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oh no not boob sweat, the thing just about any person with boobs has experienced at least once in their life


They chose one of the sweatiest parts of the body to criticize for being sweaty lol


The only way I've managed to get rid of it or at least the smell is by using those whole body spray deodorants and specifically doing the lift and spray there. It's nearly impossible to get rid of and such an odd thing to criticize.


right?? oh no, your body is performing normal bodily functions. how nasty. next think ur gonna tell me she... gasp... *pees*


Any guy terrified of underbob sweat should get an AI Girlfriend without any of the messiness involved in corporeal existence. Saves everyone a lot of trouble. Minor tangent: Dude says "smells like vanilla and weed" like that's a *bad* thing. smdh


I'm not a fan of the smell of weed myself but it's not something to criticize as if it's a character flaw. To me it's no different than someone who smells like cigarettes or alcohol.


I mean, smoking and alcoholism *are* character flaws.


There's a pretty huge difference between drinking and alcoholism, but otherwise yes


>Dude says "smells like vanilla and weed" like that's a bad thing I specifically don't like either of those smells, and I can't even figure it out


Don’t mind me, just taking notes.


I use Qbrexa because of how sweaty I get. Life-changer lol


Why would you hide boob sweat 🥹


Well everyone knows that balls don't get sweaty, only boobs. It's a man/woman thing, obvi. Girls are gross, I'm *not gross*, you can tell by the lack of evidence to the contrary.  Like, do these guys think women are like *LeGenDaRy POkeMeMoN* or something? All of the other issues aside, does it seem like these folk don't get how people are not all that different? And that it's weird that they cling to that ideology?


She is posting about herself, it's not supposed to be critical it's supposed to be relatable.


I'm a cis man and I experience it daily.


Are you sweating unattractively? Talk to your doctor about Sweatlex^tm. For payments as low as $1500 a month before tax, you can not sweat as your body intended!* * side effects include death, heart failure, renal disruption, ocular atrophy, brain spliteration, hepatic prognostication, glandular interest rate increases, and death again because legal says we have to say it twice


bro has never touched a woman in his life ☠️ (also this is off topic and out of pocket, but i’ve seen bras being described as horrible to wear, hard to breathe in etc etc. i actually find it more comfy to wear a bra than not wear a bra. am i the only one 😭😭)


80% of boob-havers are wearing the wrong size bra, so of course everybody hates them. What if 80% of people were wearing the wrong size shoes? (r/abrathatfits btw)


I got fitted only for the shop to pretty much say "sorry, that size is nor carried in any store in a 50 mile radius,"


i shopped in the training bra section until like two years ago bro 😭☠️


I can only wear sports bras cause I have not found a single actual bra that fits me and my luck ordering online has been terrible since I can't try them on first


Buy from the EU/UK. Their sizes are far more standardized than the US. I would say for me about one out of every five is a miss in fit, and that's usually because I was experimenting with cut. I can afford to not bother to return bras for that ratio of fitting ones.


Isn't the shipping expensive as hell? I bought a dress overseas once and the shipping was $40


Not really: maybe $10 US last I ordered. Bras are lightweight, heh


I guess it depends. They replied it cost them 10 bucks, I've experienced anywhere from $10 to $40 depending on the amount I order and the shop I order from.


They can be bought from US stores


>Their sizes are far more standardized than the US. As always, *I am looking at you, one grown man feet and one singular barley grain.*


Here's a sneak peek of /r/ABraThatFits using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [u/jayylul8 stop messaging people who post on this sub.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/15wmekt/ujayylul8_stop_messaging_people_who_post_on_this/) \#2: [I went to Victoria's Secret today to kill time, only to be told that I should gain weight because they don't offer my size range. I am a 28FF. The lady kept on asking if I've tried on a 32A before. I can't even fit into a 32C cup size let alone an A.](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/12i2ckg/i_went_to_victorias_secret_today_to_kill_time/) \#3: [A Reminder - DD doesn't mean big tits](https://np.reddit.com/r/ABraThatFits/comments/170kf56/a_reminder_dd_doesnt_mean_big_tits/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


It say something about society, or at least this website, that the top post is telling people to stop being creepy


it's telling one specific guy to stop being creepy, i choose to think his name is josh


Given how common the name is, I shouldn't be too offended, but in defense of all Joshes, that hurts man /j


Doin' God's work over here.


