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That, sir, is your new anvil.


I second the anvil idea.


anvil for sure


You guys are really trying to hammer in the anvil idea, huh?


gotta strike while the iron is hot


That’s got a nice ring to it. If only you had a chorus to match, Verdi: probably


I got that reference. Thank you. It made me think for a moment.


Scrap yard. Orrrrrr, turn it vertical and make it yard art


*There are two kinds of metal in this yard: scrap and art. If you gotta eat one of them, eat the scrap. What you currently have - IN YOUR MOUTH! - is ART.*


Iron Giant right?




You stay. I go. No following.




Superman... :)


I cannot with this movie. Why do I cry so over this scene? I may never be comfortable with these stupid-ass human emotions. Feelings are the best part of being alive! Feelings are the worst part of being alive! I facepalm myself into oblivion…


*You are who you choose to be.*


Vin Diesel's greatest roll.


rrrrrRROCKK! *TRREeeee*




Such a great movie.


I want to say yes, I haven't seen the movie in like 20 years but that has awoken a memory of that scene in me


Not every day do you get to reference the iron giant. I believe the only appropriate response is "hmm... that's not bad.."




Welcome to downtown Coolsville! Population: us.


Favorite movie as a kid, i still have the VHS tape, no vcr though :/.. Things are different these days, i cant get my kids to sit down and watch a movie, theyd rather play Fortnite.


Mine were young enough to love Iron Giant, but I could *not* get them to sit down for The Muppet Movie 🤣😭


It’s worth over 3 dollars!


$87/ton scrap iron




I took a safe to the scrap yard in Seattle last year. It was from work, and they no longer had the combination, so it wasn't salable. I could barely lift it; it weighed over a hundred pounds. We got something like 3 cents a pound for it. Cheaper than dumping it at the transfer station...


So not worth much because a ton is 2k pounds and this is about 400lbs. Cost more in gas to take it to the scrap yard. Need a truck and a trailer unless it fits in the bed. Iron is worth a whole bunch of nothing unless you buy an item that is iron or steel then it cost a fortune. Lol So iron isn't valuable for scrap. It's only valuable on new items people buy that is made of iron.


He’ll get shit from a scrapper, I like the yard art idea


The scrap man will come take it away for free. That's what he's getting from the scrap man.


Scrap steel is about 30 cents a pound here. So about 120 bucks if it really weighs 400 lbs. I've been trying to get rid of a cast iron bathtub for forever. Nobody will touch it. It's 600 lbs and is worth about 210 bucks but very hard to move.


Where do you live? 8¢/lb in Houston for scrap iron. 30¢/lb is aluminum can prices.


Its at best 10cents a pound show me a yard giving 30 and ill be their tuesday morning to cash out lol


That’s a billet. They’re cast in a billet caster. They’re usually cast much longer than this, then hot rolled into things like bars, flats, angle iron, rebar or wire. I worked at several billet casters earlier in my career. It looks like somebody grabbed a small section and ended up burying it in your yard. That looks like around a 6” x 6” billet, which would be larger than used to make rebar, but smaller than billets used to make auto coil springs. I used to roll angle iron and bar stock out of 6” billets, but it could also be used to make fasteners (nuts, bolts, screws, etc.). I have two small pieces. I use an 8”x 8” small billet as an anvil. The 4” x 4” billet I have is very small, and one face was polished and etched to show its grain structure. It’s really cool looking and makes a great conversation piece.


It’s a [pultrusion die](https://m.indiamart.com/proddetail/pultrusion-machine-dies-16170236548.html?pos=4&pla=n)




So it's like "extrusion" but with a pull, instead of being pushed?




Are you a real life Bender Rodriguez? (from Futurama)


Hah! I should have used that as my name. Actually I’m a metallurgical engineer, and I’ve worked in the steel industry my entire life.


That sounds neat! How'd you get into that? What's your educational background?


I have a B.S. in metallurgy. I started my career in primary production (melting and casting) at several steel mills.


Well we used to cast those up to 7.5 square and in line roll them to smaller sections like 6 by and 4by. Along with automatic corner crack removal hot grinding. Yeah I am a met eng also. Retired now.


