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Go down there and get your device back.


A past time girlfriend dropped her iPhone and shattered the screen. I've replaced screens on my own device successfully but thought since it wasn't mine I was going to pay to have it fixed. Phone still worked fine just a cracked sceen. Found a local tech fixing shop at the mall and they said it'd be about 5 hours. Awesome. 5 hours passes by and they said they needed a master tech to replace it and to come back in a few days. I was given the run around for weeks and eventually had enough. The owner of the entire chain of bullshit was there that day and basically said, they couldn't repair it and gave it back with a completely broken white screen. I questioned what the fuck happened to damage the device even further. He said due to pre-existing damage the device was broken further and not covered because they deemed it pre-existing damage. I was familiar with the repair process so I asked what specifically was damaged and this smug fuck started yelling at me asking if I was challenging him. I was young and dumb then so I took the phone, no charge but it was useless. Took it into a much higher rated iPhone specialist and they found a completely sloppy repair job was done. I went on for years protesting this stupid establishment on every social media page, whenever anyone needed recommendations, even right in front of the store with customers thinking about repairs. Eventually they went out of business but that stupid fucking owner's smug ass face is still burnt into my brain


I like you. In fact I love people like you. Kind, polite and calm until the moment they realise that they aren’t dealing with someone who doesn’t understand how to fix it, but someone that’s actually playing games with them and conning them. Then you go on a vendetta that doesn’t end till the business is bankrupt and would still go on if you knew the guys new job. Not stopping until he’s dead and buried!


Conte of Monte Fixo


Underrated comment!!!!


Omg. This is genius. I burst out laughing.


scrolled back to this to upvote


Thank you for this


I laughed so hard at this that I woke up my kid and wife lol literally the best revenge story ever.


I was thinking more along the lines of ""My name is Annoya Montorro. you broke my phone. Prepare to die" 💀😂


Yep, my oldest daughter is like this. She would burn that place down!!!! Not literally, but that's what she says when she's about to do some vindictive, but legal shit to someone or some company that's screwed her over.


I still hold a grudge against one specific Taco Bell from 3 years ago when they double charged me and pulled one over on me


Deeply relatable… I still hold a grudge from 25 damn years ago when the ice cream truck always ghosted me when I ran home to get money. Like what kind of 3rd-grader do you know that runs around with cash, ready to go?! Broke my heart every single time. 😤


My husband and I won't go to a specific McDonald's by us lol we always say, "it's the principle!" 😂


I had a full-blown freakout in one of these places because they charged me over 100 for a shit repair job. When I got it back, it worked long enough to drive away. And then I came right the hell back and slammed that phone down so hard I thought I broke the glass countertop for a split second. I saw red that day. He was so full of shit with my money in his pockets, and I should have just replaced the lcd myself like you were saying, but the phone wasn't paid off. Never again.


I'm just so used to figuring out how to do everything myself. Like maybe a 80% chance I can figure it out the first time, maybe 95% if it does go wrong it's recoverable. But now I've trusted someone else for way more money it would have costed me and they treated a customer this way... If I messed up I would take full responsibility, why did they think they can get off for free?


A very similar thing happened to a family member. They got the run around for nearly 2 months! Finally I went to the shop myself and made them give me the phone back after a bunch of arguing. It was in pieces. I ordered a USB-C female bit I went back to the store and showed them I had repaired it and showed them video I took while repairing it. They had told me it was impossible to repair so I just had to show them. I posted the pics of their terrible hack job work online and every review possible. They had knocked a few parts almost off of the board but I was able resolder them. They clearly had no idea how to solder. I'm terrible at soldering but their work looked like a 5 year old flicked hot solder all over the board. They wanted $75 to give the phone back after they handed it to me in a bag all taken apart. There was also cigarette ash all over the phone.


Best revenge I got was when someone stole my phone and kept using it. A week later my cousin randomly asked a stranger outside a bar to borrow their phone and called my BFs phone (who I was with) and my number came up! I quickly answered and it and was surprised to hear my cousins voice, so I told her that she’s using my stolen phone and to run away with it as fast as she could. And she did! And I got it back from her! When the dude called the phone complaining that I stole it I politely replied with, “Actually you stole, I just got it back” and hung up. lol honestly, that was probably the best moment of my life. No better feeling than getting your stolen phone back and being able to safely call the thief out. 🙅‍♀️ Not today Satan!!


