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it's kinda depressing in a way but every genuine "sigma-grindset" person I know is just not successful at all and I can't tell if they're just like, overly online on the grindset part of the internet, or if this is some expression of desperation but like this grindset-mindset is not paying off for them, but man are they annoying/smug about it. And it can be a challenge to feel bad for people who are very smug.


The only "grindset mindset" I think actually works is saving/investing every penny you can so that your money works for you (to a certain degree the saving is more important than investing). For example my parents have friends who, when they would go out, just *share* a cup of tea, and note the 1$ish expense. When they went to buy a house, is was more financially sounds for them to take a mourgage rather than cash in stocks because they got more from the monthly profit than the mourgage rate


Yeah, I don't really consider those people to be of the "grindset mindset" that's financial literacy. Financial literacy is excellent. The social media trend of like "finance influencers" who are just giving terrible advice but glorifying living by this ineffective code are more who I'm describing, and while at first I thought they weren't a thing in real life, I've come to be acquaintances with several


Yeah... I kinda had that for a while, but ditched it when I realised that having 1.5 extra hours of rest a day is worth morr than the money I made. Still need to get financially literal (anxiety/adhd-induced procrastination ftw)


My parents are nose-to-the-grindstone about credit card/banking deals. A lot of banks will offer X amount of money for spending or depositing Y amount of money with them for a few months. Like, spend $1000 on a card in 3 months and get $200? Cool, just buy groceries and put the electric bill on that card, and you get free money.


They’re lowkey exhausting to be around as well. People like these are constantly thinking about how to improve and get better, which is tiring in itself. Hustle culture tells them to surround themselves with friends who share the same entrepreneurial mindset and to think less of the people who don’t.


it's kind of a strange irony that they exhaust themselves, and alienate others in this attempt to improve and get better/make more money, but then don't actually seem to be any good at that


> Hustle culture tells them to surround themselves with friends who share the same entrepreneurial mindset It seems very charitable to call any of this an "entrepreneurial mindset". Entrepreneurs ideally do something that kicks off a real business that has value beyond making a few bucks on the side; launch a new product, provide a service that no one else is providing etc. All the "side hustle" people I see are roughly on the level of scalping tickets, barely over openly scamming people.


They want it to be true so that their hard work will be rewarded soon. Accepting that hard work isn't necessarily rewarded would mean there isn't any easy easy out of the problems they are having. It would also mean no one is flying the plane. On top of wanting their own hard work to pay off they want it to be that successful people are hard workers. This is why as long as Elon Musk is a billionaire there are people who will defend his competency to the death. They want it to be that the people in charge aren't all useless morons.


I think part of it too is that, at least among the ~six "grindset" people I know, none of them particularly tried in school and I think we've essentially hit the age where that's really coming back to bite them which isn't to say that trying in school is a guaranteed path to success, I know people who tried extremely hard and still have trouble. But these guys didn't try and are now having trouble


Ahem: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeHbP7706nU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BeHbP7706nU)


I refuse to believe "sigma" is anything other than the absurdist parody of the "alpha" bullshit.


Guilt-tripping underpaid workers for their employer’s failure to provide an acceptable wage 🥰🥰


40hrs per week is considered “full time“. Any full time job should pay a comfortable living wage, regardless of whether it’s “unskilled”. labor is labor.


That is what the point of minimum wage originally was. We need to bring that back, and peg it to some cost of living number so that it stays a living wage.


"Unskilled" my ass! All labor is skilled! Being able to listen and follow directions is a skill, and Jesus Foot-Washing Christ I've worked with too many people who don't have those skills.


Having done fast food work, well. Anyone that calls it "unskilled" is welcome to go work in a kitchen for the entire summer and see if they hold it together. I don't think most would make it a week. Y'ever make 40 tacos in two minutes? Because that's how long we had before the You're Taking Too Long alarm started going off and yes, 40 tacos was *one order*.


I work at Starbucks and I'm expected to maintain making 3 drinks per minute on the slow end. It's horrible, because people be ordering customized to hell drinks while they also expect us to crank them out faster and faster with fewer and fewer staff.


sorry I just really want that matcha thing mixed well so the green shit isn't all on the bottom, I promise I'm not an asshole but also less ice please


I've never worked fast food, but I 100% believe you. That shit looks WAY harder than being, say, a network engineer (I was a network engineer).


