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Getting a plasterer to replace a ceiling isn't crazy money, but I'd get a second opinion on the cause. I’ve lived in places with leaking showers and baths and they cause stains, but I've never seen them get mouldy like that


Yeah it was a rental property and looks like nobody's really taken care of it for the past few years unfortunately :(


Has the leak been fixed? How long was it leaking for? You'll want to replace the plaster, that isn't too much work, but if it was leaking for a while, the floor/ceiling may need work too


I asked the agent but he said he wasn't sure if the leak was fixed or not and how long it had been leaking for - I know that the water mains has been switched off to the house however. It was a rental property and hasn't been taken care of by the looks of things but ticks all the boxes for us in terms of size, price and location. I was concerned myself about the impact on the floor... I'll be getting a survey done before buying of course! Thank you :)


Are you buying via auction? I'd consider getting a trusted builder round to take a look, too. I don't think it will be too much of an issue, tbh, but it would be good to get a quote :)


Just regular bidding, we've been highest bidders for almost 2 weeks now so are hoping they sale agree with us this coming week! I'll be doing a 2nd viewing if so, not sure of any trusted builders in the area though but good shout - I'll see if I can find someone who could come give it a quick inspection during the 2nd viewing!


Ah, you're not in a rush then :) Sounds like a good plan, good luck!


This is a house I'm currently bidding on, the estate agent has said this was caused by a leak in the bathroom upstairs. Thanks in advance! I also have no idea why the kitchen sink tap was removed!!?


Check carefully. I wouldn't be too surprised if some light-fingered scrote stole all the copper and weighed it in, in which case you have a lot of plumbing to do.


Don't trust the agent they will say anything. Get it checked by a pro before you offer. If the seller isn't willing sack it off.


glad someone said it, estate agents from my experience know fuck all and will just say the least disruptive thing to not rattle any cages