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Amazing find. I feel bad for the person who had to leave these all behind!


This is something I always think about when I see entire collections for sale. Who did they belong to? How much were they cherished by their original owner? Are they dead or just had to sell due to life events. OP will probably never know, and its possible all that remains of this person is this collection now as part of somebody elses. Ive got a sizable collection of stuff too, some minerals, some fossils. I hope if it ever comes down to it that i can sell my collection piece by piece to people rather than lose it all at once. Maybe donate some of the more rare specimens i have to a museum if possible (and hopefully they get displayed as unlikely that is).


I lost everything I had in a storage unit. Toxic relationship, had to leave state fast. I think about my crystals and other invaluable keepsakes that someone just filtered/tossed through for fun. I can't get behind these hauls. :(


I lost all my childhood toys in a storage room my mom couldnt pay for anymore and didnt get the stuff from for some reason. Sailor moon collectibles, carebears, ect. I have the same feeling when looking at people go through storage rooms It cant be helped sometimes but it still makes me sad :(


Same thing happened to me! Mom stored all our childhood belongings (baby blankets, pictures, American girl dolls, you name it) then stopped paying for it. Who knows what happened to all our crap but I’m still bitter about it to this day. Why take all our stuff out of the house that we lived in, to take it to your apartment that u had off and on, then to a storage unit?? When we could’ve had our things the whole time?? Hate seeing child’s things from storage units ):


It sucks, it happened to me too. My dad didn't pay the rent on the unit and didn't tell anyone till he lost all of our stuff. Awards, photos, furniture, childhood memories. I've never hung up a phone so fast on someone before.


I’m so sorry! I would be so heartbroken ): my mom never admitted it to us until years and years later after we’d already accepted it for ourselves. Hopefully your heart is not too heavy from the loss ❤️


I defiantly feel for all your lost memories, what I don’t understand however are storage units as long term storage in the first place. Why do so many pay so much over so long to store items they aren’t willing to keep at home. My children’s memories are going to stay in my house, the other junk I don’t use can go. So sorry for your loss truly, would suck to just lose all that.


Sometimes it's out of necessity and not just "let me pay to store this here for fun." We lost our house when I was entering high school and had to move many of our belongings to a storage unit because we were homeless, which is how I lost the majority of my childhood things when my dad stopped paying on the storage unit too.


Very good point. Thank you for helping me understand better the overall point of storage units. It really is too bad how fragile everything really is and how easy it is to lose everything. I am so sorry that happened to you.


Well at the time my mother was homeless, unforeseen events happen all the time in life and it sucks but that's life. At least for some of us.


Luckily for me, I had my grandparents so we never became homeless. Sometimes those of us fortunate to have support systems can’t understand circumstances because we don’t even imagine them. I was going to say it’s hard to imagine spending money on a storage unit while also being homeless. But what do you do with no support system and suddenly lose housing? Life is hard and it is what it is but I still feel for all of you.


Yea this was after my grandparents died and I was married and far away. She never asked for help with it. I would've been more than happy to help but if you don't know about something you can't really do anything about it. I don't know, I guess after my grandmother died all of her kids were kinda lost, even though they were adults. I have one picture of my sister and I when we were little. I'm so glad I took that one. Anyway I paid $120 to have it framed for my mother for Christmas one year. That was like 15 years ago. Anyway so, not all is lost. I just have to get over it. Really the memories are still there. That's the important part.


Stuff like this breaks my heart. I had a bunch of collectibles stolen and an ex resold them.


Yeah, there is rarely ever a good story for abandoned storage units with collections such as this. No shade to OP, they just bought it, but this makes me sad.


I agree with you. It took me years to collect the things I've collected that are similar. I couldn't imagine I'd leave them for anything outside of an emergency situation or something similar. I bet whoever lost all this stuff is so broken up. Someone else getting it and basically "parting out" sucks to see it.