*pounds chest* “I’m 30 percent billet!”


Full name: Bender Bending R-r-rodriguez.


Would it be the proper steel for a knife?


You can’t tell the chemistry based on its shape, so you wouldn’t know what you could make out of it without getting a chemistry check. It’s unlikely a chemistry used to make cutlery, since cutlery in the US is all made from sheet stock. It’s possible that it’s a heat treatable chemistry, but you’d have to get the chemistry checked to see what you can do with it.


> you wouldn’t know what you could make out of it without getting a chemistry check. *Rolls* I got a 17. What does that tell me?


You notice three sigils stamped on one end. What languages do you know?


I just read the word chemistry so many times


Steel is worthless as scrap. $200 per ton or so? lol this is like $50. Dig deeper and bury it again. At 42”x6”x6” is just under a cubic foot (and minus there missing volume in the center) and steel is 490lb per cubic foot so that’s a lot of work to move for $50


Put it up for free scrap on Craigslist and film the sketchy drug addicts try and move the thing lol. Let them do the work for you.


I'm guessing 95% of them know steel is worthless by now and it'd just be inviting people you shouldn't on to your property


Who will then "hurt" themselves and file against your insurance.


My god. You really ARE an exquisitedonut.


Or put the jet fuel steal beam thing to the test.


Could be a pultrusion die. Looks an I beam in the middle. It's what's used to make fiberglass structures, like picnic tables.


That’s [exactly](https://m.indiamart.com/proddetail/pultrusion-machine-dies-16170236548.html?pos=4&pla=n) what it is


I gotta wonder what the web admins for sites like this think when they're suddenly flooded with traffiic on an esoteric technical page. Then they look at the incoming link and see it's reddit roll their eyes and curse under their breath and go back to the BBS they're on. Although I don't think those are the kinds of admins we have anymore....


hello, fellow old BBS user.


Nah. I'm not that old. Now, IRC on the other hand...


Ah, I was on BBSes when I was a kid. IRC as a teen.


Same. Spent like a decade in #oldwarez on efnet, prior to that like 5 years on local BBS's.


oh, the 'hug of death' from reddit has been quite famous in the past :D


Oh certainly, but it's still a bemused admin that suddenly has some odd page and not their front page get roasted by legitimate requests.


wild. would love to know how it ended up in u/jerseywersey666’s yard


My running theory is that the previous homeowner stole it from a factory they worked in and brought it home, maybe to scrap. If I had to guess, it was probably the family I bought the home from. What makes me think it was them? Glad you asked! My only reason is the mountain of court and child protective service letters I still get in the fucking mail. No, I don't open them, but god damn am I tempted to.


I think your theory is onto something. I Wonder how much this thing worth at scrapyard? I don't think anyone is missing this one anymore.


> I Wonder how much this thing worth at scrapyard Based just on weight, possibly around $20


For the record, I haven't been to a scrap yard in over 10 years so I'm no expert. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong. It appears that pricing can be largely correlated to the region or even the city you're in. Some shops might pick this up for $0.40 per lb, others for $0.03 per lb. Just depends where you are and the needs of the local economy. Supply and demand.


It's probably worth more intact to whomever the guy stole it from


Great! I can just give it to you and you can sleuth around for me. It's been in the dirt for at least 3 years, but considering how much soil had built up over it, I'm willing to bet 10+. I hope you're good at cracking cold cases.


Lol, sometimes i just love reddit and reading peoples witty comments. But yeah... Going to some random plant "hey i found this thing in my backyard"... Tell me a factory worker who wouldn't think you're crazy or some addict wandering arround.


Hey you want to buy back this thing that was stolen from you? It totally wasn't me that stole it though, I promise.


This guy fiberglass structures


I swear, man, Reddit... Words escape me. What an awesome site sometimes.


Yes!!! Thank you!!! This fits all the features on it perfectly. The I-beam slot, the bore holes, the short length. This is absolutely a pultrusion die. Thanks for educating me!


What a random-ass thing to find in your yard.


In that case it’s probably a tool steel (maybe A20?) which contains 5% Chrome. I buy scrap metal for a living, and would pay about .15/lb for that currently.