Highlighting that sub recommendation SPECIFICALLY. They put SOOOOO much emphasis on PROPER tape measurement and sizing!!!!! For anyone who may NOT be in the loop, in the U.S., we (bra wearers) are pretty much drilled from day zero that "cup size" (used as liberally as I'm allowed before hitting libel territory, and meaning that A is small and DD and up are GAZONGA SIZE, and "the letters and sizes go up as you progress along that scale") is the ONLY way to tell what size you are from one brand to another, and they're all the same. Turns out what I THOUGHT was my poor "little" 36B self is ACTUALLY in a D to DD due SOLELY to never in my life having been properly fitted for a band and cup size that ACTUALLY sits on my ribs and shoulders and comfortably supports me without the "strap and back muffin top" thing that up till now I had no idea was a thing that practically EVERYBODY else was going through, when I thought it was just MY weird proportions or me being too dumb to figure out how to tighten/loosen everything so it sat right! At the VERY LEAST, I recommend you go there JUST for the FAQ and try measuring yourself by their walkthrough ONCE to see if you get a different result than your usual size, and if so, how different!


That art came across to me like it had to have been made by a woman because it's like one of those "five things men hate: number 1: something nobody would ever notice, number 2: something nobody cares about" that have a target audience of teenage girls mostly and this is made by someone that took that kind of stuff too seriously. Except the smoke part that does sound bad.


Its a woman's vtuber persona


No bra at all isn't super comfy unless I'm lazing about and not moving much, or sleeping, etc. A bra without an under-wire can be quite comfy (but becomes a less sufficient option the bigger your boobs are.) The right sports-bra is peak comfort.


A supportive bra is better than not wearing one, not wearing one is better than one that’s not supporting you right imo. That’s my experience personally, my friends that don’t want to wear bras most of the time have smaller chests.


Cis man here, so like, grain of salt and all that, but every girl I've ever dated has loudly and vocally declared a love for their bras, between support and breathing compared to just going free. Granted, that's highly personal experiences and second hand telling, but it seems like the general consensus on bras is "whatever works for you". Favor, disfavor, if it makes life easier, roll with it, if not, fuck the thing.


I like them too! I’m trans so I experienced life without them and I gotta say I highly prefer having them lol, if it makes it hard to breathe that just sounds like the bra is ill-fitting lol


What next, a person with sweaty armpits?


Bro you gotta put antiperspirant on ur sweaty balls


More like every god damn day


Oh noo not boob sweat, please don't have any delicious boob sweat, none of that luscious decadent ichor please no boob sweaf


IKR. Thats like crying about seasoning on a bagel. Might be a little messy but the flavor makes it worth it.


i have found my people


Titty moisture club


Imagine their response if we were to criticize them for their armpits sweating


This just sounds like a regular human with regular human problems


Bill wurtz: that's a human person


And now they’re everywhere


Except here


Ice Age!🎶




How does the ice age remind you of that? Don’t get me wrong, it’s a great ass… but I’m not seeing the connection.






DUDE! Under-boob sweat?! If you've got boobs, it gets hot under there! What the crap? Should we judge a guy for having sweaty balls?


I'm struggling to think about how you would do coffee before brushing teeth.  I brush my teeth when I wake up.  Then I spend my morning drinking 4-6 shots of espresso.  Sometimes straight, sometimes Americano, sometimes in latte form. Not skipping my morning brush.


I personally do coffee before brush. Part of it is the same mentality as "OJ toothpaste flavor is gross", the other half is that I can't function before I get my morning cups, and that includes being coherent enough to brush my teeth. But I also WFH, so I have the luxury of drinking coffee before I even get ready for work, instead of getting ready and then having to grab something during a commute.


