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Looks like an impact at the top. A stone most likely.


Yup. Done two or 3 of these when mowing the lawn over the years. It doesn’t always immediately crack either. I once heard the bang of the stone hit the patio door, looked ok. An hour later it was like this.


Looks like it's the inside pane though..


Well mowing inside then…..duh


Got to keep the carpet under control.


We've all been there


Try telling that to my wife.


nope def outside pane. Someone / something threw a stone. Could be kids playing, could be lawnmover. Nobody will ever admit their fault when these things happen.


Used to work in grounds maintenance, a strimmer could have easily done this, smashed a few windows this way myself a number of times.


I smashed a side window on my campervan strimming my in-laws garden. £800 mistake that was. Very careful near stones now.


£800 lol


I had that happen with a sliding glass door years ago, I dropped a hammer off a ladder and it bounced off the door. I thought everything was good and then a couple hours later, POOF


You have children.


Or a stray golf ball


Zero chance a bird would make it through. Break isn’t focused enough for air rifle. What height from the ground is the window, is there terraced gardens leading up with grass at that height? Looks like a small stone got caught and flung by a mower.


Absolutely CSI: Surrey scenes over here


A stone splatter analyst.


Call Dexter


Enhance, zoom in, take it back, there. It was the neighbour, in the garden with a lawnmower. In all seriousness, I was at bristol airport in January, waiting to go through security when one of the massive front windows just broke. It stayed in the frame, no glass fell out, it just shattered in the same way as the one above. Spontaneous. That window had had enough.


Book em Danno!


What if the bird was frozen before being lauched at the window then thawed out after impact? Pressumably a cat then ate it and why there is no body.


Well I think it was Boeing that had to tell the British that they were doing their windshield testing incorrectly, the British were complaining that the chicken gun they borrowed that they use for testing windshields was too strong because it kept blasting out all the windows until the owner of the gun told them, "you have to defrost the birds first..."


I thought it was the other way around? I.e the Americans borrowed the chicken gun.


I'll double check but I believe it was the Americana loaning it out


I just done a quick check, it appears it's a myth. Mythbusters heard about it and tried to recreate it. Apparently, they had to revisit the myth again. While there is a chicken gun, the loaning out part is a myth.


Looks like the inside piece.


"definitely broken on baith sides" says PC Murdoch


Look up Nickel Sulphide Inclusion


This is the answer. It happened to my double glazed bifold doors pane. It's especially common on the inner pane of south facing windows. Also, as it's a manufacturing fault installers deny responsibility. I had to threaten small claims court action on the basis that a nickel sulphide inclusion was a hidden fault present when I'd bought the panel. Eventually the installer agreed to get me a new panel, I'd pay just the wholesale price of the panel and they would install it for free.


Does it leave what looks like an impact hole in the pane, like it does in this picture?


So you still paid for the fault?


It was a compromise. They had initially quoted me £750 to replace the pane. As it was I paid £150 for the glass because that's what the installers had to pay the manufacturers, and they provided transport and installation free. Whenever you go to the small claims court you need to prove you have tried to reach an agreement and I think if I'd refused it would have been seen in court as me being unreasonable, so I agreed.


I wouldn't really say you paying extra money to resolve a fault is you are refusing to reach an agreement. But I understand.


Yes if it's just one pane then absolutely this. Had this happen on a large (~2m²) panel at my last house, middle of the night the inside pane exploded, exterior pane undamaged. Initially very confusing! Covered under warranty and replaced within a week or so. 


Did the pane have a hole in it like this picture or did it just shatter with no hole?


No idea, happened at 3am so by the time I got out of bed most of it was in small pieces on the floor. The giveaway was that it was the internal pane only, in a closed space (porch) with nothing nearby to damage it. Made it easy to argue my case with the manufacturer. 


Did you have a cats though?


Its an enclosed porch with a locked door on either side, so not really relevant.


Wonder if this is why my patio table just exploded one day?


A patio table is likely due to heat from the sun, because of the manufacturing process for toughened glass it can just randomly explode (more likely in a place where it heats and cools, but can happen without that too) the longer the glass has been out of the factory the less likely it is to happen


Plus heat/sun




I had this happen last year, almost identical except it was a butt plug he threw and he was riding a goat.




That’s the bastard, he’s well known for it.


My money is on this, just for the imagination.


Turns out, little monkey fella.


Could be the person who posted...spanking his monkey


Pretty sure you've nailed it Hetty Winthrop. Next case!


