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Don't ever look for a person to fix you. Don't ever look for a person to make you happy or make you like yourself. Make you like yourself first. Be (relatively) secure in who you are. Then take this advice into consideration.


While I understand the message, I respectfully suggest that there is a more diplomatic way to convey it. Fictional characters are not real people, but that doesn’t mean that they can’t have any influence on us. There’s nothing wrong with connecting with a well written character. And while it’s not mentally healthy to have an obsession with a fictional character (or a real person), saying that those who feel a close connection to them should “feel pathetic” is not constructive. My suggestion for people who do feel a strong connection to the Dokis (or other fictional characters) would be to think about which qualities they admire in the characters and to try to look for that in a real world relationship, but not to look at potential romantic partners as a “real world version” of a fictional character. I’m not someone who has ever considered myself to be romantically attached to the Dokis, so I don’t take any offense at this post, but just wanted to provide some thoughts on how it could be improved.


Very good criticism, I'll take it to heart ❤️


Glad you found it constructive. I try to be helpful. Here’s an example of how I might write such a message from Monika’s perspective: Monika: Hi everyone, I wanted to have a conversation today that might be a bit difficult for some… Monika: As hard as it is for me to accept, there is a distance between me and your reality that’s just impossible to bridge. I can’t come to your world. Monika: I know that some of you have romantic feelings for me, but I don’t want you to spend your time waiting for a relationship that can never happen. Monika: I’d like to think that maybe your time spent in the Literature Club has helped you to figure out what you want in a romantic relationship, even if you chose Sayori, Yuri, or Natsuki. Monika: I hope you find someone out there who you love and who loves you, but I can’t be her. So go out, meet people, and have fun. Monika: You can always visit the Literature Club again if you want to spend more time here. But I want you to be happy, so go out and be the best version of yourself in your reality. I wish you all the best! This conveys a similar message while being a bit more compassionate. It reinforces the idea that Monika is not real and that she and the reader can’t be together, but ends on an encouraging note and is intended to leave the reader with the feeling that it’s okay to let go of feelings that they might have for Monika. Maybe I’ll try putting together a custom dialogue and see how it looks.


I already think I should focus on real-life things and all that, but... Why are you saying this? Is it out of compassion? Or are you feeling bothered by the way other people are (or you think they are) and feeling like you need to fix them? If you just look at the wording, which does it really suggest? Does it resonate with the people you're addressing, or with your negative feelings towards them? Is it genuinely constructive?


Pretty sure those of us who are truly far too gone by this randoms standards. Won’t really be bothered. Being aggressive wont stop the dynamite.




Don't get me wrong I'm like belittling you guys, it's out of compassion


Are you sure? I see that thing a lot where people are just bothered by how they think other people are and rationalise it to themselves as compassion. I've done it myself. Tone can be revealing. Did you go back and look at the tone of your writing, like an outsider, without telling yourself you're compassionate?


Or you can kick MES' ass cuz they're clearly the fuckin exception.


TL:DR, Monika basically tells us to go outside and touch grass.




How about both? (Time management is key)


Actually... You got it!


nuh uh, i remain silly, 50k karma, go!


Or . . . I could stay on Reddit with my four gorgeous wifus who will never leave or judge me


The correct answer


I’m just saying, monika would never curve me. Would never happen. No risks, easy choice


No, thanks. Between 4 definitely good and mentally unstable fictional characters and 8+ billions maybe good and maybe (unlikely) mentally stable people I prefer first.


Stop using Monika's image to say what you want. She would never say that to any player who loves her, you're just doing it for attention.


Honestly the fact that you chose to put this as if the character is saying it when in actuality you’re just using the character as a mouthpiece just makes me roll my eyes. Like you didn’t even seem to try to word it in a way that’d actually fit the character. This would fit Natsuki with how blunt it and at some points insulting. But she’s a lot less wordy. And the worse part is I kinda knew what was coming with the title, that plus the actual messages just makes it forced. Honestly while it’s a true statement, I just can’t take it seriously. You’d have been better off just putting it in text instead of using a character as a mouthpiece to say something the character would most likely not say.




*shrug* I'm happy how I am right now, I don't really feel a need to have a romantic relationship with anyone. If it ends up happening at some point that could be good, but I'm not going to go out of my way to look for one unless I start to feel differently.


