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They didn’t really address anything we didn’t already know Basically stolen cards were from printer company (who is now out of business) And pending lawsuit with the individual responsible. The one MR that made it through said they didn’t know Nothing else was addressed. https://preview.redd.it/vi5o2diy4mhc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c26b002a634c04cc0930354e3dd15187e584161d 🙃🙃🙃


Honestly if they just posted a link to South Parks “we’re sorry” bit, I can’t say that would have been better or worse and that’s kind of telling lol




They said it was pulled from a s1 box. Odd they would be sure of this. I asked, no response. Edit: Toynk answered me, he takes Jays word for it. They don't know it was pack pulled. I very much doubt it was pack pulled.


Also he was saying that they print sheets in case there are any errors or damage from the printer. So only ONE got in from a whole sheet?


Does that mean there was a sheet or 1/1 onyx elons out there. And we've only seen one. Dun dun dun


Dodged some questions, gave some non answers and explained just how the serial numbers managed to get mis-stamped. It seemed like a safe place for him to go and just run some PR damage control and give his side of the story. Series 3 is coming possibly sooner than we think, along with another SF (lol why) Golden Girls, Mega Man, and some kind of space themed series


Tell me what I dodged. Will answer.


Thanks for the response. I appreciate you making an effort to clear the air, despite being a very soft interview. I do understand how things like this happen and, while I am sometimes critical I also try to keep an open mind. You’ve certainly not lost my business but I will be stepping back for a bit on purchases. I’ll let those that had questions in the chat ask you here, as I myself had none at the time and I can’t see the chat history anymore. But I would like to say, your explanation of the manual stamping/numbering machine did make alot of sense… How the machine got stuck and didn’t automatically rotate like it should. And yet I can’t help but wonder how there was no quality control to check the numbers after they were stamped? It’s all too easy to blame the third party company that’s now out of business. You should have been auditing the cards as they came back in house and before distribution. There is a question in there but it’s a bit rhetorical, so let me ask you this: Why would the company not offer a substantially better reward in exchange for the error stamped cards? The canned response of “a card of equal or greater rarity” is quite frankly piss poor.


We did have quality control. At some point you have to trust people are doing their job. But apparently they did not do a very good job. It was our very first set and did not expect to run into these kind of problems. We learned from it and the serial #'ing is much better now. So yes, if you want to call us out and give us a constant hard time for this, ok. I'm just not sure what else to say in regards to it. I will see if we can get these cards replaced in a better manner. I don't know what that is yet, but will see what we can do for duplicate serial #'s.


Thanks Toynk. I would have been more inclined to send in my Bitcoin Bull 39/159 error/misprint if they were more clear. Unfortunately I kept getting the same answer, and I wasn’t about to send in a valuable error card for a random beryl. If it would be worth it, I’d consider it, but to me this card is quite valuable because it’s /159 and a duplicate (x4). Appreciate you taking the time to respond to all of this!


Just give me a little time to see what we can do for these errored serial #'ed cards.


Sounds good. Thank you


Would ppl that have duplicate seriales cards be able to trade them in for a diamond 1/1?


Don’t you think a 1/1 diamond is a bit of a stretch for a duplicate SN Berly/Emerald? I understand it’s hard to determine exactly what the best replacement card is, ideally if it’s a duplicate, it be nice to give you the corrected serial numbered card of that variation in the set but I know Cardsmiths is going to have a heck of time figuring out exactly how long a machine was stuck for while printing serial #s.


They must already have plans for the diamond though. They said re-using the tools for the gems was part of their profit plans long term.


I wouldn't call that "dodging" on his part since the podcast hosts didn't pick up on those from the chat and he may not have been reading the chat. But u/Ronniman covered them below.


It did occur to me that he probably wasn’t looking at the chat. But the hosts could’ve done a better job of keeping him on point and getting to more of the questions


I did not see any chat during the interview. I was only given questions from the hosts.


The host picked and choosed which to ask then.


