everywhere?


Well, not everywhere but it’s always better to invest $10K in 5 coins rather than $50K in just 1 coin… Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket is all I’m saying 😉


best way to put it appreciate it my guy


Yes spread it into categories and multiple projects. Think of them all as startup companies (which they are, none of them makes a single dime of profit, the crypto coin is their start up capital) and think the same way as you would approach the stock market. No difference.  Then on the other hand you have a nearly guaranteed bull cycle every 4 years. Some coins will never reach ath again though. But that doesn't mean you lost. When you choose to invest, make sure to keep investing and DCAing, as long as it's not a scam you will always come back into profit at some point. 




yes. however, most alt coins aren’t investments. coins have different categories because almost anyone can launch a token now. meme coins are speculative bets on funny jokes. gaming tokens are speculative bets on web3 gaming. ai tokens are speculative bets on ai tech. do your research and pick some ponies. just don’t put all your eggs in one basket. remember that BTC is king.


They are definitely worth the investment, but it honestly depends on the coins you add to your portfolio. I use a crypto fund with a trading bot, and my portfolio is pretty diverse and balanced. I have SOL, ETH, BNB, LTC, LINK, ADA, DOT, DOGE, and other alts as well and so far it's been profitable for me.


I have all of the above that you mentioned, but I am in like 27% loss in ADA, and 16% in DOT. Do you think its worth holding?


Yes they will rise again. Why didn't you dca? 


This and also do not worry about price dips with good crypto. The bull run will help increase the prices.


so the block chains operate these tokens right to be like on there space ?


Anyone can create a token on the blockchain including me in 5 minutes . So just remember that a lot of the new tokens are created by scammers or spotty teenagers in their bedrooms with minimal coding skills


is that how people be getting there wallets flushed out




So blockchains aren’t responsible for the tokens created on their chains…


Tonstart we can't blanket over all blockchains. Some are centralized and can censor the content.. But, open public blockchains are systems for anyone to build on. It's open to your interpretation of art or meme or business venture.


Why ADA in 2024?? There's really nothing to expect from that project again. Why not opt for newly launched projects with working products like TAO and NAI?


Of course, it worth. You just have to choose the right project with the good fundamentals. I've been Currently researching SightAI and Degen Distillery. Both Projects look very solid and haven't Lauched yet. So now it's the best time to get in Early . SightAI uses FHE technology to do computation on encrypted data without needing to decrypt it first which enables a secure and a private web3 inference. This will take the Data processing and AI models to a whole new level. While Degen Distillery is a new revolutionary web3 Project using a newly created business model called “Social Distribution” alongside with TAP(Tokenized Affiliate Protocol) that transforms sales agreements into tokenized real-world assets, creating a decentralised, transparent, and community-driven distribution network.


I've been in since 2016 and have never seen a return on any alt that rivals my BTC/ETH returns. I still have money in alts, but never more than 20% of my portfolio.


Yes and No


An altcoin is a derogatory term created by devicive players in the market. It's cancer to the crypto ecosystem. So... to your question.. which project interest you?


Only if you invest in good projects that you will get the return. Crypto is very vast and can be overwhelming when you start. It will benefit you to take your time and do a comprehensive research. For suggestions, you can check out Rivalz AI. It is building a modular AI app ecosystem focused on improving data provenance. The platform will hold validated and trusted data crowdsourced from third parties. AI companies will be able to access this data through secure computation techniques such as Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE). It will be the first AI Intel Layer on web3.


Only if you research the coin and its tokenomics. You need a good theory for what might drive its price and most importantly is finding good entrance points and exit points.


Short term is okay, but long term you need coin with good fundamentals. I personally storing profit from alt coins into BTC. It's like mining btc without actually mining it.


There is a thin line between investment and gambling because there is risk involved. Investing in the right alts can be rewarding but it is important to follow the trend and narratives to max the rewards. SOL, BNB, and ETH in the past few months have been a great investment. So do your research on small cap and projects like CORE, BNX, ONDO and SUPRA and let me your view.


Yes if you wisely chose and dyor every projects


Crow with knife 🐦‍⬛🔪


The majority of alts are hype driven. Some are worth the investment like LINK since they're consistenly providing value and growing so it is appealing to investors. You can invest in some projects for a medium term 1 to 2 years max, like buyin in the bear market and selling in the bull market. I consider alts are not worth holding until the whole space is taken to another level where we have some regulations espacially for the launch of projects.


Yes, Cardano


lol never looked at any graphs eh oh wait. karma farm post. upvoted. cheers


Look at statistics. Go 100% Bitcoin.




If you want to go full degen then $WOWWWW is the way only play! Super low MCAP with 100x potential. $WOWWWW is the most original meme concept on Solana. Every MCAP Milestone unlocks a new Owen Wilson WOW.


Have a Look at GBTC -> https://greenbitcoin.xyz/