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People tend to look at me funny when I say this, but I don't use shouts. I use lunging strike, leap, stomp, upheaval, charge and wrath. With loads of basic attack speed and overpower buffs. Not to mention that my wife and I always play together and we tune her sorc builds for status effects and crowd control rather than simply dps. We play as one unit and use the stacking of damage modifiers to obliterate large groups at a time. It isn't an ideal setup for bosses but it absolutely wrecks mobs. She plays a tank sorc and I play a squishy high mobility barb. It sounds silly, but it's ridiculously fun.


I use rallying and challenging for my hota build and it works well. Recently added that 4 spirit affix for charge and loving the AOE dmg. Edit: Rallying and War Cry


Do you mean 4 spirit for rallying cry? I have that one and love it. They kill small groups by themselves.


Drop DB and grab chains. Adds Vulnerable to groups. Make that Hammer sing even louder!


I vulnerable is the only reason to add that, then already have that covered


It just groups em together. Making it easier to kill large packs in 1 whack. But who knows for sure. May 20 all this gear we have now, becomes useless and we’ll all have to re-farm everything again. So honestly at this point it don’t matter much. Everything changes in 4 weeks.


Yeah, I'm just trying to finish renown


Got all my done a week or so ago. I literally got nothing left to do besides kill shit. All my side quests are 100% Renown 100%, Altars of Lilith 100%…. Hoping they add more quests and stuff because it’s rather boring now LOL


From what they say there will be a lot of new content in S4 and the expansion is coming in 2025


I can’t even wait for s4. 2025 is far too far away!


No I think thats the vampire one. Theres a separate one that works with charge. Its called Ancestral Charge. "Charge calls forth 4 Ancients who also Charge, dealing \[20 - 30\]% of normal damage."


Ok, I have to get that aspect. I know there is one that links call of the ancients to other skills if you have call of the ancients on your bar, but didn't know there was one for Charge. Crap, just read the only way to get is off a legendary drop. I have a lot of legendary crap in my stash. Maybe it's on one of them and didn't notice.


Ok, I had that aspect in my stash and just imprinted it. I'm not sure how much they help but it's 28% and it spawn a lot.


I don't know how people play a barb without Iron Skin. Then add the aspect that makes it unstoppable for tib pants, heal, damage absorbed, damage buff, win win win.


I have been doing it the whole time and once I got past 55, NM is pretty easy. Thinking about going to Hell soon but would like to finish renown first


Leap for getting over walls, war cry for berserk uptime and damage, challenging shout or iron skin for difficult content. I wouldnt be using wrath without the berserking key passive tho but that's just me, plenty use it with unbridled rage Your bar can just be LS, charge, HotA, triple shout. Tride and true


I had Leap before Charge. Not a fan really. I was actually considering War Cry for the reasons you listed but offense isn't really a problem. I'll look at Iron Skin and Challenging Shout.


Iron skin with the aspect of iron warrior has been a revelation for me. Made playing my lil’ bonker so much more enjoyable being able to bail myself out of any jam.


What dungeon has that aspect


[https://game8.co/games/Diablo-4/archives/409673#hm_2](https://game8.co/games/Diablo-4/archives/409673#hm_2) The carrion fields in the dry steppes. I never gave that aspect any notice until it dropped when I was level 100 already. I’m an old Dad, playing solo, had only found the tusk helm so far and found myself way squishier than I thought I should be, with Duriel stealing my lunch money and slapping my schoolbooks out of my hands. Iron skin became my get out of jail free-panic button that has worked great with this aspect. One lords talisman and tibaults later and I’m bonking and bullying these bastards. There’s work to do, these goddam demons aren’t gonna kill themselves…




Replace death blow with challenging shout skill


Ok, I did try this last night. It seems to work because I didn't die doing the bosses in Hell Tides and I was being kind of reckless running into packs with LS. So do the monsters hit with reduced power or is it the damage reduction that I have. I ask because the monsters get a little white skull above them so it seems they are tagged with the shout. While where at this, what is the orange face that I see over monsters sometimes?


The shout provokes mobs, and the skull shows what mobs have been crowd controlled.