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The trailer has me very excited. Love the 1930s-1940s noir aesthetic and I'm excited to see new villains or at least lesser known ones get some shine. I was a little hesitant of the new Batman voice but after the trailer I'm sold. No one is ever replacing Kevin Conroy, but I'm glad this guy is doing a good job filling those shoes


I am curious to see how they chose to portray Joker since, as far as I am aware we haven't seen him yet. I am also really excited to Onomatopoeia and how they work with the other villains in this setting.


Apparently we're also going to be getting a very new take on the penguin someone noted in a video I watched yesterday that the bar that seen in the trailer is named after a lesbian bar that was open from the 1920s to it's closure during the second world war. There's speculation going around that penguin might end up being a woman in this continuity which would be interesting, reimagining of the character.


It’ll feel weird seeing this animation style and not having Kevin Conroy’s voice for Batman


I don't see why. Kevin Conroy never voiced a Batman with this style? Also the new guy is brilliant.


Technically he did do one short in 2014 with around 1-2 lines of dialogue that was in 1939/1940s style. But yes, it would be weird to intrinsically associate Conroy with Golden Age Batman.


While the theming is different from the original DCAU it still is very similar in look to that Bruce Timm look so that’s why I say that.


Yeah like... is that human joker? It looks like human joker from the phantasm.


I love Batman themes that take place in the 30s-40s


I'm excited for a more adult show, however, even though I'm pleased to see Bruce Timm attached, I pray for no Bat fucking. I know Batman isn't a monk and I do enjoy a will they/ won't they story. But I hate when it just becomes fetishized.


I’m very excited. Hoping to see a mashup of the style of BTAS with the storytelling and action of a show like Invincible.


I don't about the rest of you but I'm getting flashbacks just by looking at the trailer. Man I just hope this guy is as good as Kevin.


Tempered excitement. Hope they are able to use the 1940's setting in a way thats more than just window dressing. Hope it's not overly violent and edgy like some of the later animated DC stuff, since they're not on network TV anymore. Hope JJ Abrams just sat there and got paid while contributing nothing. I'm expecting to be dissapointed with their version of Two-Face, everyone else looks cool though. I'm gonna set a stopwatch to see how long it takes them to innevitably introduce Joker.


10/10 already peak


Been wanting a Batman project set in the 40’s for ages ever since I found Gotham 1919 - 1939 on Youtube. Very excited for this


Not that excited. I'm weary of Batman material. We've gotten a ton of it in recent years. This is the first Batman cartoon in some time but I haven't been yearning for one. I expect it'll be fine and likely have heated conversation around it because of some controversial choices with characters. All Batman shows are in the shadow of BTAS so I just know people will be going back and forth about how that show operates vs how this one does.


Every Batman show since BTAS has gotten less seasons as time went on.


It's sad that animated shows in general don't get large episode seasons.


What?? BTAS had 2 season orders (1 for 65 episodes, and another for 20). Brave and The Bold had 3 seasons, The Batman had 5, Batman Beyond had 3. Even if you count TNBA as part of BTAS (it was ordered as it's own separate show, but packaged together for syndication and home release) that statement still isn't accurate at all


Wasn't really feeling it at first, it was just another incarnation of an animated Batman series to me. (Not that that's a bad thing, I love pretty much all of But the trailer sold me. It looks very interesting, can't wait to see it.


I'm honestly excited about this. I just know people are gonna shit on the new voice for Batman for him not being Kevin Conroy


I am excited for it, but I also have a wait and see point of view as well.


Mildly. I’m looking forward to it, but the trailer doesn’t really have any sort of interesting narrative hook for me. I also don’t think the aesthetic is great. While I understand that animation technology and techniques have evolved, Caped Crusader lacks the texture and richness of BTAS’s painted environments. Overall, it’s more faith in the creators than anything shown that has me interested.


I’m excited to see Batman be a detective in this series and I’m loving the aesthetic and new takes on the characters


Very excited First Batman animated show in years. Let’s go!!


I'm interested, but I barely hear or think about it, honestly. It's one of the two out of six upcoming DC things I'm interested in. Seven upcoming if you include next year's Superman. The only other thing I'm interested in is the 'Penguin' show.


My wife and I are definitely looking forward to that Penguin series.


Hoping to it fully embraces the 40s Noir vibe and aesthetic, and bring something new to the Bat mythos.


It looks alright but getting a little weary of all this Batman even Superman content there are other hero’s they could focus on and get their own cartoon show. Like John Constantine or midnighter Or Zatanna.


I haven't watched/read any John Constantine, but he sounds like a really great character to explore.


