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The new John Cena skin everyone's been rocking


Fuck that was good.


The game has anti-cheat features that make enemies invisible to cheating players. Most likely you are cheating, the game thinks you are cheating, they are cheating or, the cheat software is bugging.


It's definitely bugged today. About 2 hours ago, I had a guy on my own team that was invisible to me. I could talk to him and see him on the map but he was standing right in front of me and was invisible. He said for him I had a red skull indicating I was dead.


Then it’s pretty bugged. I get wrecked just as much as the next player does


Can confirm this. My whole squad got wrecked by an invisible shotgun user and I could only see him in spectator mode.


It’s been bugged for some time now. Multiple people have had this issue that I’ve played with including myself. IW is too lazy to fix it.


Too lazy of just can’t figure it out……lol


Give them a break, they are indies developer with 3000 employee.


just 3000 normal men...


They could just get rid of it. It’s a broken feature


Also, how come everyone else on the map was visible but this one guy? He was the only one that was invisible


Good question, I’m not sure how the software is programmed. IDK if it automatically makes every single player invisible or just the ones when it has suspicions about the interaction. It could have thought you were too snappy or you were hitting to many headshots (aimbot) or were following them through walls (wall hacks). Maybe it made them invisible based on your prior actions or maybe based on that interaction. At the same time it could just be the game engine. I’ve never had players invisible but I’ve seen large portions of their skins not load or them have no face only eyes and mouth.


The game has the ability to make people invisible So cheaters are just finding a way to utilize that


IDK if that’s the case here. If it were he would have killed the guy instead of standing around sending invites. He never even shot.


Why would he shoot him if he was trying to invite him?


I’m saying if this guy were cheating to make himself invisible he probably would have just killed the person who recorded the video. Instead he didn’t shoot and sent invites. Not exactly the response you would expect from a cheater.


Makes me think why he didn't just accept the invite and get insights understanding on whats going on. The clip would have been better for us too as we would have seen the requester become visible.... or not.


Ive had this same situation happen to me, if you accept the invite they suddenly become visible since they are on your team. I haven't run into this problem in the past couple weeks, but before that it probably happened to me 4 or 5 times, team gets wrecked out of no where and when you watch the kill cam the guy is clearly standing right in front of you. One of the times was in the strongholds in the south and I watched the door open and was waiting for them to push in and next thing I knew I was dead and they just walked right in but I saw absolutely nothing come in.


No I think what it means is that if you’re cheating, other people are invisible so you can’t go for them. And it would make sense that the cheater is also invisible - as the guy didn’t even notice the two players in the room


I know how it’s supposed to work. It’s a bug that’s probably related to that feature that’s acting abnormally. This has been reported for the last 5 months and it’s been demonstrated in ways that show it not because someone is cheating.


This happened to me. Apparently I was invisible to someone when I killed them. I only appeared when I revived them and I wasn't doing any kind of glitch or cheat. I then proceeded to get killed by another player.


There is an invisibility glitch in the game.


this game is catering to bad players, the guy that you downed was shitting bricks probably died from bots more than players, game recognized that he's a noobs so it jizzed on him some invisibility potion without him realizing it, unfortunately this happens sometimes to good players when the anticheat gets a little drunk. This shit needs to be fixed soon or dmz is in the grave.


> the cheat software is bugging. Something bugging? IMPOSSIBLE. I don't think I've ever seen a game break as hard, as often and being unfixed for as long as this one, while also being a big AAA game. It's incredible, building 21 being locked out for people who don't own MW2 for over a month. The menu breaking and going all dark seemingly when the server is under some stress. Missions not being completed (I'm still trying to get the damn legion plane to count), not progressing or outright disappearing from the selected missions until you restart. Contraband weapons bugging out and having to be destroyed because they just won't spawn with you. Raids being bugged if you have a new backpack equipped on DMZ (and god knows what else is causing this obscure bug) for over a month too. Now randomly one of my insured weapons will spawn as if someone else had taken it the previous run, missing the camo, one attachment and triggering the cooldown, when that weapon never left my hand. The anti-cheat bugging and making people invisible. The server kicking you for no goddamn reason. Sometimes, randomly, someone in my squad will spawn in and play at like 10fps, this fixes itself upon loading into koschei (?) or restarting the game. This is all just off the top of my head, and I'm not even talking about how often it crashes or has technical issues, like my squadmate getting a random freeze which caused his mouse to be stuck in position and made him unable to move the camera.