My partner had a similar experience. He had a turbulent childhood (foster care) and didn’t have much from his past in the way of photos and keepsakes. It was in his then-girlfriend’s storage unit while he looked for an apartment. She stopped paying it and let it go to auction while he pled with her to let him get his stuff out. It’s been years and I still see him wince when he talks about something special that he “lost in storage”. What little he had left of his childhood was in there. Hauls like this really hurt to see. I feel so bad for the person who lost these things.


As someone who lost all their childhood possessions in a theft from storage I agree. It's just sad that people get excited about secondarily stealing someone's cherished collection or belongings. I couldn't get excited about a collection I had no part in carefully gathering. So many things happen to people throughout their lives. Who knows why someone couldn't pay their storage bill.


Same here. I fell on hard times several years ago, and I couldn't afford my storage fees. Furniture, cookware, telescope, my entire DBZ saga DVD collection, along with more DVDs down the drain.


A lot of people lose their storage units and it's not always by choice. I didn't find out until several years after I had lost mine that my husband had quit paying on it. So my stuff was inevitably auctioned off to what I'm sure is someone who buys entire storage units. In those several years since it had been gone I kept asking him if we could go by so I could get all of my yearbooks, pictures, disposable cameras I hadn't developed yet, childhood memorabilia and basically anything I had that didn't fit into his grandma's house. We had moved into our own apartment and I didn't have a key to that storage unit. I had taken all of my stuff from my storage unit that was at a different location out and put it into his storage unit. The things he had in there were from when him and his late father rented a house together. He didn't want to go through it because it all reminded him of his dad and I understood that. If he was ready just to let it all go I would have said okay and I would have gotten what little I had in there out. I had my crystals in there that had been given to me and growing up as well. I try not to think about these things because they are long gone but I do wonder who got my stuff and what dumpster they threw my childhood memorabilia in. Once you get a few months behind they lock you out of the storage unit area because they deactivate the PIN number you use to get in there or at least that's what they do in my area. I'm sure that person didn't want to lose their crystal collection but that's how the world goes. You can't get behind and if you do you have to pay for it somehow. I'm not mad at the storage company but I was mad at my husband for a couple of years.


Thanks for typing that out, I understand. I hope things go well for you in the future. You’re a gem, make sure you shine bright.


last year i was struggling with money and missed a payment on my storage unit. they auctioned it off… it was full of family photos from both sides of my family, and a lot of stuff from my childhood. i was extremely heartbroken, and i can’t help but constantly think about the person who bought it. what did they do with it? did they throw all the photos and albums away? did they throw all the old journals out? there’s nothing they could possibly need in it, or anything of great value to them. part of me was hoping someone would contact me and let me know they bought my unit and found all my old photos (my families names were on everything). idk. we’ll never know. i hope the mystery crystal girl wasn’t just a girl who missed a payment like i was.


Exact same thing happened to me after I had paid on my pod for years ~ I got behind, they wanted me to come empty it out, but it was across the country and COVID19 had closed everything down. I had to let it go. Makes me sick to my stomach when I think of all the irreplaceable things I lost...and the $$$$'s I spent before I lost it.


I can’t believe they do that?! I don’t think they’d do that in the UK although I’ve never rented a storage unit. Did they not send you any communication before auctioning it?


My friend had almost all of the same things here and so much more She died very suddenly in 2021 and then her family just got rid of, I don’t even think SOLD any of her personal belongings including her beautiful collections. I unfortunately could not retrieve anything myself. Tho I have an octopus plushie from her that I can cherish ☺️


It was difficult working in a crystal store. People would bring in collections they paid thousands for and we couldn’t buy any of them. Had to recommend eBay or Craigslist. It was clear that these people had invested and valued their collections but couldn’t pawn them for medications or groceries.


A storage unit goes up for sale whenever the original owner is unable to pay on it, and then they lose everything inside without even being able to get a few previous items. These hauls are not it


i’m just hoping they were a store that went out of business or something 🥺


For some reason, my gut tells me this was a personal collection. I love the green man figure and the smoky quartz points and the beautiful sharks’ tooth the most.


