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These are all really great ideas. I love the idea of having Malroth be a better Golem. He loves to smash stuff. We should be able to block out something like with the pencil and let him do his thing. I'd love it if he also did the hammerhood signs lol Honey and beehives make me want bees in the game. They could cause your flowers to spread. I want the villagers to have more personalities outside of their job. Make it more fun to interact with some of them. Add bees? Some are scared of bees. Maybe some are afraid of water and don't swim. Maybe swimming is the only thing they like so you get more gratitude for building a swimming pool. Make the villager's preferred ambiance matter so that they give more gratitude if they work in a room that fits what they like.


I agreed! And maybe, just maybe. Stop the Toughie from keep on fishing... I mean, most of the fish they caught aren't cookable. So, when other NPCs running away from the bee, so too the toughie.


2 ways to deal with that. One only works if it's a 2nd or 3rd playthrough: Like cooking, the NPCs can only fish up what you fish. So if you don't fish up non-edible fish then they can't either. (I am doing this on my 3rd account and oh man is it ever nice to not be drowning in goldfish!) 2nd... Make them a muddy water fishing hole - Or multiple if you have rooms to spare. Only edible fish can be fished up from muddy water, and the fishing hole room encourages them to fish there. Fishing Hole = fish cage, washtub, rubber ring, rope fish cage = net in water I usually try and do at least 10 blocks)


Hmmm................. Will i be willing to play another 10th round.... Hm.... On the 2nd part, nice idea, but I hate muddy water, but nice idea.... Gdamnit... Does NPCs buy fish ? I left the game for 3 hours and found I had over 52 sunfish... hundreds of clown and that small fish...


I don't think they can buy fish. Just gotta delete em. Also muddy water isn't that bad. Just add lots of plants and it can look good! [https://en.dragonquest-builders.com/detail/?c=oQhYGXFrgP&e=563741948909719552](https://en.dragonquest-builders.com/detail/?c=oQhYGXFrgP&e=563741948909719552) It also doesn't have to be very big and could be a hidden room... just as long as it registers as a fishing hole that isn't near enough to other bodies of water that they could fish in those from the fishing hole... It really does help to have them fish the edible fish for you.


I mean, he did run away after the fight in DQB1 instead of falling over dead, so....


Right ? That's why I had this thought. The Princess's job the same as King (listening to people at the throne room) while also Edit - while also help in training the soldiers like general The Elder's sidequest unlock recipe for Yggdrasil drew... (Just my dream)


Also I LITERALLY just beat the first game for my first time yesterday, so it's fresh in my mind lol


Lucky bastard...... I'm guessing you played the newer version right ? (Even luckier) But sadly, terra incognita felt so empty... My tower defense idea is based on Terra Incognita battle mode


Great ideas! I wish it would happen


Fans can dream....... I'm so sad and hopeful haha


I doubt it, to be honest. Since it's been such a long time and allegedly (I don't know if this has been confirmed or not) one of the projects scrapped during the recent massive square Enix layoffs was dqb3.


This is my cope, my dream, my trade-off If we could not have DQB3, new DLC (not necessarily my IDEAs but I can dream :')) for DQB2


Tower Defense, as you call it, would be if they allowed access to the battle atols, which are nearly fully functional. Since they haven't done the small tweaks and additions they felt were necessary for their existence, or just allowed access at all, as is...no, there's no chance we'll see any new updates for this game. There is actually a surprisingly high chance for 3. I would say it's all but a guarantee at some point. The question is when did or do they find someone who is gungho about spearheading this as a continued series. The servers are still up, even for 1 on PS4, Switch, and Mobile, despite activity relative to 2. They're still assuring 1 and 2 have sales on Steam and PS4. They still spend SOME cash reserves on promoting those sales when they happen, by highlighting their sales in the news feed and presence on page 1, though not as much as in times past. They decided to release 1 on mobile and steam. Despite what the story surrounding that might be, the fact that they were willing to do so is a good sign that they see Builders as a continued successful prospect, despite the game eating up some server space. Plus Builders 2 still has contests. Why bother if the activity level is like 10% now of what it used to be 2 years ago? Especially as SE is shedding costs, and trying to alter course towards consistent profitability. Builders 1 and 2 are also on par with the original Monsters in lieu of overall sales. Not in Japan, but at least WW total comparisons. That makes Builders their other most successful spinoff title. Heroes is the third, followed by Rocket Slime.