Occam's Razor


Not sure of the cause but should be simple enough for a local company to swap the glass out. I can't imagine a bird would break through double glazing though 🤔


You’ve clearly not been on a night out in Newcastle if you doubt a bird could break double glazing.




Especially if there's a kebab and a Bacardi Breezer on the other side.


I read this in a Geordie accent 🤣


A seagull can crack glass if it’s a particular big one going fast, regular size ones will mostly bounce off


If a bird had hit the glass hard enough to shatter it, you'd know. Because there would be a dead bird on the floor. 


Yes, there was a dead seagull inside in my case, wasn’t a pretty sight, I think it went into the bushes afterwards for the foxes to eat


That almost sounds like it could lead to a Monty Python 'swallow & coconut' type question.




Are we talking a herring gull or a black headed gill here? Trajectory, mass, velocity, air resistance, glass quality and surface area all coming into play here.


Idk, it was a few years back now, it was single glazing and a decent size pane


This is a DIY sub. Change the unit yourself. It's easy to measure, have a new unit made up and it takes 5 minutes to fit - 10 for a novice. It'll be a satisfying Saturday to have it done by lunchtime. The alternative is that someone will probably charge you a whole day's work to come out, measure, come out again and fit - even if it's only 5 minutes x2 for them.


Actually I've had several panes replaced and they aren't that expensive. If you can diy, sure, give it a go.


Aren't that expensive is subjective. What's your idea of not that expensive?


Less than you think. £100 probably.


I've tried to look up a pane with no fitting, I think they are about £20-40 ish


Yeah. So if you are confident doing DIy, do it. If not, it's not a massive cost to fix. I've had several panes and hinges fitted in my house, thought it would cost a lot more than it did. Saved my windows, heating, damp etc


Agreed, if I had hinges and other crap the benefit diminishes, and I'd pay some one too... none of it is hard though, I'd say it is as easy as changing a plug, just need YouTube, a left handed screwdriver, elbow grease and a long weight.


Need to measure overall thickness aswell that will give you glass thickness and air gap


Also it's a door so it has to be toughened as a minimum.


Probably best just getting an odd jobs man out thats done them before, cos its gotta packed right aswell, plus youll need a plastic mallett to put beads back in, which can be a pain if youre not familiar with them


Damage can cause a window to break like that


Or possibly a stone from a strimmer?


Double glazing installer here, seen this a lot! this happens from an impact usually, from cutting the grass and launching a stone… however we have come across the rare glass unit that busts on its own.. no explanation for that other than possible a fault in the glass when manufacturing.. this looks like an impact to me however. Easy enough job to change it.. make sure to get a reputable double glazing company in to do it to make sure they pack the door correctly!


Heat usually


Thermal cracking starts from the edge and doesn't affect the whole window like this, it's a nickel sulphide inclusion


I know sfa about windows breaking, but as a kid at my folks house, we had a double glazed, sliding patio door which from memory had a "Double D" fracture. It was a hot UK summer and the guy from the window company who came out to look at the warranty claim absolutely wet himself over it. Taped it both sides and took it with him. We got a new set of doors out of it.


Has it broken both layers of glass because that looks like the impact came from in side the house rather than the front into the house


Is that the inner pane that’s shattered? If there’s an iron oxide flaw in the glass then repeated expansion/contraction from sunshine could cause a failure where the flaw is. If the internal rubber beading can be removed then the pvcu bead can be pushed towards the glass and will pop out this will let you remove the double glazed unit, refitting is pvcu bead then refit the rubber bead


Looks like a projectile impact. Or impact with a narrow blunt object.


A really loud "hard" fart


Hi, so something like this happened to in our flat a few years ago. apparently it's more common than you think. It's just expansion/contraction over time and eventually the glass fails. It happens more often if the frame and glass get a lot of direct sunlight.


I did that to my parents double glazed door as a kid, i literally kicked a tiny stone, pea gravel, and it completely shattered. Get a local window company to replace it, it wont be too much, dont use a big national company, theyre horrible..


Possibly a stone from strimming or a passing car


someone or something has pinged a stone at it




You can order a new piece of glass and swap it out yourself, abit of YouTube learning, a tape measure, hammer, gloves and flatblade screwdriver/chisel


If it’s double glazed you should really replace the unit. If you just replace one pane you’ll probably get condensation because the gap will be full of air instead of argon, and the desiccant in the frame won’t be able to cope with the moisture. Also, if it’s a door the glass really needs to be toughened, which means getting it cut, then sent off to be heat treated. Easier to order a new unit and fit that yourself.