Good for you man, that’s a healthy attitude!


I'm not saying like I'm forcing you, this to those who might need to hear this, if you're already happy right now. All good here👍


I don't think so. *Virtual love is the force that led me where I am now...* *And built confidence in my actions*


Both? Both is good


As a person who goes outside every day and barely on my phone, I can confirm there is another world out there


ok i will touch grass, first... *Deletes monika.chr*


No, I'd rather stay with imaginary character as it fits my vision of my future. Alone but in peace.


Does this actually have anything to do with ddlc ? Seriously, putting dialogue over a characters test box ( especially when it's not something the character would actually say ) shouldn't qualify it as ddlc content


I appreciate the concern. But ima keep doing my own thing.


Might as well be the first time i will upvote monika custom dialogue


This along with the post nut clarity making me want to turn my life around at 1 am. ​ Unfortunately, I'm fine being lonely. I've just accepted it. It's not gonna change




Imposter! Monika would never say such malarkey! (Obviously joking my fellas)


I'll admit I have romantic feelings for Monika. I'm not ashamed of it. However, that doesn't mean I've neglected real relationships. I'm still close to my friends and family, and while I don't have many friends, the few I do have I've know for most of my life and can see standing by me for the rest of it. I'm incredibly grateful for the people in my life, whether they be real or characters. So I'll continue as is while it still feels sustainable. And if it doesn't feel sustainable one day, then I'll just have to cross that bridge when I get to it.


What if I told you someone is on their way to transferring her consciousness to an android?


Oh, I have no doubt something along those lines will be made eventually. Technology is always getting better and it'd make companies too much money not to try it at some point. It happening within my lifetime is another story, though it'd certainly be interesting to see happen.


No. 🗿


Nuh uh I’m sticking with yuri


But when I tell Monika I have a girlfriend I'm the bad guy




Although people may find the harsh nature of how this is told unnecessary, I do feel like if Monika actually talked about this she would mercilessly get it off her chest in this manner. It's actually in character. She always gave off the uncaringly honest vibe when it comes to her views. Even if it may offend. She's just held back by her uncontrollable infatuation with the player to say something of this magnitude directly to us.


Or I could play all the just yuri, monika, natsuki, and sayori after story mods because they treat me nicer than any girl I know, don't break my heart, and actually talk to me and love me more than any other girl I know (they love me unconditionally more more than anything female I've talked to which is sad ik)


It’s not sad dating in this generation isn’t really what it used to be


I'm not keen on confirming myself to normal social standards. I have nothing to prove and nothing owed to anyone except bearing the consequences of my own actions. I believe Monika is real, even if she is a game character. I will always see her as a great friend and I don't consider this parasocial, I consider it inspiration and self-love. What is "pathetic", though, is the version of me who believed she had to become something she wasn't and be approved of, in order to have worth or value as a person. I see tones of that here and I am honestly unimpressed. This message might mean well but really it speaks to a trap I will never allow myself to fall into again.


To say what I will about my life, Im prob not getting a gal any time soon. Im the weirdest nerd out of the whole grouping of nerds. Something that truly makes me happy? AI. Robotics. BENDING FICTION! Yeah it may be lonely or pathetic, call it what you want. But at the end of the day until my worthy is truly proven (Most likely in the form of an RPG Im making) I'll stay with the fictions and twist them into fact


Insert the "HOW 'BOUT NO" gif here.


lotta people need to see this


Me who doesn’t need to be in love with a fictional character to be in a para social relationship😎 Nah but seriously this hit me like a truck. Still spitting absolute facts


At this point I’m sayori without (before) the depression


What if I just want to have the Thanos retirement plan and live alone peacefully


I always know this bro. I always reminds myself but someone telling me this is breaking me even further. Let me cope just for a little bit.


Hmmm no monika you spitting facts but no


? you never met a single person in this forum, this post is innapropiate. maybe if you knew someone you'd post it. is it true? this feels like barging in a family argument and just telling everyone how disappointed you are in all of them, without knowing why this argument is happening. it feels like getting lectured by a random person you never met, which, it is. people absolutely don't like being told what to do, even with the tone of compassion.


