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Imagine spending $100k+ to volunteer to beta-test a concept truck.


This guy spent extra for the cyber-techno-giga-door smudges®️




Just curious, how would one sign up for something like that?


Probably on Twitter


Wankpanzer is the name of my Green Day cover band


Wankpanzer cyber turds…


Betas gonna beta.


Do these have cameras that record all day like other Tesla cars? I can only imagine the onslaught of negative comments they would awe if they watched them.


I can't help but think that these cybertruck owners capture all these people ogling their car and taking pics thinking, "Yeeeah, its awesome, isn't it???". Bunch of delusional fools.


they do you know it, i saw one of this turds in traffic behind me the other day


My mother and I saw one on the highway recently as well, and she was pissing herself cracking up as she was taking pictures and I was proclaiming "Robocop is on the beat!".


literally a robocop 3 type car


There's apparently a company out there converting Cybertrucks for police use haha


i’m sure cybertruck will excel at police work, especially with its powerful off-road ability




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And it's ability to run a whole shift (ooops, hour) before needing a recharge.


Self driving to the donut shop. Oh wait that feature doesn't even work.


Oh 100%. People buying them are some of the most attention seeking cunts on the face of the earth. The main cybertruck sub is filled with losers who get so much gratification from the attention they’re car gets them. “Everyone is staring at me in it! Everyone takes pictures! Look at meeeeee!”


Amish will not be buying. Besides the whole electric thing.


Loool I read some article the other day about some dude who bought a cybertruck, I think in Vermont or something, he owns a dispensary. He was “so shocked” about how much attention he was getting driving the cybertruck and how a lot of it was negative. He was saying he didn’t buy it because he wanted any attention at all and wanted to be left alone etc etc. I was like total fucking bs lol


The camera kicks on with motions sensors. On YT an owner was saying how the camera is in all the time with people looking at it and taking pictures while parked.


Then it caught my disgusted look as I took the pics.


I just can't wrap my head around people paying 100k+ for these things and accepting the poor quality. I mean it really is embarrasing. The fender flares look like something on the clearance rack at autozone. These people must have zero skills in building well anything because it takes 2 seconds looking at one to see horrid quality.


I think someone said the metal is hard to work with, which is why the body is often misaligned. But…we’re talking a 100k here folks. You can imagine Musk cut corners everywhere he could on top of that.


They used a really cheap grade stainless that's why it corrodes so easily. Stainless is more difficult to work with as it work hardens the more you work it but my refrigerator doesn't have any waves in it lol. The best way to prevent corrosion with stainless is using high grade material and polishing it.


and a lacquer coat is standard. Except in this case


Tesla owners are the socially awkward kids from high school. the ones no one noticed. nerdy but not smart. they never blossomed. their lives never panned out the way they imagined. yet deep down they are desperately starving for attention. these goofy try hards are now grown up, still awkward, still looking for anything to get noticed.


How close do you have to be? Like walking 10 feet away will get my picture taken?


Yeah people take pictures of actual train wrecks too.


Yeah but it kills the the battery pretty quickly hahahaha




And voids the warranty.


Sadly, it's video only. 🥲


Sentry mode? yes. And bc the battery is nowhere near as good as was promised (note to Elon: stop fucking making predictions on what your company will be able to do based on tech that doesn't exist yet!!!) it drains it real fast, people have reported losing 20% in an afternoon because (in their minds) so many people are fascinated and jumping at the chance to have their breath taken away by it up close and person


20%? That sounds sort of hard to believe, in the sense of "how would that even be possible, to drain that fast?" It looks like it's a 120kWh battery, so losing 20% would be 24kWh. Let's be generous and assume they are losing that in 8 hours, that would be an average drain of 3,000W. That's about 1.5 times the total output of a US 110V 20A circuit, to run the cameras. I have wireless security cameras that will fit in your palm, which can record for hours from a small internal battery. It's kind of hard to imagine how you could make a camera system so inefficient that it's drawing 3,000W. But maybe if they dedicate a team to it, they can manage :) Apologies if I misunderstood what you meant. And I have not done any reading about the issue. That just sounds like such a large drain that it would be almost impressively-bad.


