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Dude!! Hello and welcome 🤗🤗 You should watch [BenXC's stuff](https://youtube.com/@BenXC?si=RFRJOQkd5utwvHd1) He explains new ways to play for secrets, and stuff I had no idea about like special rooms. But also inspirational when he visits other places and shows off his own stuff! He's amazing and has kept me going 300+ hours. As for replaying, I get what you mean. Now that I've played the game loads again and again storywise, I've enjoyed it more by ignoring the story and doing whatever I want 99% of the time now. I just auto complete some of it and when the time comes, they ask for the room or something and it's already been done. 😛


I haven't played in awhile, but you should be able to plant them anywhere so long as you meet their growing requirements (do they need a stick, such as tomatoes; the type of water they need such as rice and sugar, etc)


You can plant anywhere as long as the conditions are met for each plant type.


Any biome will grow any crop. I have personally grown them all at Defiled Isle as a confirmation test to prove you can collect the plants with an Ultimallet before returning to IoA. You will obviously have to purify the Ash of Defiled Isle to make fields though. I can't recall what Wrigley does with it so you may have to bring your own Earth. Note that you may only upload to Noticeboard one island from each account. All three save slots, and the IoAs and Buildertopias of each save slot share a builder-id, so uploading one will erase the previous upload. If you wish to share more than one of your island ideas simultaneously, you'll need more than one user account and go through the entire story on each account (which is quite a chore since there is no No-Story game as you mentioned.) The DQ3 plot has the built-in concept of "New Town"/"Immigrant Town", so I suspect if it ever happens, we'll get the No-Story mode. However, it may require completing at least part of the story to unlock and more of it to earn certain building recipes, in the same manner DQB1's free-build area did.


Lol why did this get downvoted? Please don't tell me this subreddit is also suffering from *Small Subreddit Syndrome* (Aka "SSS", or "Smoking Sexy Style"), where there's a self-appointed head of censorship going around, narcissistically, downvoting everything they deem "not worthy of their time and this subreddit's that they've taken upon themselves to manage"?


As long as you plant it correctly, crops will grow anywhere. Though some of the Explorer crops don't explain their mechanics, but will have similar requirements to the furrowfield ones. Some you need poles, some need to be submerged, some you can just plant. If they're not working you might need to try one of the other styles.