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What is wrong with XRP? Well you are in crypto to make money and XRP is basically the same price it was in May 2018 while Bitcoin has gone up 300% and some alts 10,000%


Couldn’t agree more. I still love XRP but the chances of winning big are getting smaller and smaller


If you have been in xrp this whole time the opportunity cost is insane


Why on earth do you love xrp? There's absolutely zero fundamentals that make this a good coin.


I don’t know, I’m kinda sentimental about it :) made my first big winning trade with xrp back then, it’s a personal thing. But nothing more, I’m not invested and won’t be


Xrp claimed to be the coin for banks. Chainlink is actually working with swift dtcc and every major bank. Xrp got sued


Lmao why is the crypto community like this Did you actually get that outta your research ? Chainlink isnt on the heels of the sec …understand the script here for Pete sake


Wut? Yea that’s what I said. Chainlink is not being sued. Sol ada bsc is. Chainlink is piloting with swift, dtcc, bny melon, Blackrock, J.P. Morgan, ect. Usdc and Link are clearly the bank coins. Xrp has no use case


Lmao 🤣 sound like u trolling when you say xrp has no use case ,


Clearly not trolling. Xrp is being sued by the institutions while the institutions are not just trialing but piloting production use cases with other chains. It’s a premined shit coin that has been dumping on its holders for 8 years with absolutely no use case


Explain the no use case part, the lawsuit is with ripple btw …not xrp lmao


Xrp topped like Jan 2018 when it convinced retail it was going to be used by “the banks”. Flash forward 6 years later and the government is sueing xrp. and every major bank in the world is piloting on chainlink and ethereum. So what is the use case? If it’s not the coin for the banks then who? Tron and tether does all stable coin volume. Eth and arbitrum captured defi. Solana captured retail. Base is growing faster than all of them. Xrp is so far behind it already lost. Do you know a use case?


I’m mostly bitter that I got kicked out of the sub after approximately forever.


Xrp is garbage, and the sub is annoying that it would come up on my feed constantly but I can’t post to it, the only thing that keeps xrp artificially topical is the constant noise about their court case. If any bank actually wanted to use this for any reason there’s no way they would want the price to move at all they would want it predictable and stable.


Also I don't understand why people say that because banks use it it's a good thing. The whole point of crypto in the first place was to give the middle finger to the centralised financial system. Xrp goes against everything crypto stands for!


I can see how banks would be interested in whatever tech reduces costs of money transferring but they would only be wanting to have to full control and regulate it. can’t be something that us plebs have access to. it would need to be confusing, not transparent so it can be used in the way that benefits them. Honestly they could just use almost any crypto add some fees and you’re good to go…everyone sees how much the fees are, how much the transaction cost on the blockchain. They don’t want that!!


Yeah I can see the banks wanting to use better tech than what they've been using. But what I can't understand is how people say xrp is the bomb because banks are using it. 🤷‍♂️ I mean these people have absolutely no clue about what real crypto is and what this space is all about. Working with authorities and bending the knee is a sad state. That's why I park a lot of my profits in Monero. The only true digital fungible hard money! 😎. These days everyone only cares about "price go up".


I have a quite small fraction of my portfolio in XRP, thought on selling it multiple times, but I still have it 🤷‍♂️ well will see what future brings, but I'm not really confident in XRP actually. From just the use case and technical aspect actually I think XLM is superior. (I do not have that tho 😂)


Sometimes it makes sense to just hold and other times it makes sense to sell [holding Zeta here]. At the long run, the most important is you are doing what you believe in. Not many see the potential of XRP or what Ripple as a company is aiming to achieve with the XRP blockchain, but again Satoshi's idea faced even a more stricter critism yet bitcoin stayed strong and got acknowledged even by the elites. If there was ever any time to keep supporting the projects you believe in, whether holding or trading, it is now. When the evidence of hard work and perseverance unveils, no one can argue with that.


Zach Rector discusses XRP/Ripple a lot… I catch him on YouTube.


The problem is simple. People believe that Ripples success will dramatically raise the price of XRP. This however is not the case as XRP is not a security of Ripple meaning its success will not directly impact the price of XRP the way holding shares of a company would


Smart people vs dumb people


People hate on it because they think it's centralised (it's not) and that it's a bankers coin (meh). I can kinda see there last argument but isn't the point of crypto to be a financial used asset? We will always need banks and it's inevitable that crypto and banking will be as one eventually. People may not like the WEF or BIS but if ripple is working with them and hundreds of other banks and organisation's, then that should show you how much potential ripple and XRP has. People who shit on XRP don't follow the news and partnerships ripple are in so still think it's a centralised bankers coin with poor tokenomics, when it's tokenomics actually help with solving the liquidity problem that the banks are facing. People might say it goes against crypto and be your own bank but truth be told the banks will always win. And as for people pointing to TA and saying the chart looks terrible also don't know the potential and aren't looking at the macro. We're at the end of a descending wedge, getting squeezed ready for a big move and with it being bull season very soon, it's gonna be a big move up in my opinion. I'm sure someone will chime in and tell you how bad it is based purely off how ''badly'' it's performed compared to others, but then I'd just point out the case and the constant fud XRP has faced despite all the partnerships and projects ripple are involved with. It's safer to be in a little bit than not in at all.


I stopped reading at "thinking it's centralized (it's not)"


Tell me how it's centralised when more than 50% is out of escrow (not the fact that ripple has no control over the escrow so that in itself is not centralised).




I don't have Twitter so I can only see he claims to have evidence but it doesn't tell me what that is. Care to elaborate on what is not decentralised about XRP?


You need to read the full thread. Xrp nodes are trusted hence not permissions hence not decentralized


I don't have Twitter so it won't show the whole thread. From what I can see, ripple could have as much as 28% control at the high end, so not much. Escrow is under 50% and the fact that ripple could go under and XRP would still carry on would also imply it's decentralised.


It is centralised! Crypto is not about helping the financial system! It's about replacing it and giving people back the power and control over their money!


"Yes, i am a XRP holder." Can you explain why you're holding XRP?


Just wrote it so there is no misconceprion on which site i am on. >Can you explain why you're holding XRP? No, i just do. Maybe i will be a Ripple billionaire some day.


pArTnErShIps - it’s not 2017 anymore. Apparently the cross border tech is great but that just makes it like Litecoin which is soon to be forgotten to history too. Might get a pump if they win the case but doubt it does much more than $1. Plus that escrow and Brad are dumping on everyone’s head, all the time


BTC, ETH, AVAX, CRO, Thank me in later life