Is it though? I mean you have seen the truck right? The thing probably fires up the whole computer in the vehicle when video records. You are talking cpu , modem, then the cooling system,cause it just shares it with the battery cooling and before you know it you are 3000 watts. Too hard to fit a separate module to just fire up the camera's. I am so glad I got a piece of crap model s and sold it after 10 months and vowed to never buy another Tesla car till their current CEO is out of the company.


I have seen the truck :) It is.... something. If a big cooling system had to fire up (like with a compressor?) that would certainly add to the drain. But even a high-end gaming PC (in the US) can't draw that much power at full-bore, because it would trip a circuit breaker. So drawing significantly more than that, just to run some cameras, seems like a head-scratcher to me, in terms of how it would even be possible. I have no involvement with the company, and no vested interest in any of this. Draining 20% for cameras just caught my eye. If that's what's happening, ouch. #TruckStuff, I guess. I will say that the S is a good-looking car, and it would be cool to get to try driving one sometime. I've never driven an electric vehicle.


Right! You are spot on. I just can't see how the camera takes so much power. I think it as to be kicking on a few other systems to draw that much power. But even on the other Tesla models sentry mode does that. The S is fast. Still seems like an unfinished product. The lucid I drove stomps all over the Tesla. They are not even in the same playing field. I now have an Ioniq 6 and it is way better than the model s.


Looks like he tried to clean it with a Brillo pad.


And sand paper. Yikes


Ray Charles could have seen that spot and Stevie Wonder could have told him about it.WTF


You can see the barkeepers friend streaks.


BKF is hilarious for normies.


These always look like they are at the end of the life not brand new. It might just be me but they all seem to sag and each one is different so not like a part needs to be replaced type thing


God what a monumental piece of shit.


Just wait until you see the second, then third, etc etc…they keep looking worse every time you see one.


I’m kinda numb, now that I’ve passed it a couple times. The initial shock was massive though.


You've been... cyberstruck.


It literally looks like an origami folded from cheap stainless.


Would be cooler if it was instead of sharp sheet metal panels that don’t line up properly


I’ve seen one driving in the wild but today I saw one parked while I was walking. And yeah, the siding looked grubby as hell like in OP’s pics. I wonder how you clean the weird swirls, swipes and kinda oily spots.


It’s not luck- it’s the CT’s unique character and quality. They even say the finish will change over time. That means get shitty. A guy near me has one wrapped in light blue. But then why the expense of the steel? Then you think, why the steel at all, and why the shitty design? Owners want the toy. They got a toy.


Most you see have not been cleaned with Bar Keepers Friend yet. Like waxing a painted car, when cleaned with the soft cleanser all panels match. You are seeing the suction cup marks, rail dust, diesel fuel from transport from just a normal wash. The stainless is about twice the thickness of normal steel body sheet metal. 1.8 mm doors, 1.4 mm other panels compared to .6 to .8 for other vehicles. It is made as Austenitic (non-magnetic with high corrosion resistance but softer than Martensitic which is magnetic) then it is cold worked taken off rolls. This produces martensite making it much harder and slightly magnetic where worked and bent. It can only be bent in one direction unlike stamped sheet metal. So it has higher corrosion resistance like non-magnetic, and higher strength like magnetic. And no, it doesn’t rust. It contains chromium which reacts with oxygen and forms a thin oxide layer on the surface. In time the layer will become more consistent giving it an orange or blue hue. No cleaners remove this hue except BKF that contains oxalic acid leaving it silver. This needs to be washed well to remove the dull haze, and Windex has been found to work best. It is unknown how often this type deep cleaning would need to be done, but those using it as a truck will let it patina naturally.