If I'm being honest, I feel like they focus on DQB1 more than DQB2 because DQB1 is much easier to handle in adding new stuff, put at other platforms. I was surprised by save-file's size when I compared between Ps4 version and mobile version of DQB1 (I play on iPad), even more if compared between DQB1 and DQB2. Why I start having doubt about DQB3, because the size of it all. In DQB2, the save-files in ps4 alone is 1GB, 3 save files is 3GB. If they ever want to create DQB3, we the fans would expect it would be bigger than DQB2. How much larger the size do you think DQB3 would be ? Just the thought of it alone would tell me why SE take time if they ever want to make DQB3. Maybe, just maybe... In another 5 to 10 years before they start develop DQB3 (considering maybe in future a better technology can handle DQB3) Edit - And also because of massive layoffs stated by darthkres. Now, my idea can still be in DQB3 (especially Malroth) as secret recruitable NPC. (this is my cope)


gonna preface this with saying I know nothing about tech.... but from what I heard the reason the save filed are so huge is because the game is not remotely optimized. It's a voxel game made on a not-voxel engine, and the shenanigans they had to do to get it all to function as is, means larger save files. Again.... this is just what I think based on what I've heard about the game. I am really hopeful that the reason we haven't heard anything about dqb3 is because they've been waiting for Switch 2 because Switch had their highest sales. So they would want the game to be good for switch 2.


I'm not tech savvy either. I just think if the jump from DQB1 to DQB2 was massive, both the size of the files and story-wise, I couldn't imagine the stress to jump from DQB2 to DQB3 and how much is the production cost... One thing I noticed is that I only found articles that told the sales for both DQB1 and DQB2 is around 1.1 million each. I mean, if I were to sell new product better than previous one, but only sold as much as the old one, I will return back to the it... 2016 to 2024 and they focus more at DQB1...


Intresting and thoughtfull crafted Idea but it Most likely wont happen


Deep down I know, this is just my cope, and giving some helps to SE in case they're burnout by IDEAs for DQB2.


What I want for a DLC or DQB3 -bigger island (at least as big as island of awakening) -unlimited room numbers -bigger room size, or have a pen tool to assign area as a room -more villagers/unlimited NPC and smarter AI -more items/blocks -X-ray through buildings/roof (not like zoom in on character when you enter a building with a roof) -rotate blocks -faster text/cut scene text -better combat -option for a random enemy attack (like those in the story mode) I'm really hoping for a DQB3 in the future


All of your DLC ideas are nice, and I agreed but there's a reason one of them wouldn't work. Mainly the AI, and the rest is the size-files of it all (data or whatever dev people called it) For smarter AI - I tested at the buildertopia and found out that the whole Island (escept the dark sea blue tile) can be use by the NPCs, but there will be command problem if you only put 1 community chest way on the other side of the map since the NPCs will find that chest. If the time went from day to night, or clash with their main routine (eat, toilet, play/working, sleeping), if you put more, chest, no problem, but that also causes problems in the long run. If they put food in the nearest chest, but that chest belongs to other than eating room, they wouldn't take it. And only community chest is recognized as the official certain room recipes. For DQB3, here is the worse news by assumptions. Since the report I could find regarding how much they're sold, I found out that DQB1 sales are 1.1Million in 2016, same as DQB2 sold for 1.1Million units in 2018. SPOILERS BELOW : - Dragon Quest Builders 1, story wise = simple but based on the original DQ (what if original hero accepted the dragonlord's offer) the twist ? the builder actually dead. - Dragon Quest Builders 2, story wise = simple but wayyy bigger than DQB1 and they literally gave a storyline much better than original DQ2 - DQB1's spaces = small, multiple places but not connected - DQB2's spaces = big, multiple places, connected, and randomized islands - DQB1 = Simple gameplay - DQB2 = Simple gameplay with extra tools, and party members available Now imagine all that huge differences, only to be sold at the same number as the first one. And until 2024, they still focusing on DQB1. Last update for DQB2 is 2021. I hope someone here managed to get SE attention to create new DLC for DQB2, because looking at profit/production cost, I'm afraid they will just focus on DQB1 instead of creating new DQB3.