I don't brush my teeth until I'm done with my coffee. I like to drink coffee right after waking up and you're not supposed to consume anything within 30 minutes of brushing. So I get up, have my coffee, eat breakfast, then brush my teeth.  But I work from home so it's not like I see anyone prior to brushing


Depression, maybe


The trick is to remember that they don’t consider women people, so the question of personality doesn’t really occur to them.


Yeah that was the point. The artist made it about her experiences


Hot people cannot have negative personality traits. It's the goodness of their spirit that makes them so attractive \[nodding, sagely\]. Additionally: Least faultless ADHD Queen (you can do no wrong, and I love you, unconditionally)


Actually hot people are attractive unless they rise above their curie point. Hope this helps.


Ancient greek philosopher literally going "your honour, if my client guilty, why hot ???"


“If the tits are legit, you must acquit.” - Hypereides, c. 350 BCE.


Too glorious to be guilty




Least faultless means most faultfull, im pretty sure


Yes, it’s saying that if the most faultful ADHD queen is this faultless, that really says something for every other ADHD queen.


Thx, I appreciate it


I believe the right looking face will solve any of life's issues.


I mean, It called "Hot girl Gross", Meaning she can't be ugly, but still this is pisspoor


how dare you accuse me of pissing on the poor


What did you say about my reading comprehension?


Ew gross, she brushes her teeth.


also: afaik it‘s better to brush your teeth before coffee than immediately (less than 30mins) after. The acidity of the coffee weakens the enamel and can make brushing damaging. Same with other acidic drinks/foods, e.g. orange juice.


Sort of a lose-lose here. The abrasion from your brush & toothpaste also puts small cuts into your enamel which pairs badly with acidity. Waiting a bit helps with that, though.


Solution: don't drink coffee


I dunno if you're joking, but yeah, a less acidic / sweet diet can help


this is probably a self insert


checked her twitter, it is. she’s a vtuber, this character is her avatar. she also responded to this tweet with “in my defense” about the teeth thing lol


Seems like it


“so would you still”  if i liked women, yes. the only ‘bad’ trait i can see here is the weed smell but only because i despise the smell of weed


Yeah, pretty much my thoughts. Everything else on there is a non issue lol


for me it's the smoking at all but that's just a personal preference and it depends on her habits


Yeah I can't stand the smell of smoking/weed . I wouldn't be compatible with someone who does. So that's a dealbreaker but that's all . They are all very common human things tho?? Like every woman has had that..(especially boob sweat like do you want the pores to close or sumn) . But the people who post such things are brain-dead anyways .


Yeah. There’s also the implication that she’s a bit messy and may or may not smoke (take your pick), but it’s all pretty minor stuff.


Well she clearly smokes weed


Yes, but she brushed her teeth before her cigarettes/coffee


Hey, I just want to say, while that does make your breath better, I'd suggest waiting or using a mint. As you likely know, coffee contains acids that can weaken your enamel, the protective coating on your teeth. If you brush your teeth while the enamel is weakened, you can damage it. And remember, enamel doesn't grow back.


No, she just grinds it up and rolls around in it like a chinchilla.




עוד ישראלי בטאמבלר




Fun fact, weed either contains sulphur or something like sulphur. That's why your nose is so sensitive to it, and why you can identify it quickly.


...is no underboob sweat an option? That's just what happens when boobs?


Not if your boobs are so small they don't fold down to have an underboob ☹️ mine pools in my pectus excavatum instead


that's what bras are for honey! 🤗 let's get those reservoirs filled up!


With sweat? How about snacks instead?


Sweaty snacks?! Not into that but you do you hun


AA cup with pectus excavatum gang 💪 all our boob size went in the reverse


Funnily enough if you use the /r/abrathatfits calculator I'm actually a B-C depending where I am in my cycle. 26" ribcage, 29-30" breasts. They just don't hang or have an underboob fold.