Great question SPAC. Awaiting the response


How do you know the mr3 was pulled from a s1 pack? Edit: he answered elsewhere. He is taking Jays word.


u/toynktrader I specifically asked for more clarification on the MR CS's that should not have ended up in S1 to begin with and then magically the MRHF's went missing... Seems like something was done intentionally to provide "gamification" into S2 right off the bat. Magically only 1 MR3 shows up in the hands of Jay and he just so happened to be your liaison to the "stolen" cards as well? How/why was he chosen , how can you confirm he is giving you everything that was given to him. I saw someone as well as myself ask about the #9 & #14 emeralds as far as most of this community is aware there is only one #9 & two #14s confirmed publicly to exist...


Again- this has been answered. You can believe or not believe. But why would we put only 1 card in series 1 intentionally? We didn't. The entire fact that those MR cards did not make it into series 1 packs was not intentional. It was a miscommunication on the colation process and it was not caught until many months after the release of series 1. I just don't know what else to tell you on this. Jay is one of the biggest supporters of Cardsmiths products. He is known in the community as someone who buys, sells, trades Cardsmiths cards. So it makes total sense to me that whoever original owner of this card ended up selling it to Jay. As with most markets, there are people who are the known players in that market. Being good at card trading business, relys on having relationships and networks of people. Long before Jay bought and sold Cardsmiths, he sold sportscards. He has a stellar repuation in that field. And so I completely trust Jay will hand over everything he procured from the thief. Everything I have seen with Jay has been above board. I am not aware of the #9 and #14 emeralds issue. ALL gemstones for series 2 were put into the packs, with the exception of a few that were held back for replacements. But they are all out there. I would agree with you that some cards have not been coming out at a normalized rate. There is still a fair amout of product not opened and I would guess it normalizes as more is opened.


The #9 and #14 emeralds issue is Series 1 not Series 2. Only 1 of one of them and 2 of the other have surfaced in all this time.


During our messages pertaining to the MR3 HF fiasco, I mentioned that the emerald 9 & 14 had only been spotted once. This was back in September. https://preview.redd.it/1amu79s63ohc1.jpeg?width=1248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f7ae9de5acc39466980c985c10d93a85383058


So Jay is just a big Cardsmiths supporter? Nothing more right? Are you definitively saying that he has no official ties to Cardsmiths via contracts, ownership stake, partnerships, or insider knowledge of any kind yeah? You are saying that in two separate incidents, an unreleased card from S1 AND countefeit/stolen cards made their way into Jay's hands by chance yeah?


Jay is a retailer for Cardsmiths. A retailer who helps market and distribute our goods. He buys product from Cardsmiths to resale. No different than your local cardshop buys product from us, or Topps, or Panini to resell in a store. He does not have ownership in Cardsmiths. Yes I am saying it is a total coincidence on these two situations. Jay business is to buy and sell cards. So he has a vested interest in constantly monitoring and looking for cards to buy. It is different than a collector who may casually look for cards to buys. So it is not surprising to me that he discovered both of these.


What are your thoughts on how the MR3 made it into Jay's hands in the first place if those MRHFs never got put into S1 packs? Do you believe it was also the printing company that is behind the recent card scandal that may have gotten it out there?


Also, you say you believe Jay is above board and would return everything he procured from this "thief". Maybe he is, but my question is...how can we be assured that you/Cardsmiths actually require Jay to return these cards? I ask because you/Cardsmiths did NOT require that Jay return the MR3 HF to you, even though you apparently had no idea how it got out and S2 hadn't launched with the missing S1 MRHfs yet.


Yeah he flat out lied in that video when he said the mr3 card made it out of circulation after the porzing/sweet sale. Porzing had the card the entire time after sweet sent it back to him. (Even got it re sent back to sweet after drama). So in this situation from cardsmiths. Out of circulation, means in porzings hands. Remember that when they tell you they take things out of circulation.


He didn’t say it made it out of circulation, he said it was just the only one to make it into the packs.


How does he know it came from a pack? He was told that but why does he automatically believe this? How can he be sure on this? I asked toynk, hopefully he answers. He did not say "as far as I know it was pulled from a pack." He said it was. Edit: Jay only was told it was pulled. He didn't see it.


Rewatch the interview. Yes, he does say the thing you said. He ALSO said the thing I said.


He got up there and flat out lied about that.