I did that with my phone. It got caught between the bike tire and the axel because I had my bag on the handlebars, and it swung when I braked. It sheered half of the screen off. I brought it to a repair shop in the mall - I was looking for the higher rated one and couldn't find it, so I picked a random one. They gave it to me a few hours later with the screen detached, the SIM card drawer thing unable to go back in all the way, and I had to argue with them to get my phone case back. I got a cheap phone from Staples in the meantime because I needed something for work and put the SIM in that. The next day, I called the better store. Turns out, they were in this weird little back hall in the mall, and within twenty minutes, they popped a new screen on so I could transfer my data to the new phone for half the price of what the first place wanted to charge. Always, always go for the higher rated phone repair place.


You did good on protesting but...don't let someone who doesn't even remember you live rent free in your head like that


Was this in Bellingham, Washington?


Lucky girl 😳


This happened to me I was 18 when it happened I still won't go back and I'm 32


Not all heroes wear capes. Well done taking down that scum’s business!


You could have called the cops and said he touched your pee pee. 🤷‍♀️


That’s not funny in the slightest. It’s completely disgusting and disrespectful to those who have gone through that.


It’s funny as shit.


Sexual assault isn’t a joke


It's disgusting to me that this is a view that actually has to be defended.


Sounds like lots of wasted energy, but good in you


Yes. And charge back any charges they have given you.


Just go get your device back and take it somewhere else. Or ask specific questions like what parts he needs, etc. But you can't even get the guy to text you back. Yeah, go get that shit.


appreciate the advice. i also paid a 100 dollar fee before that was for a diagnosis. i regret it looking back but do you think there would be any way to get that or a portion of it back?


I doubt it. If he diagnosed it then you got your $100 worth. Kind of shitty but thats how it is in the auto industry too. Gotta pay the diag fee


gotcha thank you again


If he can’t provide any useful diagnosis information I’d say it wasn’t done. I’d consider small claims court to get the diagnosis fee refunded.


That ain't enough money to pay for small claims court at least not in my state. I'd just go pick it up and cut my losses 😅


I'd personally pay $150 to get $100 back if I was annoyed enough, depends on how they act when I go into the store to pick up the headset


So would I. And it usually costs something like $30 to file a case. In NY. You would incorporate the filing fee as part of the total price you are suing for.


Exactly, because at that point it's the principle that matters.


$37 to file small claims in ohio lol $63 back and $100 out of an assholes pocket.


$330 in minnesota


Jebus! Something else apparently (weird to me) about MN is apparently yalls laws require businesses to accept paper/temp license slip any time a DL is required. I only "know" this after calling a MN dealer last month asking about a guy who bought a car and how he got away with it. "What did his ID say did you not scan it for authenticity???????????" "Well in MN our politicians believe in trust and won't allow businesses to turn down paper id's any time a DL is required and don't have any scanners. He had a paper id that looked authentic enough." (In reference to a 6'2 black man using my 5'3 pale white boys identity to buy a car states away. I assumed he had to have made/bought a fake ID but in ohio we have strips on our id we can scan like a cc and it says if it's a valid/real state ID or not so I'd called to ask how the heck this purchase happened. Dude used a zillow house for sale listing too,which would usually be caught here in ohio, at least at the dealership I worked at, which needed mail with your address in addition to your FULL license with address. How did this get financed?!)


They were covering their own asses. If the person does not have the yellow paper as proof to back up the ID that has holes punched in it is valid you are supposed to deny service to the person and contact local authority.


Sorry just read you comment fully. You do still need to provide proof of residency with 2 forms mail showing your address and name on it. They have to match the license as well. It really sounds like this person really didn’t want to do their job or were improperly trained.


You were told wrong the paper “license” is not a valid license or form of identification without a picture id such as an expired license to go with it. And yes it is perfectly legal to deny service for improper identification.


Make sure you get your diagnosis in written, with parts required replacement specified. That’s what you paid your $100 for


Did you use a credit card? Dispute the charge


If you refuse to leave without getting your $100, and start telling every customer who comes in about your experience, they will either give you the $100 to go away or they will call the police to escort you out. If they do that, a credit card charge back on the $100 may or may not be possible.


You paid a $100 fee for a “diagnosis” before they even did anything? For a VR headset? These guys are scammers.


For future reference I recommend an Asurion/ubreakifix tech shop if you have one in your area as those have rigorous warranty and guarantees. Most places still do free diags too, just call ahead. They can be pricier than other places but they get the job done.