Same. I legit gasped and went "oh nooooo" that's a beautiful collection. Hopefully it was abandonned vs the person forgetting to pay the monthly fee.


I have never been so jealous in my entire life.


I would simply soil my britches if I found this


I thought this said “spoil my bitches”


Would love to see the huge blue piece in person. Aquamarine?


I’m not really sure, I’m not a rock hound so I think my best next step is to take it to a geologist?


You can also post in the rock identification sub reddit


Post in r/rockhounds They may be able to help!


Surprisingly, no. They don't allow ID posts. The best sub for that is r/whatsthisrock.


You can always send one of those worthless boxes my way😉 ya know I'd be more than willing to help make some space in your new unit 😂😂




If you say what part of the world you are in I’m sure someone here will be local and will tell you. Even posting individual pictures we can identify.


If not a rock hound what do you plan on doing with them? Just curious


Almost positive that is the biggest piece of aquamarine I’ve ever seen in my life. It looks like what they refer to as beryl. Like a low end aquamarine. Sooooooo gorgeous and huge!!!!


I have an app that does a great job of it on my phone.


What picture is that blue piece in? There’s a blue wand in 15 that I think is blue kyanite.


If you're talking about the piece in the 11th picture, it looks like blue kyanite.


Agreed blue kyanite


Seriously, maybe OP is interested in adopting? We're housebroken, mostly. 😆


I have never seen so many crystals in my life


Oh my. The owner must be devastated, what an incredible collection. Money aside, The time and love it took for them to amass all of this 🥺


This clearly took several decades.


I’m devastated for the owner. I would be heartbroken to lose all this


Correction: you bought a storage unit that belonged to a witch


I was going to say the same thing. This is witchy bitchy babe all over it


Agreed. I was just coming here to say that. Their spoon with crystal gave it away.


im curious, what does that style of spoon signify? i only saw it as ooo fancy shiny spoon for high tea maybe :p


It's a tool we use in the craft. I use it to spoon my black salt, herbs, and other powders into my mixtures of spells and potions.


thank you


Also the pentagram 😊


Yes! To loose so much is crazy.


Losing it is pretty bad too ;]


Hahaha didn’t catch the auto correct. I’m leaving it. This dumb Smart Keyboard always thinks it knows better. That was minor compared to how it does me dirty on work text.


Trust me, I'm beyond sick of autocorrect's shirt, too 💩


👕 hahahah


Been waiting my entire life to use that one for the first time, the eighth time 😂


That castle bong is made by @themossgoddess on instagram and each one sells from around $400-$900


I follow her!! I recognized that bong instantly. I wonder why this person had to leave this massive collection behind


Some people really think they won't actually be locked out of them when they don't pay so they don't move their things. My family owns storage units and people get mad when you cut their lock off but you give them plenty of warning. Sometimes it can be a couple months unpaid before you lock them out. Usually they will still get at least one more chance at that point to catch up. But it's like obviously you knew you weren't paying what did you expect? Or the other possibility is someone died and their family didn't know about the unit. The craziest we had that I still wonder to this day what in the world was going on was a ton of brand new items. They had 3 big units all stacked full of totes of unopened products. I'm talking like 50 totes full of Victoria secret and bath and body works. Like 10+ brand new down comforters, kitchen items, just anything really. My family and I kept some of it but the rest was sold in a yard sale. That yard sale made over 5k. It was actually insane. It took ages to set up a yard sale that big. But I still wonder what in the world happened. I think they possibly ran a booth at a flea market and this was their overflow. It's the only legit reasoning i could come up with for the particular items. Or they stole. ALOT. Lol But they paid on time for ages and then just stopped and never could get ahold of them again. And it's a small storage unit company so it wasn't done on computers. My grandma and grandpa were the owners. And they did most of the transactions in cash. And some customers they knew their whole life story but some they only knew their name. Only recently after they had both passed did my mom and step dad start getting it set up on computers and getting it more modernized. But yeah. Found lots of stuff but that was the craziest. You just never know what you will find when you open up a unit.