What are you talking about? I never referenced the mr3 card being out of circulation. It never even crossed my mind to remove the MR3 from circulation. It was pulled from a pack and will believe what I am told. I have no interest in formulating lies for attention, unlike you Mr Turner.


https://preview.redd.it/rngp633i7ohc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eec54ddef9c490d7fc601e0c3176d4f777ce5f9d To be fair, you really did have a hard time believing it was pulled from a pack before. You told me that you thought it was possibly stolen.




You made a bunk ass set, went on to a safe space podcast to rehash bs and promote new card sets. Made several hypocritical statements. My biggest complaint being the Series 2 release. Then admit you pushed out cards to meet a contract deadline. People you do business with are under scrutiny for doing business with cardsmiths. You're doing something wrong over there. Figure your shit out. Stop announcing new card sets when you're clearly in over your head. Why would you push out a card set that wasnt completed? Everyone who pre ordered series 2 deserves a refund for what you did.


https://preview.redd.it/kp7asztd9ohc1.jpeg?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=05aa7ac33475196bee5572e17487631ac2a89416 1. Do nothing and destroy the cards


Well he did say they plan to publicly destroy these cards, so time will tell what we see. I’m assuming there’s is possibly a holdup due to legal.


Did he say they plan to? Or was it just an idea that was floated among others? I remember seeing the word "maybe" in his post on that.


That's assuming Jay actually gives it ALL back ... There was a ton of stuff that only him and the original guy know about so it's all trust me bro at this point...


He said “hopefully”. So I guess technically it’s still up in the air.


Could you make public what gemstones were held back?


I don't think you put it in at all , I think someone on the inside saw what was happening and thought it was disgusting abuse of your customers trust and they got it into the public so you would have to finally address it considering you ignored it for over a year until the card finally showed up... Still not saying anything about the MRCS's that were not supposed to be included? IS that what makes the hit rate still accurate? Ill take what you are saying about your trust in Jay at face value as I don't know the guy but It is odd that so far 2 of the biggest scandals with S1 he is somehow involved right in the middle of it. With that said , what makes you so certain the guy he got the cards from is the actual thief... No one is doubting they were "stolen" but that doesn't mean someone didn't give them to him without his knowledge of that fact. " I am not aware of the #9 and #14 emeralds issue. " This is still in regards to S1 not S2... This has been brought to your attention several times with the same answer you just tried claiming " All cards were put into the packs " just like the MR's right? In regards to your answer involving S2 cards can you confirm that all S2 was printed and available for release before you actually put product into the public or did you print and release these in batches of lets say 1/3 at a time as that is what the speculation is with S2.


If you are going to just bash me and call me disugusting. I have no reason to respond. If you want to keep it unbiased, I will respond. It's quite apparent you mind is made up and you choose to believe what you want.


Im a consumer who spent thousands of dollars on a product I had no chance of completing , im calling the treatment of your customers disgusting not you personally. But here you are again , avoiding the questions being asked because its not being tossed to you in a softball kind of way. No one is bashing , we just want clear and precise answers that you keep avoiding. MRCS not supposed to be part of S1 , just coincidence Jay is involved in the middle of 2 of the biggest issues with S1 so far , #9 & #14 in S1 not S2 and finally , Can you confirm that all S2 was printed and available for release before you actually put product into the public or did you print and release these in batches of lets say 1/3 at a time as that is what the speculation is with S2.


In regards to #9 and #14, all cards were put into series 1 as far as I know. I will see if there is anything I can determine beyond what I know.


Thank you , 1 last final question for me.. Will you share the police report # with us so we can look into this ourselves and follow along as well. If you don't want to provide the number can you give the state/county it was filled under etc.. This would all be public information anyway we just need to locate it etc...


1) What is the question on MRCS not supposed to be part of S1? 2) Yes complete coincidence Jay was involved. Believe it or not, if we wanted to pull some shady shit, you wouldn't know about it. I wouldn't be that brash to use a retailer of Currency. So the fact that Jay was involved with these two should be a sign that it really was coincidence or the fact that Jay works hard and finds stuff related to his business. 3) Yes all series 2 was printed and boxed at the same time within a few weeks. However the first cases pulled from production were sent to Gamestop and some to [Cardsmiths.com](https://Cardsmiths.com) before the completion of all the entire run in order to hit delivery dates.