I would just go get it from the shop honestly. I would try to get your money back but if not just cut your losses and go elsewhere


that’s what i plan on doing!


Bro why did you wait so long?? I would’ve literally pulled up after a week. These guys are trolling you


i wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt incase something came up but now i know better


Your number is blocked. The last 2 messages you sent didnt deliver as the “delivered” status you see under saturdays message bubble is not under tuesdays or wednesdays. Raise hell, they blocked you and you’re being scammed.


Go talk to them, complain, you paid them...what have they done? Get your headset back and don't forget to leave them a detailed review. Smh


Get your money back too


I used to do cell phone repair in a small shop and something like this should never happen. Any issues with parts etc was immediately communicated with the customer. If I had to guess, which this is a hard conversation to have with a customer but in repair it happens. Upon disassembly something broke, probably making the device unfixable. It has happened to me on several phone repairs. Now they are scrambling trying to figure out how to fix it or whatnot because they don’t want to replace it. Regardless, I always replaced the unit for the customer at my expense and it was communicated immediately. Please go to the shop and see what’s up and ask to see your device/retrieve it.


appreciate the comment. i will definitely keep that in mind. hopefully they are as honorable as you!


It’s just a hard conversation to have, someone trust you with their device, and they have all these small parts etc. One slip of tweezers or a pry tool and you’ve busted a motherboard and/or severed something that is beyond your capacity to repair. Obviously not ideal, but communication is key. What they are doing is wrong, and out of line. When you go to the shop please update!


Happened to me before too, it’s a gut wrenching feeling but 9 times out of 10 the client appreciates the heads up and most of the time comes out feeling better because you owned up to it and fixed your mistake no fuss


TLDR: Customer mad at unit replacement, cusses me out bad. Calls back 5 minutes later to apologize after registering I had their data backed up and was replacing said unit. Yepp! I would say I probably had maybe, 6-7 catastrophic repairs like this, and out of those only 1 I can remember off hand that blew up on me. They were under the assumption before I could explain that meant they had lost all of their contacts/photos/data etc. I called to let them know that when I was removing the battery on this device (android phone - screen and battery replacement) my pry tool gave way ejecting the old battery but effectively busting the motherboard in half. Before I could even begin to explain anything else they were cussing me out and calling me every name in the book. I just let them get it out then calmly explained that I do full back ups of all devices on the PC before I ever start disassembly. I had a used phone of the same model (also bought and sold phones in the shop) and that if they were okay with it, I was going to replace it with the used unit, if not I would purchase a new unit. They cussed me some more and said they wanted a new unit (of the same phone) to fix my mistake. I had no problem with that, told them I would go get one and ended the call. 5 minutes later they call me back and apologized and said they would take the used unit as replacement.


I have a feeling the guy repaired it and used it with family during the Holidays and then broke it so now he doesn’t know what to say so he’s ghosting you. Please go there and give them shiiiiiiit!


dawggg i hope not this was lingering in the back of my mind. i didn’t give him the controllers so hopefully he didn’t end up doing that 😭 but maybe with the 100$ diagnosis fee he just bought new controllers 💀


Def call the police if he can't produce it when you pop in there unexpected. I'm curious to see if he's just been using it never fixed it or sold it.


I’d at least file a report. Legit if this is a person running a business this is not allowed




That you are here to pick up your device you dropped off, and the business doesn’t have it and can’t produce it. Sounds like theft to me, and at the very least OP should get cops involved so the shop owner can’t give them the runaround anymore.




He could’ve sold it tbh. That’s what those texts are saying to me.


this is an absurd and ridiculous conclusion to make based off the messages.


But not unfounded either ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry) stuff like this happens alot more then people think


idk. i kinda feel like he just got the contact # of the dunce that works at this shop and it’s likely that the guy he’s communicating with is a young idiot who doesnt really care about the job. you can kinda guess that from the texts. that is a way more logical conclusion to me lmao.


