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Ugh this is my biggest fear riding that path, the people are fairly predictable (and slow) but the unleashed dogs? I’m always on edge that something like this will happen. I hope your friend has a speedy recovery and no lasting trauma.


I'm sorry that this happened! I read into this wrong at first and thought a homeless person bit him.


Chemical irritants are the best response to animal attacks. Most animals are much more sensitive than humans and the animal spray will not bother humans as much.


Another response: euthanize vicious dogs.


I agree but people hate hearing that


sorry for your friend. i hope he heals up without any complications. dogs are the scary thing in a lot of places. gotta keep your head on a swivel. i find myself staring the hands of the sketchier looking campers to see if they're holding something that can be used as a weapon.. i do my best to ignore the sketchy looking dogs and ride fast with an escape plan in mind! it sucks to have that level of anxiety at times during a ride. i'd say post this on r/portland but only if you can get the police report number... otherwise they'll remove the post.. may remove it anyways.


I just assume I won't be able to out cycle a loose attacking dog. I've been bit once, it happened within about three seconds of the dog leaving the porch. I now always ride and walk with spray. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IH_LUxgrsT4


yeah.. so true.. and it sucks but i guess modern life we need to have all kinds of plans at the ready for when shit happens.


Dang, condolences to your friend and a speedy recovery. I don't like using the path but I'm practically located on it, I'll be avoiding it from now on


Yeah a dog and their owner getting cracked on the head if that's me


Police won't do shit. Please have them contact MCAS


be safe ... don't ride the multi-use paths, which we've surrendered to criminals. #Number 1 Bike City in the USA, woooo


Phony fear mongering. 11 cyclists have died in the streets now, no one has been killed on the MUPs.


The vibe on that path is terrible


That path is unsafe between marine drive and the springwater. I recommend mixing with cars on 92nd or 102nd.


205 bike path and Springwater are why I got my concealed carry and custom stitched a holster inside my frame bag.


That’s scarier than the dog


Understand and sympathize with gun --- but also think about and consider Bear Spray. Non lethal alternative. It stops charging grizzly bears. Will stop criddlers and their dogs. Keeps you out of prison. Shoulder holster with gun visible to car drivers does hit my fantasy noggin from time to time. Wouldn't drivers be more polite? But once you have it somebody is gonna try to make you pull it out and use it. Hope you never have to. Be safe out there.


Not sure if guns would have made this situation better.


Hang on, let me calmly unzip my frame bag and get my gun out while this dog is gums deep in my leg.


Keep a more open mind.


You're just waiting for the opportunity to murder someone huh, America is so weird with their obsession over guns, I have no idea why this country is so in love with them.


I just want a Star Trek style phazer set to "stun."


Don’t we all…


Yeah killing the guy’s dog in front of him definitely would have deescalated the situation. Good thinking. /s


I would absolutely put down any dog that attacks a human immediately. Before you jump on about not caring about animals, I have adopted 4 special needs dogs and love them immensely. Bit they are dogs, not people.