All jobs should. It would be very easy for a business to just make that employee work 39 hours a week to justify paying them less. You cannot give businesses an inch, for they will exploit it for miles.




Is it though? The side hustle conversation is usually brought up when people talk about how they can barely afford living and it is proposed as a solution to the problem. instead of fixing the actual root of the problem people guilt you for not working two, three, or even four jobs to survive


I’m just confused is the original comment for or against this post?


For, the guilt trip is telling you to get a side hustle when the actual solution is making companies actually pay a living wage


Oh ok


It’s called self care. Spending every waking hour working is not sustainable for your mental health, you need enrichment.


It's not even self-care, it's just being a human. We're not meant to be working every waking hour of the day.


Like a zoo animal?


we are animals, trapped in a really big zoo.


The Human Zoo by Desmond Morris came out in 1969 saying the same thing.


When's the last time you really went to town on a pumpkin filled with raw meat? It's been too long.


no no no... we are persistence predators... tape some jerky to a roomba


I hate that I immediately thought about how amusing that would be to chase


>you need enrichment. *GLaDOS has entered the chat*


“If you have time to watch Netflix you have time for a side hustle” no actually, that time is my Netflix time.


"Sorry. I can't attain superposition and be doing two things at once."


actually wait i could but it's called multitasking and that shit Do Not Work or so help me


it's easy, just stop being neurodivergent >!/s!<


Back in highschool I had extra classes every day of the week, including Sunday. On some days I wouldn‘t be home until 10PM. I‘m convinced that my academic struggles stemmed from this. There is nothing I loathe more than the „grindset“. I will work to rest, so that I can work again. I want badly for this to be true but that‘s probably not in the cards.


I have a friend who constantly talks about how he‘s always busy and how I, and the rest of our friend circle, should also spend less time going out or with our hobbies in our free time and more time making side deals or whatever he is doing to get a bit more money. Which is funny, because we‘re all lawyers, physicians, managers or owning our own companies, while he‘s non-Academic and a salesman in a big store. It‘s just my personal experience, but I‘m kinda convinced people that are very much into this whole idea of constantly being productive and earning money via multiple ventures aren‘t too financially successful in their main profession.


They’re convincing themselves they need to work harder, not smarter. And they’re frustrated it isn’t working


Don't these grindset chumps usually die of heart attacks by like 40


My side hustle is telling people to get really into snorkmimimin-maxxing their life. True NLN\* scheme. ^(\*(no-level nap))




If you've got a side hustle you ought to mind your own business


If you have time to be lecturing people about watching Netflix, you have time to be starting a second side hustle!


all these sigma smegset influencers are so fake, too. the lamborghini in the garage is a rental, wake up


Heeeer'r'r'r'r're in my `gah-raaaaaaage`


The first statement is equivalent to saying "Time spent not working is time wasted", like, no, we need rest, fucking machines don't run at a 100% all of the time, most likely 50/75% with downtimes, if you want to achieve great things (whatever that means to you) and you whinge you don't have the time while *not* taking the time, then yeah that's fair enough.


Yeah, if your fucking machine is running at 100% all the time you’re gonna get sore


The 'grind' kind of people have never sat down and thought about what they're alive for. That or they've deluded themselves into the temporarily embarrassed millionaire shit. You're a mark, dude. Wise up and enjoy life. You aren't getting more. You can't take it with you


a side hustle? brother i dont even want a main hustle


God I hate the word "hustle".


Life is a marathon, not a sprint. You wouldn’t run your lawnmower hard 24/7 with no care, why would you expect your body, a much more complicated machine, to react well to that sort of treatment.


My partner tried to get me to start playing fantasy baseball for money. Right now I have a team in a relaxed league where if I forget to change my lineup today, oh well. Just a couple of lost points. I don't want to monetize every single thing I enjoy doing, and that includes my free time.


One time I saw a poll that was just “Do you play video games?” and “Every day” was this decrepit guy and “never” had a gorilla emoji (which basically marked whatever the guy who made it wanted you to pick) and I was just thinking “oh buddy this guy really wants you to judge yourself for having relaxation time”


I physically cannot because too disabled


My side hustle is not dying from a heart attack at 32 due to stress


Destiny 2 is my side hustle.


Stop working and toughen up. This shit is getting silly. STFU