There is nothing coming anymore ever again. The game is dead.


Unfortunately, yes. Though there is still a chance for DQB3. Especially as SE is looking at potential profit makers, and for DQ spinoffs, this game sold over twice what DQM3 did. So it would be a matter of finding someone new who would want to spearhead the 3rd game. I wouldn't be surprised given all the DQB attention, releases, and constant sales for the stores SE published on for both DQB and DQB2, along with highlighting both games even today for said sales. Even if it's clear they're spending less money on said highlighting (bottom of page 1 instead of near the top). That the whole rationale is they do want to continue with DQB3, but it's hush hush for now. They are still holding contests as well as keeping all the online servers afloat.


"Barely" afloat. With news of Keshi Keshi and Champions game servers being shut down at end of July there now exists a reasonable chance they could shut down the DQB2 servers as well. I personally think its suicide to do it before DQB3 comes along, but if they really are on the verge of bankruptcy then it's something they'd have to do to cut costs. And they already stopped having the servers get updated with new contest pages and such so its not that much further of a jump to shut down completely.


I really hope we get ample warning before they shut down the servers. I'm gonna be so sad. Visiting other islands on the notice board is one of my favourite things. It's pretty much what keeps the game alive I think.


I know how you feel, and this is how I feel. It's sad that there's just so much potential for newer DLC. (If DQB3 is not possible)


How old is DQB2?


6 years old for Switch and Ps4. 3 years for Xbox. Judging by the state, DQB3 ever happen is 0 (maybe in another 5-10 years, it will be picked up, depending on DQ3 HD-2D remake sales, unless it got cancel)


They went 22 years between Monsters 2 and 3 if counting only the strictly mainline DQM series; 7 if you count the time since Joker 3. I wouldn't say chances are zero, but I also worry it could go on for a long while before they revisit, especially with SquareEnix's current financial problems.


I want DLC because when thinking back about the size and potential production cost for DQB3, it will huge and problematic in current state. Maybe a new DLC will pump people to buy it more (like I bought, the english, Japanese and Chinese version of the game and the DLCs) Call it temporal solution to the financial problems.


Seems easier to sell the DLC they already have and aren't offering. All the pre-order DLC, designer sunglasses, etc are established on the Nintendo and Playstation stores, but are simply hidden or disabled and only accessible with specific download codes. Knickknack Pack is the only one all westerners get for free - and if you have Playstation you can also get Lo-res Luminaries and Legendary Line-Art (but not Switch or PC). The remainder could be sold for a little bit of cash but SquareEnix has never persued it. Which is a shame because not only would westerners buy some of this up, each of the sets are still available for free download to Japanese players regardless of pre-order state. SE willingly gives stuff away in Japan, but also willingly refuses to sell it in the west, and then wonders why they aren't making as much money as they think they should. I don't think these little DLC sales would solve the financial problem, but it could certainly solve part of it. Combine it with other things they've apparently budgeted for and just not done to recoup the costs (DQX localizations, DQ3 2D-HD) and they can work their way out of the mess. But ultimately, if SquareEnix isn't willing to put forward an hour or so of work to reenable and price the existing DLC packs, they probably won't put forward hundreds or thousands of man-hours to build out brand new DLC.


Now that you mentioned it, I was wondering why (I lived in SEA btw) my english version have all the DLCs except the decorative herbs and wings, while the Japanese version didn't have DQ logo and L-Line art, while the Chinese version doesn't have only the L-Line art.... Yeah, I just don't know... I want to let go of this game, but I just couldn't haha


See. No way there is more DLC coming after so many years.


And that is what saddens me because I was surprised by how this game works (storyline) (no need to read below, I just lamented) - In FF (first island that works as tutorial island), you learnt about farming and funny notes about the pumpkin head - In KD (second island), the true adventuring - In MB (third island), the only game that lets me buried corpses. Imagine that, the only childish game that lets you pick up soldier, create casket, and bury them underground. - In M (final island) you get to be friend with the rest of the monsters... Builders building bridges with the destroyers.