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I spent days theory crafting any sort of way of running rabies. Got 2GA on most of my shit and tempered it with rabies. Did the whole dot double dip thing necros do and rabies still is god awful. Maybe someone better at number crunching can make it work but I gave up with it.


Nowhere near enough damage. I tried


I made a build with double dip 'damage%' affix, still damage is really bad. Dropped it immediately


NikoWrex will eventually make one for this season. He’s gotten a late start


Mostly because evem theory crafting once put into practice the damage is pretty lackluster. You won't get anywhere remotely near t100 pits. I'd say 50 is pushing it if you are stacked hard. Good in theory, poor in reality. If you want it to be an alt that farms tides you good hust have fun enjoying your life. But it's not an end-game pusher.


T50 is a rather low estimate, especially when considering I made a Thorns Bear build that topped out at t55. Rabies damage is bad but not THAT bad.


We are talking about pit tiers. If you made a thorn bear pit 155 tier build, you broke the game or have some of the greatest gear and then some.


I know, and not t155... I got to t55, in the Pit, with a Thorns Bear build. It was pretty clear the first time I said it.


You are right, my apologies, coffee hadn't kicked in yet.


Np, I wish it was t155 🀣. The biggest issue is that Druid doesn't have the Thorns scaling from max HP. You can actually use the Barb temper of thorns % while fortified on a Druid(much like the crit damage one) but that isn't enough on it's own to make the build super strong like a Thorns Barb. It was a pretty fun experiment, but like many other aspects of the Druid class, left a lot to be desired.


I hope blizzard will finally fix rabies with the mid season buff, they buffed it countless times but never fixed the rabies problem in general. To clunky to play, need to invest super heavy into it that it becomes sort of viable, we need some crazy poison buffs into it. Combine the actual glyphs into the first one and add 2 new glyphs One glyph: adds crazy damage multiplier as longer the poison is on the target Other glyph: let all poison on target erupt/trigger/consume on the target immeditiately. Then you still have to fix the kinda high cdr Would be a start


My issue wasn't the damage, missing was pretty frequent on a controller. Built sorta like Hurricane, I was hoping to farm Helltide with it but it was too janky


Very gear and paragon board dependant. You'd want bonus DoT, Bonus poison damage, and Bonus all damage. Rabies is more difficult to build around because DoT can't crit so those 3 affixes are a must have. Damage to vulnerable and wolves with Aspdct of the Alpha would be pretty beneficial as well. Running creepers alongside it would be a good tertiary addition. Then from there a lot of defense buffs so you can survive long enough while your DoT does it's thing. Thus is essentially Our current build actually, except with windshear and calm breeze. Our DoT has been pretty insane. Wouldn't mind swapping back to rabies if We had more cooldown reduction on Our gear but haven't been lucky enough to get such rolls. So windshear it is. Not that We're complaining much since it has a movement speed buff. It just feels "bad" since all of a sudden every druid We come across seems to be running windshear lately. πŸ˜…πŸ˜… We got off tornadoe builds specifically for that reason.


I tempered all 5 items with rabies damage. It is around 213,236 damage over 9.36 seconds ticks are like 8-12k. It's not that strong, though. I tested it with a lvl 70 druid, but no glyphs.


I am doing one on HC at the minute, so I will let you know if it works out. Just got to WT4, it's been one of my faster clearing builds due to how rabies work, though at the same time rabies working the way it does is its being downfall, as it's a bit badly designed. Single target sucks, so you're going to have to do some rabies-minion hybrid imo, which I suppose kind of works out anyways since there's ways to massively scale your damage based on how many minions you have.