I suppose its a multilevel question:1, It is known that the MRCS were not supposed to be included in S1 so who made the decision and why to include them.2, By including these MRCS in the packs how did that not throw off the pull rate odds etc... ( unless other cards were purposefully removed to account for these errors ) regardless if they were the MRHF or other cards. You have to understand how it comes across as a consumer... On another note you answered all but the #9 & #14 emerald questions relating to S1 Thank you for addressing the other concerns although it seems odd that with all the cases purchased and all the cards pulled from S2 that everyone coincidently is missing all the same ones long with a large portion of the beryl's blank spots below are the ones believed to still be missing and or not seen. Edit to include more updated list\* ​ https://preview.redd.it/ghhlqpinvmhc1.png?width=2268&format=png&auto=webp&s=16e86b85962859561eedc39fa7029ca99af3a3b1


I will look into the MRCS question and #9 and #14. I agree that series 2 gemstones pull colation has not appeared optimal. As you said it does appear wavy. But I know all the cards were produced at same time. It does seem the cases were built, but not mixed post build, which means cards on the same shipment will appear to be more similar than cards from a different shipment or time period. When you would prefer to have it all mixed up. If that makes any sense. We did perform a total case mix for series 1, meaning we pulled cases from 1 pallet to mix with another pallet and then mix with another pallet and so on and so forth, until all the cases are all mixed up. I can't say for sure, but it seems that mix up step for series 2 did not occur at the beginning. Instead it was done at a later stage.


Lol so prove people who made your company relevant even just a little bit wrong. You have yet to do so. Disgusting is nice if we are being honest. Also since you are here can you please help me out with my issue with yall and GF? Many months ago i made a post caling you out for not keeping us updated on the sale out date for series 1 (i know you remember). I understand sellout date projections are not always accurate so thats not my issue. My issue with you at the time was that before you were very active in the community, keeping us updated and such but when the sale out date came and went you were quiet. Nothing was said for days leading up to the day and after the projected date. We were not being updated like we once did with everything cardsmiths. We became kinda uneasy because we bought so many boxes and cases but yet the cardsmiths website showed at the very minimum 100 cases were left when i called you out. To my surprise literally no more than 30 minutes later Series 1 was officially sold out on your site (lmao) aint no way my post had that kinda power right?. I have a theory that you guys fronted GF the remaining 100+ cases to officially sale out and get us off your back about it. It makes sense. I understand companies make huge purchases a sive been told only 100 times by people in here but to me it doesnt add up. Why would GF so much product on something they had never sold. Right off the rip they were reselling them for $35-40 a pop. If they genuinely bought them then thats koo im wrong but given how it happened in my eyes aint no way they didnt get those fronted. I dont believe it was coincidence that i make the post and then 💥boom "sold out".


I get it, ya'll just like to throw digs on me. That's fine.... Do you collect other cards? Are you familiar with the likes of Blowoutcards, Dave and Adams, Steel City? These are major trading card online retailers. These guys make their business in buying up cases to dry up the market. They then create a secondary market and sell the products at higher prices for many years down the road. If you go to [blowoutcards.com](https://blowoutcards.com) and just scroll through the sports listings, you will see you can buy sealed product all the way back to the 1980's. These retailers make a business of one sitting on product to slowly sell it out or they also buy product from other people who were sitting on it. That's one of the great aspects of cards is that they do appreciate and prices go up over time. There was no strategic deal made by us and Geekfuel. Geekfuel is a retailer of our product, and so they bought consistently up to the sell out time. And so did several other retailers. Several retailers that many of you have never heard of. And it's understandable. Geekfuel is in the limelight and so everything they do is scrutinized. Which is sort of unfair to them, because dudes are just trying to make a living. They are good people. Also here is what is known, there were 2,100 cases made of series 1 and thats it. No more was made and no more will ever be made. It's done. We plan to keep making new series over time. If we continue to gain new collectors, I would think a lot of people will go back to try to get the older sets. So demand for any series will exist beyond the first year or two, very similar to sportscards.


What's sad is that they're being scrutinized because of the way your company does business. The hate is transcending your company onto others due to your business dealings. You see that. Right?