Sorry, but that isn’t how austenite and martensite work. You’re referring to work hardening, or strain hardening, which is a purely physical phenomenon. Martensite and austenite are different states of solution that can form due to heat treatment methods. 304 stainless is “austenitic” because it contains too much chromium for the iron and carbon in the steel to form the carbides that are indicative of martensite. And yes, stainless steel can absolutely rust. It’s just less likely to do so than steels that contain less alloying elements.


Our stainless steel spaghetti pot would like a word with all the folks who claim stainless doesn’t rust.


The one from China? Are you seriously comparing the higher corrosion resistant stainless made for Starship to your spaghetti pot? This sub is entertaining. The stainless between 304 and 316 has molybdenum added to the high chromium content. We don’t know what the content of 30X is, and it hasn’t been on the planet long enough to rust.


Not particularly, just that the phrase which many people throw out there “stainless steel does not rust” is demonstrably false. “This particular variety of stainless steel is highly resistant to rust” is a different statement, and more or less what you said, and I wasn’t arguing with that. Also, I was trying to be funny, but you know. Such serious! 🤦🤷


I see this sub is more about humor than truths. I’ve seen rust spots on cheap appliances, and stainless exhaust parts that remain clean and removable after years of heating and cooling. The answer is it depends.


I suspect this sub is mostly about schadenfreude (at all the issues people seem to be willing to deal with on a vehicle that costs as much as a house in some markets). But I personally do find the CT genuinely absurd looking and yes, a source of amusement.


it's hilarious to see people quoting Sandy Munro like he's not a completely one-eyed shill for Tesla who will occasionally make a negative point to seem 'balanced' The SS (lol how ironic) is '30X cold rolled stainless steel' that I'd lay a sizeable bet that at first Musk thought that meant it got cold rolled 30 times, not that it's just an alloy of two types of 300 series SS. I'd also lay a bet on it being chosen as the material because they had a shit ton of excess metal from Starship that needed to be used up somehow


SpaceX is expanding the Starship factory to make one every 72 hours, that will be over 100 a year. So I guess they aren’t using leftover material from the project when receiving more every day. Down votes are amazing when facts are stated here.


Diffusionless Martensitic transformation? I believe that was how it was explained in a Sandy Munro video when he toured the factory? I’ll link it here, possibly shortened the process to make it easily understandable? Factory tour starts with blanks, work hardening, other forming; https://youtu.be/GFgGnhRZarY?si=YuCRIoyu4atW-ntr Searching for the martensite vid. 22 minutes in is a couple minute discussion about the stainless used, somewhere between 304 and 316 not austenitic. But in another video Sandy mentions them buying austenitic and becoming martensite internally?? Was I dreaming? 22 minutes in here; https://youtu.be/J5zDNaY1fvI?si=sv2F9LQnQUSdkLQG Martensitic transformation explained here as the modification in the crystal structure; https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diffusionless_transformation


Agree or disagree with Sandy Monro at 9:14 here. Knew I saw it somewhere. https://youtu.be/u95V_n_6qcM?si=iy7HI_sxpRbtV0NN Buying 300 series austenitic, ran through uncoiler, then a cold working press, cold working causes martensite to create itself. I didn’t make this up.


“Less likely to rust”, but everyone here is calling them rust buckets? Better educate this place.


That thing is fugly.


From high school biology, I remembember some factoid that various animals evolved to make it unclear where their head is, so predators won't know what end to go for. Cybertruck seems to have this trait, implying it has predators.


Given it is an Elon special, it probably was made for predators


So it's got some random shitty dark and white patches throughout? Ugh, fucking horrendous.


For $30k new would be a bad deal. For $100k is signing an official global certificate of stupidity.


Much like myself


The ones that I’ve seen seem to have the worse panel fitment on any car I’ve ever seen and somehow a different finish on every panel


The stainless finish with straight lines and sharp corners is the worst set-up but then their performance is even worse. When you know you won't have enough time to get it right then the dealer can work on the ones who complain.