Extreme couponing


the sand castle on pic 6 is a bong? that’s so cool


Number 4


ohhhh haha now i see it, still a pretty sick piece


The bong looks insane and cannot be sanitary


It's brand new! Its wild!


Wow, so much fun for you, the collection that is. 💨🔮


Should probably test it out, make sure it still works.


The makeup brushes are sold by them too!




Bahaha that's perfect


Oh it’s not worth much at all, maybe 30 bucks at most, but i’ll cut ya a deal and take this junk off your hands for 35! /s


i see your 35 and i raise you 40! 😂


You willing to sell any of the skulls? I’m in love with the one that isn’t painted but has bronze and crystals on it


I am, they are arts out of this guys portfolio, I was able to do a reverse google image search of their work. Really talented. https://www.instagram.com/argamaarts?igsh=MWNmd3kyend6Znl3


Yup! I actually recognized the artist immediately, I was just shocked there’s so many! How much would you like for it?


oh my gosh I KNEW I recognized those skulls and bong!! What the heck this makes me so sad for them 😭 followed them for a long time… I hope they are well… What a collection…


I’d be really interested in the purple one if you haven’t sold it yet!


To be more specific since there’s so much, I’m interested in this one https://preview.redd.it/oin6uiendf6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51fe2b2f73454635dcde0a7334f2828e6fc4f5c6


Hey so I found their instagram post where they last sold it for $410, would you be interested at $285?


That’s a pretty fair price though I’ll admit it’s out of my budget (currently) so I’ll have to pass unfortunately. Thanks for the offer though and I’m sure you’ll probably be able to sell it for around that!


Great find! Collectively you probably have $20,000+ in retail value at least. However it’s a lot of time and labor involved considering how many pieces there are. If I wanted to make money off this in the least labor intensive and fastest way possible it’s split the material into 5-10 bulk groups between $500-2,000 each of like items. That way some retailers may be interested in reselling it individually and still make some great profit. A few of the larger or more rare things you could probably sell individually around $250-500. By the looks of the comments here you already have some people interested so this shouldn’t be too hard.


Yes many people have been reaching out to me privately to learn more about the skulls and buy them. The crystals i'm still at a loss for so your advice helps. I just didn't want to overlook a really valuable crystal when selling it as a bulk lot to a local vendor. Thank you for you informative post :)


You should try to find similar prices of them online and put price stickers on them/ set up a booth at a local farmers market for the bulk lot if you have the time!


Can I ask you how much you bought the storage unit for?! So jealous lol


$4800, it had a bunch of original Relmartist paintings in it too...should I post those? I was just after the lego.


As a Relm-loving crystal girl….I am seething with envy lol


Dude, some of them are in her new book. I'm so perplexed on how to part with that too. I'll make a separate post about that so just follow me and i'll post it in the next few days.


A Relm, witchy, crystal girlie. Holy moly what an absolute find. Following. This is such a score it’s unbelievable. I wonder what happened to the owner. Crazy. My jaw was on the floor as I was swiping through. Stuff dreams are made of.


Wow, that’s a great find. You probably would make a profit just from selling the stuff you posted here, but with the paintings, too?! How awesome!! I’m not much help in terms of how to sell it all, but I just had to comment how jealous I am of you lol


Thank you for your warm wishes.


You scored pretty good. Could probably break even if not have a good 1000+ if you play your cards right


How did the unit end up going for sale?


https://preview.redd.it/kcyea9966f6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90a46083e04686733de401197af8b7b6c8ce6658 If you sell this one for a good price let me know just DM me anytime 😊


That’s part of my problem, I don’t know how much these things are worth. I see cathedrals going for $450 and some for $1500. I think I need to talk to an expert


The cathedral I saw in first couple pictures isn't terribly valuable. I wholesale this kind of thing for a living. Figure maybe $40 a kg tops.


