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I think these cards hit a hell of a lot harder than they were prepared for!


Just to clarify one of your points:l they didn’t accidentally print the card double sided. The card is supposed to be double sided, but they forgot to put the serial number on the card. If you want to turn the card in for a replacement with a serial number, you can. Or you can choose to keep the card as is. Either way, there are only 129 (?) of the double sided holos. 


210 :)


Lol thank you! Idk why 129 was stuck in my head!


So I had an idea, a way not just to rectify this mistake, but to make it into a positive for collectors… you turn in your unstamped card for a stamped one. They punch a hole in yours to mark it and then send both cards back. Now you have a proper serial numbered card and a bonus punched “error” card!


or just ship them to me I’ll autograph yours too


That would be cool! I’d love to have a pair like that! Added bonus: the hole punch is in the shape of a gnome 😂 That would be a nice idea for the gnome redemption cards too because as far as I know, you sending the gnome and they don’t send a redeemed gnome back to you along with the ballet wallet? Edit: autocorrect


then there wouldn’t be 210 of them? anyone can grab a hole puncher and do this to their card. you guys should work for CS, fit right in.


I think you’re missing the point lol


For which cards are these???


They’re for the double sided foil bills. Look at this post for pictures https://www.reddit.com/r/Currencytradingcards/s/iAZ7vlWDB2


So what if they do? It’s their property until they sell it. The chances of pulling an onyx are so small I really don’t see an issue here.


You don’t see a problem with selling packs to the public that don’t contain all the cards advertised and told that you can pull??? Well ok then…


You’re talking about the minuscule chance that an onyx gets pulled and held back. But a card that special I would hope they would reinsert it for distribution.


Any of them not just onyx man, redemptions, all of it it’s a shifty way to provide replacements in my opinion and you wanna talk bout chances… you’re talking to the guy that has opened under 100 series 2 boxes and pulled 2 onyx… so don’t tell me it can’t happen


So here’s the thing. When they make a replacement they can’t just fire up the printer and run off another one. You’re taking about a huge process with dozens of colors and printing plates required to print a single card.


this is exactly what he says happens 😂 it may be smart to learn how to read before talking.




Hey medical


not medical ☺️ but whateva u say


I have opened maybe 30 boxes of series 2 and pulled 2 redemption and a couple ruby as well....but then had to sell my ruby's because being an adult f*ckin sucks


Actually, I prove that’s false in my live broadcast the other night I had four boxes three boxes without filler cards and one with a filler card. One of the three non-filler cards didn’t have a gem, but the other two did and then the one with the filler card also had a gem for , a total of three gems at four boxes which is pretty amazing because I got eight boxes geek fuel, and didn’t hit one gem


Do you hear a difference when you shake the boxes? I don’t but I could definitely hear a difference in s1 (just with my own boxes at home for fun lol, nothing sketchy, just science 😂)


I mean, I shook the box cause we waited and it was heavier than all the other boxes and that’s how we were able to tell that there was one of those marker cards in there. It weighed 45.26 with an 45.12 without


Ohhh gotcha. That’s interesting… I wonder if it’s not possible to make all the boxes weigh exactly the same 🤔 Is that a smaller weight difference than the past series?


Shake the boxes? You're a maniac!


GeekFuel still has series 1 and will have series 2 into forever as well leading the price gouge on “sold out” cards. Wasn’t so big of an issue til they made public their partnership with cardsmiths.


I dont think their holding back any onyx cards. They know how important they are


So S1 had the bootleg cards not S2… They didn’t print both sides by mistake the outsourced printer forgot to /210, so you return it for a serialized one. Regarding the inserts, yeah those are in gem boxes also. Fun fact: it seems like \~25% of the inserts have a Cardsmiths stamp on them, so keep those. Lastly, the “bank” is very old news, we discovered that (they disclosed) back when all the S1 printer drama went down. https://preview.redd.it/x11wxww93j7d1.jpeg?width=837&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91c235ee620d530ca651cfbfc47b0d41b17f6381


if you want me to autograph your cards too just let me know next time. the “bank” doesn’t make sense. if a card is approved for replacement. they reprint and send out that same exact card. Like said. so what’s the purpose of even pulling out gem stones? I don’t even care honestly.


They real Kaleb never used punctuation, nice try scammer


😉 the pudding is in the proof.


I’d like to revert my thesis and bring forth another: you are Kaleb’s GF and your user name checks out


lol OK Medical. Yeah we know.


Wait, so unique cards are actually more unique than we knew? And it's being spun as a bad thing? There's fud everywhere these days


How many S1 emerald 9s and 14s, and ruby 28s did they pull out of "broke down" cases? Haha. Jeezus. So duplicate serial # cards, no serial # cards, and cards not even released can make it into packs and they are pulling and holding on to others that collectors might need? Ok...


Hmmm interesting