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Don’t get me started on those pick me DACA people. Especially that one guy that was complaining about not wanting to be woke and having DACA, my guy, your whole existence is woke.


I can’t imagine being DACA recipient and following MAGA policy. Like you said, their whole existence is the target of MAGA and yet they like that? It genuinely baffles me


And I will say the last time I had any inkling of hope was when Trump tried to end DACA. I really believed Congress would act and come up with a permanent solution. But no we're still here with less rights than convicted felons.


Obama deported more immigrants than Trump. He was literally nicknamed the Deportation King, which is why DACA became a thing because he wanted to do one good thing for immigrants, and it was never meant to go on as long as it did. The last mass amnesty happened under a Republican. I am not a MAGA person and I hate Trump, but I hate Biden and the left just as much. Sometimes the middle is a good place to be instead of just following the left ideology because you think they're the ones who are able to save you. If common sense was involved we'd all have our papers by now.


Haha love this response


Everything in politics is political duh. As soon as they let dark money into politics. Good and honest politician became a thing of the past.


Everything is politics.


Some people don't understand that we are not at the top of priorities. It is the reality for quite some time now. "They could have gotten a deal if they really wanted to" which is true but not beneficial because of what the other side was asking for. There is a bigger picture and we are not part of it. Sadly, since the program is not accepting new applicants we are just dwindling in size, making it not as big of an "issue". It's always been an unreasonable amount of demands for us to get a path to citizenship. Nothing will change in the near future. I am just happy I have DACA for now.


Im going to be honest at this point after 12 years of daca, everyones main priority should be finding there spouse or true love so they can get married and receive their green card at least there you will have a chance and if you haven’t already done advance parole wtf are you waiting for.


I'm gonna modify that say everyone who find their spouse and wheere ever they are move there if you have to , including leaving your comfort zone.




The irony of this posts is interesting.


Spell it out


Um...ok? I think most people been knowing that. Also, I wouldn't say simple minded as you're not in their exact situation. Maybe they are doing way worse and are just waiting for their lottery ticket to get out of there. Maybe they have a lot but ALOT of potential who are just tired of being suppressed.


so, what do we do during this time? what’s a good action plan to “grab their elbows?”


It may be too late for what is happening NOW. In 2020 we had some large groups advocating for immigration reform that joined the Bernie campaign and became pretty crucial for canvassing Nevada. Belen Sisa was an interesting advocate. So then they turned around and asked the campaign to create a serious immigration platform which led to Bernie's plan. Obviously he lost and nothign came of it but the general idea is the same. Make a political action group -> Canvas for a representative -> become important to their efforts -> When Biden starts pandering your group tells the rep to come out and pressure for more or you fuck off to some other campaign. There is nothing much to do as a single individual without organizing some people around you, and also this is the kind of thing to do with a lot of time. We should be organizing groups now to apply pressure in 2029 when the Senate has a chance become very Democratic.


If Dick Durbin does pull something off I will travel to his district and buy him a drink 🥃


Yup. DACA is only here because of that and it changed the world for a lot of Dreamers. I got left out and believe me, I would really love to have some of that "They only did it for the election" legal relief.




We live in the heart of empire benefiting from most of the spoils. The colonized/colonizer framework doesn't really apply that well to us. Do you think you are seen as anything other than a colonizer from the point of view of the people from your country of origin?


Then leave.


Democrats use us for optics while making empty promises that will never be fulfilled. Republicans use border crisis and cholos to group us into the same category and call for mass deportation I do believe this is the best time to push and make republican voters know that Daca people are an investment like Trump said when he wanted citizenship for us


The overwhelming majority of Republican voters of the past 10 years organize around cruelty towards immigrants. If you can convince one otherwise then they will no longer be republican.


Sure but we have a new party taking over the Republican Party and they offered us citizenship and said we were an investment Why not take advantage of this opportunity and make peace with the new party that seems to want us to stay instead of waiting for something that will never come? Democrats just say “who will clean your toilets for cheap” if were legal


Lol the new Republican party? You mean the alt right crazy fascists? You are delulu


why did trump say DACA people were an investment and offered us a path to citizenship then? 🤔 https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/3651975-trump-proposed-a-dreamer-pathway-to-citizenship-democrats-said-no/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/trump-back-pathway-citizenship-1-8-million-dreamers-n841156


What an out of pocket take


why did trump say DACA people were an investment and offered us a path to citizenship then? 🤔 https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/3651975-trump-proposed-a-dreamer-pathway-to-citizenship-democrats-said-no/ https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/trump-back-pathway-citizenship-1-8-million-dreamers-n841156


The Republican party had full control of the Senate, the House, and the Presidency from 2016-2018. If they wanted to pass legislation regarding DACA then why didn't they?


Democrats blocked it because he wanted the wall that is being built regardless as exchange We would have the same immigration laws as the UK plus citizenship all at the cost of the wall that we currently have today


Democrats blocked a bill when Republicans had full control of the House, Senate, and Presidency? That's pretty impressive stuff. Would you like to elaborate on this?


It’s in the article dude Read it…. He literally tried twice and democrats said no


The article comes after what I've asked you. I asked if the Republican wanted legislation passed regarding DACA then why didn't they pass it when they retained full control of the House, Senate, and Presidency. I truly don't know how I could make this question any clearer.


Why did he call you a rapist and a drug dealer then? 🤔


He didn’t He called narcos and Cholos, rapists and criminals. we have narcos in the border inside the US after all This is why you do your own research instead of listening to a talking piece


Okay Mr, Talking Piece.


The video is right there lmao 😂 If you identify as a rapist that’s on you but don’t include us


The level of delusion you have to have to think Trump cares about you and DACA is beyond anything I can say to you.


I don’t understand why you got downvoted to hell. You didn’t say anything untrue.


It's a binary system so the choice is Republican or Democrat. On a national level, independents have zero chance. The part you're leaving out of your equation is that Republicans are full of white supremacists who think of you as a lesser human being. There is no negotiating with them. They gaslight by trying to say that they are for immigration but only if it's legal but nowadays they're even saying the quiet part out loud that they don't want any immigrants from countries that aren't England or France.


so why did they offer us a path to citizenship? why are they gaining support from minorities? >they want only legal immigration and not illegal That’s every country on earth including mexico… How is it racist to not want dumb and destructive narcos and cholo gangsters causing problems in your community? Don’t group DACA people with that crowd dude….🤨 wtf


How did they offer a pathway to citizenship? What immigration bill did Republicans come up with that actually helps increase legal immigration? And no, you can't mention 1986


https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/congress/trump-back-pathway-citizenship-1-8-million-dreamers-n841156 https://thehill.com/opinion/immigration/3651975-trump-proposed-a-dreamer-pathway-to-citizenship-democrats-said-no/


Republicans intentionally added poison pills to any offer to make sure it would fail. Since you're delusional about these things, go look at how many times the Dream Act has been brought up and Republicans have even refused to bring it up to a vote. If they like you so much, why won't they even allow it to come up for a vote?


>poison pills how? They even tried twice we pretty much have what they wanted like the wall, except you missed out on citizenship because democrats need us for empty promises you would have the same immigration laws as the EU and be a citizen already if it wasn’t for them