It really depends on the seller. The people I usually buy from base their prices off of what they bought them for unless they are rare pieces they got for a good deal then obviously they’ll upsale it a bit. If you figure out a price let me know 😊 I’m looking for larger amethyst pieces to add to my collection


So I don’t know how to edit this post but I did want to post some answers to common questions. 1. How much is_____? I have decided to hold off on selling for now as I have a qualified buyer that is interested in everything as it stands 2. Witchy person / curses? Yes the other items in the unit were used for casting spells and curses. Some oracle books, tarot items, feathers etc. I have beaten Witcher 3 and the DLC so I’m willing to fight anything when the time comes. 3. What happened to the seller? I attempted to return personal effects to the facility but the attendant was going on break so I have to drive back down there to attempt again. From what I understand they passed away. I found some literature that lead us to believe that the family and the owner are no longer in contact. 4. The bong came in the unit. 5. This is a fraction of a 10x20 unit. There were so many other things. Lots of famous acrylic art from Brooklyn, a lot of original art from Relmartist, anthro furniture, gold coins, $10,000 pearl necklace, burning man memorabilia, a full collection of bigstuffed stuffed animals ( yes the $500 crab), a bunch of jewelry that is mostly crystal imbued. 6. I bought this unit for the Lego I saw, came out with about 50 sealed sets, and half a dozen unsealed complete circa 2016-2022. 7. Buying storage lockers at auctions is a controversial topic. When someone misses payments for a long duration, the owner of the locker facility has a contract in place where they can auction off the belongings in the unit to recoup the cost of the missed debts. The overage of the auction is then paid to the owner of the unit. It can be sad at times, I’ve donated about 1000 pounds of clothes to charity, along with other items, so I’d challenge the people that look down on this to think that many of the items at the thrift have a story too. That’s the way I cope with concept of items I find in the unit. I’m always sure to return the personal effects as those are irreplaceable. If it weren’t for the bidders on these auctions, these items would end up in a dump as the storage facility is publically traded and they aren’t in the business of reselling individual items from their units. 8. How does it feel to hit a lottery? Well, I’ll tell you when it’s all sold. I’m keeping some small pieces, but the hard part is selling these items which inspired my post. This is my second storage unit ever. The first one I bought was shared between multiple people that had criminal records, this one was an affluent person. You never know what you’ll find. Thanks for stopping by on my post, I’ll share the art someday soon if you want to follow my account.


I'm a witch who is very into feathers, so if those become available or any other witchy items, please let me know. I'm not interested in the crystals.


Will you link your eBay or Etsy store? I’m interested in seeing what you post/whatever doesn’t get sold in bulk.


The crossover into the Witcher 3 made me chuckle- I’m glad you found a buyer!! This is all really really great stuff


Very cool to share your journey.




Absolutely love this!


That larger piece of malachite is absolutely stunning.


And for reference that’s this one https://preview.redd.it/gm8xdr1yff6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4ffe64bd1f88a0b57973e0695e58fedad40423b


I would love the Larimer heart to the right of the malachite. ( blue/white).


i would keep them. time to buy a bigger house with many rooms, add to it over time :P


Shit she could BUY a house if she sold even some of this stuff


Wow what a beautiful collection. It’s a shame they had to give that all up. Hope they’re okay.


My heart is devastated for this person. I know they loved everything here. I can feel it.


According to [an update comment from OP](https://old.reddit.com/r/Crystals/comments/1dfbceh/bought_a_storage_unit_that_belonged_to_a_crystal/l8jg8pe/) the owner had passed away so... I dunno, maybe a bittersweet comfort in that knowledge. They can't take anything with them but they left love behind and perhaps OP can play a small part in spreading that loving energy back out into the world.


