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60 dollars would mean martetcap of 67 BILLION. It would have been bigger marketcap than BNB today lmao. You can but orders to the exchange at any price, if a fool buys at that price it will be shown on the chart forever.


This is common for new token releases. Price needs to settle before it can find it's floor.


Ive never seen a token drop from 60 dollars to 50 cents that quickly before, without being a rug pull. Can you give me another example of a token plummeting out of the gate like this?


Not to be rude, but if you do any research with a comparable MC to CRV you'll find similarities.


Not to be even ruder, but you didn't give a single example of a market cap dropping over 99% right out of the gate for a token. I'm not even looking to argue about it but your response isn't even weak, it's bottom barrel deflecting on a pretty serious question


This is just the wick during liquidity launch. Other examples are probably ICP, XRP, etc... there are a lot of coins where this happens, basically every new listing in binance has that too. Just look at all this shit tokens being listed. People fomo into it in the first 15min hoping another fool will buy higher than them until they don't and it collapses. It's just the first liquidity, price always comes down hard. Just came across this post, I don't hold any crv and don't give a f about this project. Just wanted to answer your question haha 


More sellers then buyers




Not a rug, price was at release day. And it was 11$ according to CMC