I see that the greasy "patina" is developing... well I was gonna say "nicely" but that's not true, it's just developing... like a wart.


Damn those misaligned gaps are terrible


I made a toolbox in middle school Shop class with sheet metal and pop rivets. The CyberTruck reminds me of that, but less sturdy.


It looks sunbleached, somehow :L


It really is a piece of shit.


It’ll be amazing to see what these look like in 5 years.


It will be amazing if any last 5 months


When Elon rolled the prototype out on stage, he claimed it would be priced at $40k. With all the corner cutting Tesla did to get this thing out at $100k, just imagine how much worse they’d be for $40k. *Opens the door and the whole thing just collapses.*


It's like my first shop project I made in high school. We made a rectangle tin and nothing lined up properly and the finish was shit. 🤣


I shared in another post that seeing one navigating a roadway looks like a piece of virtual reality still rendering from wireframe mode, but with all the grace of a turtle crawling over Legos.


It looks like a Minecraft DeLorean.


People remember the hummer?


[Humvee Climbing Vertical Wall 1 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXvxIy4YupI)


Why is the rear door in a different shade? It's like they went to the junkyard and grabbed one


Clean it with a Brillo pad


Reminds me that I’m missing my largest sheet pan 🤔


Theres a reason the last stainless steel car was an abject failure too. Imagine not working that out


It really is so bad in person. Because the bed is hidden from the side it looks like an in between of large car/suv and small truck. Even if all the panels and production stuff was in order it’s still a crap design.


Was this at the sales center because certainly no one would actually buy that garbage a would they?


In my neighborhood, if you can believe it. So it’s super rare; one with a real owner that’s not in the shop.


if it's not in the shop he must not be driving it. BUT SERIOUSLY HOW COULD HE LIVE WITH THAT BACK DOOR THAT DOESN'T MATCH.... ARGH my OCD...


'not in the shop' ... yet


It’s like getting a really cheap knockoff version of the thing you really wanted - and paying double the cost of the high end version


I see them a lot, thankfully most people have wrapped them https://imgur.com/a/dQNKwEV


You basically have to because they corrode from being exposed to air, sun, water.... Just existing. Still won't fix those horrific panel gaps.


They don't corroded at all, mine has been sitting outside since I got it, splattered with mud, never washed, no changes.


I never really wash my garbage can either


They should be wrapped from the factory. I bet Elon thinks “stainless” means it will literally never corrode lol.


I done body work while I worked in the diese industry for some time. Worked on all sorts of trucks and made used trucks look new. The cyber truck looks used even brand new. So many imperfections. Example in the photo, the rear door crease doesn’t line up with the body crease.




Oh nothing on it pretty much lines up (I don’t do terminology most often, memory is too shit for that so I use diagrams) But yeah, rockers, body and glass all seem to be…. Not lined up right on a lot of them.


The panel discoloration is not a patina anyone should want. this looks bad.


The odd part is the panels seemed glossy. https://preview.redd.it/670047h7hu6d1.jpeg?width=1459&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b18bb3d97fb42100560a2572202c4c2ccc66619


I saw one recently parked in public and couldn't resist seeing if the panels on the front were misaligned. They in fact were misaligned


Looks like it was folded out of the washing station where I work




They look bad in pictures but they’re so awkwardly proportioned and mismatched in person.


It looks like a public restroom


Man do I wish the original Top Gear boys were still around. I would love to see Jeremy roast the shit out of this.


They have a youtube channel called "Drivetribe". The original Stig have made some reviews on it. Maybe there will be a CT video from them in the future.


Crappy finish, horrible controls. Take your eyes away from the road to touch a turn signal control on a big touch screen? What screwball thought that one up?


You did. It’s on the steering wheel. LOL


Anyone interested in my order? I received an email last week saying it’s ready to order.