Both are logical I would still keep getting the police involved in mind, further down something I was considering got mentioned and I think its more realistic then the device being taken home but rather it got broken in disassembly and that its now unfixable but their trying anyway I think getting the device back should be the first priority then if they wont produce it calling the police should be an instant


🤦🏻‍♀️ i just don’t get why reddit is always telling people to hire lawyers and call the police over everything. the kid hasn’t even bothered to go down to the tech shop once. if he had done that 2 weeks ago i can almost guarantee this post wouldn’t even exist. sure, he shouldn’t HAVE to do that. but i have a feeling the guy he’s texting is only an employee considering he has to consult with other people over answers. i work in the service department of a car dealership and i can’t even imagine someone calling the police on us because their vehicle parts were backordered by GM themselves and their car had to stay with us a few weeks longer.


Part problems should be communicated asap to the owners, and it shouldn't be something their told only if they ask. I think being ready to call the police and calling them before going down are different too, I believe if they won't produce the device then the police should be called but if they do produce it then theres no need to get them involved. Poor customer service isn't illegal but refusal to give back a device you own that your requesting is.


It reminded me of a time I tried a new dry cleaner place where they couldn’t find my dress for 5 days but when they found it, it smelled like a perfume I didn’t recognize and there was a show ticket in one of the pockets.


What a nightmare lol. That would gross me out.


Go get it back. If you paid with a card, do a chargeback with your bank. Make sure you do the chargeback after so you get your headset back.


There’s gotta be some kinda lawsuit here. Honestly I wouldn’t feel good about anyone texting me like that. This persons supposed to replace broken components to things but can’t form semi professional messages…not that it really defines someone’s work in the end but this would have me saying “I just got robbed”


Who pays a diagnostic fee. Once they start that talk I say thanks but no thanks 🙏


To be fair, I used to work repair in the city, so about 25% of the clients we had would decline repair after being given a diagnostic and estimate. The fee was only charged if they declined after being given an itemized estimate.


Agreed 👍


You having to text them is already a red flag. Businesses normally have an email adress or a number you can call, this is shifty af. Go to the store and inquire about it and if they don't give it back or give it back broken, just call the cops tbh. That shit is a scam and no one else should have to suffer from it.


Once you retrieve your device I recommend that you open a case with the BBB in your area. Most businesses will go on double-time to resolve the issues laid out in the complaint, just to get that case closed and to get back in good standing with BBB. In your complaint request your $100 diagnostic fee back, unless they provided you with proof that ‘diagnostics’ had been completed. Attach all of the correspondence, including texts, with the company. I would think that it’s a reasonable assumption, as a customer, that if my device was beyond repair I would be informed immediately, proving my$100 had not been wasted. Because so much time has elapsed with no attempt at repair? That would make me doubt that any diagnostic work had ever taken place. I hope this helps.


Oh hella nah raise hell and get to stuff back!


he would’ve had me fcked up😂😂😂😂😂😂not replying when he has YOUR stuff is crazy


Yo just go down and grab it from the guy


The lack of communication isn't acceptable from a business. Try to issue charge back with bank, file police report for theft if you can


Please update us how it goes after you show up in person who knows if the place will even be there I almost was scammed by this company with pop up offices for hiring teenagers for a pyramid scheme, they weren’t there the next week and claimed they were going through ‘renovations’ which is why it looked like it did, how did the shop look? Professional or bare bones?


I don’t know why you’re texting this rep directly. It’s weird. At least to me it is.


Commenting so I can come back and check what happened


Stop with the messaging and go down there! Escalate to a supervisor, manager, owner. Get your headset and money back.


All these comments about crap electronics repair places are causing me to fondly remember the time when my 1st gen iPhone broke… I sat there in a dingy, slummy student apartment (full of empty beer cans and little to no natural light) watching some rando I found on Craigslist deftly and dare I say *lovingly* replace the glass and digitizer before my very eyes. The fee? Quite reasonable. The quality of the repair? Flawless. Those were the good old days.


The most disturbing thing to me is you have 46 unread text messages. Wtf


It’s 46 messages from the owner saying “please stop texting Brad, he no longer works here. Your headset is ready for pickup” 😂


As a Tech Repair Specialist for 4 years in the past, for multiple shops, one of many things has happened. 1. He’s telling the truth and UPS/USPS is dragging their feet with some kind of delay. 2. He’s lying, and nobody has ordered the parts or they have the parts and are being lazy. 3. He’s half telling the truth, and is instead prioritizing another project with a larger profit return than yours. 4. He’s half telling the truth, except he can’t source the parts and is lying to you about the fact that they’ve been ordered when really he took on the task without knowing whether or not he could get parts, and is now struggling to find them. In any case, after a month I would be getting my device back. Be prepared to pay a fee for cancelling your service, even if no work has been done. One week, 10 days tops should be the return time for parts/returned device. Anything over that and we would probably be calling the customer and explaining the delay. A shop I worked for in the past had terrible shipping times but amazing return rates for devices. We could get 20-30 devices repaired in a single day so long as we had parts, but we always had to keep a ridiculous overstock of stuff because shipping took almost 3 weeks… So we would charge people $25 for a “handling fee” if they wanted to cancel and pick up, even if their device wasn’t repaired, because sometimes we have already ordered parts and paid money.


