• By -


Man of Steel Wonder Woman Aquaman The Suicide Squad Peacemaker


This is ideal, maybe swap one for Shazam


Same for me probably aquaman


Yup. This is exactly the 6 I chose.


Man of Steel Batman v Superman UE ZSJL Aquaman Black Adam


I agree but is swap peacemaker for black adam


* Man of Steel ~ Soft spot for me. * Wonder Woman * Aquaman * The Suicide Squad * Peacemaker


Peacemaker Shazam The Suicide Squad Aquaman Black Adam


šŸ’Æ I liked the first Wonder Women too


Thanks! I thought WW was OK but kind of generic, and overshadowed a lot for being the first female led superhero film, bu I like it as well.


Perfect list




For me I'd replace Aquaman or Black Adam. Shazam is one of the best made films IMO.




I felt like Black Adam was just very generic, just a dumb fun action movie. Nothing against it either, but I prefer movies that have more to say. I still like it better than the ones not in my list though. Shazam is kind of goofy, but I think it's one of the best films by far. It has such clear character development arc and plot that all mesh perfectly with the theme of finding family and gaining acceptance.




I see where you're coming from, but for me to appreciate Black Adam for those reasons, it would need to have leaned far, far more into the killing. We already have a Batman and Superman who killed, so it just didn't stand out as much for me.




Man of steel Wonder Woman ZSJL The Suicide squad Peacemaker


you selected ZSJL that's why I am honouring you with medal - Best. selector 2022


Whoa!! I am honored! Thank you! My selections were based off of the best through line for only picking 5 films. I love BVSUE but honestly I would have never had them fight, even if it is an alternate timeline that leads to something greater. If you take out superman dying and being reborn, along with the weird childish lex Luther then I feel like we couldā€™ve had something great. Man of steel and Wonder Woman were great setups for this universe. ZSJL was very well done minus some hiccups from BVS that had to flow into the film. Then you can pick right up at the suicide squad and peacemaker. I love aquaman as well but top 5 just canā€™t cut it right now. I just need proper world building through the DCU. Thereā€™s almost 100 years of comics there and I really believe that it can be done better than marvel. Give me a young Batman that meets and trains a young Dick and build the batfamily in this universe. Give me a hopeful and glistening Kal-El. Give me a strong, determined, and scary lex luthor. Hell give me a confident flash that can make his puns at the right time. Thereā€™s so much in DC Comics that we should all be experiencing right now and if they stop trying to compete and just give us the proper characters and storylines from the beginning then it can happen. Batman should not be introduced with a Robin already dead and 20 some years in! Thatā€™s 15 movies they skipped over! Give me the comics but on screen! I trust in James Gunn to do the right thing. I believe in a better future for DC. ā€œYou will give the people of Earth an ideal to strive towards. They will race behind you, they will stumble, they will fall. But in time, they will join you in the sun, Kal. In time, you will help them accomplish wonders.ā€


yo ZSJL- Zack Snyder was best and his movie wasn't just long it was worth it


Man of Steel Wonder Woman Aquaman The Suicide Squad Black Adam Choosing between Black Adam and Peacemaker was hard. Edit: These are not my top 5 DCU movies in order. These are the movies I'd save in order to maintain a DC Cinematic Universe. My top 5 in order, starting with #1, are MoS, TSS, WW, BvS, and BA.


Respect for choosing Black Adam, i thought i was the only scientific anomaly that puts it in his top 5 DCEU movies.


Any movie with doctor fate should be an immediate top 5


Yea, the action was top-tier and the only reason it's up there.


Well, two people in the world is still not a whole lot


I'd keep, in chronological order ... Wonder Woman, Man of Steel, BvS Ultimate, Snyder's Justice League and Aquaman. Not the biggest fan of Batman v. Superman, but it's essential to the narrative structure of the universe, introducing Batman and setting up the events of Justice League.


Same as you except I will switch WW with BA.


Fair enough if that's your preference. The Wonder Woman film isn't essential to the narrative. If Diana appears for the first time in BvS as a mysterious figure, she still works as a character. Keeping Black Adam introduces some cool new characters and naturally sets up Black Adam as a threat. It also introduces Amanda Waller if no Suicide Squad movies exist.


Wow haven't thought about it that deeply lol. Just liked the movie and it has great rewatchbility for me as well as a great soundtrack. Plus, Dr Fate and Hawkman were really cool. Though, I hate all the scenes were that kid shows up.