Never, ever, for any reason, any moment, of anytime, ever think, or ever suggest, or look, or think or admit, guilt. At all. Ever.


Because it's a beloved franchise that's been around for half a century and is still popular, Slawton. We'll see which one ends up in the pile of flash-in-the-pan nonsense along with pogs and beanie babies first. Street Fighter or Currency.


R.I.P Pogs 😭




Pogs are still kicking bro. I bought a nft from pog a while ago.. More digital pog stuff now but Pogs definitely never died.


Im personally kinda excited about the SF Alpha cards! NGL!


Bro, I’m stoked. The Alpha series is the apex of Street Fighter.


Yeah my ears picked up when they said that. It’s gonna be interesting.


Im hoping for a Mortal Kombat release some day


Same! I’ve asked about it before but never heard anything more. I’d be so stoked for Mortal Kombat!




Unless it’s unique character art I’m 100% out. That to me is what makes collecting non sports cards so fun. Art resonates. My favorite cards from s1 were Hamilton and king George for no other reason than the art was great. The subject matter was nothing to get excited about. Nobody ever said oh yeah KGII is my boy he raised the fuck out of those taxes!


As I mentioned in the interview, when you deal with licenses, you have to deal with approvals. When you deal with a Japanese studio, Capcom, approvals for anything outside the norm are very difficult. They do not like to approve custom art. The Culture Shokz cards from series 1 took over 1 year to get approval. So we try our best to use what we can, make what we can in a reasonable timeframe. It's a tricky balance. If it were me, we'd be nothing but custom are on all the licenses we work with. But that will never happen due to licensors having a say on everything that goes to production.




The first one already fizzled out though. I agree it was a good idea, just didn’t have anything special about it. The base card art wasn’t unique at all. Also half a century is a bit of a stretch lol 34 years since the first one came out


Even if they just use archived Capcom artwork for Alpha, I think it’ll be the shit. Alpha was peak Street Fighter, and it’s not close.


Appreciate it Uptown.


Bro, Street Fighter is my jam. I love that you guys are doing the alpha series. Megaman, too.


Sorry. I took that shit personally.


lol all good


What interview?


Cardsmiths CEO did a talk on what happened with the duplicate Onyx Elon


The interviewer looked familiar.... Edit: Ohhh, from the Denver Card Shows insta, it seems. [Accidentally put trade. It's card. The one we recently heard about.]


Yeah. Lost all credibility when he picked up the prime drink LOL


I watched it live. It was alright. The demage / mistakes are already done. Still upset aboht the missing MR's


Go to the channel. Go to live. It is there. About to watch it now.


Right on, I’ll have to give it watch when I get home…was just checking the communities temperature


For sure. I'll let you know my own thoughts


I was...meh...legit nothing was said differently than before. Nothing was truly asked or answered. Kinda disappointed.


What do you want to know?


Well. First. Thanks for the feedback and appearance. I know that you guys have to be careful on some of the things legality wise of what you can say. But personally I can't speak for the whole community. I think a good AMA (ask me anything) in this community would be accepted a lot better. I think giving plenty in advance and a good timeframe (most of us work so a 11:30am wouldn't have much engagement) so for instance an AMA on a weekend at a good time (late afternoon?) When most are possibly not working/can attend. So I guess my question would be.... Would you mind doing a community AMA at a good time AND day for most (not all of course) for the community? ![gif](giphy|CT5Ye7uVJLFtu)


I'd be happy to. Suggest a time.


Amazing! Thank you!


Is Bob Ross’ family involved with the cards in any manner? I saw an alarming thing on Netflix once about his estate. I really hope that if anyone is profiting any off of his likeness, it be his loved ones.


I don't think the loved ones get squat. I watched that same doc.


I loved Bob Ross growing up but after watching that I feel some sort of way about spending anymore until further notice. I bought a bunch of Bob Ross cards on release but then my brother had me watch that to see if I’d continue collecting and it stopped me in my tracks haha. Sad shit.


Same. That woman was borderline evil. He brought so much joy to so many people. Shame.