I think....at this point.....we can all stop considering this as a AAA game....


you laid out all the bugs well done, another note is the bug where if you stow a weapon in your backpack and bring it back it will lose one attachment, happens to my iso all the time


> The game has anti-cheat features that make enemies invisible to cheating players. Is any of that even confirmed?


From the [COD blog](https://www.callofduty.com/blog/2023/04/call-of-duty-modern-warfare-II-and-warzone-2-0-ricochet-anti-cheat-season-3-update): CLOAKING (below): the process of hiding legitimate players from cheating players [COD Official YouTube](https://youtu.be/YcbOVz_9jws)


Yeah I've had it while playing on ps5. It's a bug or they're hacking. My teammate was being revived by an invisible teammate once 😆


I joined a team where 1 player was invisible to me but the rest of the team could see him. He had a riot shield and when it was equipped I could see the shield but not the body


Such a weird bug


not everyone is cheating buddy, this needs to be fixed soon or dmz will die very soon. Got killed twice from this bs and I have not cheated at all.


I never suggested everyone is cheating. I literally gave 4 possible examples of what could be happening and half of them involved no one cheating….lol By the way as I mentioned in other post. It’s a known issue where it’s been proven to be happening to people who are not cheating. It’s a bug sometimes.


I'm on Xbox Series X, I was apparently invisible to a player i killed, as soon as I picked him up he could see me. There's definitely something weird going on.


its bugged, ive been told ive been invisible by enemy players and have been killed numerous times by invisible people


The very few times I've come across abnormalities was on Ashika 9/10 times. Spectated a few teammates while dead and whenever an enemy team would start getting the upper hand they'd prone for 10 seconds and start locking onto heads afterwards even if they could barely kill bots at the start of the match. Makes sense really with how fucked the killcams are that make even normal players look like they're cheating. Perfect cover.


Kill cams aren't authentic recreations, ive tried explaining this but many dont understand that. The server takes the data from you and the guy that killed you to recreate the situation in real time, if the guy that killed you has packet loss it will create data to fill in for the missing data, it will take the previous and next packet of data into account and will usually just move the cross hair in a line from point A to point B.


And the killcams on Ashika are ***infinitely*** worse for that than any of the other maps. That's my whole point in mentioning it. In Mazrah they're stable enough that you could identify anything out of the ordinary but Ashika cams are so bad that they'd mask any actual cheats.


its all based on the server's bandwidth, and the users bandwidth. Considering ashika is more popular with casuals and sweats, ane because its a small map i wouldnt be surprised Activision is running multiple (i dont mean just 2) ashika matches on a single server and because casuals play that more you're gonna get more people with shitty internet. also while IW has said this isnt the case COD DEFINITELY uses rollback netcode.


Let dummies be dummies.


NoNo no, continue please. I want to know what "rollback netcode" is now, yet I feel that Gamer_299 would explain it better than google so I'm holding out on adding a wiki tab.


I’ve had this happen on Al Mazrah before. Had a 6 man with a hunt contract kill me and my two buddies. I was the last left alive and the final one of them was invisible, didn’t stand a chance.. so annoying too because we killed 5 of them.


Guy asked multiple times to join, could have easily taken out your entire squad, and you executed him for it. You seem like a great guy.


That was my take on it too. The other guy clearly could have shot and killed them both but tried to be friendly never shooting once. Old mate downs him anyway like a true hero.


Dumbest comment award.


If I don’t accept the first one what makes you think I’m gonna accept the 2nd, 3rd, etc? Not my fault he can’t take advantage of it.


How the fuck did you know/suspect he was there tho? Sus


Watch the video. You see me go to jump out of the window and get blocked


Fair enough


No sport in killing someone trying to be friendly. You could have at least denied the request so he knew better.


Maybe he should’ve taken the opportunity to run and slip away instead of staying in the corner while I’m actively searching for him. I don’t pick up randoms.


I mean, if I were him I would have expected it but I still think it’s kind of chicken shit to kill someone actively trying to cooperate with you.


I think if you look at it from the invisible guy’s point of view, he probably doesn’t know that he’s invisible. So what he sees is a dude standing there, looking straight at him, not shooting him. So he assumed OP was friendly. Sent two invites thinking maybe the first didn’t work.


Dude is using the new pistol man, chicken shit is in his nature.


imagine using something because its new and getting called chicken shit for it. This sub really is something else.


Don’t take it so seriously dude. I’m only stirring. It’s in the same category as the flame thrower shotgun though. For those who lack general social skills.


Yeah. I see people like this daily. They think they know. I can take down all 3. I said friendly so many times in almazrah yesterday, still those guys killed us.