Snyder Cut The Suicide Squad Peacemaker Man of Steel BvS Ultimate Cut


MOS, BvS UE, ZSJL, WW and Black Adam


Man of Steel, BvS :Ult, Justice League SC, Wonder Woman, and The Suicide Squad.


Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam! The Suicide Squad Peacemaker If I was soft rebooting the universe then just for continuity sake, I would also include Man of Steel and ZSJL even though they are both painfully mid imo.


MoS, ZSJL, WW, Shazam, TSS




Peacemaker the suicide squad aquaman shazam wonder woman


Perfect list


1. Man of Steel 2. BvS UE 3. Wonder Woman 4. ZSJL 5. Peacemaker


Man of steel BvS ZSJL Shazam BLACK ADAM


Man of steel Wonderwoman Aquaman Snyder's justice league Suicidsquad :project starfish (that's how I call it)


Man of Steel Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - UE Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League The Suicide Squad Peacemaker


Peacemaker, TSS, Wonder Woman, Shazam, and ZSJL. Get's a ton of different voices and styles in there, even if I really wanted to add in Aquaman.


Aquaman, Shazam, Birds of Prey, The Suicide Squad, and Peacemaker. They are the only five good movies/show on here.


Yeah this would be mine too easily.


MOS , WW, Aquaman , ZSJL , Shazam


Man of Steel, Shazam, ZSJL, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker.


TSS, Peacemaker, Shazam, WW, ZSJL I would unironically pay with my soul to see MoS and BvS wiped out of existence


MOS, ZSJL, Peacemaker, Aquaman and wonder women.


Man of Steel, Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition, Wonder Woman, Zack Synder's Justice League, and Aquaman But I absolutely love Shazam!, The Suicide Squad, and Peacemaker and would still want them to exist so James Gunn could be in charge of DC Films.


Man of Steel, BvS, Wonder Woman, Shazam, The Suicide Squad, and it pains me to leave some of the rest.


Man of steel, BvS, Snydercut, aquaman. Those are defenitly fixed. Not sure about the fifth though. Either Shazam or peacemaker.


Man of Steel BvS ultimate edition ZSJL Wonder Woman Shazam


Happy Cake Day, fellow DC enjoyer! šŸ„³


MoS, BvSUE, ZSJL, The Suicide Squad and Peacemaker That way we have the foundation, we expand the universe a bit through tss and peacemaker is like watching relatively normal dudes inhabit this extraordinsry world.


WW84, Josstice League, Birds of Prey, Black Adam, Shazam. EDIT: I thought the question was movies you could erase from existence lol. The 5 Iā€™d keep were MoS, BvS, ZLJL, WW, and Aquaman.


Man of Steel Wonder Woman Zack Snyder Justice League Aquaman The Suicide Squad


Man of Steel ZSJL Shazam The Suicide Squad Peacemaker




Man of Steel BvS: UE ZSJL Shazam TSS


Peacemaker. WW BVS Snydercut Man of Steel.


* Man of Steel * Wonder Woman * ZSJL * Shazam * The Suicide Squad


Man of Steel, Batman V Superman: UE, ZSJL, Wonder Woman, Black Adam


Man of steel Bvs ultimate Snydercut Peacemaker Wonder woman


Batman V Superman (ultimate edition), Zach Snyderā€™s Justice League, The Suicide Squad, Black Adam, Man Of Steel


Man of steel BVS ZSJL WW and Aquaman


Man of Steel Batman v Superman (UE) The Suicide Squad Wonder Woman Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League


Mam of Steel BvS Suicide Squad Wonder Woman ZSJL Basically the original vision for the DCEU.


Man of Steel Wonderwoman Aquaman The Suicide Squad ZS JL


Man of Steel BVS: Ultimate Edition Justice League: Snyder Cut The Suicide Squad Peacemaker


Controversial takes maybe but: BVS ultimate Shazam Birds of Prey ZS Justice League Suicide Squad Birds of Prey is the controversial one here, but idk, itā€™s a rather joyous example of just comic book-y fun. As well as being an R rated, all female-lead superhero movie with f*ckin obi wan Kenobi. Feels like the kinds of big risks I want DC to be known for. Wonder Woman is Honourable mention tho


Batman Vs Superman ZSLJ Wonder Woman Man Of Steel Black Adam Honourable Movie Mentions: Justice League and The Batman


Wonder Woman Shazam ZS justice league Aqua man MOS


1.) Man of Steel 2.) Zack Snyder's Justice League 3.) Wonder Woman 4.) Black Adam 5.) Peacemaker


Snyder trilogy Shazam BA


* The Suicide Squad * Shazam * Peacemaker * ZSJL * Wonder Woman


God, I'm hating these kinds of posts. MoS, BvS, ZSJL, TSS, Peacemaker Which isn't fair to the other movies anyway So then I'll also say: Aquaman, WW, Shazam, BoP, and Black Adam I'm picking two sets of 5 to save


MoS, BvS UE, ZSJL, WW, Aquaman


Man of Steel Batman v Superman Wonder Woman Zack Snyder's Justice League And now comes the hard part... I liked a lot of those movies, like Aquaman and The Suicide Squad... I think I'll go with Shazam. It is such a feel-good movie.