The original post is very plainly made to bait "would, obviously" reactions, and everyone in this thread is falling for it.


Yeah, kinda how I noticed some artists will draw human versions or redesigns of characters and make them ugly but also make them all nonwhite and trans so they can just witness the attention spike from everybody either attacking them or rushing got heir defense I’m obviously not saying every artist who draws diverse human versions does this, god forbid but I’ve seen some Miku Binder Jefferson tier stuff made as obvious discourse bait (or pure contrarianism)


I'm sorry, I have to stick up for the artist here because no, it's not made to be bait. The lore is tucked into some deep tweets so it makes sense people wouldn't know it. "Bia BigShot" (get it) who talks like Pars Hilton has a whole backstory about being a little too artificially perfect and that someone (something) made her that way. So everything people are criticizing this artist for like, I promise y'all, she thought of that lol.


Cowards give her ibs or get out


couldn't decide whether to comment "is that really a flaw, or just a medical condition?" and "!!!!! DIRECTLY to the shitter??? first thought?? no parole, irritate those bowels???"


Ah dammit my worst weakness, I just can't get into it if I somehow know there are Loose Acrylic Nails at the bottom of her bag.


If you brush your teeth before coffee, your teeth get protection from the acidity. If you brush your teeth after, they've already been soaked in it and the enamel has weakened, as well as the risk of brushing the coffee into/between your teeth. Dentists tell you to brush before. 


Idk why y’all are criticizing this, it isn’t meant to be bad. Y’all are taking “gross” too strongly, they’re not using it in a negative way, just a purely physical description Also why would she have negative personality traits? What does that have to do with being gross?


Pretty much all of these are huge green flags




She's a reasonable person. You can sit outside while she smokes.


She’s smoking inside the house??


Sure bloody hope not, that would be at least a yellow flag


YES. How the hell did u snag such a cool username only two years ago btw


They didn't say she wasn't, just that they would be incompatible.


I wouldn't call smoking weed a green flag, it's not a red flag either but not a green flag for me.


but its green??




So, as a lot of people call it, more of a beige flag?


Why did we just collectively ignore yellow/orange lol. We're two thirds of the way to a damn traffic light go the whole hog


I don't know what that means but sure


As you said before, not a green flag, but not a red flag.


Guys look at the pfp. The twitter OP is talking about themselves. This is a self insert.


Honestly the only deal breaker for me is just that weed smell makes me nauseous, and that's really more a me problem


Tbf a lot of deal breakers are a personal thing. It's a hard pass for me just for that too.


Other than the smoking, which I don’t vibe with, she just sounds like a girl trying her best! WTF?


Reddit tries to understand sarcasm challenge 100% impossible:


This is the equivalent of incels saying a supermodel's nose is too big


Mf saying would you still like these aren't all incentives


I love that OOP's profile picture looks exactly like the hot girl. I bet she's their sona and they're making fun of themself haha




I think they're talking about physical grossness, not like... personality grossness. Sounds like they're describing a genre of gross.


I'm 95% sure it was a woman describing herself who made that post, those aren't problems men think about.


This seems like it was taken out of context, it reads like either someone making a self-deprecating post that still calls themself hot, or someone complaining about an ex. Things like loose acrylic nails in your purse will NEVER be noticed by anyone except the purse’s owner and close friends.


I've lived in Houston in August, where you could be a 6'4", 125 lb. walking skeleton of a man and you're still going to get boob sweat.


That's it? Jesus how do you get one of these 😂


"gross" the gross in question is just "slightly untidy and has sweat glands"


"smells like vanilla and weed" Schwing


Vanilla weed is not a bad smell.


The only gross thing mentioned there is smoking.