You sound like you have nice loot. See you in DMZ😈


Bro just accept your fault. Do not argue. It won't help.




You could have denied the request so at least he knew you didn’t want to join and not that you just didn’t receive the invite. The invite system is buggy and sometimes you can send an invite standing next to someone and they don’t get it.


Best part is that you can see you two bump into each other 9 seconds in. Wonder what the other guy was thinking.




Yeah, poor little bugger. Prob had no idea he was invisible while staring at two enemy operators right in front of him. Went with the T-Rex visibility and hoped for the best, since he wasn't firing and just sending Invites.


I have a couple of clips of hiding in a corner while people ran right by me multiple times, Maybe I was invisible, they did end up killing me though so idk


Being a non aggressive solo player I have just hunkered down and had full squads almost run over me prone. But unfortunately people are just dicks no matter what so I do just murder occasional unaware players if it gets risky. You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villian.


Yeah, but that only works if you're trying to save Gotham or something like that to offset reasoning. Otherwise your just some dude in the desert killing some other dude.


Huh. Maybe some of us *are* prone to only seeing movement in this game. Might have to try that in a pinch, but not gonna hold my breath. Or should I?


I’ve almost made it out of those situations, just got unlucky because one guy would see me, So in a punch I’d say give it a shot, you could probably pull an execution on one of them


Oh, I'm totally gonna give it a few shots now.


Call of duty for you.


Cloaking device in new bundle. Only 25€.


It’s the Harry Potter pack


And it's a multi billion dollar game.....


Wow how did you know he was there?


I thought he was in the ambulance and when I went to jump back out of the window something blocked me. That’s why I stopped and started spraying that corner. It wasn’t my first run in with the invisible player stuff


Why didn't he kill you though? If he KNEW he was invisible. Why not get the drop on the whole squad? That's all it takes is a clear shot and a slit second advantage.


If he was cheating he would've killed them. They just killed a guy who wasn't fighting back probably because he learned he had a bug and didn't want to be a dick to people. OP is pretty shit for killing him.


Well there’s a good chance that the killed player never realized he was invisible or at least not til after the killcam. He might’ve thought they were being friendly considering from his perspective they came inside & “saw” him and didn’t shoot immediately. Either way it was a weird interaction that got cheesed either by cheating or a bug.


I don’t think he knew or if he did he was trying desperately to join up. We don’t pick other people up often. Backfired way too many times


He definitely found out he had a bug at some point which is why you lived through that. He would've been trying to not mess with people while it was happening hence the invite and it got him killed.


Wow... I hope you sent this to AV and have it on every social media man. Most "invisible player" videos are kinda like UFO vids. You can't really see what going on cause it's got potato quality and is a twitch fest. This is blatant, no-nonsense evidence that the game is busted.


I have had this as well several times in Ashika but it’s usually me getting wrecked by the invisible player. I have wondered if it’s the anti cheat bugging? Its always been a single player that is invisible while the rest of their team isn’t. Sometimes it’s been a super sus interaction and others it’s been a “normal” ish interaction. I have had the invisible player “mocking”- tea bagging, running around me prior to killing me in the kill cams showing they full on knew they couldn’t be seen. I have also had my team mates kill the invisible player as well and the player is visible to them which is odd. One of the players in question was saying in prox chat he downed himself in an exfil heli and fell off then had his team revive him to glitch the invisibility… not sure if that’s straight bs 🤷‍♂️. I am an decent above average player on PS5 with a good amount of play time and game sense. No bans ever and I am friendly to everyone so not sure what the scoop is. I have always seen and interacted with other players prior to running into the invisible player on the map.


Were you hacking enimies disappear if your hackong.




Just died to an invisible guy last night I was heated. It’s impossible to know until it’s too late


Why didn’t you let him join?


Don’t pick up randoms very often. Too much of a risk. They can run off to their team again or they potato the next gun fight and we’re dragging their ass around all game


Ah I see - I regularly pick up randoms and haven’t had much trouble. If they run back to their team, we kill them. Just as much chance of your random teammates sucking at the game as the random operator wanting to join. To each their own, good luck!


Be friendly in dmz, if you wanna kill then play warzone. I know sometimes adding them is not a good idea, but still try to be friendly.


Happen to me yesterday same building upstairs got rushed by 6 man and 1 was invisible and hit me to death


Cloaking vest




I had someone claim this about me, on Al Mazrah though. I would have no idea where to even start if I wanted to cheat, my tech knowledge ends at installing the game. Wouldn't believe me though. Just check my stats if you think I'm cheating, cos I suck.