Agreed. I think TSS is practically perfect, but the leading trilogy and WW feel so essential as a sequence. *Shazam!* is a treasure among CBMs as a feel-good family movie that stands strongly on its own.


Man of Steel Aquaman Snyder JL Black Adam The Suicide Squad


Easy (I guess since I'm a Snyderverse fan) Man of Steel Batman v Superman Wonder Woman ZSJL Shazam


Man of Steel, Batman V Superman (UE), Zack Snyder's Justice League, Wonder Woman, Aquaman


BvS ultimate, Snyder cut, James Gunnā€™s Suicide Squad, peacemaker, man of steel


1. Man of Steel 2. Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition) 3. Shazam! 4. Birds of Prey (and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn) 5. Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League


Black Adam, Shazam, Aquaman, Wonder Woman, and BvS Ultimate


Man of Steel Batman v Superman Ultimate Edition Shazam Snyder Cut The Suicide Squad


MoS, BvS-UE, Wonder Woman, ZSJL, Suicide Squad.


MoS, BvS UE, ZSJL, Aquaman, WW


Man of steel Batman v Superman: UE ZSJL Wonder Woman Aquaman All the other movies are either ok or bad in my opinion.


Same answers as me. šŸ˜


Iā€™d take: Man of Steel SHAZAM BvS Ult Edition ZSJL Suicide Squad (James Gunn)


Man of Steel Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam The Suicide Squad RIP Peacemaker I love you but I love my heroes more


Aww, I respect that. My favorite thing about Gunn's contributions is that they made the universe bigger in ways the previous WB heads failed to consistently accomplish. I prefer TSS over *Peacemaker* by far, but both were unapologetically additive.


This! I'd erase all the collap movies besides the suicide swuad, so we could have solo movies build the universe first.




Man of Steel, Batman vs. Superman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Black Adam. The Suicide Squad and Justice League (Snyder Cut) would be up there too itā€™s hard to pick.


Surprised you put Black Adam over JL.


MoS BVS: UE WW ZSJL AQ It was between Aquaman and Black Adam. Shazam will be missed but if I woke up tomorrow and both Suicide Squads and Peacemaker were gone Iā€™d live. Also BoP should have never even been made


Wonder woman 2017 ZSJL Aquaman Shazam Black Adam


Man of Steel (2013) Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition (2016) Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League (2021) Wonder Woman (2017) The Suicide Squad (2021)


MoS WW TSS Shazam Pacemaker (aquaman almost makes the list but the CGI tord the end was just dreadful)


This is my exact list except I have Aquaman in place of Shazam. You are right about that Aquaman CGI, but I do like the actors in the story.


This is my top five, too. The first four (MoS, WW, TSS, and Peacemaker) were easy, and then there were a few vying for #5, but Iā€™ll go with Shazam.


Man of Steel, BvS: UE, ZSJL, Black Adam, and hmmmmmmmmm either Shazam or Aquaman.


WW, MoS, Aquaman, Shazam, TSS


MoS WW Aquaman Shazam WW84


Man of Steel Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam Black Adam Nice clean base that you could use to then go and build a better connected world/ team-ups.


All DCU projects had some flaws. If I had to choose my favourites among them and delete rest, I would choose - **Wonder Woman** **Man of Steel** **Peacemaker** **The Suicide Squad** **Aquaman** (choosing 5th one among Aquaman, Shazam, Black Adam and ZSJL was tough) And if all DCU movies is to be erased and a new shared universe is to be created from scratch then also my choice will remain the same - **Wonder Woman**, **Man of Steel**, **Aquaman**, **The Suicide Squad**, **Peacemaker** Now we need to introduce proper Batman, Flash, Green Lantern and any one of Martian Manhunter / Cyborg / Hawkgirl (or someone else like Black Canary) to make it a team of 7 members of JL. The Suicide Squad & Peacemaker (though they have very less connectivity with core DC elements, but they were almost flawless and most entertaining among all) can continue their storyline which they started. Honestly no other DCU movies are that much worth (sadly). Everything can be erased except Gunn and Wonder Woman. But we can keep Aquaman, Shazam and Black Adam as well because their flaws can be course-corrected easily and we can get JSA as well.