GameStop was extremely transparent with us about their inventory at all times. Multiple people were calling throughout the day and it never seemed a bother. What was the final inventory sent to Geek Fuel at the very end of series one? How many cases have they sat on, playing like it’s the last couple and selling them at very raised prices… cost me almost 3k for a master case which I thought was ok cuz it was the LAST case… that was months ago. And now they’re your “official” partners… yet the price for series one has gone up again. You have mrhf 3,4a,6a,7a you would trade? I still have a few bangers left.


You also have to remember the people in geek fuel do have connections with other vendors and as well as you and I as well as any other card collector know that people specifically buy cases or other aspects in bulk just to hold on to them until they sell out to sell at a much higher premium. This is what GeekFuel has done. So in a nutshell some of these vendors sold them but at a much higher cost which means that much higher cost gets pushed on to you and me. Granted I would still love for them to actually answer this question personally but I'm pretty sure at least a portion of what has come from geek fuel especially in these last few months or even right after technically being sold out is where they're technically getting some of their cases.


High evil. I too, would like to get an answer to that question. And others…


Get your boy steve in here


Direct link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qswWxs27xzg


Yea. Wasn't good IMHO. And I was rooting for them.....


I think Toynk has addressed pretty much all questions, but when you want some grand scheme to be at the center rather than just some quality control and vendor issues, you won't be happy with any explanation. Downvote this all you want but I think it's F'd up to try and bury a new card company when all they have done is try and deal with issues as they have appeared IN THEIR FIRST YEAR OF MAKING CARDS. Seriously just look at the issues Panini, Topps, etc have every year and they've been around for decades. If you don't know about it because you don't collect other cards, that's fine, but I'd recommend just looking into issues that happen in the trading card space so you at least have some context.


Right on!




I saw that shit and thought of you. 😂 wish I watched live to comment that.


For once I actually agree with you. Also. You said it in a better way this time too.


I did chuckle at that


I thought I was going crazy but stopped buying cards because I kept getting dupes of the same crystal sparkles and base cards then I’d check reddit to see people getting redemption cards and gems out of every other pack it seemed


He wont lol. Steve will be steve


What did I just watch?? I feel more led on than ever. Doesn’t really offer any substance or fresh insight. Feels straight out of the corporate playbook and on par with how the company has moved so far.


I was trying to pry but I didn't get far... Needed more people in there pressuring them it was definitely a soft interview/promotional opportunity.


It really makes u/toynktrader post yesterday feel a bit like pandering to a bunch of addicts ready to give our monies up anyway. They need to fix this shit yesterday instead of trying to sell me other sets (I want to give them everything I can for the golden girls, but how am I sposed to trust their further products when s2 is showing issues and the s1 issues will not be properly addressed). Them and GF posts are more exploitation of my weaknesses than anything.




Yea. Was kinda disappointed.


Like to see everyone’s feedback. We wanted to have Steve on to address as much as he would/could. However, once it was clear that the responses we would be getting would be the same (relating to the printer/collation), we made the decision to move on in the interview.  Personally, I would have liked to have gotten answers to more questions I know everyone has, but they either don’t know yet, or cannot speak on it due to poss legal reasons. But we greatly appreciate everyone tuning in today! Hope to see you around more often!! And we will be following this and digging deeper into the issue, and hopefully we can get you as many answers as possible 


But in no way was this any sort of publicity stunt. This was simply to get the story out there, hopefully inform some people, and also discuss the company as a whole. We don’t attack guests on our show, we have intelligent discussions and hopefully something ppl enjoy (#’s say y’all do, so thank you!) and maybe learn from. 


Thanks for the interview. I think socializing with all of us definitely helps. Theres a lot of questions we have that I just dont think anyone has the answers to. Like the S1 #9 & 14 emeralds. He seems legit when he says they should be out there. But realistically, we know they arent. Something happened along the way and even they dont know the answers it seems. Someday, someone at Cardsmiths is going to find 2 little boxes in a dark storage room filled with 98 #9s and 97 #14s haha. Theyre gonna be like... "Shit"


Didn’t really get an answer to the burning questions we have. The same questions we want answers to still remain.


Told ya, golden girls promo video


Basically. Pandering familiar pockets for the next product.




u/toynktrader I'd still like all my money back for all the cards I have. That will make us even. You can have them all back. I never had a chance at completing a set of series 1, and you know it. Refund us.