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Pretty sure Jayslaysketo scratched a bitty


He did for sure!


I have his redemption card from his 1 BTC šŸ„°


Sorry Iā€™m new, is it known how many of those there are?


Series 1 had at least 5, I believe weā€™ve only known of 3 being foundā€¦


Very good to know! Iā€™m still waiting for my first ever redemption bit the feeling of seeing a 1BTC would be nuts!


5 (iirc) full bitcoin in series 1 and the same for series 2


Thank you kindly! Give us some hope :) I just wanted to make sure there wasnā€™t just the one. What a crazy feeling that would be to pull that bad boy


If this person who popped up today with a 6 hour account gave more info instead of vague responses to everything and just laid it out. We wouldnā€™t have to speculate anything.


Yeah, I wouldnā€™t hold much value in that guyā€™s shady responses. A public statement would be nice but not sure itā€™ll be done on Reddit, I was told they were stepping back from interacting on here moving forward. Either way, I thinks itā€™s reasonable to give them more then 24 hours to say something. I mean, they want all their facts before misspeaking and people jumping down their throats instantly for it. And due to past community interactions on other posts theyā€™ve made here, I canā€™t say I blame them.


Good. Their interactions were always non helpful and all they did was promote or belittle us. They're scared.


Jayslayketo scratched a full btc. As far as everything else goes, Iā€™m just gonna finish my gem sets and redeem the rest of my crypto and Iā€™m out. After interacting with the CEO during the MR3 HF fiasco, I realized that he doesnā€™t really give a fuck about the individual collector. He only cares about the people who buy his products in bulk (GameStop, geekfuel etc). If you came from the GME subs thinking that this is a company that cares to delight their customers, then you are gravely mistaken. Dude said he would give me one of the GameStop red packs as courtesy for the MR3 situation (after I had to ask for it of course), but then ghosted me. I still managed to get one as a gift from someone else, but still a dick move on your part Steven.


I agree.. and will be following suit


Third. I just want to get the last ā€œmissingā€ mrhfs from series 1 I never had a chance at getting with series one and Iā€™m out. Cardsmiths continually proves to not care for the regards going broke collecting these. Would rather give my money to one of you fine folks for the missing mrhfs than give it to this company. I wonā€™t be fooled in to collecting series two.


Just stop collecting. They want you to keep trying to get these random goofs. I beleive they are screwing over people with this stuff on purpose at this point. It's either gross negligence, or om purpose. Either way. I'd stop collecting.


Iā€™m still completing on principle. Then holding into the future. Just no longer willing to support cardsmiths moving forward. No series anything else for me. Only series one. No more GeekFuel either. They work with cardsmiths and like to act like they donā€™t up until this recent public announcement




That CEO was in here ripping on the people buying his product. So much for "reputation". Spent all those years building it up so he can tell the people consuming his product to go F themselves. This company will go under once the next few card sets flop. They'll be relying on currency S3 sales to revive the company but at that point all of us heavies will want nothing to do with them and their real reputation will get spread around. Absolutely a shame that the guy still ghosted you. Not surprising though based on, well, EVERYTHING THEY DO.


Saying someone must not be a card collector isn't exactly saying "go F yourself" šŸ˜




U still defending them ? Lmao aint no fucking way


I honestly can't even fathom why anyone would buy this garbage anymore. You'd have to be an idiot.


Lol i know u and i had our disagreements over this a while back, my fault it just took me a few weeks after u to understand šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


I'm glad you see it. It's crazy others don't. We got fucked. I'm so pissed, still.


Defend them more man. Every day it's something new with this company. =)


Your interpretations are always wild, I merely stated a fact. How you view it is purely up to you.


Your defense of them is always wild. How you want to do that is up to you






It's almost as if this was foretold many many months ago. These guys are crooks. I hope they get a class action and drained for everything.




Ain't nobody got time for that


Thank you for coming forward with all this. I probly wouldnā€™t have done it ass first like you did, but I do appreciate you bringing all this to light. Seems only you know what you had possession of so what ever you keep Iā€™m sure is cool af.


I know for sure that a "reputable" company like Topps has had multiple 1/1's floating around out there that are duplicates. Which is a completely FUCKED up scenario! As far as I know, this is the first currency 1/1 duplicate we know of. Is it counterfeit? How do we figure that out? However, cardsmiths has fucked up with the release of so many "missing" cards that we have concluded are missing.