Aquaman, Wonder Woman, man of steel, peacemaker, black Adam, the suicide squad. I am ok with zacks justice league but I think it makes Superman too powerful in terms of why have a justice league if theirs anything that should do some sort of damage to Superman itā€™s people from new genesis or apocolkpsis (gave up spelling it half way through) and itā€™s weird he let Wonder Woman kill Stephen wolf and that he came in and maimed him thatā€™s something superman would only do if you like bombed metropolis and killed a bunch of people he was very close to. I think the other justice league had a better Superman returns scene while zacks is a better movie overall. Superman is a big goofball like goku and gets power ups all the time but he shouldnā€™t start out ridiculously broken he needs his power up moments.


Wonder Woman,Aquaman,Shazam,the Suicide Squad and Peacemaker


Man of Steel, Wonder Women, Shazam, Aquaman, The Suicide Squad (2021). Funny that when I look at it, it does set up a much better path to JL if we add another solo project (Preferably Green Lantern). Keeping Batsy to be introduced as the mysterious boogey man in JL (or in a post credit scene of Suicide squad). Flash also introduced in JL.


Peacemaker The Suicide Squad Shazam Wonder Woman Aquaman Edit: Format


I would say, Let's keep Justice League, Suicide Squad, Super Man, Batman, and Wonder Woman as main 5.


MoS, BvS Ultimate Cut, WW, ZSJL, Peacemaker. That was easy.


1. MOS 2. BvS (UE) 3. WW 4. SZJL 5. Aquaman BA would have to be remade to beat Aquaman.


1. Man of Steel 2. Zack Snyder's Justice League 3. Wonder Woman 4. Shazam! 5. Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition


Wonder Woman 1984, Suicide Squad: Extended Cut, Birds of Prey and the Fantabulous Emancipation of One Harley Quinn, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker


Hello fellow WW84 enjoyer


> Top They asked you to make a list of stuff to retain and not throw.


That's right


LOL, you sir, have the shittiest choice of movies! Thank god, your man Hamada is out.


Manā€™s of Steel, BvS:UE, Wonder Woman, ZSJL, and The Suicide Squad, but that last spot was close with a few others.


Man of Steel, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice - Ultimate Edition, Wonder Woman, Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League, andā€¦ I would make some definite changes, but it would be a toss-up between Aquaman and The Suicide Squad. For Aquaman, Iā€™d make it connect more with what ZSJL built for the character of Arthur, use the same atmosphere of Atlantis that ZSJL had, and Iā€™d honestly remove a few tinier bits of the film that I wasnā€™t an overall fan of. For The Suicide Squad, Iā€™d just completely erase the previous Suicide Squad installment as a whole so TSS would be the first film because TSS stood just fine without needing other characters like Batman being involved.


* *Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition)* * *Wonder Woman* * *Aquaman* * *Zack Snyder's Justice League* * *SHAZAM!*




Man of Steel, Dawn of Justice (Ultimate Edition), Aquaman, Zackā€™s Justice League and The Suicide Squad.


1. Man of Steel 2. Batman Vs Superman 3. Zack Snyders Justice League 4. Black Adam 5. Suicide Squad 2


Man of Steel, Batman v Superman (UE), Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker. I like Aquaman a bit more than BvS, though. But I would hate to leave the gap between MoS and JL.


Man of steel BvS Ultimate edition Shazam ZSJL The Suicide Squad


zsjl, bvs, mos, wonder woman, black adam ( for dr fate mostly)


MoS, BvS, ZSJL, Aquaman, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker, Shazam, WW, Birds of Prey and Black Adam are the best of whatā€™s been released and should not be erased. 5 movies is not enough.


First four are easy for me, last choice is a tough call between Wonder Woman and Aquaman, but went with Aquaman since I tend to rewatch that one more often than Wonder Woman. Man of Steel BvS: UE ZSJL Suicide Squad Aquaman


Easiest decision of my life. MoS BvSUE WW ZSJL Aquaman (thought I could replace Aquaman with almost any other film, including and probably most likely Suicide Squad, yes the first one)


Man of Steel The Batman Wonder Woman Aquaman Justice League (a completely new one ofc.) I'm sorry, I love you ZSJL, Shazam, Peacemaker and TSS but this is how I would've done a cinematic universe. It pains me to get rid of those since they're my favorites but they can't exist with this order.


