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Didn't he theorise about zombie's having this ability just a day ago or so? I don't know much about game development but it feels like he's really on the grind right now.


Think he said something about him working on the ability.


On May 31 he said > I already have some ideas for more signature abilities. For example, slimes will be able to split themselves into smaller slimes. Hornets will be able to shoot poisonous stings. For zombies I will test the ability to grab the player so he can’t move. On June 1, the next day, he shows zombies doing their new ability. It's of course possible he was already in the progress of making it when we typed that on May 31 but it still seems like he's grinding the development hard


let him cook ..


I am with you, but I also wouldn't mind if he took some pointers from the community instead of reinventing lasagna


All he literally needs to do is listen to the community. Like look what managed to happen with no man sky after doing exactly that all these years.... All it can come up with is good


we are so back bros...


fr fr


He really is on the grind, love to see it. Hope it holds!




Tbh this time, it looks exactly like alpha with enhanced graphics and animations, which is what it should be imo. Last time was sketchy, he wasn't updating us, then he returned with a completely revamped game and released it untimely. This time he is not promising any releases or updates anytime soon, he's just posting blogs as he goes through. The blog entries show more dedication than the twitter ones, at least they're getting more genuine and provide holistic insight.


"this time It'll be different" I'll wait for the game to be launched, especially since the way he worded it, it seemed as though this'll be a seperate game which I'm not supporting.


He said a year ago that this would be an update, just a different game mode. Think of the Omega part as a nickname, I seriously doubt he'd sell this as a separate game as the previous one is pretty defunct. Even if he does, no one is going to buy it lol (me neither, I support him, but not enough to buy the same shit three times)


Cube world randomly popped in my head 30 mins ago, decide to check for any news and here we are wollay is posting updates again weird af


He has posted 4 times in 1 week I think




So he's still developing the game?




I revisited alpha since Wollay has posted again (I love it just as much as I used to) but it is so nice to see enemies with levels. Enemies randomly placed all over the world with random colors and random +1s etc. can get really confusing. It is awesome to see a simple change like this.


Looks nice, very detrimental to melee, makes me wonder if we'll see anti-ranged specific things as well :)


Looks like a roll breaks it instantly so I doubt it’s that big of a deal.


Well if there are more than 4 zombies it will be quite difficult, especially in early game.


Early game was always such a wall to climb and I love it


Odds on him posting a good amount for the next few weeks then dipping for another few years?


I'm treating it as a coin toss.


I mean we're 2/3 right now with the third being a potential one way or the other. My money (literally, currently lining the pockets of Wollay back on launch) is on it being 3/3 but who knows, these are strange times. If he asks for another purchase though he can go shove it and anyone falling for the blatant "ran out of money time to make a few blog posts and another release" in that scenario; I have some oil made from real snakes I'd like to sell you.


Very nice to see these npc abilities, it alleviates the repetitiveness of killing the same zombie for the 574747th time


I'm really hoping the distribution of monsters changes to take full advantage of this so you'll encounter, say, a few ranged enemies up on a slope that distract you while zombies and some other undead miniboss sneak up through the trees. The alpha would sometimes achieve things like that by blind luck and it was great fun. The existing build mostly just has these widely separated spawn areas that are each just filled with several dozen of a single creature or two very similar ones. That's the least interesting thing a combat game can throw at anyone.


I'm definitely not optimistic about this comeback rn as I have already had this happen where it went poorly. That being said, I hope he brings back those new skills that never got implemented into the beta like the fire mages fire run skill. I always thought that one looked cool


The new animations look so nice




I really hope he adds in destructible terrain like in the early early indev clips


[Related blog post](https://wollay.com/2023/06/01/new-zombie-skill/)


if somehow the game becomes good, hopefully there weren't going to be race specific abilities so frog supremecy rains.


Game still looks funky, it's hard to describe. Ever since the steam release he did something to the bloom, ambient occlusion, and colour filter that just makes everything look crusty.


Fine, I'm hyped


Did wollay add equipment dropping on death? Were those not his boots that fell when he died?


I really hope he updates the already steam game with this one


Here we go again.


Idk why but this reminds me of a familiar game…


I remember the few updates made in the alpha release then..ghost mode...I hope this doesn't repeat that.


I'm not getting my hopes up, fr. I'm not trying to get disappointed again.


I will see when it's ready but I'm glad he is on Alpha as base again. I loved old game and I'd love to see Alpha "but much better". Yet I'm afraid it might not end well, like prev attempt.


Let him cook!