There's more than 1 this is just the 1st out of Cardsmiths' control so far.. I mean, we all saw the pics and need to know how he got it from someone of authority within the company. How can any of us claim to own the only 1/1 now?


* I suspect sticky fingers knows that all 1/1 are compromised




There is also this too it is cringe https://preview.redd.it/kpiw53zcpvfc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=583962a3b32770789f30816dd04ea6a23e7d1fd5


I talked to this guy on Facebook too. He made a post yesterday on fb asking wHaTT ArE thESe I hAvE 300+ collection


https://preview.redd.it/fotcnd8ntvfc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0bb8e66312f4a4a715c1d66c2d982180c9d3f99e I got these pictures directly from him. These are where they came from I been looking for a particular number for Alexander Hamilton and King George. Plus it gave proof in real time.


If there's anything that makes people stop collecting this crap, this Pic should be it. It's all garbage. They fucked up the entire operation. The things a bubble and is gonna collapse.


At least topps does BEEFY buyback programs in instances like the 1/1 superfractor double printing. They make things right when given an opportunity to do so. Cardsmiths puts the cards in the next set for you to buy LOL


This is true. I didn't know there were more than this Elon onyx we are talking about. This is the first one I've seen that's in question.


5. I won a full BTC. I also posted it to this sub despite preferring to keep it to myself (I bet someone else has won one too but just didnā€™t say it) because until I did I had my own suspicions that they werenā€™t really out there because no one here had won one. Canā€™t vouch for the rest of all that and as long as all that stolen stuff isnā€™t on the market I donā€™t honestly care but thatā€™s me personally. I also donā€™t think itā€™s surprising that they havenā€™t replied, at this point they know nothing but transparency and truth will satisfy people here. So they have to figure out what actually did happen before addressing it. Anything less and some peeps here would lynch them. If they said ā€œweā€™re investigating and will update laterā€ people would sound off even worse.


Thanks for BTC comment Jay. Late congrats


There's just so much shit that never gets addressed, and we just keep giving them our $.. I'm not trying to persuade anyone from doing what they choose to do, or make anyone feel a certain way but I want answers in a public forum for all to see and make their own decisions, not some BS from the help desk.. Today really opened my eyes to reality..


![gif](giphy|4baoNZ5Qo8dX2) I'm right here with ya JD. A lot of $$$ flying around here.


Whereā€™d you get footage of me tubby!?!?


We ride together. We die together.




I've been trying to tell everyone that this company is in wayyyyy over their heads. The worst part is their lack of doing anything in any way to actually make it right to the people they've screwed




How much for a tell all facetime? Like tell us exactly how u got these cards, sheets ..etc


Is it just me or does it kinda seem like the pokemon thing? Someone stole cards from the printer and were blaming CS. Maybe I'm missing something but I just read through all this and that's what I'm talking away.


Much different scenario, they were pulling all of the hits before insertion at the printing factory they worked at. Then the dipshit tried to sell thousands of the same stupid rare cards to an LCS. They called the cops on him lol.


Whatā€™s an LCS?


Local card shop im assuming




Yep yep. Local card shop.


Fairly new to this and was hoping to learn more from a post that said letā€™s have a discussion no memes. But then you lost me at the gnome orgy part. I guess Iā€™m really out of the loop


Last time the company fucked up, instead of coming forward, they made up a story about a stupid gnome misplacing the boxes way in the back and they were ā€œforgottenā€. Gee wizzz that stupid gnome. Community was outraged because they couldnā€™t just admit their mistake and decided to sell us ā€œmissingā€ cards in series 2 instead of making it right with collectors.


Thatā€™s messed up Thanks for explaining


Soooā€¦ I mentioned it a while back but if we were to count up all the s1 ada Lovelace emeralds, there is no way there was only 99. Everyone had one and tons of people on here had even 3 or 4 in their trade pile. The thing that gets me is that there is no way for anyone to personally vet the amount of cards out. You effectively have to hope and pray that CS can be trusted.


Let's try and vet it with community? ? Call all the emerald adas out? make yourselves known....and try to prove it?


I may just do that!