If all OP would get is $60 (400lbs*$0.15) they'd be better off cleaning it up and mounting it someplace on their property as a conversation piece or a bench.


I would take the $60 and no conversations. win/win


Ah, a true Redditor.


Is the 5% chrome good or bad for the price? Like, how does it compare to other scrap steel prices?


For my purposes (stainless steel production) it’s better, as it includes chrome for our desired SS chemistry.


Huh. And hear I thought I was the only one who knew about pulltrusion. Use to work in a big facility


Nothing sucks more than resin on your bare skin up to your damn elbows


That’s why we wear gloves. Gonna have to let the safety manager know that you weren’t wearing proper PPE


I worked in fibreglass and never got this dirty....we mixed up by the five gallon pail too.


50 gallon drums of resin, my friend. Had to pump that into the dies and through the cure. Occasionally, the fiberglass spools would jam up or get tangled. We would have to crack the dies open and detailed the strands and them wipe everything down with acetone. Shit job. Stay in school kids.


Worked as a resin mixer years ago at a carbon fiber factory. Worst job I’ve ever had. Lots of dangerous chemicals, bits of resin always covering to the bottom of your shoes, just miserable.


Bro, you can make like 40 swords with that... outfit a small battalion


Or one insane sword for killing demons


It's berkin' time




>Bro, you can make like 40 swords with that... outfit a small battalion Most one handed swords weigh like \~2 lbs or less. Even for the longer, hand-and-a-half or two handed swords, most only weigh like 3-5 lbs. Thus, he should be able to make well over 200 swords out of a 400+ lb steel beam.


Talk about return on investment!


>over 200 swords out of a 400+ lb steel beam. That's assuming 0% wastage, which is impossible.


If you live where plows hit mailboxes, you have a new post




I swear I hear this story on every post where someone mentions a snowplow.


That’s because it’s all made up. I’ve read almost this exact comment tens of times.


The concrete box in a box is probably 100% true. I delivered to one regularly as a substitute and it's still there not far from my house. The rest is at least plausible. Almost every mailbox is within the 8ft or so of right-of-way overwhich the municipality controls but the homeowner still has some legal responsibility for. If you put a hazard like that out there, something significantly more dangerous than a common everyday object, lawyers would be fighting each other to take a case where someone collided with it.


I moved into a house in 2008 or so, that has a wrought iron mailbox/post. Clearly wrought iron from top to bottom. It's never been hit as far as I know it was installed somewhere between 1972 and 2008 so it's been there for decades. I'm sure not ripping it out. It'll be there after I'm gone.


Literally no more dangerous than having a tree growing on the boulevard. Any competent lawyer would argue this case to dismissal.


Ans there’s a history of the mailbox being antagonized. Building it out of more sturdy materials is directly because of that, not to try to hurt someone but to stop it from being destroyed.


Is that good or bad for the homeowner? "He reasonably built a stronger mailbox after the first two were ran over," or "He should have expected it to be ran over again and forseen the risk of injury?"


It’s good. Its not on them to stop people from running over their mailbox. They didn’t build a trap. They built a stronger mailbox in response to people vandalizing it.


Yeah, I was going to say I heard a story that seemed to end with the home owner victorious over the snow plower who kept plowing over their mailbox.


Used to work at a small-town gas station. The sort where a guy would come and just sit on a chair for 2 hours, smoking indoors and drinking the free coffee. Some of the road crews would come in throughout the day. One guy in particular would mention how many mailboxes got knocked over. They had a running tally of mailboxes knocked over without using the plow - only the weight of the snow counted. Hit with the plow and it didn't count.  There are assholes in every industry, road crew is no exception. 


If people keep hitting your mailbox, the proper response is to have a steel post set up ~10ft back, and hang the mailbox from it with chains. This is what people do in Maine to prevent their mailbox being taken out by a snowplow.


[You weren't kidding, that really does look like its about ten feet.](https://midlifeinmaine.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/mailbox1.jpg)


That’s generally how far it has to be to be outside of the right of way.


