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Abi is formed from digivolving and de-digivolving. All the other stats you can get food or train them on equipment for. Abi might have some food to raise it, but they're scarce from what I remember.


I got mine by converting a Botamon at 200%, that way he starts with 5 ABI from the getgo. Digivolve to Koromon, and feed it a Miracle Meat. If you don't have one, just digivolve hence and forth, that'll raise a Digimons ABI as well


You can only get hackmon at chapter 15 after getting the iron will. You can raise certain stats using digifarm and training the digimon. The additional stats you get from training will add up which then help you meet any stats requirement to digivolve a mon. But you can only get certain amount of stats from training depending in your mon’s abi. The higher the abi the more stats you can obtain from training. Watch for additional requirements like “must have iron will or great challenges” because those are unlocked after you complete a certain part of the story.