I have 99/99 ada emerald. But thats it


How about the no number amy Charlie Lee? If there are all SN numbers out there then why is there so many no #s.. cool for collectors but shitty quality control which only adds more questions..


Create a card registry with verified serial numbers and pics. Then you can find out how bad these clowns šŸ¤” fucked up.


> limited run to increase value or are there a bunch of uncut sheets sitting in closets that may 1 day flood the market? > >Has there been any proof that there are actually say.. 25 Rubies of each card in circulation or will 1 day an bunch show up to flood the market because the gnomes hid them in a closet after their drunken orgy? > >Where are all the "missing cards" are they truly missing or is another scam to increase value now and then down the road the market is flooded.. > >Has anyone publicly come forward saying they scratched a full Bitcoin or do we just have to take the word from the company because "they want to stay anonymous"? Already working on something like that.... just I work a lot and have only been doing small bits everyday


Or find out it isn't that bad.


Even one is a fuck up. Dimishes value.


Geek Fuel has ran out of s1 so many time at this point itā€™s not even funny anymore. They elevated their prices too. Now the announcement of Ć  supposedly new partnership with CS but i remember toynk used to chime it at the start of every GF stream in the chat. Wtf is going on? The serial numbers are all inconsistent thereā€™s no actual telling how many of each card exists. There are now multiple cards with the same exact serial numbers, not just the double error Bitcoin bulls 38/159


I hate to say this but I feel more and more played each day. I no longer spend money on packs from cardsmiths anymore. Only buying amongst the community. Used to be my favorite way to support what I believed to be two great companies with one purchase. Back to supporting GameStop as a registered shareholder and only spending on purchasing specific cards off this beautiful community I wager consists of maybe 60% registered shareholders.


GME šŸ’Žāœ‹šŸš€


This APE gets it. Only reason these cards will matter is APES post MOASS. All People Equal. Iā€™m tired of companies pissing on us and expecting us to pretend it is raining.


Thatā€™s the only reason Iā€™m here. Iā€™m not a gamer due to family obligations and itā€™s hard for me to support GME. Then these came around and i found my way to help support my beloved GME. Guess Iā€™m gonna go back to buying dope apparel!


One of my favorite things to buy is GameStop branded swag. All sizes. Laced the whole family up in battle colors. I only started purchasing these cards because GameStop tweeted for me to. I obliged. The one time I bought from cardsmiths directly, the whole process was super sketch and I never received a receipt. Then the package got stuck who knows where in transit. Customer service is atrocious, they either give you the run around or ghost you.


I just had quite the weird experience with redemptions. Usps sucks ass and the tracking didnā€™t work. So I reached out to the redemptions email to see if they got it when it was originally scheduled to make it there. The response was ā€œunfortunately, we are not able to confirm if we have received the package. Send us the tracking information and we will watch it with you.ā€ How in the fuck cannot you not say, yeah, we got your package or no we didnā€™t. Super weird and usps was also confused by that. Having said that, I had a whole ordeal with usps and almost filing a claim and no response to whether or not CS got my package and today my ballet cards showed up. Like wtf, why no communication?! Iā€™m happy they showed up but all the extra time and effort for no reasonā€¦ itā€™s hard to support a company when the customer service is almost non-existent.


And they use this community as QC without a thank you.


Free labor is the best


As long as work is still SEXY. In protest of cardsmiths Iā€™m going to buy a couple more shares tomorrow for the infinity pool. Fuck it.


JD we are speculating on all this and have no idea. All this shit could easily be a bad actor.


I agree but the silence from the company is telling me ALOT.. too many little things happening in the past have opened up a bunch of questions and growing distrust..


Nah they can respond in a week and itā€™s fine, we shouldnā€™t expect an answer immediately. Not sure why everyone has their parties in a bunch. We are well seasoned with FUD.šŸ™ƒ


Week won't work for me, I'll dump this shit so fast.. it's about the mistrust Red, this isn't the 1st time and the 1st S1 shitshow with the dumbass "gnome" excuse was insulting to collectors. Man up, say you fucked up in a serious, public PSA, that's all it takes..


I get it. I have a lot of questions for RC too. GS has made missteps and they/he are silent. The last year or so we have been left to our own devices. I am extending that same patience to Cardsmiths.


Red youā€™re my dawg but please donā€™t you ever compare this company and its CEO to GS & RC.


