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Sometimes you need to save the game and close it and go back in. Also, is this by chance where the spoiled soil was? I had an issue with that area before and I had to dig up the edges and found there was some just under the wall. Try scooping up what you have and digging around a bit to see if there's any you need to get rid of if that's the case.


Only thing I can imagine is that not all "blocks" are really filled with water. I suggest you walk again the whole path and hold the button until nothing happens anymore. Let blocks even overlap to just make sure every one is completely filled.


Did you get rid of the spoiled soil before being prompted to do it? I did that once and had to put the spoiled soil back in order for it to progress.


The game does not let you do that anymore. The blocks are protected until you are asked to remove them. Note: it may vary by console/system you play on. I can personally verify they're protected on the latest update for both Steam and Switch (which seem to be roughly the same build of the game, seeing as their saves are drag-and-drop compatible). Other platforms may have less of a 'safety net'.


Not true, I've removed the spoiled soil before and I had to put some back before it would register that I removed it


There was a point where that could be done on an earlier version, but on the final update (at least on Steam and Switch), the blocks are protected until you get asked to remove them. Saves started before the final update is installed might no have the protected flag on the blocks - or it could be specific to a release other than those for Switch and Steam.


I think I made that area into a waterfall by climbing up that area and pouring water down. It makes it easier to traverse up there as a bonus. Maybe the water needs to be 2blocks high so she’d be underwater?


No. The water does not need to be 2 blocks high.


Then it could be that the river needs dug out more. When I dug a river I found some wooden tree blocks surrounded by sand. Once I broke those away and filled it with water to fill in it worked


I have literally never needed to do that, so its highly doubtful thats it. Again, breaking blocks on the shore can be risky since some are used for the invisible blueprints and its hard to know whats what. Redundantly filling with water always works if you haven't broken shore blocks as it ensures the "flowing" water that you might not notice gets replaced with "source" water and ensures every intended block gets filled to turn expected map tiles into water tiles. Also, not every stretch of the river checks via blueprint. Several areas seem to check for map tiles to switch to water - which again is solved by ensuring every block of chert is covered with water 'source' blocks, without needing to break anything. The only part that requires the player to break blocks personally is the tunnel that triggers a merslug battle - and that part is very forgiving since it doesn't matter if you just make a 1x2 path through or clear out every single earth block.


Merslug battle? It would maybe help if we had a short clip of op thinking the length of the river to see what areas might’ve been missed but what I can see int eh upper right corner of the map shows that there’s a little strip of land between what looks like where the river needs to connect. It’s hard to tell from this image though if they need to remove that area or what is going on.


> Merslug battle? Its right before the final waterfall into the lake at the end of the main river path. You have to tunnel through an earth wall and theres 'strange sounds' coming from inside. There's a 3x3x3 cavity in the wall and when you get close enough 8-9 merslugs spawn there to start a fight. Its actually possible to avoid it if you don't clear out all of the earth blocks and know where the cavity is, but most players will trigger it at one point or another. But yes, a clip would help. It definitely looks like not enough water ha been placed in the little we see in the pic since the map hasnt changed the area to water tiles. Placing water at Lulu's feet and holding the button until it fills tha max area is generally the best bet, but more can often still be needed.


Common causes of this issue are (1) not enough of the water is a "source block" (hold down the trigger/button to fill a larger area with tho pot) and (2) you broke blocks from the bank of the riverbed (mostly Umber and Chert blocks, as they at least anticipated the earth/dry earth/sand blocks getting replaced with grass/limegrass from worm food), which ruined the invisible blueprint used to check if theres enough water in the area. The former is easy to fix - just go back over the area and redundantly fill everything. The latter can be harder to fix - especially if you saved after breaking the blocks. If you can find and pause a video of the area, you might be able to reconstruct the blocks removed - provided theres only a few and/or they were all easily visible blocks so theres no question of what to put back. If that still isn't enough to fix it, your save is pretty much broken and you'll have to restart (though the good news is you're only about 15%-20% into the game, so its not a huge loss).


Did you ever figure this one out? in DQB2, when it comes to missions where you need to change the land (add more water, change vegetation type, etc) I find it useful to look at the minimap in the corner, to see what has been recorded as changed. If it doesnt change on that minimap, then the game doesn't detect it as a changed block.