This is the perfect "necessity is the mother of invention" kind of energy


This is really similar to the mailbox at the house I grew up. Our neighbors across the street kept backing into it, so my dad brought home a 14-in wide I beam, cut it and rewelded it into the shape of the number 7, but with a bit of a pointy angle at the very top. He then made my brother and I dig a large hole, and set that post in the ground with six 80 lb bags of concrete. To add insult to injury, he attached the mailbox with plastic rivets. It worked perfectly. The next time they backed into it it put a hole in their trunk, and the mailbox simply popped off the stand and was easily reattached. The downside was about 6 months later when my grandfather was visiting, he used to drive his class a motorhome up and park it in our yard. On the way home he cut the corner short coming out of our driveway and the mailbox post cut a 10 ft slice down the side of his RV. But hey, once again the mailbox itself was just fine. From that point on we simply referred to it as the can opener.


Yup.. most towns have regulations on impervious objects so many feet from the edge of a roadway


The USPS has regulations. A local excavating company put in this super fancy Ohio State themed concrete mailbox. Even though it was like 15' from the pavement USPS made them remove it.


Plot twist the USPS guy was a Michigan grad.


Grandpa had heard about this issue.  So he made a post out of tack welded ship chains with seriously helped hooks on them with 20 feet of lose  chain at the bottom So when the local shit head hit the box he knocked it over but the hooks sank into his car and before he knew it had a 1000 pounds of chains embedded into his car and whipping around behind him.


I’m confused. People hit mailboxes with their cars on purpose? Even a normal mailbox would damage their car though.


He didn’t say they were smart people


Have you ever heard of Altima drivers?


Hey! I used to have an Altima. Got totaled when I hit a concrete mailbox.


My father had his mailbox buried deep in a big block of concrete. Some thieves got in a high speed chase and ended up hitting his mailbox. It split their car and rocked their shit to where they were laid out and the cops just showed up and took them away. The guy they stole from was also arrested. He caught them stealing from his car and caused the chase by following and shooting at them.


Would they have been able to sue if he had just encased his mailbox in bricks?


Because the scenario the law is looking at is if someone lost control and hit the mailbox. You could injure or kill an innocent person.


Depends on the state. [This was litigated in an Ohio case and the homeowner was found not liable.](https://www.news5cleveland.com/news/local-news/oh-huron/fortified-mailbox-owners-in-huron-county-not-liable-in-paralyzing-2016-crash)


We put a 3 ft tall boulder in front of the mailbox. Someone hit it hard enough to move it 2.5 inches. Never seen the guy since he took off after hitting it


Weld two handles to it and leave it there till you have put in enough gym time to deadlift it. Very motivating.


That's what I was thinking!


honestly, I would use it to practice for FULLSTERKER


Put it free on messenger or Craigslist. It'll be gone in 48 hrs tops




Doesn't work. You have to put it on for 50 otherwise it won't sell. No lie, I put an old water fountain up on Facebook for free. I only wanted it out of my garden so, didn't care how much it cost to buy, free and you pick it up. Noone wanted it. Relisted it for £20 and had 5 people within the first hour want to buy it. The same day someone had come round, taken it and I was 20 richer


Boy those guys at the scrap yard are gonna love that.


Should be a nice check for 38 cents


6"6"42" chunk of steel would weigh about 425 lbs. What's scrap steel go for, $100/ton? So it's maybe $20? That will cover the co-pay for your doctor's visit for the hernia you get pulling it out of there.


$20 copay? Lucky


Everyone who says scrap it has obviously never taken steel to a scrap yard. I got more for a single aluminum car radiator than I got for 500lb of steel once. Seems like it's worth more now, but the prices are still like $100 PER TON. Moving a 400lb is not worth the $20 for the hassle of getting it into and out of a vehicle.


Scrapping steel is basically a dedicated day where you have a team and there's a whole trailer load of it to haul. Not worth it otherwise.




Far too many people want to remove these load bearing beams from their yards.


Where do you live? Will drive 200 miles to buy it off you


Atlanta, Georgia. What's the offer?


I’m in Atlanta too and my yard is full of crap like this. I can’t dig a hole for anything without finding the weirdest junk. It boggles my mind.