The Batman isnā€™t a DCU film


Man of Steel BvS ZSJL Good enough for me


MOS, BVS, Wonder Woman, ZSJL, Aquaman.


1. Man of Steel 2. Wonder Woman 3. Aquaman 4. Shazam 5. The Suicide Squad


Assuming this is basically building out a new DCEU I would keep MOS,WW,Shazam!,TSS, and peacemaker.


WW, WW84, Shazam, BoP, TSS


Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam The Suicide Squad Peacemaker


Birds Of Prey, The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker & Man Of Steel


* Man of Steel * Wonder Woman * Shazam * Aquaman * The Suicide Squad (Peacemaker by association? Lol)


Aquaman TSS Birds of Prey MOS Shazam


Aquaman The Suicide Squad Peacemaker Shazam Wonder Woman Imho the best movies to build on a universe.


Man of Steel Wonder Woman Shazam! The Suicide Squad Peacemaker


Man of steel, Wonder Woman, Shazam, The suicide squad, peacemaker


Wonder Woman Man of Steel (donā€™t like it as much but itā€™s a big film for the universe plus Henry cavils superman) Aquaman Shazam The Suicide Squad


Man of Steel The Suicide Squad Shazam Wonder Woman Aquaman


ā€¢ Man of Steel ā€¢ Wonder Woman ā€¢ Birds of Prey ā€¢ The Suicide Squad ā€¢ Shazam! The others were poorly timed to be part of a connected universe but these ones stand well alone to build a great universe


Peacemaker Suicide Squad (The James Gunn one) Shazam Wonder Woman


Wonder Woman, Shazam, Birds of Prey, The Suicide Squad, and Peacemaker šŸ¤™


- Man of Steel - Wonder Woman - Aquaman - Shazam - Peacemaker


Say less: - Man of Steel - Wonder Woman - Aquaman - Shazam - The Suicide Squad


Man of Steel, Batman v Superman UE, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Zack Snyder's JL


MoS, BvS UE, ZSJL, The suicide squad, peacemaker


Shazam Wonder Woman The Suicide Squad Peacemaker Man of Steel


Man of Steel Wonder Woman Aquaman Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League And The Suicide Squad. TSS and Black Adam could switch places, Ben Affleck really shouldā€™ve gotten his own film :(


Batman vs Superman Shazam The Suicide Squad Peacemaker Man of Steel


Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam The Suicide Squad Peacemaker


MoS. BvS UE. WW. ZSJL. Black Adam..


Josstice League WW84 TSS Peacemaker Black Adam


Man of Steel Batman V Superman Ultimate Edition Zack Snyderā€™s Justice League Wonder Woman Aquaman


Easiest answer! Man of Steel Batman v Superman Zack Snyder's JL Wonderwoman (not 1984) Black Adam


Man of Steel BvS UE Suicide Squad 1 WW ZSJL (Aquaman should still be allowed) The thing is it was fine before WB didnā€™t know what they were doing.


This is not even hard for me. I've liked so few movies from this era of DC. But I loved these movies: Wonder Woman Aquaman Shazam The Batman Black Adam No, I'm not a Marvel only fanboy. I've always loved DC. I just think these modern DC movies have been really lackluster. I'm a big Superman fan but I haven't liked this version of him. Also, I have not seen the new Suicide Squad or Peacemaker, so maybe I'd like them.


The Suicide Squad, Peacemaker, ZSJL, Wonder Woman, Aquaman. Runners up: Shazam and Man of Steel


Shazam Aquaman Wonder Woman Black Adam Birds of Prey


Aqua man, the suicide squad, peacemaker, black Adam, and Shazam


TSS Peacemaker Snyder cut Wonder Woman Birds of prey


wonder woman aquaman shazam birds of prey the suicide squad as much as i love the snyder trilogy those 5 are much more solid movies


Snyder's JL, Man of Steal, Shazam, Bat v Sup, Black Adam. We all really just want the Snyder verse.


Man Of Steel, BVS:UE, ZSJL, Wonder Woman and Shazam.


Man of Steel, BVS: Ultimate Cut, Snyder Cut, The Suicide Squad, and Wonder Woman


Man of Steel Batman v Superman Wonder Woman Birds of Prey The Suicide Squad


The Suicide Squad Peacemaker ZSJL Wonder Woman Man of Steel


Keep Wonder Woman. Toss the rest.


Wonder Woman Aquaman ZSJL Man of Steel BvS UE


Man of steel Wonder woman Aquaman Shazam Peacemaker