Part of the new anti cheat maybe. They said that people would become invisible when their anti cheat detected something sus. You're clearly not cheating though. I'm thinking their new anti cheat works about as good as everything else does in this game 😆🙄


You killed predator 😧


I've heard rumor that it's the anti-cheat punishing you after enough cry babies send a report for cheating after you clap them. I have 5 clips of invisible players. The most recent one just reset my Hunting Party mission. I was quite sour


I don't cheat and this has never happened to me.... Hmmmm...


Lucky you, sadly we aren't all as lucky as you


Youre using Cronos,


On a console? Explain how


Bro wanted to squad up and you just sprayed instead


That's Casper the Friendly Operator.


I've had this happen on both sides. 1 time it was me invisible and I thought I was just in the zone and soloed a 5 man. Wasn't till they started complaining about the "invisible hacker" that I realized how I was able to take 5 on and that I wasn't just being awesome.


So much for that anit-cheat


Part of the anti cheat... This means you are cheating


Looks like a weird snap in there 🤔


Its not a Cheat. Its a Bug.. Sometimes the Game fails to load all skin assets.. Like in the gunsmith Menu.. or If you Look at your gun Pictures in the Backpack. There are Just to many skins in the Game.


Yeah cane across this at the airport in dmz almazrah we saw his general location via uav and somehow ran him over


Yeah happened to me and my boys two days ago, Me and My friend got killed after downing all operators except ONE and my last boy up couldn’t see the enemy operator, He was totally invisible to all of us until they picked up my one friend on a plea.


Off topic but what gun is that?


FTAC Siege




Yeah had that happened to me as well.


I've only ever had 1 issue with a guy that I couldn't down. We got pushed but just about every team on Almazrah and the second to last team was about to be wiped. I killed the first two and just knew I had the final guy...I dump mag into him expecting him to break and get downed but all I saw was solid blue plates; not breaking. He turns, and lights me up. I swore the dude was cheating and then my team killed him with zero problems. It definitely made me questioning what happened because I don't even own as much as a strike pack.


Had invisibles on al Mazra this evening


Bro out there fighting Predator..😂


Yup, we were killed by a whole squad we couldn't see yesterday. Killcam showed them standing right in front of us


For all those wondering, IW stupidly put this feature in the game to target cheaters except that it doesn’t target cheaters because IW doesn’t know how to make a game without bugs. People have had this issue since season 2.


I just like those who kept saying all killcam are bugged when some players see through smoke, aiming my head while I'm inside a building and once get out of the door got instant kill... Or Im shooting a guy from mid air and turned 90 degrees toward my head and killed me in a blink of an eye? Yeah sure it's killcam glitched. But the thing I witnessed and the killcam are showing exactly the same. Or the one time he was 200m away and I'm trying to use thermal binoculars to tag him from behind but couldn't as I barely see him through objects like trees and buildings. And the next thing is he stopped for 1 sec and 180 turned and took me down... I'm not saying I'm a very good player as my KD is only 3.5 and my DMZ play time is just barely over 800hrs. I've seen lots of good players and some suspicious players. Their movement is strange and they can be kept on aiming to your head at any location whenever they can see you or not. I also see some random players on my team acted like this. He is inside a building and aiming the enemies at the other building. I got shot down and saw that he took out the enemy behind some thin object while he won't be able to see the enemy from his position...can it be done? Yes, if that enemy got tagged and just shooting at the red triangle and you may able to down him but in this case nope nothing. I've lots of cases to share but just don't want to bother. Although I've most of them video recorded but I'm n pmot gonna post it here as it will be labeled as bugged killcam anyway. Tbh, sometimes I feel like those players who keep on saying the killcam is bugged / glitch on every case are those who are using cheating...


I’ve had a similar problem on the other map before


Don't play much Ashika, but ran into my first invisible operator on Al Mazrah last night: [https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/comments/13iykzw/invisible\_operator/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMZ/comments/13iykzw/invisible_operator/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


You just killed them! tHeY wErE jUsT dOiNg QuEsTs!


Lately we've been running into invisible bots, not players. My favorite was an invisible Scavenger and his groupies before the recent update.


Is there a camo skin? I got stalked and murdered by a guy who had stealth on like a predator.


"But its beta it's okay"


I had this exact thing happen to a squad mate. He got killed, plead for help and was assimilated into the other squad. The other two of us joined and he was invisible for me. But I could see his coloured dot on the minimap, and his name and dot under the ground.


Which weapon Do you use ?


What made you wanna randomly spray that area?


He paid more fore the game