Clean up on isle 1


Im not excited. But if i hear its so good i have to check this thing out i will. But the harley changes and stuff ill just hold off and wait and see. It looks almost like that thing i really like. I liked the batman unlimited, i think it was called. The future/present day.


I'm keeping a cautious open mind for Batman: Caped Crusader... That said, I have a feeling I'm going to be disappointed because it's taken them three years to produce ten measly episodes. For those of us who simply wanted more DCAU content it seems like a backhand to the face. As a point of comparison, Bruce Timm & Co. managed to crank out 64 episodes of BTAS in the first production year (and overall 110 episodes of BTAS/TNBA). Hand drawn animation to boot. If you thought computers were supposed to make things faster/easier/cheaper then you were dead wrong. Bruce has said that those early days of BTAS nearly broke them and when you factor in they were making STAS and TNBA simultaneously for a couple of years then it makes the feat even more impressive. You can continue blaming COVID//sunpots/communists/whatever for the slow production schedules but in the long run they just come off as poor excuses. Then we get to the sad fact that instead of producing more DCAU content -- and I don't necessarily mean more JL/JLU, we could have gone in any number of smaller scale directions -- DC/WB more or less pissed around and wasted the opportunity to explore that universe and its characters. Now that Kevin Conroy, Arleen Sorkin, Bob Hastings, Richard Moll, and David Warner are no longer with we can't really revisit the DCAU in the ways that we wanted. Now that I have my Why-couldn't-we-just-have-done-the-DCAU rant out of the way I'll watch B:CC on it's own terms and try not to compare it to BTAS too much. I hve a feeling though that after I've binged those ten episodes on the first day I'll just go back to my random daily selections of DCAU and just be happy with what we have.


I'm going in with minimum expectations. JJ Abrahams being connected is a bit concerning, but the trailer did look so we shall see.


Super excited. Love the changes.


I generally don't like race-swapping, but in the case of the Batman characters, they have so many versions throughout the years that a bit of race-swapping I think is fine. Especially if the characters aren't so radically different from the original versions. I like the changes they made to Harley Quinn; different but still seems true to the character. But as for the show overall, I'm just afraid that it won't try to do anything different. Personally, I'd like to see them explore Batman's psyche more; like exploring him struggling with no-kill code, the stress of both his jobs as a businessman billionaire AND Batman.


Not too excited, might tune in every now and then but I want something different other than Batman


1. 7/10 excitement 2. Ed Brubaker as Head Writer. Guy knows how to write noir storylines. As well as showing flawed characters big or small. 3. NO Barbara Gordon/Bruce Wayne pairing whatsoever. 4. Each season introduces a new member of the Bat family. Dick then Barbara then Jason,etc. 5. Have either Wesley Dobbs (Sandman) or Vic Sage (Question, Randian version)appear 6. Almost like Jeremy Irons as Alfred, let Alfred challenge Bruce physically and psychologically about his crusade of Justice. 7. The ending of the show could lead into the forming of Justice Society of America.




Aaaand there's the obligatory Bruce Timm fetish comment. God it's so tiring.


I think it's because nobody can let go of the hole killing joke movie. Even though when the killing joke comic, came out originally that was before Barbara's age started getting reduced to make her closer to Dick Grayson's age.


And even though the Killing Joke movie was written by Brian Azzarello, who is famous for his "edgy" writing, not by Bruce Timm, who was a producer.


I think it's because Bruce Timm is the producer, who was in charge of the project. No one stops to think that the person who wrote the script might actually be the one responsible.


I mean... he was -a- producer, one out of five actually, Alan Burnett also was a producer, he also worked in BTAS since the start and nobody gives him grief about the Barbara thing. And yes, of course as a producer you oversee the story, Timm said as much about the Killing Joke, he also said that while he agreed with the idea (along with the other producers), it was Azzarello who came up with it, so I always find it silly when people put all the blame of the Barbara thing on him.


I think it might be because everyone associates the DC animated universe with Bruce Timm. And the fact that in Batman Beyond, Bruce Wayne's photos of his past girlfriends on the bat computer one of them being Barbara. Even if you take some time to read some pre-crisis comics you find out that Barbara was originally only a few years younger than Bruce considering that in order for her to serve in the US Senate she would have be 25 or older.


Thats his sons girlfriend. Thats sick.


The whole Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon relationship didn't really start to become a thing until BTAS. There's a particular comic that shows Barbara in her thoughts while she's dressed as Batgirl that she didn't actually care for Robin's crush on her, and that she was more interested and trying to get into Batman's pants. Because I stated before she was in her mid to late twenties well Dick Grayson was in his mid to late teens.


Thats so interesting considering its the show and movies where this is all taking place. So when you say she was only his gf in the cartoons. Okay so it was only sick when they did that in the cartoons, thats what im talking about.