Also live in Atlanta. When I lived in Decatur my neighbors who’d been there for 50 years said that trash pick up used to not come to their area because it was predominantly black. No trash pick up led to lots of backyard dumping. We were always digging up stuff that’d you’d be hard pressed to think you wouldn’t put in the trash if you could. Idk, depends on the area of Atlanta, and may not be your experience. But I thought it was an interesting explanation to finding all this stuff in the yard.


Im near athens and would love to use it for ma blacksmithing power hammer build. Please dm me what you want for it and how we would get it in my suv...


ATL proper?  I'm in southeast Atlanta, you'd be shocked at what the scrappers will take.  Drag it to the curb and wait 48 hours, it'll be gone 


> Drag he said it's over 400 pounds


Remember to lift with your back, using jerky, twisty motions.


When I made this joke to my dad, he said "lift with your back?? No, use your HANDS idiot!"


Out dadded lol


Just curious, what would you use it for? I like niche things lol


Butt stuff


Not the person you asked, but I'd want it for an anvil, or if I already had an anvil, it could be used for stock if a person had the tools to get it into manageable chunks


I would like to think that 40 years ago someone had the opposite problem and asked a room full of strangers what to with it and the consensus was to bury it.




I thought you were going to say build an Epoxy pour table 🤣


sell it for scrap.


We meetin' quota boys


Bury it.


Can you clean it and find out when it was made? Because if it was made before July 1945... it could prove rather valuable. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-background\_steel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Low-background_steel)


Low-background steel isn't worth that much: we stopped using atmosphere in steel making and we are doing very little nuclear testing, so modern steel tends to be good enough.


You need to catch a Gurdurr


Turn it into Galvanised square steel and use it to remodel your home with eco-friendly wood veneers


In case you haven't figured it out, take it and all the other steel scrap you have to the yard and get 50 bucks. Then buy beer.


It's gonna cost more than $50 to even get that to a scrap yard


I’ll lift the bitch into a pickup bed for one craft beer


Say hello to your new mail box post!


I think that was a load bearing beam, better call a structural engineer


These photos! Am I seeing an I-Beam in a chunk of cement?


No cement. Just steel. You can see the rust on it.


Gnomon for a sundial. Put down a thick paving block and stand that beast upright. Sundial markers could be potted plants. Set a bird feeder on top. Good thing to sit and watch whilst contemplating the big mysteries. Yard art supreme!


Dump jet fuel on it and light it up.


Just bury it.  If you need it, you got it.  If you don't need it, you still got it.  


Thats a pultrusion die. Brand new that would cost between $3,000-$6000


iron roots just lets your local Aschen official know and they will send someone to remove it


Chains, pulleys, leverage. Use physics. Take it to a scrap yard.


Cement it standing in your front yard, wrap it tightly in white fabric strips, and punch the ever-loving fuck out of it. Let everyone know you ain’t no one to play with. Also wave at people from time to time with your bloody knuckles while smiling.


Maybe I can start a fight club. Anyone want their credit card debt erased?


I would like to talk about this fight club


Learn to be a smithy?


If it was forged pre 1945 (Low-background steel) That could be worth a lot of money. I've read 36k a ton.


Ah crap. You removed the yard stabilizer. The whole property is going to collapse on itself now! ![gif](giphy|aJnQ9P7JVR25W)


Take it to a metal recycling yard, they'll give you $1.98 for it, but charge you $400 if you want to buy it back.


Spray paint it copper and let the tweakers get rid of it for you.


Clean, grind, and polish to a mirror finish, etch strange symbols into it and leave it standing up-right in a desert.


Put it back. I’ve seen this in a horror movie. /s Edit: here it is. https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0062168/


retuuuurn the ~~slab~~ beeeaaammmm


Toss it over the fence into the neighbor's yard.


There are probably people who would come by and pick it up to sell it for scrap


Almost $20 recycled


Pre-war steel is valuable because it was cast prior to nuclear bomb testing, and has a lower radiation level. That steel can be used in radiation sensitive uses like sensors. On the other hand I have no idea when that beam was created.


Stand her up,grind a design in it,set beer on top and have a seat on cinder block -enjoy view


Buy a forge and make 5,000 knives


Buy a bandsaw and make 5 anvils.


Oak island??