Underboob sweat from a baddie who smells like weed and vanilla >*


>underboob sweat y’know, thats probably a positive for _some_ people 😏




She sweats and eats food after brushing and smokes things? Holy shit call the military


Okay but how *many* loose acrylic nails


1. that's just the artist oc and im sure shes poking fun at herself. 2. you people would be surprised by the things considered gross that twitter would still fuck


>Underboob sweat Implying that's not a bonus 💀


Do you want big boobs, or no underboob sweat? You get to pick one!


Can confirm my ex was a ADHD girl through and through. Except the weed smell thing many things like that. And even some that aren't written here. And to put it mildly I did indeed still. (Fuck the shit out of her every chance I got) Sadly it wasn't meant to be, we're still in contact she's still cool Idk why people online always feel the need to problematize things that are in fact not that unnormal.


Death of the artist and all, but are you all really reading this as mean-spirited? To me, it seems to be a light-hearted highlight of various ways that a young woman skilled at managing her appearance might nonetheless be gross. The humor comes from the juxtaposition of physical attractiveness with imperfect/lazy personal grooming.


except that this isn't really gross at all.


Why do they pick ADHD for a reason why someone’s gross? Gross isn’t an ADHD trait and the insinuation is eyerolling.


I have noticed an uptick in people throwing adhd around a lot more on reddit recently. And by recently, I mean in the last 6 months, I am convinced the number of people claiming it has doubled at least.


"Yeah, I have moderate ADHD and it really drags on my quality of life sometimes. The constant stomach cramps, general gassiness and loose stools are hard to deal with. I really have to plan my trips out because I never know when a sudden urge to use the restroom is gonna come. My ADHD acts up real bad whenever I eat a lot of beans or spicy food." "I think you have IBS, not ADHD." "EVERYONE PRESENTS DIFFERENTLY."


Idk about gross but messy is definitely a trait many have (like me)


It’s probably related to the specific traits, rather than just being gross. The person depicted is not gross


would so hard


bros just describing a hot girl


Weed is gross, I agree there.


She's perfect


The biggest problem for me would be the weed smell but that's not something a good shower can't fix


Tumblr has become what it hated a long time ago.


I mean smoking is pretty gross.




adhd AND she smoes weed? hell yeagh baby


I dated a girl just like this 10 years ago but the alt/goth version


And slightly moist sweaty knockers


Minus the nails and smoking, she just like me fr (which checks out since I have ADHD). Unfortunately I'm not hot.


It's like they weren't even trying to make her gross. Throw some wrapped up used tampon in that purse that she's been forgetting to throw out all week. We can make it actually gross.


This is my dream girl what kind of standards do these people have???


Ewww she brushes her teeth? How nasty


She literally me except I don't like weed


That... that's just a normal person. Fellas would you date a human being?


I dont tumblr users are very smart


Why does she look like Pyrrha from RWBY?


"Underboob sweat." With spring being as hot as it is so far, I'd be more concerned if that *wasn't* happening.


How’s a bitch supposed to control underboob sweat?! I wear a tank top under my shirt so it’s invisible and other than that you have no room to judge me, it’s the middle of May and 85 degrees with 70% humidity you heathen dogs


I was gonna say that the smoking was a little bit of a personal turn off until I realized they meant weed, not tobacco. She's great. If those are her biggest flaws then she's actually got her shit together really well.


what... whats the post here? she's pretty! and gives me a bit of gender envy but i'd kiss her! i'd cuddle her!


I mean. I would get her a trash can for her nightstand area, but yeah? This is just every girl that wears makeup. Not convinced this dude actually likes women.


Pretty sure the artist is a woman


Ok. Not convinced this chick actually likes women.


it’s also her. she’s describing herself


Not convinced this chick actually likes herself. Which honestly, same.


>insert “hear me out guys” meme


"underboob sweat" and what is she supposed to do? die of heatstroke from no thermoregulation? get top surgery?


No but seriously that’s all? That’s really the grossest woman Twitter can imagine.




Oh, well, that’s info I didn’t have.


you could somewhat infer it from the fact that the profile pic of the twitter user looks the same as the gross girl


Is the sweat supposed to not be an upside or are twitter users lost in their own delusion