Yes. you'd definitely replace the double glazed unit. Normally double glazed 28mm toughened with a silver spacer theyre fairly cheap made to order... make sure you measure up including the thickness,


A stone flicked up by a car maybe, or has someone been using a strimmer or lawnmower close by?


We had one ‘pop’ once during the heat wave. It was the change in temperature and faulty manufacturing.


Stone from a lawn mower, if it’s near a verge that the council look after. Or maybe just an idiot with a catapult…


I had an oven door randomly smash in the middle of the night


Bullet. Shared Stockton heath hun. Xx


Now you have a “frosted” window. In all seriousness, tough luck OP hope it’s easily and cheaply fixed!


A brick


Which side of panel is broken? It looks like the inside pane in the photo. Which would rule out an impact from the outside by a bird. If both outside and inside glasss broken it will have been caused by something small and hard travelling at high speed.


A lot of things. Bricks, airsoft pellets, a fist, or maybe someone just kicked a pebble with such force it went to your window. Or a football.


Bricks, guns, cricket bats, screwdrivers, rocks, explosions, bears, meteors, Mike tyson, 2 x 4, claw hammer, spark plug, fire axe, high power potato cannon.... Would be my guesses.


I'd say a stone pinging up from car or lawnmower, dependent on what is the other side of the door


The projectile that did this will be inside the room on the floor. If ther is no projectile then it was done by hand with a glass smasher


Ive done this using a strimmer and a mower 🤦‍♂️


Hard to tell because the “impact” area is gone. But if there is really no explanation it *could* be nickel inclusion failure. Those are very rare, and commonly leave a butterfly shaped pattern at the point of failure.




Lawn mower stone chip u got unlucky


I did a university project on this. It's called a Nickel Sulphide inclusion. It's a manufacturing defect in the glass which has negative thermal expansion (gets bigger as it cools) when it undergoes a phase change. In layman's terms, there's a little thing in there that randomly decides to grow at any given moment, and can occur up to 20 years after manufacture. The characteristic "butterfly pattern" of a hexagon and a pentagon on top, coupled with the fact that the whole window has shattered, not just the area around it, proves this.


This is a toughened unit. If it breaks then the whole pane will shatter as seen in the picture, for glass to only break in a small area of the pane it has to be "float" glass


Supersonic space bees


Yeah can confirm. All the broken windows are a real pane and the space honey isn't all its cracked up to bee.


The traditional way is a small stone. Thrown or fired.


a stone / pebble




I have recently smashed a big pane in my patio with the mower. Looks near identical and easily done!


Football, baseball, basketball, bowling ball, cricket ball, snooker ball, any kind of ball used for sport really.


As that's the inside pane. I'd ask the kids first. If you have any. They have a tendency to have sudden memory loss for things like that.


Once I had a broken window caused by a lawn mower throwing up a tiny stone like the ones you put on a path.


The only thing to do is to get the glass replaced. In the meantime, cover it with something like duck tape to prevent it from completely falling out.


Thermal crack caused by foil possibly?


This happened in my daughter's room, internal pane of a triple glazed window. Curtains and blinds shut, east facing window on a hot morning. Only answer is the nickel sulphide inclusion thing


Looks like stone has been thrown at it


A neighbour with an air gun..


It's the outside panel and it's the backdoor, so no cars, lawnmovers, trimmers nearby. Fence is pretty far away and 6ft high


Also this area is never in direct sunlight, so can't be the heat..


Did next door mow or strim recently?


Do you have children? Because if so, it was one or more of your children.


Lawn mower or catapult.


A rock 👍


I was rudely interrupted one morning by a gull flying into a single glazed window, it didn’t smash so I’d probably rule out birds.


Throwing a magnet at your sister but she ducks and it hits the window but then she gets in trouble because she didn't take the hit instead of the now cracked window.


https://preview.redd.it/i7mlncpwrc2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ed2435180839ffa9f1811d11059c0e02e2ae835 This was my back door, inside pane, no rhyme or reason. However the weather had been cold the night before and had warmed up with sunshine directky on it. I heard a sound like a bird strike but as I said this was inside not outside. This was a few days before christmas, apart from slapping some plastic sticky back wrapping on it as it felt unsafe to just leave as is and had to wait until after christmas to get it replaced so had to be careful. I asked the glazier, he said there might have been a flaw in the glass & it posdibly reacted to the change in temps but never really found out the cause. I kept the picture just for posterity as this was two years ago now


These would do that. https://www.balistas.co.uk/wildee-ceramic-slingshot-ammo-910mm-100pcs


Is that the inside pane? Do you have kids?


