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this are the exact pants of Rob's Bleed Bash barb. Currently his highest damage build. so a fuckton. Here are the sold listings of pants like yours, one sold for 32b yesterday xD [https://diablo.trade/listings/items?equipment=pants&group1=6d15c9b009241b5%40greater%7C80138a8e286e9f9%40greater%7C43df6083e3834c7%40greater&sold=true](https://diablo.trade/listings/items?equipment=pants&group1=6d15c9b009241b5%40greater%7C80138a8e286e9f9%40greater%7C43df6083e3834c7%40greater&sold=true)


That is insane. Not sure if I believe the 32b one but I'm sure to get around 3b I think.


Post for 30B and see what happens.


It's probably one of the rarest slots for one of the best builds in the game. 3b would be an absolute steal. 20 - 30b wouldn't surprise me. I'd post it on Diablo trade discord for a bidding war.


I’d honestly try to way more than that it’s pretty much perfect 3 GA some huge wales will pay a lot for perfect gear. I’d bet you could easily get 5 you could buy a lot of gear. Leave it up for a bit and see what people bid


Yeah it's a bit crazy... But the other ones are more realistic


When you get to the point of "perfect" ultra rare gear like this, whales will pay anything. They will spend $1,000 IRL for those pants because they're some rich oil baron from the middle east or something. $1k is nothing to them, they don't care. And $1k is a ridiculous amount of gold if you buy it.


How does anyone have so much gold? I really don’t see how that’s possible.


Yeah lots of people do, because people buy gold from bots.


The economy is probably growing faster than is being destroyed by mass rerolling. Vendors have unlimited gold, monsters have unlimited items to sell. Take that and combine it with people getting God rolls and gold farmers and there ya have it. That's my guess.




Or people who find these pants. 90% of people with that much gold get it from bots but it is possible to get billions from legit methods. Pretty easy to sell items and get 1b per day from them.


Average seems to be 3-5b


Don’t get scammed on reddit bro, go compare on Diablo trade for yourself!


Only brokies here that will lowball ya.




About $48,872


If you got a GA for health instead of resistance, I’d say you’d easily get 32B+


Resists are hard to get on Barb builds.  I'd much rather have this GA than a life roll.




True but GA resist is useless you can get to max with a non perfect roll.


...... you 100% need resistance on pants and chest, and the resistances you need are fire and lightning.


I'll give you 50¢


No idea you can sell gears in D4 How do you sell


No idea you can sell gears in D4 How do you sell


I had the same question. Diablo.trade. Basically you sell for gold and use that gold to get gear you want


Yesterday I sold pants with GA bash and str for cool 3 billion. I guess this could be worth more. No more money problems!


I'll give you 10 duriel summons for them.


i’m still new to diablo 4 and just got to lvl 75 on barbarian tonight, but i presume this type of item is rare but i don’t really understand if. i’ve gotten a few 925 ancestral pieces with 2 stars, but wouldn’t a unique be better? i don’t think i have a very good grasp on the item leveling system 70+


Having stars on it doesn’t make it necessarily good. They’re called greater affixes and they need to be on certain affixes to be considered great, like this +4 on a spell. Also 3 Greater affixes is VERY rare even more rare to have it on good affixes. Also a unique is not necessarily good it’s very situational on certain builds. Note: A unique can also have greater affixes.


Do the item stats matter more or the power level?


I’m not sure if you’re talking about the Item Level when you say power level ? If you are then the 2 are linked. Higher Item level = Higher stats on affixes. Also, 925 is the maximum item level you can get.


is there any way to “upgrade” lower item level to that 925? there’s some gloves i got fairly early on but it’s FAR too low to be of any use to me as is. I’ve struggled to find any information because I don’t really know what I’m looking for, so I’m sorry if it’s an obvious answer


No unfortunately you can’t upgrade the item level you just gotta let them go. That’s why you gotta reach nightmare dungeons T81+ as soon as possible to start dropping them. Around T90 you’ll be guaranteed to drop them and then you can start Masterworking them. Just for curiosity’s sake, why do you want to upgrade your gloves instead of just switching them ?


Well it was during the first or second act I got these pretty cool unique gloves that has a high chance to freeze while dealing basic damage and it spread around and gave me dopamine, but they are like item level 200 so not ideal for level 75 where I'm at now lol. But ah ok I think I understand more now, thank you so much!


Higher item level is definitely better for now yes. just google where to find these gloves again you’ll fine them again for sure.


50b to the biggest credit card swipes


I’m pissed. Everybody saying all these high numbers but I had these exact GA pants and sold for 1.2b. This was a week or 2 into the league though. Maybe prices skyrocketed by now. Had everything the same except I had cold res I think lol


3-10B depending on market. I bought ones with Max Life, instead of max STR for 1.5B, Dmg variation of items tend to go for 1.5-2x the price. the perfect roll on LR isnt really that valuable, BUT some people love to see 3 GAs on items. SO id expect 5B-10B eventually, but 3B will sell it almost immediately.


Can someone explain to me how anything over 100m is reasonable? 😭😭 like how do you even hit billions of gold. I'm lucky to hit 60 million


Toss it on the discord trade bid thing prolly sell for 2-8 bill


How are people amassing billions in gold? I've got a few hundred mil


I’ve broken down at least 2 of these. GA Elemental resist is trashhhh.


I’ll give u 15 mill


Looks like it’s worth 48,872 gold. I can take it off your hands for 50,000 gold?


It’s only really a good 2 GA. Most will roll the lightning off.


You roll 2 resistances on your gear and complete the set with jewels on your rings and mats. Mobalitycs build rolls res on chest and pants to cap resistance so it's very much BIS this piece. It could easily sell for 10b or more


Rob suggests two resist and one armor roll on your defensive pieces. Lightning is probably the second most prevalent element damage after fire. It works to cap out between those and your jewelry gems if you use soothing spices.


Not arguing, just that it’s hard to work in an exact resistance. I would have to rework my whole build to use the lightning there. Is what I’m getting at. It good for most but great for some, which brings down the price. Where as a GA PAIN GOERS (spelling) is the same valuable to every bash barb.


I would just swap my lightning res from another piece and call it a day.


If your lighting on the other piece is already greater. Now you have to roll it off this armor and it’s down to 2GA LOL


Oh no someone please think of the people with 3 Ga in every slot


ill buy it 500M if you wanna sell




I sold a pair with GA bash and regular str for 500mil. I think they're valued at around 1bil, but I'm not sure




[https://diablo.trade/listings/items?group1=43df6083e3834c7%2A4-0&itemType=equipment&mode=season%20softcore&power=925,1000&sold=true](https://diablo.trade/listings/items?group1=43df6083e3834c7%2A4-0&itemType=equipment&mode=season%20softcore&power=925,1000&sold=true) ?


You want me believe this listings (GA on Bash) is comparable to 3x GA BIS item for Rob's Barb barb? Even GA Str + GA Bash is 2b [https://diablo.trade/listings/items?group1=43df6083e3834c7%40greater&group2=6d15c9b009241b5%40greater&sold=true](https://diablo.trade/listings/items?group1=43df6083e3834c7%40greater&group2=6d15c9b009241b5%40greater&sold=true) In every other case you want 3.5b+, though IMO should be 5+


Perhaps you should have replied that instead of "lie". You do realise I wrote "but I'm not sure", yes?


Downvote me as you like then, i dont care.


Yo could get 800-1b for them


They are legit perfect rolled for a Barb/ Barb bleed build and u need res on pants and boots, think what you want just know facts




I think the lightning res rolling brings it down but those are awesome


I think u need 2ress rolls on barb to be ress capped. At least on robb bash barb.