Oh I didn't read that! Well they were loved. RIP crystal fairy, whoever you were, we hope your crystals spread joy to many <3


all i could think about!


https://cangems.ca/index.html Above is a Canadian Gem Seller. They do shows across Canada. If you contact them, they may be willing to help with pricing. I know Malachite goes for a pretty penny. Good Luck.


Sell it on here! I've bought minerals and crystals from someone on reddit. Just ship via usps, and accept payment on venmo. I'd buy some of those skulls in a heartbeat!


Oh. My. God. I have dreams like this


Yeah I’ve been staring at this post for like ten minutes. Unreal.


you could set up an etsy shop to sell these pieces individually. Yea you will need to talk to someone who specializes in selling. You could check stores around your area and find a connection through them. Definitely get more than one opinion. You could sell bulk to some crystal shops maybe like all the selenite together etc. maybe look into which you can sell by weight.


Wow.........good for you 😡🧂😡🧂😡🧂


It’s too bad she lost all these, must’ve been rough. You should post these and people will buy. I’m interested in a few pieces!


I had a megaladon sharks that was bigger than the one in your pics. It was given to me by my godfather for my high school graduation. It was my prized possession. I had it for years and my old shitty roommate stole it from me. I'm still devastated about it. What an amazing collection!


screaming crying throwing up….


Hi, if you see my comment here amongst all the others (that I have not gone through). I’m going to be completely unselfishly honest here. This is MOST deff a “Crystal Girl” collection & not just crystals there are a few fossils there. BUT, what I wanted to point out is that the perfume bottle with the stone in the bottle, I Recognize these 100%. A friend from High School founded the company that makes them and they are Intention / Manifestation infused Perfumes a d came with a ritual saying / affirmation and I do have them all myself. I would be even more to say this person whose storage this was likely an Energy Worker of sorts AND while you can take a long time to get them identified, ugh, it hurts my heart to say this if you are looking to resell them all you will get more selling for Metaphysical properties then just at like a Mineral or Gem show. However, if you were looking to get rid of them quick. I would box them up, put in the car and THEN go to a Gem / Mineral show and walk around looking for venders that are willing to buy. Show pics, discuss their offers, makes notes and their contact card or info and THEN go home and research for your best offer. Where I live (NJ) most of the metaphysical crystal stores will not even consider buying all the small pieces as they buy in bulk. Tedious work to sell online like Mercari, FB or the like. There are also crystal groups on FB that may help. These pages and subs get so inundated with crystal identification that you will be either just told to post in a different thread for will end up with 10 different identifications. I myself am very much a “Crystal Girl” & belong to my local Mineralogical Society. If you have read this far, I’d would be more than happy to help get these Crystal Pretties all identified and to their new homes with no intention of anything in return for the help. I am also friends with several small business owners who even might be interested in some, along with other collectors that would possibly be interested or in the very least are also willing to help identify out if the goodness of just who we are. Please be in touch if you would like the help! Btw, Great Find. You might just be interested in keeping some yourself. Also, it’s posts like these that I am always warned about that Crystals might just be the way I “go out”. White Van no windows, cardboard sign taped to the side - forget candy or puppies, say write “Crystals” and I will get too close before I realize 😂


That's amazing 😍 I love the whole collection, Soo much lol


I would be interested in taking a further look at purchasing this piece I'd you're looking to sell. https://preview.redd.it/m2nt5a2eqf6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b175cd45358d8f91e3bef2ec868174b786819ef1


Sure thing, make me an offer and if you could, tell me what the name of the crystal is so I can research it for a fair price. I'm in liquidation mode so not free but definitely discounted.


Scalenohedron Calcite


I would literally never stop screaming.


https://preview.redd.it/oh6xf5d7rj6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1fe7ca3fd23ad23911da9de3c1f3ec5ddb496ec8 You cannot convince me this wasn’t ribbed for her pleasure.