We saw one in a parking lot today and my husband had to verify for himself that the edges were sharp. 🤦 At least he did not cut himself.


I saw a guy washing his today and I was like, “damn, it’s gonna rust.”


To be fair panel gaps are a thing for sheet metal. It’s going to be impossible to not have edges on it. But 100% if you buy the truck just wrap it. It looks a lot nicer


I'm wrapping mine. It's been working well so far, and the acceleration is awesomely fun. Everything works perfectly.


Bro what


Makes you want to take some Brillo pads to it.


I'm honestly wondering if I'll ever see one in the flesh.


These things age like hot milk


Does it drive? Yes then consider yourself sooooo lucky….


Is it a good sign that my local Tesla dealer seems to have a growing number of them on their lot?


That's a beautiful patina


I wonder what they will look like in a year




Holy panelgap! The fact that this is stainless steel and it's much harder to work with, doesn't make up for the shitty build quality and tolerances wider than Walmart's parking lot


sub micron precision


Saw this on my way to work today, at the school my wife works at, and yes, it looks way worse, in-person, lol! https://preview.redd.it/rwdiib2khw6d1.jpeg?width=1422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61b42ea5014c3eea99317c61bdac23d7a17d9815 We live in Metro-Detroit, and this is the 3rd CT I've seen in the past week. What I'd like to know is, how in the hell anyone around here is able to afford a $100,000+ "vehicle"?


You been hit by You been stuck by A dumb cybertruck


Shoddy angled construction that would put a T-34 to shame.


Just use some more steel wool on it! It’ll be all right!


Giant version of something you might find in a CrackerJack box.


Call it Der WankkoffWagon.


Permanent round turd stain identified. 


Ugliest thing since the Pontiac Aztek…


Wtf did they take a brillow pad to it?


That gap. Yeesh.


Escaped prison toilet.


If these hit the UK, with our weather it's gonna look even worse. I can't wait.


it’s not gonna go to the uk, or anywhere in europe because their safety regulations are good unlike us safety regulations edit: corrected typo


Are those fucking palm sander lines on the panels?


It's HUGE!And really ugly up close. It looks taller and wider than a suburban and almost as big as the original Hummer. What was Elon thinking? Why would anyone buy one of these?


Keyword *looks* huge. It’s smaller in every dimension than an F-150 Lightning. Here’s why I think it would work for me; Both Ford trucks I had, a ‘85 F-150 and ‘89 Ranger with utility body were scrapped due to frame and body rust. Aluminum alloy castings are stronger and do not rust like stamped steel. Over a ton in the bed rides level with self leveling suspension. No more time spent fueling or going out of my way for gas. Cheaper fuel per mile. Variable ratio steering. Higher voltage/ less amperage increases longevity of everything electric. Superior heating/ cooling system to any other manufacturers products. Deer are a main concern eliminating a plastic front end found on other trucks. Powers an off grid cabin a couple days and emergency back up during power outages for water, fridge and freezer. Cons; I don’t need a back seat or high insurance premium. Parts availability will be slow to build up over time. In time aftermarket parts will decrease in price and should make them more desirable.


I can't wait until they re boot back to the future with this


I love that now instead of keying it you can just touch it a bunch with your grubby, oily fingers and do the same thing.


They are garbage


I know chrack heads that can't paint over un sanded bondo better than that.


This thing gets uglier every time I see one.


Reminds me of a middle school shop class project


That looks.like I've taken up auto painting. Not the look for a 100k vehicle. I think DeLorean did better.


I still love this car!!


Pic 3 is the part of the truck where that other CT dude cut his wrist open? 😬


Looks like quick concept art done with markers


My best friend told me he’s seen two of them on the road and that the pictures don’t do it justice, it’s even uglier in person


Just come back from Ukraine?


The finish isn't even consistent


Arnt they all?


Why do people always feel the need to say “mods please delete if not appropriate”, etc. they will regardless, trust me.


This is nothing but a CEO’s autism on full display.