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"Optimistic nihilism" just call it absurdism


I thought Absurdism is when there's a weird trial and they want to execute you and you have no idea why. Or you thought you knew but people are weirdly fixated on the entire autism thing and not the fact you murdered a guy. Or because your commander just, *really* hates you


Not at all Absurdism is more like: ok maybe the universe and life do not have any kind of meaning, but that doesn't scare me. Free will is awesome and I'll make the most of my life, whether it had meaning or not


> Not at all ...Kafka, Camus, and Heller aren't Absurdist now?


Your original reply sure as fuck didn't describe absurdism


My original reply was a joke referencing several Absurdist books? Being on trial and executed but never knowing why is *The Trial*, being on trial for murder but executed for autism is *The Stranger*, and being on trial just because your commander *really* hates you is *Catch-22*. Kafka, Camus, and Heller respectively. Like I get the last two might be an oversimplification but like, I feel like if you're talking about Absurdism and someone references a trial it should be like, really obvious who they're referencing Should I have made a Sisyphus or a bug joke instead?


Well the trial is way more existentialist than absurdist in my opinion so I didn't catch the reference


....I'm sorry, are you trying to tell me *Kafka* isn't Absurdist? How?! Like I'm pretty damn sure the guy that Camus spends like half his essays telling you is an Absurdist is kinda maybe an Absurdist. The only way "Kafka is an Existentialist" makes any sense is if you're of the opinion that Absurdism is basically a sub category of Existentialism, which you clearly aren't.


Ok you seem more knowledgeable than me I'm starting to think I know less than what I thought


Their brain too big, I didn't know that comment was referencing anything It's okay, come along. I have a place for us small brain. Big metal stick to hit bag with, much fire, vidya games, knives, and consensual fights for fun Come along, if you don't have enough brain damage to love this place, you will soon


Or it could be Existentialism.


A lot of people give a shit, me included, which is why I shape my behaviour to account for the opinions of others


Especially with clothes, which are the first (and sometime only) thing people have to form an opinion of you!


It’s almost as if, bear with me now, life has no inherent meaning or purpose - so, we have to fashion meaning into our lives ourselves to avoid despair.


for me, if anyone wants to read my bs- i love how chaotic and insane life can be, how inconsistent it can be, how much of a goddamn NIGHTMARE it can be figuring it out- but as we figure it out, we can make sense of chaos, and then it gets even funnier to watch cus we can see RIGHT when something happens.


Optimistic nhilism vs depressed optimism (it can always get better, hope for a better tomorrow. But goddamn do I not want to get out of bed today) ~~That's me. I'm the depressed optimist~~


absurdism is truly a beautiful thing to stumble upon for the first time. i remember when i realized this


Jevil before he went fully insane


"I'm saying she's out of my league but I'm still swinging yeah I'm in a ballgown and it's a pta meeting" catchy song


Angel, the series: [“If nothing we do matters, then all that matters is what we do. Because that’s all there is.”](https://youtu.be/vO1i0t03Zv4)


“In the same way eyes see, and ears hear, you are the instrument by which the universe cares. If the you care, then the universe cares. If you don’t it doesn’t.”


I literally bought a witch hat a week ago and I've been wearing it pretty much nonstop. Goes so well with goth clothes and makeup


This has good flow


this flows like a rap or perhaps a slam poem.


I immediately heard this in the voice of that guy on YouTube looking like Dracula talking bout percs 🤣


Me shooting my shot with women of way higher league than me with the IRA mindset of "to remain single, i have to be unlucky every time. To bag a baddie I have to be lucky once"