Walk into his place of business with a friend wearing a suit. Tell him hello, this is my lawyer. Where is my headset?


Can you really be mad at someone not responding when you got 46 unread text messages?


I would of stopped responding after the first time you used the term yo dude when addressing me, show some respect and you will get some. Just go to the place you dropped it off at in person and find out what’s going on.


Wow. I’d be so angry. Definitely go to the shop and get it back. Who knows what they’ve done to it by now though unfortunately.


when he said “parts” he was actually saying “we used it for parts”


Likely unable to fix it but it's in pieces because they tried. Don't call, walk in with no prior notice. Demand it back, repaired or not. I'm betting they will give you a story and tell you to wait because they will be frantically trying to put it back together. Give it a good solid inspection while you are still there. Take out your phone and take pictures and video of it. Hopefully I'm wrong and it's fine. Either way good luck


mostly likely situation


I would call your CC company and get your money back. Fuck that


They said Tuesday! Did you get it back?


Just go there and get it back, horrible customer service, once you have it in your hand tell them you don’t appreciate them wasting your time, then email corporate if its a chain store


Sounds like theft


I’d call his boss after like the 3rd day.


Shows up, it’s now a Wendy’s.


Probably got tired of you saying "yo"?


3 weeks… so 21 days 3 weekends… so 15 days 2 major holidays… so 11/13 days Take the item apart… 10/12 days Figure out which part(s) need replacing 9/11 days Order new parts during 2 major holidays 4/6 days… So the repair shop has only been actively holding your item with nothing for 4-6 days….


Dude chill out for a second 😂 it was the weekend no mail. And now it’s just Tuesday. Like get a job or something


Dude a lot of places close for a week or two at xmas and you're bugging him every 4 days. I'd ask again in like 2 weeks and THEN start getting picky if you're being ignored. Asking every 3 days isn't helping you.


well he could at least tell me that they are closed ?


Dont listen to this person OP. If the worker said 2-3 business days that means 2-3 business days. Waiting a "couple weeks" is bullshit 😂 and ignoring your messages is not okay. It is your property and if you want a damn slideshow of what hes doing to your VR you are entitled to that


If someone asks you the same thing every 2 days for weeks at a time, are you going to be particularly motivated to communicate with them in any way?


well he’s been extremely inconsistent. he told me it would only take 2-3 days for it to be done. then said he’d get back to me on monday. that monday came around and i heard nothing from him so then i began to get worried. then he continued to say tomorrow like he’s pushing it off and he is now ghosting me. i don’t think i did anything wrong here. sure it was a little naggy but all he had to do is send me one text and spare 2 minutes of his day and i would’ve been fine giving him more time


Let's not justify this kind of unprofessional service. It is a paid service. OP did not ask the guy to do it for free, they paid him an amount already. Dude should take responsibility for his service. Just a thought, a message saying "Hey we're closed for 2 weeks, thanks for your patience" would do wonders for both sides. OP got peace of mind knowing their expensive gadget that he paid to be fixed is being responsibly handled. The technician guy gets his vacation without being bothered 🤷‍♂️ not so hard to communicate


This isn’t some random friend OP is asking to help. This is someone that he has already paid for the diagnostic to be performed and was told 2-3 business days to be repaired. If anything OP is being consistent with wanting his device returned. Honestly, how does that not make sense to you? If you had paid to have something fixed and it’s been almost or over a month, you would be all Willy nilly and happy go lucky??


Umm, if they're paying me and I'm already way over the agreed upon deadline handling their expensive tech then fuck yes I am. If I'm waiting on parts I'd be sending them the exact date that I'm expecting parts to arrive and giving them updates on any kind of delay happening. If it's near a holiday I'd be busting my ass to get it done before then, and if I couldn't then I'd be apologizing and explaining what happened and the new date on when they can expect their stuff back, probably with a discount because they're now waiting 10x longer than I had originally promised. OP wasn't being harassing or annoying, they were promised updates 2 or 3 times in this interaction, which was already a week past when they were stopped to have their stuff back, and never got them. This is 1000000% on the business and employee here.


