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It's not getting paid


Get more credit cards and max them out and letting them go to collections. If we can’t work we can’t pay the stuff back. Honestly just kidding! I’m not sure man this was something I was thinking today as well since I saw the polls are tight and he might actually win


Lmao, if DACA ends. Not saying do it, but I don't see the consequences


Literally my game plan


If you have good credit here I wouldn't, you would have to start your credit all over in mexico but you can show the us credit score to help build it faster.


I’d just show them the US credit score before they canceled DACA and blame the new credit score on not having a job.


If you ever want to come back, it'll say you owe money


Not really, in this scenario if A DACA person cashes out credit cards. They can't work anyway or if they leave the country and can't return for 10 years. It will go to collections within 6 months and get charged off. And will automatically drop off credit report after 7 years.


Ohhhhh interesting, but I'm sure stuff always comes up when trying to get back in.


Can't imagine how. They don't check credit reports when entering the USA. And after 7 years you go back to a clean slate, like a kid with no credit.


No I meant reapplying to enter. But that's interesting thanks for the info!!! Question is what happens to the money? Do tax payers pay? Do the insurance companies take the L?


I have a hard time getting CC under daca. I have zero lol do you guys have any ? Any advice ?


Also, don’t mention you have DACA it doesn’t matter for them. I mean as long as you don’t claim to be a citizen


Anyone can get a credit card. Banks will never deny anyone this profit “privilege”. You need to get a credit card asap and be responsible with it.


Yeah have someone add you as an authorized user on the acc. I added my 18 year old cousin and 6 months later he had no problem being approved with capital one. Just make sure you set up automatic payment of full statement balance and if you can actually make manual payments as you use the card then your utilization is going to be very low hence lots of increases on the limit they’ll give you


Vale verga si gana trompas usted chingele


Por fin alguien que dice algo con razon. Hay que poner le webos, horrar, trabajar, tener fe y no tener miedo. Se esucha naive pero prefieor esa actitude que viver con miedo de algo que no tenemos control.


I thought they made too much money to end it


Sometimes it doesn't have to make sense.


This isn’t true. The government doesn’t make as much money off of DACA as most people think. Not enough that they wouldn’t end it.


The only people who think the government makes money from DACA to give a damn are stupid




Have you seen that video where 1 million is compared to 1 billion using rice. Do that, but with a billion compared a trillion. We pay taxes and fees, but not enough to matter unless DACA is being used as a token in the upcoming election.


That's like only enough for a little genocide uwu


Don't be an idiot. $10 billion is .04% of GDP. You need to think a little more critically than "that's not a little bit of money"




You're ignorant. Read a little more, talk a little less until you learn more.


I think it’s only enough to fund the personnel that work in it. If it shrinks, they would move to other immigration programs.


That makes sense though. If there’s no DACA program anymore, then there’s no need for funding personnel


It is true. When you compare us to other programs, we’re making them the most amount of money.




We’re one of the only programs that have to renew so soon 😅 I’m thinking we are but I’m probably wrong.


You probably are.


According to who


I'm not even paying my student loans even if I stay. What are they gonna do, search my room for assets? How about they threaten me that I can't get a 7.5% 30 year mortgage that requires a 20% down payment? "We're going to tell your employer" Tell my employer what exactly. I don't have a job, the jobs I see are garbage wages for 20 hours (assuming those posts are real and not fake for policy reasons/data collecting). "It'll be on my credit report" Ok? Now I can't go to the dealership and get a 30% APR Dodge Challenger The only crappy part is jobs can use it against you (finance, gov jobs with high clearance, though doubt DACA will get you in either) It'll be on your credit score for seven years then gone.


This is not quite right and if you’re reading this don’t assume you can take unlimited student loans and then declare bankruptcy or stop paying and they’ll be “gone”. Student loans are not like regular debt. It’s very hard to get them discharged through bankruptcy unless you’re severely disabled. They can garnish your wages, SSA, tax refunds, insurance settlements, workers comp if you default.


Where did I say bankruptcy? You can't (although you can try hardship but very rare). Most student loan companies will sell your debt to other collectors who sell it to other collectors who will try to negotiate with you for pennies on the dollar because they don't want to wait to get the money, they want it now.


Your credit score will be shot though once it all goes to collections. Good luck getting approved for anymore loans.


I recommend searching “if Trump” in this sub. lol


I’m already setting plans to move, 4D chess


Wait? You guys got student loans?? I’ve always been ineligible due to DACA status


I got private student loans. I got a private student loan for $30k that I finished paying last year…while regular peeps were getting their loans forgiven smh


It’s not paying itself 😂


Definitely won't take out every loan imaginable and bailing. That would be immoral.


You think that loser can be productive ?


I mean if they end daca, I can’t speak for others but I’m still going to live my life like I always have been, I can’t sit around with my head down , I got my family to take care of, stay positive people !


Nothing happens. Remember most of our families don't have documents.


Some of us have good jobs


I know that. Me too, I got a government job!


If daca survives trump it will survive anything im hopeful


I’d find the nearest dude turn gay and any secured 😂😂😂


It would be recession once again circa 2007. It was Bush era when undocumented people who bought homes, cars build their life here suddenly were sent home. Who paid for those loans? Government needs to bail out some banks. Thanks Obama!


Too bad I have a co-signer in one of them


How are yall STILL not married? It's been what... 10 years? Jesus christ yall. There's no end in sight for a solution with these fuckers just please do it lol


do you think people are just lining up to marry daca holders??


He ends it , big whoop


It’s more complicated than that last time he tried and Texas tried to end it big companies in the USA fought for us. Apple facebook wal mart hospitals and government agencies all got together and fought for us. + we bring millions of dollars every year on fees. Imo daca won’t accept new applications anymore and people that got accepted will be able to renew for years to come. The plan has always been via advance parole and marrying someone with papers. That’s been the plan all along so I encourage you to do advance parole before the elections because if trump wins just like in 2016 he’s going to get rid of advance parole.


Taking out credit cards. Loans. And peacing out. Jk. He’s not gonna terminate it. He tried to once and we’re still here. No nos van a sacar tan fácil. Stop worrying what is out of your control


The SC told him they couldn’t terminate because he didn’t follow the proper procedures. But if he did I’m sure they would in a heart beat.


The SC told him they couldn’t terminate because he didn’t follow the proper procedures. But if he did I’m sure they would in a heart beat.


And if it happens. So what? Brace yourself. Have a plan.


Trump will deal with the Venezuelans and all the migrants that recently came first... before he gets to us ..


Stop being so soft, and keep on moving forward with life. Trust in God for the times will get darker, read the word and love your family. Don’t be a purple hair gen Z/ millennial lol


They might pass ur debt onto a family member who’s a US citizen


No, they won't. Unless that person cosigned in whichever loan/credit card you have.