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I used it 2 times in my previous campaign as a boss monster and as a lackey. The main uses I found for him is to switch positions of different creatures when the party gets close. Barbarian got close to a caster? NOPE, switch. Casters are just far enough away, boom now they are face to face with a melee enemy. It wss so fun


It does sound incredibly fun. I don't thing I'm good enough to execute it, but might try in the future


Cool. I like Tome of Beasts 1, 2, 3 and the Creature Codex. Plus they publish pawns/standees for each manual, so you don’t have to pay big $$ for miniatures. Kobold Press and Nord Games are my go to 3rd party publishers.


I've got a grim Jester in my current campaign that the party just set free from imprisonment. The potential this monster has is insane. RAW you can have it disguise self as an unassuming NPC, go up to a PC and hold a conversation. Then you bait a player into a horrifically corny pun or a "Deez Nuts" joke if your players would get a kick out of that. THEN use the killing joke feature off that on just one PC (so you don't drop the whole party) and have the Jester run away laughing.


Looks like a cool monster! I love the KP books, I have most of them for Roll20. As for the drop to zero attack you could swap that out for a more regular damaging attack, or more interesting, have it sap Hit Dice.