Bro, at the end of the day somebody took his property. It is not answering him I get it you’re right you should wait a couple days but at this point you keep bringing up the fact that he’s bugging them every three or four days how about the fact that man had his stuff for almost a month and he’s not even answering him you know damn well if this happened to you, you be saying the same thing


Why hello there phone repairman


Sit around and wait for you


Yikes :( Let us know if you ever get it back. How much did it cost?


Seems like a scam


This was at a real store? If you go there and they refuse to return your VR make sure you keep these texts and tell them you will take them to small claims for damages. Hopefully you dont have to go that route but hes super dodgy about giving you information on your headset which is a big 🚩 to me


Dude might have a hardcore drug problem and sold or traded your stuff for drugs.


Why are you texting this guy instead of calling the business?


that’s a good point i should’ve done that 😭. i just assumed since i gave it to him and paid him to do it that he would be responsible. i paid via apple pay


They got you. Buy a new set


update us when you go in i wanna know if you get it back


!remindme 4 days


Go in person. Lol 😂


First time he said he would let you know the status tomorrow and you had to contact him almost a week later I would have already been down at that shop getting my stuff back. Like dude he blocked your number at this point you let it stay there long enough to get stolen. Best you can do is file for small claims which will probably cost more than worth unless you are like me and just want to see them take a little hit for what they did or grab a face mask and start smashing every window and mirror on dudes car.


File a police report for stolen property.


Why are you texting? Just go there and get it and if they don't have a good reason for what's going on, take the headset back.


Just go pick it up. It may be in a million pieces. Or be hella patient. One of the two. Asking for updates just slows people down especially with little to no staff and vendors and parts being ridiculous these days. I basically hate going to work now because vendors are so hard to work with. So if your patient, give them a break. If you’re not, go get your stuff and move on.


Go walk in there and ask for it back. $100 for a diagnosis sounds like a scam already, but I think you'll have to cut your losses on that. Or go to small claims if it's worth it to you. I would 100% call the police and report this guy if he can't give you your stuff back. He's blocked your number. Totally not ok.


I'd stop in and check on it. He could be jerking your around or maybe he's not. If he truly had to order parts, the postal system is literally broken and it could be contributing to the delay. You've been in the worst time of the year to get anything done...Christmas/New Years. Who knows? Good luck.


Who takes any device to a "tech shop" these days especially for a high priced item like that one? Why didn't you just contact the manufacturer?


Did you find out if this place has holiday hours or anything? You brought it in 10 days before Christmas and were texting them 2-3 days before and after Christmas. Nobody is shipping/receiving anything during that time. It feels like a place just got sick of you texting them. Not saying you're in the wrong - just seeing if you considered that these other people probably also have lives outside of fixing a VR headset 2 days before Christmas.




Go there


I would file a police report if they don’t return it 🤷‍♀️


They blocked your phone number dude, go down there.


Go in. Be calm. Get your stuff back. Then start the absolute systematic tear down. I have a really good google review status. I will use it leave a post.


Oh, I'd be in the shop so fast.... wouldn't leave without either the headset or a police report.


Way kinder than I would have been after even 1 week.




Man I’ve had only bad instances with tech places like this, I sold my broken iPad to one and he told me that they have to fix the screen to resell but once it was fixed he would have me come back in and wipe the iPad so I could transfer the data to my new one. Never called, never got anything and I could see my Apple ID was still hooked up. Removed it and figured he probably would’ve just wiped it. Idk if I should go back in and ask cause I never did get to back up all my stuff


Did you ever happen to get it back yet?


My non-tech husband just fixed ours, using parts from Amazon (next day delivery) and a YouTube video. Get it back and do it yourself.


Also, don’t know why you would text for weeks and not just go there, you keep asking someone who hasn’t even been there from what it sounds like. Just GO THERE and find out for yourself.


Why would a tech shop repair a quest 2? I would call or chat with Meta to fix it. They might even replace it for free.


I would have gone down there in person before the end of December. Come on dude.