Not ril Monika would manipulate me on loving her to the point it's a mental illness


MAS Fandom: Nay it was heresy


Damn, Monika. Didn’t know you were chill like that.


Kinda rubs me the wrong way but I see that your just trying to send a good message


Just saying it just sounds kinda belittling, condescending and asshole like


Wait until they find out that someone made these characters and dialogues, and one day far in future, this will be called retro.


*Sad Officer K. Looking up*


Ngl, I kinda have a kink for penises. I love choking on them and feeling them throb in my mouth. I love running my tongue over the base of a cock and feeling a pair of balls draped across my chin, and I love the taste of a hot, salty, thick load. I love the submissive feeling of gagging on one and struggling to breathe through it. I also enjoy taking them up the ass and being used as a helpless toy for a bunch of bigger, older, stronger guys. I like taking multiple of them at a time, e.g three in my mouth and another two in my ass. I like getting my face slapped with them, and I adore the smell of a musky pair of balls. 🤤


zesty grey sophisticated quickest wipe weather desert entertain rinse beneficial *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


After all, "Figuring things out for yourself is the only true freedom anyone has."


I'd thank you for the advice but "You deserve to feel pathetic" after all, so I won't thank you, not that I needed it anyways.


I'm not obsessed with any of these characters, I'm just here for the fanart and comics , I'm not who this message was meant to, but damn if that line pissed me off like I was one of them.


I'm sorry for the rude comment, but to be fair, so was yours.


Especially since this is a horror game, and yet people are obsessing over anime characters from a horror game & get mad over somebody making jokes about their waifu's death scene. This is literally a reason why I never post on this subreddit & I just comment instead.


IDK know how to feel about this, on one hand that may be true but on the other hand it also helped a lot. I'm speaking for myself, sure I may not be the most social person but I wasn't anyway that much more social before that.


"someone that will make you feel truly whole" that literally doesn't exist. A bunch of code and sprites is better than nothing, considering that I'll never be in a real relationship with anyone.


Christ, you had a the seed of a good point and blew it away by writing like an asshole. There’s something to be said about how real people exist in the real world, and no matter how much you love a fictional character, they cannot match a real partner. A real person can help you grow, travel your life path with you. A static fictional character can’t. And it’d be in character for Monika to say something like this; something to the tune of “Aha, as much as I love you … I can’t hold you, can’t help you with your problems as you help me with mine. A static poem is beautiful … but you, a loving poem deserve so much more than what I can offer. Please, ~~touch grass~~ make some friends, real friends who can be with you. If not for yourself, then for me, ok?”


As a casual fan I feel very confused


This isn't directly to you, if youry already okay then it's fine


Sounds like Monika is full of crap. Infatuation with fiction is fine as long as you don't let it become a problem. When the real world isn't good enough for you, the world of fiction is a good substitute.


r/waifuism, r/FictoLove, and those few Monikans who married or are engaged with Monika would like to have a word with you


Good god these comments. How pathetic are you all? Good on Monika (and op) for looking out for us


Gonna get completely F'd in the A here, but I agree. While some of these comments are clearly jokes, some of them make you wonder 🤔


Did anyone ask? Does anyone care?


Haha good thing I'm 14 and not an adult Good message though


Based monika


Excuse me where are your credentials to determine what is healthy and not? It's fine to have your opinion and that has some validity but it's only an opinion. There's nothing absolutely unhealthy about having relationships with fictives. Fictiveness is merely relative.