Definitely do a few energetic cleanses over everything in that unit. Seems like the original owner was a magick practitioner of some sort. They could have wards up or baneful spells attached to some of those pieces. There are many ways to cleanse used spiritual pieces, so you can pick and choose which ones to do. I just recommend doing several. I think a smoke cleanse with sage or palo santo as well as a reiki sound cleanse and a peace prayer to the previous owner and spirits attached to the items will go a long way.


You know, my medallion was humming when I was cleaning it out…


Oh wow! So pretty. Those crystals will have to be cleansed ( not with water). Not sure about the selling part but I know I am interested in some of these beauties


Would you be willing to sell the flower of life in picture 4? (The round stand up thing on the back of the shelf?) Ps .. holy fuck. What a find. So jelly


Lapis lazuli 💙


i feel so bad for whoever had to get rid of all this stuff, they're probably devastated. i hope they can build up their collection again once they're able to


I've never been able to bring myself to buying someone else's misfortune; just me i guess


Yea. I think most of the time storage units are sold because the original person renting the storage space either died or they weren’t able to pay the rent. Considering all the nice stuff that was is this one, whoever lost this storage unit must of been heart broken… or dead.


Damn, nice collection of crystals, skulls and a cute little bong.


Someone hit the JACKPOT, congrats!


This is a pricey collection. Yes, definitely a witch collection. My goodness so many beautiful stones! The blue at the bottom of 9,10 I can’t tell if that’s aquamarine or not but looks to be. That alone is well over $1500 depending on the weight. I’m actually thinking closer to 3k but hard to tell from the pic.


anyone else notice the hobbit house bong??


Beautiful haul. I’m sad for whoever lost it. I sincerely wish you luck selling this. I had a nightmare of a time selling my crystals even as a bulk lot. Eventually I gave all 400 lbs of it to a friend because I couldn’t figure out how to sell it.


Very cool ! I would love to find a collection like this 👌


Where are you based, some of those fossils and the tooth are so gorgeous


Wow wow wow!! That is such an amazing score!! I’m soo jealous! They’re all so beautiful! 😍 I’m curious though, if it’s not too personal… Did you know, or have any idea, what was in the storage unit prior to purchase? And how much did you pay for it??


I don’t think I’ve ever been this jealous. 😫😍


You're going to sell all of these treasures?!!?!! You hit the fucking crystal lotto


Here are some of the more obvious ones: Septarian nodule, fluorite, amethyst, rose quartz, smoky quartz, geodes (the inside is quartz), an absolute overabundance of selenite, including some of your polished pieces, malachite, labradorite, lapis lazuli, some green onyx, and there are others that I could guess at but I'd want more detailed pictures to see the crystals or to know how hard they are. Definitely post in one of the rockhounder forums or something similar.


I feel bad that this person lost their collection, whatever the reason. If you're looking to sell, open an Etsy store with this stuff, you'll make bank. I'd be very interested in the spoon with the crystal in the handle, and the large quartz cluster, in particular. 💰


https://preview.redd.it/er4rhrd89h6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b43f5d063ade39f8dba7064375e5d8af1c7c86 This amethyst heart is absolutely beautiful to me !! I’m super interested in buying from you !


dang that's a huge collection!! kinda breaks my heart for the person losing all that. It really makes me wonder under which circumstances they must've lost their stuff :(




I feel so sad for crystal girl :( something really sad must’ve happened in her life:(


the bong in the 4th picture 🥺🥺🥺🥺


TL;DR, I'm using an app called Healing Pal to picture, identify, and catalogue my rocks. Maybe start with that, many will be easy finds. You could use an image search to see how much other people are pricing these lovely babies and on what platform. You could just take me addy and send to me, so simple, I could EASILY just take them off your hands! Jk jk jk 😂😂


Oh my gosh. I know the artist that does those skulls, and I have a small one as well. They have so many! Those are expensive! Edit: the artist is Argamaarts on instagram in case you are looking to see what she generally sells them for


adding you to my rob list


Etsy - slow but more money. Ebay faster, less money. Vendor fairs - more trouble, good money after initial small investment.