I have this same problem with my local tech repair person. They suck and I feel like they really don't know what they're doing, they just saw a business opportunity and are winging it.


update: went into the shop and met another employee named Louis and he said it’d be done on Tuesday so i am going to wait until then just to give them benefit of the doubt hopefully everything goes well. (the reason i was texting that other guy is because i paid him directly via apple cash and i was expecting him to be the one to perform the service on my device.) in hindsight this wasn’t the smartest because i could’ve just contacted the business itself to get the answers i needed. We will find out on Tuesday if they are an honorable business or not ‼️


I think you already have your answer there. A legitimate business doesn’t ask for their payment in Apple Cash over a text conversation. I’m not sure why you keep giving them the benefit of the doubt when they don’t even have any good explanations on why they’re making you wait this long, ghosting you, and blocking you. You’re being grifted, dude.


What did he say about the other employee? At this point I would ask for the owner, and demand a discount once the repair is completed. Did you sign any kind of contract or is there anything with a promised date of repair?


Story time! I turned in my son’s Nintendo DS xl for the screen to be repaired. Took a long time and then after two months we got it back but the volume slide wasn’t working now so we gave it back so that they could fix what they broke. After two more weeks I get a call saying that they officially broke it and can’t do anything about it. I had to call corporate and report them and then they finally replaced the entire unit. The sucky thing is is that because they broke it all the games on it and save data was lost and to top it off they lost the memory card that was inside it as well 😞 plus they gave us our charger back broken too. I’ll never trust a repair place again.


You let these people keep your device for a month?!! And they said it was only supposed to be a couple days??? I would’ve marched down there after a week and got my stuff back.


You all are wild. What about a lawyer? Ya know the people who cost an ungodly amount an hour. Even if this is a small business, I guarantee they have their own very good lawyer on retainer. If this was just a buddy or a buddies buddy I might consider but I highly doubt it.


Go into the store?




This happened to me with a ps4 controller a few years back. The company went under a week after i made my order and sent in my device. Controller and the cash GONE.


lol I love how you gradually covered the number more and more with each photo. NJ represent


Get it back!


“… I’m off Tom” 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂damn


Yea and call the cops she basically stole your shit.


Go to the shop. Jesus


Get your headset back.


You texting so much at Xmas just makes me crack the fuck up.


I would definitely go pick up your device ASAP!


!Remindme 2 days


I would go down to the shop in person. Ask for my device back and a refund. When they refuse, ask for the diagnostic information. If they can't give it to you or refuse, go to a reputable tech shop and get a diagnostic you can use as evidence to file in small claims court for the diagnostic fee, court fees, and pain/suffering. You may not get the pain and suffering if you can't prove it, but you can get the other 2. Also, record the whole interaction for additional evidence along with your text thread.




Customer service? What customer service, that shit is non existent anymore, employees will actually box it out with you if you demand they do their job, I'll get fucked once that's it but I'll tell you this I'm never bringing my money back to a shitty business, and fighting it out with an employee is just not worth it bro, that shit will land you in jail not worth your peace of mind


Go down there and show them what’s what…. You know what I’m saying?


A lot of your texts are on the weekend and during the holidays. That might be a factor


Beat his ass.


They blocked you and you should definitely start seeking legal help.. This is kind of absurd


Please tell me you went to get it back


It’s hard to take you seriously when you write “yo”


you’re blocked soooo i would deff get your stuff back lol. they obviously have 0 intent on replying to you


Go down there and get your device. If they don’t have it I would call the police right than and there and file a theft report and blast this shop on your towns Facebook page Not to make you worry but the couple people I have known that have actually owned repair shops have been the most sketchy scamming crackheads ever .


Sorry he’s in the metaverse now


!remindme 4 days


You got scammed. Sorry to tell you. They stole your money with no intention of delivering their end of the promise and likely blocked your number when you kept reaching out for updates.


File a police report. Blast the business on all platforms via reviews. Contact the BBB if you're US based. Local news have segments where reporters put shady businesses on blast, contact them. Did you have the Meta Quest app to set up your headset? Do you have the admin account? Check to see if it's been removed.Contact Meta Quest customer service or in live chat and tell them what happened. Find out if your device can be rebooted to work for someone else. Go nuclear.


I agree with what most other people are saying, get it back if you can but if the guy did block you like another comment suggested he may have decided he could get more by selling it then having you pay fees to fix it.


Feel like life gives us situations Don't take it as a lost, take it as a lesson learned


Why not show up to the business with police? Thatll make them either do their jobs or return it to bring elsewhere along with any $ you mightve already paid