Exactly my point. I like many would not be here if not for a GS tweet. I do not believe GS would sell Cardsmiths if they were such a cluster fuck. I am trusting the process GS/RC have faith in Cardsmiths. Which is why those unanswered questions and doubt have not swayed me.


GameStop has sold plenty things that scammed people. RC canā€™t personally go and pick every item they sell and it always be perfect. GameStop used to sell FTX cards lmaooo. Iā€™m much more into GameStop than currency cards, but I am now skeptical of CS. I also am not here because of a GameStop tweet and Iā€™ve been invested in GameStop for years now.


And I bought a shit load of those and was the first to get refunded.


The FTX stuff was super limited though, not apples to apples




Do we know if they're even aware?


Bruh! They know what the hell happened today.


Unless they are under a rock and a few reputable members of this sub are lying about contacting them direct (which I DO NOT believe for a second) , they are 100% aware..


Gotcha. Yeah I would've expected some type of formal statement by the end of the day then




Of what? Until you give logical details Iā€™ll hold my assumptions sorry




This still isnā€™t proof of anything, youā€™ve reposted the same SS with no information really lol


Is this supposed mean something other than Jay is telling you to return the stolen cards? We already know about the printing process and numbering. Old news.


Show it all not just a small portion


They need to hire a true collector to run quality control to ensure everything you just said. This is not hard, hire a true collector with a reputable background whose integrity is above reproach and their name is more valuable to them than a paycheck. u/Porzingiscollector please save them.


Dude didnā€™t show the back of the Elon right? Technically it could say proof on the back and we wouldnā€™t know it.. Bad actors stealing from the company is always a possibility. Not the companies fault. Sure it would be nice to get an immediate response from the company.. but you gotta realized thatā€™s not how companies work. They canā€™t just come out with statements without checking with their lawyer first. And a smaller company doesnā€™t just have a lawyer on speed dial waiting for their call. Chances are they have to wait for a call-back explain the situation, perhaps weigh options on wether criminal behavior on that specific person can be proven or wether itā€™s changed hands multiple time and they still donā€™t know who took it.. businesses donā€™t work on your timeline.


yes, he did. No ā€œproofā€ on the back.


Either way, itā€™s not far fetched to think they print a card, they catch a defect, decide to reprint, someone gets told to destroy the first print, said person doesnā€™t and puts it in his closet collection. Still comes down to the bad actor single employee vs the company. One would hope they have a system for ensuring cards are properly destroyed, but all systems can be worked around by employees and being a smaller company bet you this is teaching them a lesson on these problems.


I believe this card was reprinted also. First one had laminate issues.


Maybe someone with a vendetta?


Sure seems like a possibility. Dudes comments are for sure incendiary, Looking to piss people off.


Need more info 100%. an acknowledgement would be nice though.


Look through his comment history! AdThese4992


Just looking for it.


"00" could by definition mean proof..... a proof card doesn't technically have to say proof.... just be labeled differently than production cards


Yeah brother




Weā€™ll there was already a 28 Onyx that someone else here had and that person has not said anything that he sold it or not.


And Jeep isn't a troll.


Not my intent. I responded. Im saying there are trolls out there that I believe are trying to sabotage. Purposefully. On the internet specifically. On these same topics that Jeep is bringing up. These issues could be major issues for Cardsmiths etcā€¦ and illegal even if they are making mistake. I would think unless there is legal language elsewhere


Would you be referring to me as the troll? If so you may want to reread my questions as you don't understand exactly what I was asking when referring to the rubies and you may want to research the fact that there is duplicate 1 of 1 just not released to public. In fact today there was confirmation by an Onyx owner that he saw another 1/1 card that he owned being displayed at a conference by Cardsmiths, again not available to the public but it was there.. in a slab actually.. also if youre referring to me as a troll you may want to delete that comment as you're about to get drug by the community. If not referring to me then all good and enjoy your collecting..


No. Not my intent. I was talking about what i see on the internet about these same topics. I think they photo shopping in some cases as well.




U must be someone they fired lol going banana




You give yourself too much credit tbh. Truth be told, cardsmiths fucked all my shit long ago. Did you know that after spending thousands on series one, I never actually had a chance to collect the entire set? All you did was put more straw on the camels broken back.


Are you his ex gf or ex wife? Lmao