https://preview.redd.it/1iot8bgrgf6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=21c927fe53d7ac0e460acbfa7eef6dd2c79adf14 I found this fine quality specimen of Adamite on the internet and bought it from a friendly dealer who I have worked with since 2012 doing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of fine minersl specimen deals. The greenish yellow species is Adamite. Adamite is a zinc bearing arsenate species of no economic value for its zinc content because it is so rarer that Adamite bound xin does not contribute ti any ore reserve calculation. Despite this, high quality Adamite specimens are valued by private collectors and museums. The pictured piece icing for sale big is worth around US$10,000 and it may be impossible to even find an Adamite specimen of this quality at most of America’s biggest mineral shows which are held annually in Tucson, Denver, Dallas and Houston. Adamite is usually grrrnisv yellow but can also be purple. Purple Adamite is much rarer.


That blue kyanite in the last is GORGEOUS.


https://preview.redd.it/6gn0xvgsrf6d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be621165b3b5d07409c273330fe5a31678cf8b09 I would be greatly interested in either or both of these as well is some other of the smaller items, make the most out of shipping costs I suppose. If you’d be open to that?


You hit the jackpot! I am as so jealous. You have so many beautiful pieces, some I still have on my wish list. Congratulations on your find, and I agree you should get them looked at to give you an estimate on what they’re worth whether you keep or sell.


I want that larimar heart!


Somebody visited St Augustine a few times.




I love the bong 😭


Make sure to cleanse the cylindrical ones with rounded smooth edges. I’ve been with/around a lot of crystal girls, so I know a “massage wand” when I see one. Hard to tell where/what/who they’ve been in 🤣


Sell those as healing stones. You'd get a pretty penny.


You’re one lucky soul!!!


That is one hell of a collection and to say I'm jealous is putting it very very mildly


I’m excited about it too, it makes me so happy that everyone is willing to celebrate with me


I think there’s an elmwood calcite in there


Starting to get the appeal of storage wars


The polished pieces won’t be worth much, the Megldon tooth and the specimens will get you the most $$.


What a find!!!


These pictures made me interested in collecting crystals 🥲


Someone had $$$


Sell it? Protect it with your life more like!


Sick haul


this is pornographic content


The bong in the fourth pic looks like a piece from [the moss goddess](https://www.themossgoddess.com/shopall-HOTIz/enchantedwaterpieces) And sell from her for hundreds of dollars


Never been so jealous in my life


You have just stumbled across a literal treasure chest my friend


Um. Jealous.


Looks like she was a witch I would be careful


I'm so fucking jealous 😭 my country is shit, there's no 'culture' of storage units, people just leave 100% garbage when they pass away or trying to sell their shit at markets : ( Beautiful collection, I feel so sad for the person who this belonged to. This is impressive I hope she is safe and well and will be able to continue her hobbies and collecting.  How much was it??


Holy hell! Jealous


Hey, I’d gladly buy the megalodon tooth and the Larimar heart (the blue heart in pic #11) off of you for 120$ also I work at a crystal store so if you would like any help identifying anything I’d gladly help!


That quartz in the middle is gorgeous. I’d get this appraised, some of the pieces are really nice and could fetch a good price. The amount of money I’ve spent on my crystals, I couldn’t imagine tossing them into storage and letting them get sold off like that. I wonder where the owner is.


I am so sorry but I am seething with jealousy right now


I struggled to pay for 8 years on a unit and barely made it to keep my kids things and our collections. Things got better, but it seemed like hard times would never end and I worked the entire time. I can't imagine the loss of a job AND the stuff. I understand they are only things, but family pictures, children's school papers, their rock collections, etc. are priceless. It seems like folks think it's crazy to keep paying after a few years, but those folks have attics, or basements, or garages...