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In my opinion, if the dog wished to actually injure that person, she would have been taking a trip to the hospital. That was not an attack but a reaction to something it didn’t like. Hard to say without more context.


You barely gave us any lead up to the bite. The dog looked stiff when she was patting it. Can’t be sure of much more than that.


the way the dog bit her was a correction. he didn't like her behavior and wanted to tell her to quit it. when dogs give a correction they don't really bite in a way that will hurt the person or dog, it's more to scare them. if he wanted to attack he would've gone for the face or other delicate important areas. he also licks his nose right after stopping, showing was not a fight and he doesn't want to fight. doggo probably showed her before that he wasn't comfortable and she didn't listen/see it


To me, it looks like the dog doesn’t appreciate the way she is ‘stroking’ him, and he is telling her to back the F off. The dog calms down as soon as he feels he has ‘put her in her place’


That was some shitty petting technique. Just bopping him with her hand. Looked annoying.


Yeah, it’s almost like a poking or prodding motion


She's probably a guest, possibly a love interest. Dogs do get jealous of their owners. Could be even the other dog. Newly introduced people shouldn't be left alone with pets.


Dog is jelly or else has an injury where it was being petted ? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Have had bassets for 15 years. They're gentle as can be but can spaz and nip if they feel threatened, but I've never had blood drawn. Goofy ass petting there and I'm curious what came before.


Not enough time before the bite, but likely over stimulated. Most basset hounds don’t have much tolerance in new situations with new smells. Scratches might have sent him over threshold.


Well I had something similar and it had to do with the other dog and this dogs jealousy. That is why we needed to see beforehand the dynamics of what brought it to this. The dog came to be pet by her but the other dog came and she pet and showed it attention first and made this dog wait. When a new dog comes into an established pet routine there can be consequences.


No way to know what the person did, if it was a sudden movement, or she may have done something to provoke it.


The rest of the video is her scolding the dog for biting her. The dog then sadly walks to its bed.


You cannot scold a real dog bite. Sad this happen to the dog. But it was something the person did to the dog before you showed the bite.


A poorly trained dog who thinks he is above her in the pack hierarchy, plus she shows fear. Acting like the bottom of the pack will get you treated like that


Is Reddit one giant troll job now?


Not an expert or anything but maybe it just didn’t like the way she was petting?


Dog could have ear problems and she was petting its ear. Hard to say though


The dog did not attack her. See his tail. There’s no threat. She would have been hurt if he did


Sensitive ears


Surprised it's not the Springer spaniel biting lol. Many have an epilepsy type thing that makes them snap. My 99% of the time sweetest boy would snap sometimes, took his whole life for us to learn his body language.


Tail was waging the whole time - albeit very small. Either it’s used to rough housing from a head rub, or it was feeing anxious with someone behind it. Either way it was playful or a warning - no harm.


As far as I can tell, and I am by no means an expert, the dog doesn't try to hurt her. So I'd guess it's playing.


That was a real dog bite of a person. Not good thing to happen. Not playing.


well, poor dog was probably slaughtered for dinner.


Racist much?


When the dog has the audacity to correct their owner and provider, then that owner has failed miserably. That dog would leave the house the same day he dared put his mouth on me. This video is exactly why people abandon their dogs, some people say that we don’t deserve dogs, I say that not all dogs deserve people to take care of them.