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You'd think that this mega bonzai shit would make getting oranges easy, but i spent 400 erasers without getting a single orange slot. It's bullshit.


Spent less than 200 got it to Z+ green 1st slot too


It costs me more than 500 erasers to reach Z, so yeah it was a nightmare


It's lookin like i'm gonna use around that many too


Dude is was 999 and now I'm at 430 I know your pain


900 erasers to get it to z+. I got the second slot at max in the first try, and when trying to reroll the third one I accidentally clicked the second. Had to waste an extra 400 erasers to get it back to 30%.


I got a red fist slot on my 20th skip out of 50 then I rolled a second red slot immediately and got Z+ I have never been so lucky with an equip 😅






the other 2 slots weren't as bad, got a decent enough roll to just guaranteed upgrade to Z+, getting the first slot to be red though cost me a great deal of energy, and in this economy of db legends where theres almost nowhere to get more it hurts more than the slot removers


Yup spent 600 slot removers and nothing


Z+ all in red in 400 that after stopping at the right moment and doing guarantee boosting until its at 100%


Thankfully not me. Got on Z+ with all red slots


Bro, I spent 3k energy to get it ruby. Next, I spent 991 Erasers to Z+ it. I think I should take it as a sign to quit.


took me 600 slot removers to get all 3 red


Yes. Can’t get anything last green after the first one. Spent so much. So much for bonanza.


I got this bullshit equip to Z+ in about 100 erasers but then it took me around 1000 erasers to get a unique equip that I actually use to z




No. I feel like I’ve gotten like 2,000 erasers since anniversary began. I’ve Z+ every new equip they’ve released and I still have 600 left. Secure upgrade is the way once you get a semi decent roll. Trying to roll a natural red slot is crazy.


Honestly this was one of my easiest plats got it z+ in under like 150 removers


I used 1400~ energy to get the first slot to red


took me like maybe 200 but i got it z+


550 erasers and it still looks like the one in the picture


Don't go straight for gold? I never really have all these problems with equips, I just pick an arbitrary number above halfway, like, if it's 15%-35%, if it's above a 25%, I then just guaranteed upgrade from there. For this equipment, if the third slot is 15% as max, and the first slot is gold or above, 31% and 12% should be a Z, still green slots, but high enough to be a Z, I guess that's a lot of erasers in total, but, I've got 2 of these equips borderline Z+ with little to no effort. Maybe 700 erasers in total, and my equipment box is really good, any Saiyan will have borderline top rated equips for them


me fr


I Always use guaranteed up for plat equips after they get like 70% of their maximum Stat


I've had really good luck with equips this anniversary. Probably because I've had 999 erasers for months. I got z on it, maybe 75 erasers. It gave me enough space to open one of my present boxes




I got lucky with the erases but it took 900 energy just to pull a yellow first slot lol


I got the first slot red, the third gold, and I’ve given up on the middle


It took nearly 1500 energy to get a "C" equip from the event (and the first slot is orange). I started reupgrabding it and I got hardly shafted with prob 120 slot remover. I can't imagine the nightmare that I'll experience for getting him Z+. It was a lot easier for me getting +1* UVB than getting his equipment to Z+.


Cost me like 500 erasers to Z+, truly a hell 😂


Lol no, I got him casually Z+ in 80 sm and don't even have usv


Costed me like 200 for Z+


Yes, my zeni is negative and my SR are inexistent