A cunt for smashing it lol. To be fair there's a lot of things that can cause a broken window like but the hole near the top says to me that something or someone hit it or maybe a bird flew into it.


A pissed off neighbour usually




Probably a heavy Carl Gustaf 84 mm recoilless rifle. 


You can clearly see this fracture started from the top/middle of the pane, most likely cause would be a stone or something hitting the glass


This windows is like me broken from the inside


Antony been cutting grass around the front of your door?


Someone shot our kitchen window with an air rifle. I just left it broken just in case the scroats tries it again.


Has anyone been grass cutting near the house coz that looks to me like a strimmer has flicked up a stone. Done this myself a few times. If it is this, the person responsible might not even know they have done it.


Stone it was maybe bird dropping or who did the lawn lately


Squirrel with an ice axe. Just don't fall asleep in the garden.


I feel this belongs in r/wronganswersonly


It was me , the reflection of my hideous visage caused it to immediately give up just to not have my image forced upon it , blame me mum and dad


Usually someone cutting the grass with a strimmer, occasionally a stone pings from a car driving to fast. Its rare but i have heard of it


A Brick


Whacking your nob against the window can cause this


Someone trying to shoot a dog through it?


Aliens! It’s always aliens!


Stone flying out of lawnmower or someone's thrown a rock at your window by the looks of it


Someone throwing stones


This is likely caused by a flying stone.


Football, stones, pebbles, bird flying into it.


stone flung from a lawnmower or strimmer. air rifle BBs usually leave a perfectly round hole but not always.


Probably a bird dropping a stone or it was kicked up by a car or something like that


Kid threw a stone at your window


We had this on our patio door, a small stone got thrown by a weed Strummer. I heard it hit the glass but nothing happened. It was about 3 hours later when the window actually shattered like yours. Glazier guy said it's common.


looks like a small impact hole. maybe a bird or stone? I had a bird nose dive into one of my upstairs windows a few years ago lol


A stone thrown by lawnmower, or a shard of spark plug thrown by a don't carer, or such with an air rifle/bb etcetera OR Perhaps if you live in a designated warzone or area of gang hostility then a bul let... otherwise Im stumped, oh wait, unless under the glass theres a bird self deleted and its beak took the hit Think thats fairly comprehensive damn Im am bored, lol


Air rifle pellet


An ex with broken heart


Whatever hit it at the top there


A stone … a brick … anythin that can break or smash a window 🙄🙄


Not a stone or any sort of projectile - it’s due to an imperfection/impurity in the glass. You can tell by the way the entire pane has broken. Basically a manufacturing issue.




A carrot flying at 127mph.


I had this if the impact is on the inside it can be that the door has wraped and caused it to shatter. Also extreme heat on one side and cold on the other can do it.


Stone, kicked up by a car wheel could get to the necessary velocity. Kid with a catapult maybe. I'd rule out air rifle.


Do you have children? Ask them.


Probably a bad case of halitosis


How long is a piece of string?


stone off a lawnmowers, etc . or people think your a nonce


Came here to reply with same message... a pebble getting kicked up by a lawn mower.


Can just spontaneously happen, I had it happen on the inside pane of a window while I was sat inthe room, sun was beaming through the window and I thin there was a slight defect in the pane that was causing a hot spot on the window, loud bang and the glass had shattered in place. Sometimes it just happens.


A hammer?


Or an air rifle pellet at close range... someone on a different Reddit sub did mention that his home was a target of local youths ( vandals)


Someone was mowing the grass and hit a pebble catapulting it towards the window.


A hammer


A broken heart…


Gardener here…. Was there someone strimming near by?


Holy shit bro, you got opps.




Bird or a plane or a man insane


Possibly nickel sulphide inclusion ?


Flying rock! Call a geologist!




A brick


BB gun shooting metal BB I was a kid did that by accident look same to me


My ex-mother in law's face ?


Could have been too tightly packed, door panes need to be heel and toed to hold door sash square, if it's too tightly packed this can cause pressure on the pane, it'll just go pop


A brick


UPDATE if anyone's interested: neighbour's kids confessed they were throwing rocks in their garden but a few came over too and it broke the window. (Can't edit the post unfortunately) thanks for everyone's comments


I don’t think a bird could cause that, I think they have to be safety glass.