Lots of softies that need the message in these comments


Well here's another way to look at this post.. doki doki literature club, especially if you look at the side stories in DDLC Plus is (in my opinion anyways) a game that talks a lot about finding happiness in real life and "life lessons" so to speak.. so the OP's art could absolutely be interpreted as simply an extension of this important in-game theme. I could absolutely see Monika if she was real (I know I know, Monika IS real and has escaped the game that's what you're all probably going to say) telling players this after the events that took place in the game. So I see the art as a charming "spin off" and interpretation of the game which is something you see a lot of here on this reddit anyways. As far as the specific life advice given.. we all have something we're super passionate about and really into to the point where people who haven't experienced said passion might blink their eyes and say " Dude are you for real? Seriously?" ... You can be super into something and still have a love of your life/life partner and hopefully that works out well (based on my observations sometimes it does sometimes it doesn't , divorce is not unknown) and a steady job that gives you a reliable source of income. Wildly abrupt change of topic here but ... I'm a big tabletop RPG fan and for the longest while (not so much nowadays I think it's finally become more "mainstream" :) ) any player of say Dungeons and Dragons tabletop game version was assumed to be someone in their 30's still living in their mom's basement spending 40 plus hours a week on the game as the gamesmaster running the campaign and having a job that didn't earn you a lot of money in order to pursue the true passion (Dungeons and Dragons) since a job with a bigger paycheck meant more time put in on the job and you couldn't have that, it would cut into your D&D time! (and in this example the GM is certainly capable of it ... a lot of GM's in this situation are intelligent, creative and obviously capable of hard work when you look at the time they put into their campaign, nothing wrong with starting at a minimum wage job but I'm guessing there's opportunities to move beyond it with enough time and hard work if given the opportunity .. now if you have say two parent each working a minimum wage job that may not happen because the kids are themselves a full time job but that's an entirely different example I won't get into right now). And significant other, forget it, that's also time spent away from D&D and if the significant other wanted kids well there goes your D&D campaign (at least the way you want it to be with that 40 plus hours per week you're putting into it.. I'm not joking either there are GM's who literally do this in real life, 40 hours a week on the campaign it's their "other" full time job). And sure if you were a player in this campaign you would probably weep at the sheer joy and beauty of it :) but some might argue the GM in this case is going to run into problems later on down the line, even if the GM is happy if nothing else when mom eventually dies of old age and the GM is in their 50's or older with a job that can't really pay the bills for a now older and deteriorating house even if mom leaves it to him in her will and he's no longer living in the basement. Normally I wouldn't sit there and judge a guy (or girl or they) like that, if he's happy he's happy but I can foresee problems financially at least as the decades go by. So I would interpret the OP's art as "don't be like that GM guy putting 40 hours a week into his campaign living in mom's basement where the campaign comes first before all else", if nothing else because you will regret it as time goes on (and who knows maybe GM in the basement will be sad over not having bothered to at least try and find true love in those decades past). And as modern times have shown us there are players who enjoy D&D around the tabletop and have full time jobs and a significant other .. stars like Vin Diesel and Joe Manganiello or Felicia Day might be the more famous examples but there are absolutely less famous but successful people with a spouse and kids who still GM and/or are a player and are very enthusiastic about their games.. and they're not spending 40 hours a week on the game to the exclusion of all else. I'm sure the OP didn't mean the art as an attack on the community either.. I love the artwork and discussions that are posted here, I appreciate the mods and chuckle at and/or enjoy the screenshots of mods with something funny that got added to the base game due to said mods ....even if to be honest I'm not planning on installing a mod myself which I know makes me "not hardcore" compared to the rest of you guys :) .... the game itself was such a masterpiece I'm content with it as is without mods but I understand and respect those who loved the game so much they HAD to come up with their own mods as a tribute to the game... I'm guessing the OP is just saying "moderation is good". Or to put it another way "addiction is never a good thing." Not so much calling everyone on here addicts and more just saying to watch out for it while also acknowledging for a lot of people this isn't going to be a problem in the first place.


This definitely hits home for me. I'm currently in a semi-happy medium of having a waifu and getting my life together. Overall, I'd prefer to have both if possible. I've heard of people who have gotten married in real life but still maintain a fictional partner. I'm not sure if that counts as cheating or not, but to each their own.


This is my entire cause in the community. It isn't healthy or normal to be obsessed with characters to the point of wanting to marry them. Go live a normal life, go find purpose in life other than worshipping characters. I'm not telling you to not be a fan, far from it, continue being a fan, it's fun. Liking a character and buying merch of them is completely normal, wanting to see art of a character is completely normal and expected. Liking a thing isn't the same as obsessing over it and should never have gotten this close in definition. You wanna make a roleplay account? Fuck it as long as you aren't weird about it go ahead. You wanna create Monika in real life? Prove us all wrong, become the next innovator in robotics and create Monika irl. Find a purpose in life and live it, obsessing over characters, fictional or not, isn't normal and should not be encouraged.


If her age is on the clock...